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VIDEO: Misogyny Theater: Stefan Molyneux explains why women are the root of all evil

Welcome to the second installment of Misogyny Theater! In other news, I’m enjoying making these videos, and may do a couple more this week.

Today’s thoroughly horrifying monologue stars the megalomaniacal libertarian-MRA philosopher guru Stefan Molyneux, who is, as many of you already know, one of the scheduled speakers at A Voice for Men’s conference in Detroit later this week.

The audio is an excerpt from his long-as-hell video “The Matriarchal Lineage of Corruption” in which he explains why, in his view, women are essentially responsible for all the evil in the world. It’s basically the director’s cut version of the quote from him in this video, which I posted about a couple of days ago.

I have taken the liberty of editing out a brief and inconsequential comment from a caller Molyneux had on the phone with him; and adding a few seconds of silence at each end of the clip. The rest is pure, unedited Molyneux.

Oh, ok, I added the Justin Bieber poster and the lamp.

Thanks to YouTuber Tru Shibes for posting a slightly longer excerpt from Molyneux’ 2-hour video; that’s where I got the audio. Tru Shibes has a bunch of videos up featuring some of the worst of Mr. M. And thanks to Mancheeze  and Sam Sederfor pointing me to this quote in the first place.

Note: The sound clip of the murmuring crowd in my video came from

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10 years ago

Is it just me, or does he look like JohntheOtter’s brother? Is there a factory somewhere?

10 years ago

How can we be sure that the JtO and Molineux are not the same person.I mean if we are all Futrelle, is it a stretch to assume that two MRAs with equally toxic opinions can not be the one and same person? When was the last time you saw them both in the same room at the same time, huh?

Ken L.
Ken L.
10 years ago

Re: kittehserf

I thought they were the same guy at first.

10 years ago

@kittehserf & Ken L.

At first glance, so did I. For me it’s the eyes.

10 years ago

RE: Glenn

It’s actually fundamentally based on a truth that any anthropologist or sociologist or biologist or geneticist will tell you.

Dude, katz is a biologist. She ain’t said shit, and you ain’t cited shit, and your argument is fucking shit.

Ergo, they are responsible for those choices, yes?

Her choice (if she was indeed able to make one) is to have a child. If the child grows up to be an adult who chooses to be an asshole, that’s on THEM. Not the mom. THEM. I come from an abusive family; you think I expect any screw-up I do to be blamed on them? Fuck no, asshole, I take responsibility FOR MY OWN behavior.

He believes that violent adult males are created in childhood by abuse, hence him creating the chain of accountability.

I’m a man. I was abused as a child. Shockingly, I’m not violent. I don’t think I deserve a fucking parade for managing everyday human decency. So your argument that man + abuse = abuser is full of shit. And I’ve researched this horsecrap; abused children are only slightly more likely to become abusive themselves, depending on the fucking study. You, sir, are WRONG. Completely, utterly, unforgivably wrong.

You are spreading myths about men, that once we are abused we become monsters. Those are horrible myths that perpetuate self-loathing, depression, and suicidality in abuse survivors. You sir, are a fuckwit, and you can go take a long walk off a short pier in Piranha Lake.

10 years ago


Wow! I clearly have no idea how the world really works! I am eternally grateful to you and the MRA’s for setting me straight!

On a less sarcastic note, how do you wade through this garbage daily, David, to provide us all such a lovely blog?

10 years ago

Ooh, can we put the really annoying trolls in the waterpark that the vengeance-seeking shark invades in Jaws 3? I feel like the tackiness level would be a perfect fit for them.

10 years ago

I am also a feminist libertarian (they do exist; the Association for Libertarian Feminists has been around since the 70s)

Allow me to slowly blink in a dubious manner at you.

Dude, katz is a biologist.

Er, chemist, actually.

10 years ago

Can you smell that projection? Always claiming feminists try to make women faultless yet MRAs are always fighting for the “right” for men to have no accountability for their behavior. And the most heinous behavior too, like beating your spouse or raping women. It’s all her fault somehow for breeding with assholes.

Man, if that were true, women everywhere would be throwing themselves at MRAs.

10 years ago


Now THAT’s how you do a smack down!

10 years ago

Feel free to correct me if he clarified this later in his rant because I could only stomach about 2 mins.

So his view is that women only sleep with assholes.
He’s not an asshole & that’s why he isn’t getting enough sex.
Those men he doesn’t consider assholes should ban together and force women to only have sex with them.
20 some odd years the world is perfect with no assholes

So if men who have sex regularly are assholes wouldn’t that make you an asshole once you got to assault women at will?

Who gets to make the rules at what makes someone an asshole? I think you wanting to treat me like I’m no better then a 2 yr old who can’t figure out that wearing sandals outside in the snow is not a good idea makes you an asshole.

How are all assholes going to be gone in 20 years time? Is being an asshole now a capital offense?

Lastly assholes are very usefully in day to day life. When is the wonderful biological change going to take affect that allows us to dispose of bodily waste a different way going to happen?

Inquiring minds need to know!

10 years ago

I hate the idea that if you were abused you HAVE to become an abuser too. When I was a kid I did lash out at other people, but once I got older and understood what I was doing and why I was doing it I stopped. As an adult I would never physically or sexually harm another person, no matter what happened to me in the past (and a lot happened to me in the past).

