If anyone feels compelled to discuss the AVFM conference, do it here.
I’ll post links to any articles and blog posts and interesting tweets and pretty much anything of note I see about it; if you run across any, feel free to post them in the comments and I can add them to the post.
Here’s the live audio stream for the conference, which is off the air. And the video stream, which isn’t working at the moment. Apparently they’ve packed up for the day. (Friday, that is.)
There was no protest, as the organizers of the earlier protest called for a boycott
The official twitter hashtag is #icmi14. For some wonderful Janet Bloomfield PR professionalism, see @JudgyBitch1 and @icmi14.
Highlights so far:
A Detroit MetroTimes reporter says he was literally molested at the conference:
An older man came up to me and immediately complimented my hairy arms (a first). He then started telling me all this crazy shit about how he was from California and he makes movies and he wants to take me to Malibu. Regardless of sexual orientation, it was pretty weird. People started filling up the seats around us and I didn’t want to make a scene, so I just politely accepted the compliment and tried to deflect. The dude kept petting my arms.
It was at this point that I realized this is the kind of creepy shit women deal with … everywhere … every day. A part of me wondered if the feminists had planted this guy to hit on rape-apologizing MRAs to teach them a lesson about “rape culture.” If that is the case: well-played. Unfortunately I think I was just dealing with a garden-variety creep.
HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISM! On Twitter, several others said they’d also had, er, encounters with this guy.
Here’s Janet Bloomfield’s response:
Paul Elam saddened to turn away a clearly troubled man in search of human contact because of accusations of "molestation" from MSM #icim14
— AVfM Conference 2014 (@icmi14) June 27, 2014
Sworebytheprecious, despite donating the cost of a ticket to charity, has not been let into the conference, despite assurances from Dean Esmay that she would be. Here’s her twitter feed, and her explanation of what happened on Reddit.
i put on my nice heels, a dress, and did my hair and makeup. the lyft was called and i arrived promptly at 3. my breath tight, i introduced myself to the police and to security. inside was a small table, two chairs, a man and a woman. i noticed a small vaporizer on the desk. we used the same tank.
i introduced myself by first name and last name, not knowing if Esmay had put my name down. last i heard i was not allowed on the premises even with a ticket and a video declaring me welcome. no matter who i was reporting for, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. if anything else i wanted to make myself available to the MRA. im still here.
a very large, gruff man appeared and quickly asked me to leave. his bass carried. he looked like Esmay. i asked why i should leave, was cut off, and he repeated himself in a louder voice still. i thanked everyone for their time and exited the building. i took one single photo as proof i was there, and quietly left. the cops followed me out and seemed curiously bemused by my presence. i wondered who they expected.
Janet Bloomfield had this to say about Swore’s treatment:
Follow the links to Twitter to see even more from JB along those lines.
I will post more as I find it.
AnimalNewYork.com has a report with a number of quotes from last night’s press conference. The reporter also quotes a St. Clair Shores police officer saying that no specific threats have been made against the conference.
By the time yesterday’s planned 3pm “press conference” got going 25 minutes late, there were only about 30 people in the audience, most (but not all) white middle-aged men. A handful of them were reporters. The rest were true believers in a “War on Men.” There was a disco ball in the center of the hall, draped with white paper streamers.
“Point the camera that way and that way only,” said one of the three security guards armed with superfluous walkie talkies, reprimanding someone taking video footage of the attendees, which was prohibited. The organizers introduced the speakers at great lengths, taking pride in their various appearances on Fox News. A Voice For Men founder and conference organizer Paul Elam stated that the cop cars parked outside were there because of more death threats. ”I’m getting tired of the death threats,” shouted a staff member.
Outside, I spoke to St. Clair Shores Officer David Burmeister about the alleged death threats. He said that no specific threats have been made at all. The cops were contracted to be there by A Voice For Men. It appeared that they weren’t there to protect them from specific and imminent danger, but to give the illusion of it.
Luzbelitx – dafuq
You can’t call Rodger’s manifesto “satire” MRAs, especially since IT WASN’T SATIRE.
Why the fuck are they so obsessed with pretending that misogyny didn’t play any part in the UCSB shootings?
@yazikus Maybe #FeministCare or something like that
Shh! Don’t remind JudgeyB what professionalism is, her Twitter fury is too entertaining.
what the world would be like if the MRAs’ definition of satire was true: Johnathan Swift wanted to eat poor kids,
MRAs and satire, about a good a team as peanut butter and store equipment.
trolls take note. Satire is best used by comedians, writers, the artsy types. not “human” Rights activist
Well, that story’s gotten a tad embellished over the years. According to this 2001 Salon article, the encounter was brief, Lennon had already started staying home with his son, and, far from being a scary permission-denying ogre, Yoko Ono approved of the idea:
Farrell says he once met a man at a panel discussion for NOW in the mid-’70s who had negotiated the delicate balance of fatherhood and career. This man, who was seated next to Farrell, explained that he had just left his high-paying career, with more than enough money to retire, to stay at home with his son full time. His wife approved; she needed time to devote to her own career. Then, someone reached over Farrell to ask the man for his autograph. The man was John Lennon.
