a voice for men announcements evil fat fatties I am making a joke MRA on the tv paul elam

If you missed me on Al Jazeera America, they're rerunning the show today at 12:30 PM ET

Your Martin Luther King impression just isn't cutting it, dude.
Your Martin Luther King impression just isn’t cutting it, dude.

The human rights visionary looked down at what he had just written and smiled. Would these be the words he was remembered for?

Thomas Jefferson had that line about all men being created equal. It was bullshit, of course, but people ate that crap up. Martin Luther King had that thing about his kids not being judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. That was pretty good, he had to admit. People love cute stories about kids.

Gandhi had that thing, how did it go? That thing about everyone laughing at you, and fighting, and then you win something? That wasn’t quite it, but Gandhi was kind of a wuss, anyway. Would people even remember that dopey skinny dude in a diaper in a hundred years?

He chuckled quietly to himself.

They would certainly remember him, he thought. And they would remember the words he had tapped out on his laptop shortly before midnight that fateful summer night, on the eve of the historic conference that would, he knew, change the world forever.

One day, he was sure, these three sentences – well, two sentences and a sentence fragment, to be more precise – would be etched in stone.

He reached down, and clicked “Tweet.”

So anyway, just a reminder:  if you missed me on Al Jazeera America’s The Stream on Tuesday, facing off against AVFM’s Robert O’Hara, they’re rerunning the show today at 12:30 PM ET. 

It’s only on TV, though, not online. Click here to see if you get Al Jazeera America on your TV provider.


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Howard Bannister
10 years ago

…but they’re the movement that’s all about not judging men by how attractive they are and how horrible it is when women do that, right?

I can’t even pretend to expect consistency from them anymore.

10 years ago

The most important human rights movement of the 21st century, dontcha know.

10 years ago

Ah MRAs, whining how unfair it is that ugly “low status” men are relegated to Beta status on the cock carousel, and simultaneously calling people they don’t like unfuckably ugly.

This seems to be part of the cycle of hate laundering I noticed recently.

The other day my brother posted this article on facebook:

One thing that struck me was that not only were the people who created these false-flag accounts anti-feininsts, but the people who most overwhelmingly bought into this were anti-feminists who didn’t know what the other faction was up to. The hate cycle was self-reinforcing, without an actual instigating factor on the other side for the outrage.

It’s like the “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”; Russian tsarist anti-semites made it all up, presented it as real, and all these other anti-semites fall for it, using it as evidence that their hatred is justified.

Maybe it’s what happens when psychological projection meets tribal immunity: We believe X about them, so they must believe X about is. Believing X about us is wrong, because we’re the good guys. Therefore, we are perfectly justified in believing X about them because they’re the bad guys. The worse they act, the worse they think the opposition will act, which justifies their escalation.

10 years ago

{Daffy Duck voice} Hhmmm… Pronoun trouble…{/Daffy Duck voice}

Hope that reads clearly.

10 years ago

Aren’t these the same guys who complain about the ‘misandristic media’ presenting men as sex-alohics, doing anything for a date? And then they go ahead and insinuate male feminists are just trying to get laid, usually when they don’t have a rebuttal.

I’m going to stare at the sea for a while, listen to the waves.

10 years ago

I think it was Gandhi who said in a brilliant rebuttal to anti-humanitarians: “You’re ugly! So there! WAH! WAH! WAH!”

Those words mean so much to so many. Such wisdom. So humanitarian. Much inspiration.

10 years ago

A Voice for Men: Humanist Counter-Theory and Name-Calling.

10 years ago

Why is it male feminists only want sex and female approval but female MRAs are perfectly legit?

10 years ago

Nice Human Male Human Rights Human Movement you got there, name-caller.

10 years ago

@ sadiesummer

There you go, with that ‘logic’ of yours again!

10 years ago

Why is it male feminists only want sex and female approval but female MRAs are perfectly legit?

Because they are doing what is expected of them as women: kiss ass, have no agency (when its connected to kissing men’s ass of course, other times they are 100% responsible for everything) and make sure to be not like other women.

10 years ago


Thanks! Must clean keyboard now!

10 years ago

Why is it male feminists only want sex and female approval but female MRAs are perfectly legit?

Becasue women wanting ma;e approval is the natural order of things, of course.

10 years ago

Is there anyone who can record it for sad folks like I without TV?

10 years ago

When I confront the “you’re just a feminist because you want women to like you” thing, I often have the urge to play along.

“Oh no! You’ve found my ploy! I was just trying to get laid all along. But it doesn’t matter, soon the feminist men will be the Alphas, and the bros will be the Betas, and all you MRAs will be the Fallen Empires. I for one welcome our new female overlords!”

10 years ago

“You so ugly,” a game most of us stopped playing around age 14. Men’s rights are human rights! Except when you so ugly.

10 years ago

I still think the real reason they’re mad about David “only doing this for female attention” is that it appears to be working. His blog has way more women commenters than any of theirs, and it makes them sad 🙁

10 years ago

So, watched it today and good job countering O’Hara’s bullshit!

Also, the reporter seemed like she really wanted to school him but was holding back.

When asked what AVFM and the MRM had accomplished for men, O’Hara basically said “vasalgel,” but why? AFAIK, AVFM has done absolutely nothing to get vasalgel on the market, from raising money to letter writing to educational campaigns. Nothing. Right? And that’s something that’s really to factcheck, too.

10 years ago

I’m waiting for Woody to chime in to tell us that this somehow really proves that Paul Elam is a visionary human rights leader.

Oh Woody, wherefore art thou? There’s some apologia needed here!

10 years ago


“One thing that struck me was that not only were the people who created these false-flag accounts anti-feininsts, but the people who most overwhelmingly bought into this were anti-feminists who didn’t know what the other faction was up to. The hate cycle was self-reinforcing, without an actual instigating factor on the other side for the outrage.”

They create a strange example of the woozle effect they accuse David Futrelle of.

They see a feminist extremist, outrage post, or fake, then watch it blow up in controversy and say how popular it is. “It has so many reblogs/pageviews!” – Well, was that before or after it was reblogged by you and linked on /r/MR, AVFM, TiA, and Spearhead?

There are way too many dubious posts on Tumblr that have thousands of notes just because they were linked by someone opposing the views who had a giant circlejerk about it.

10 years ago

There are way too many dubious posts on Tumblr that have thousands of notes just because they were linked by someone opposing the views who had a giant circlejerk about it.

Ha! Yeah, I’ve seen that.

10 years ago

Scientists finally did primate trials on something they’ve been working on since before we founded our site.

Look at our triumph!

We’ve done amazing!

Group hug!

10 years ago

Relevant re the ugly discussion: