a voice for men announcements evil fat fatties I am making a joke MRA on the tv paul elam

If you missed me on Al Jazeera America, they're rerunning the show today at 12:30 PM ET

Your Martin Luther King impression just isn't cutting it, dude.
Your Martin Luther King impression just isn’t cutting it, dude.

The human rights visionary looked down at what he had just written and smiled. Would these be the words he was remembered for?

Thomas Jefferson had that line about all men being created equal. It was bullshit, of course, but people ate that crap up. Martin Luther King had that thing about his kids not being judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. That was pretty good, he had to admit. People love cute stories about kids.

Gandhi had that thing, how did it go? That thing about everyone laughing at you, and fighting, and then you win something? That wasn’t quite it, but Gandhi was kind of a wuss, anyway. Would people even remember that dopey skinny dude in a diaper in a hundred years?

He chuckled quietly to himself.

They would certainly remember him, he thought. And they would remember the words he had tapped out on his laptop shortly before midnight that fateful summer night, on the eve of the historic conference that would, he knew, change the world forever.

One day, he was sure, these three sentences – well, two sentences and a sentence fragment, to be more precise – would be etched in stone.

He reached down, and clicked “Tweet.”

So anyway, just a reminder:  if you missed me on Al Jazeera America’s The Stream on Tuesday, facing off against AVFM’s Robert O’Hara, they’re rerunning the show today at 12:30 PM ET. 

It’s only on TV, though, not online. Click here to see if you get Al Jazeera America on your TV provider.


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10 years ago

Feminists know it is unenlightened to judge anyone by their physical appearance or clothing unless it’s a man wearing a fedora.

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
10 years ago

Broken hearts are for Assholes would probably have worked too

10 years ago

Elam should take a look at his face in the mirror before he critiques someone else’s looks. Holy shit. In any case, he should go root himself.

10 years ago

If they weren’t such assholes, you’d feel pity for his deluded followers: resentful and frustrated as they are with female rejection, their leader name-calling based on appearance and body-shaming is probably great for their self-esteem.
Charismatic leaders that are abusive even with their own, that rely on insecure followers they exploit… yeah, that sounds like a cult.

10 years ago

Also, please please please does anyone have the video recorded for those of us that don’t live in the US? Thanks! 🙂

10 years ago

@Sarah: AVfM is a cargo cult. 🙂

And seconding Sarah’s request for a recorded version of the piece, as the timing has been awful where I live and I think both have been broadcast in the incredibly early hours of the morning.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

Oh, I so want to cut a reaction video at this point – Dave speaking, with pauses inserted filled with, you know, screaming female Beatles fans, buxom women ripping their shirts off, and maybe that Woody Allen clip with the horde of bare-breasted ladies chasing that one poor guy.

We could post it on the MRA sites and watch their heads explode as they try to figure out whether we’re mocking Dave or them…

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

Oh Woody, wherefore art thou? There’s some apologia needed here!

He’s been MIA for a day or so now, hasn’t he? Maybe the excitement over the greatest human rights conference ever has overwhelmed the poor little guy, and he’s lying down in a dark room.

10 years ago

The guy in the background has a perfect WTF?!? expression.

10 years ago

I’m surprised to see at least two Frank Zappa fans here. I thought he’d be more popular with the MRA crowd.

10 years ago

Thirding the recording request, if anyone has one!

10 years ago

@Phoenician in a time of Romans | June 26, 2014 at 4:36 pm

I think the scene with the bare-breasted women chasing the guy is from Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life. It’s entirely possible that Woody Allen also did something similar, starring himself as the guy being chased of course.

Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

@Jean-Francois: You’re probably correct. I may have confabulated it with the giant breast sequence(*) in “Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex”.

(*) Which, if you haven’t seen it, is nowhere as titillating as it sounds…

10 years ago

I always liked that photo of Zappa, even if he is sitting on the loo …

10 years ago

just giving a thumbs up for the repeat performance, david and the ‘broken hearts are for assholes’ reference. 🙂

10 years ago

Feminists know it is unenlightened to judge anyone by their physical appearance or clothing unless it’s a man wearing a fedora.

Gee, troll, you caugth us. We totally cannot tell the difference between body type and (bad) taste in fashion.

10 years ago

Is there still no online mirror?

House Mouse Queen
10 years ago

David, I am empathic with you regarding them attacking your appearance as I’ve had the same thing done to me. They also attack my room saying I should ‘clean it’ and yet when I watch a neckbeard MRA video, it’s their places that look like a tornado went through it. ie. The batchelor pad look.

They’ve called me a male transsexual, trannie scum, made fun of my teeth (bottom teeth are crooked). They’ve attacked every part of my you can imagine, and like I told you the ‘sex positive’ women on Youtube that aligned themselves with MRA’s, make fun of my vagina.

I totally empathize b/c is does hurt sometimes and it leads you to getting a thicker skin which makes you a harder person and that’s not always a good thing.

10 years ago

Feminists know it is unenlightened to judge anyone by their physical appearance or clothing unless it’s a man wearing a fedora.

Fuck, rancid nads, we already know you’re dumber than dogshit. You don’t have to keep proving it.

FWIW, I happen to like fedoras and my husband has several. Oddly enough, no feminists have mocked him for it. It’s almost like it’s understood shorthand for a particular type of self-infatuated dudebro rather than being about the hat.

10 years ago

House Mouse Queen: 🙁 I’m sorry they are so awful to you. You don’t deserve it.

Samantha Lui
10 years ago

Hi David

Did you end up getting a recorded version of the show? Can’t find it anywhere online, and I missed it. Would very much like to see it as they may have used some footage I shot from a rally I was at.