Source: http://www.salon.com/2001/02/06/farrell/
As Lennon might say: just gimme some truth….
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants, Esq.
Ha ha, that Salon writer sure has a flair for the dramatic reveal.
“The man was John Lennon. Did we just blow your mind or what?”
Not really.
Yazikus — I think balas get big, like, really big for a pet fish. But idk how long that takes. You’ll almost certainly need a bigger home for that one eventually though. The tetras should be fine in there, even my Congo tetras (one of the larger species) topped out at maybe 2″
And hi! *waves*
Guys, troll alert, JJ up there had some words of wisdom, but I have no desire to engage.
Given that that was already 30 years after the incident, who wants to be that it’s an exaggeration too, and the actual story is something more like “he talked to a guy who looked kind of like John Lennon” or “he heard John Lennon talking about this on the radio or something” or “he is almost positive that if he had met John Lennon, that’s what would have happened.”
I respond to JJ:
brooked – and now you know the rest of the story!
katz – I wouldn’t be surprised if the 2001 version was exaggerated either. Maybe he heard some of John’s “Double Fantasy” tracks about domestic bliss and fatherhood in the supermarket one day, and decided that he had somehow inspired them through his tireless research on oppression by female butts.
It’s pretty skeevy seeing Lennon’s name being trotted out to MRA conference attendees, since Lennon was the most fiercely opposed to bullshit and hypocrisy of any of the Beatles (except maybe George). He did have a misogynist streak, but that softened as he got older and started to write much more sympathetically about women. If he were still alive today, I have no doubt he’d object to being used as a poster boy for hatred and women-blaming.
Sigh. Leave out one little slash, and suddenly you’re italics-mammoth food.
Maybe someone already post this but just in case:
LOL! I like the part about crazy cat ladies! She’s just mad cause’ a cats company is better than hers any day!
No, because we’re not raging homophobes.
Meanwhile, that is the saddest turnout I’ve ever seen for an event that was promising to subsidize tickets. Maybe they should have added some ponies to the banner in the hope that random bronies might wander in to see what was up.
“Feminism is a hate movement. When they think they are alone and no one is watching they plan the mass extermination of men. They daydream of murdering men. They want to maim men. Shoot men. Strip their skins off and boil them for glue. Please tell me what words like that are, if not hate.”
That reminds me, I’m almost out of glue! Need stock up on some more
That was a judgey bitch quote from the link I shared. Just FYI
Oh no! They know about phase 2! Someone needs to alert the Obsidian Order about this breach of information. And we were so close. 🙁
Crap… I shoulda checked to see if I was making up a cool sounding secret organizationy name or just stealing something from my memories of Star Trek.
(it was the second one)
From their press conference link:
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.
We…what? Skinning men and turning them into glue?! Ok JB, that’s quite enough of your serial killer fantasies, thank you very much!
Leaving this here because it’s hilarious and sad.
I guess TJ needed some pocket change or just wanted to talk shop with Elam concerning other people’s money.
And I fucked up the link, somehow. Basically, The Amazing Atheist was begging to be a speaker for the conference.
Bullshit upon bullshit. Rape apology and claiming that women are vilifying men’s sexuality by daring to complain about rape is what all MRM is about. WTF goes as far as to say, “Before we called this date rape…we called it exciting”. Yes, when your movement isn’t telling lies about women and their allies, it’s making up vile shit about men to excuse their own vile behavior. You can try to deny it, but we can read and we’ve seen the screeds of your pompous, no account, rape and abuse promoting heroes. No, I won’t debate you over it. You’re a dishonest asshole trying to polish the turd that is your pet hate group. You can fuck right off with your denial. No one here is ignorant enough to buy it.
He would. What a tool.
First comment the amazing atheist replies to he says he wants to bring everyone (feminists and mras) together. Ha.
Feminists don’t think men can love? Why is that I always think of my maternal grandfather, my dad, and my brother as some of the kindest most loving people I’ve known? Am I a bad feminist!? Of course, all three of these wonderful men would likely be derided as manginas or betas by the misters because they don’t hate women.
Courtesy of me there is one! I do her when I’ve had alcohol sometimes. Her name is AprilMayJune and she is the dia (short for diarrhea) fairy. If you have dia, you should leave it in a jar on your front steps so she can collect it and get her wings. When I was in college, I used to make prank calls as her. I even dressed as her for Halloween once. I wore a nude colored bustier, a tan bowler hat and brown colored fairy wings.
Haven’t the good folks at AVFM considered that Mr. Grabbyhands might be socially awkward or even autistic? How can they be so rude and closed minded? s/