A lot of women I know have been sexually abused at some point in their life and I’ve yet to see them go after other people for it (excepting the ones like me, where it happened to them at a young age and they lashed out then stopped once they were older and understood better).

As a child you can say “I didn’t know what I was doing and it wasn’t my fault” but once you get older and gain awareness of normal behaviors then there is no one to blame for what you choose to do but you. An able-minded adult and teenager knows that abusing someone in any way is wrong. They know what they are doing and even if they try to slide their behavior off of them, they still knew.

I can feel some pity for some of them, because more often than not they were abused as well, but as someone who was abused and does not abuse people as an adult I still refuse to say “it’s not their fault,” like they were predestined by their abuse to also become abusers.

10 years ago

RE: katz

Er, chemist, actually.

ASSBALLS! I fucked that one up. Sorry, katz.

RE: GrumpyOldNurse

Now THAT’s how you do a smack down!

I have no patience for pretentious smug blowhards who treat men like me as rabid animals and claim they’re for ‘responsibility.’ He’s so full of shit, it’s all he can talk.

10 years ago

In the distant past, I went to a college with a big and well-funded Objectivist-flavored Libertarian club and, despite being a lefty, I would go see their speakers because they could afford big names and served snacks. They also took over the conservative op-ed section of the school paper and it was there I learned the aggressive group think that plagues Objectivist-flavored libertarians. Someone in an interview described themselves as a blend of objectivist and libertarian and admitted to having reservations about Rand and, oh boy, did the true believers rain fury over that despicable apostate. Decades later, I remember how he was accused of lacking the reasoning ability and intellectual bravery to embrace the radical truth of a full-blown Randian philosophy. Needless to say, they didn’t seem to recognize the irony of alleged libertarians railing against another libertarian for sort of thinking for himself rather than submitting to cult-like obedience.

That said, rejecting Rand is a good thing, but chucking libertarianism in a dumpster is even better, IMHO.

Thanks to YouTuber Tru Shibes for posting a slightly longer excerpt from Molyneux’ 2-hour video

Did you listen to two hours of Molyneux voluntarily? Yikes.

10 years ago

Last. I’m not a big fan of Stefan’s. I disagree with many of his ideas, and he’s a bit arrogant. But this argument is not as flawed as you all here seem to think. It’s kind of funny that you get so worked up about it even, I mean, what is he saying that isn’t plainly true?

You are such a non-fan that you went out of your way to find a blog entry talking about Molyneux and then post two giant blocks of text defending his arguments.

Just be honest, for once in your fucking life…

10 years ago

And for those playing at home, why yes, the well-funded Objectivist-flavored Libertarian club at my college was almost entirely made up of white guys, there were a meager few white women to break up the monotony, now that you mention it. And yes they loved bring in non-white and female speakers, provided those speakers were conservative, to prove how open minded they were.

10 years ago

Being abused as a child didn’t make my mother abusive, it made her hyper-protective and absolutely determined to bring me up believing that I deserved the safety she never had as a child. So, in her case, being sexually abused as a child didn’t make her an abuser, it made her a really good parent who gave her daughter the tools she needed to survive in a society that’s hostile to women and girls, and to spot abusers like Molyneux from a mile away.

10 years ago

RE: saintnick86

You are such a non-fan that you went out of your way to find a blog entry talking about Molyneux and then post two giant blocks of text defending his arguments.

Don’t forget, he also chased down that old Warren Farrel post too, just to show how much he cares.

Troll be in the dungeons today, yo. Glen, Woody, undfreeland… damn!

10 years ago

ASSBALLS! I fucked that one up. Sorry, katz.

Nah, it’s fine, I don’t talk about it much.

If you ever catch me talking about animal behavior (other than cats), let the record state that I’m talking out of my ass. But it you want to know about, say, keto-enol isomerism, there I can help you.

10 years ago

[R]ejecting Rand is a good thing, but chucking libertarianism in a dumpster is even better, IMHO.

I find the veneration of Rand, especially with the notion her philosophy is “self-consistent”, as bewildering. If she was consistent about anything – it was contradicting herself.

While she claimed racism was “the worst form of collectivism” – which may be true – she took no issue claiming Native Americans totally deserved to be slaughtered en masse for being “savages.” Then there’s the fact that, when it comes to homosexuality, she thinks it is an “abomination” (which is a religious term – which is weird, coming from a self-identified atheist).

The fact her supporters have to twist themselves into all sorts of shapes to excuse it is, unsurprisingly, cultish to me.

And for those playing at home, why yes, the well-funded Objectivist-flavored Libertarian club at my college was almost entirely made up of white guys, there were a meager few white women to break up the monotony, now that you mention it. And yes they loved bring in non-white and female speakers, provided those speakers were conservative, to prove how open minded they were.

Of course, it’s a political philosophy developed by and for rich white guys – especially when it comes to the assumption that “The Market” will work to everyone’s benefit, if left alone.

Too bad, y’know, history regularly proves otherwise. I’m pretty sure “The Market” is what kept slavery in the U.S. going and why so many wanted to protect such a practice – since it benefit rich, white plantation owners more than anyone else. Hell, segregated business and discriminatory hiring practices were still around almost a hundred years later and nothing changed until the Civil Rights Movement gained traction.

I mean, these are the same people who think allowing business owners to discriminate who they hire is a positive (“Freedom of Association” being their euphemism) – yet are perplexed when someone brings up how racist that is.

Oh yeah, almost forgot – that’s how they handle issues of race: by acting like that doesn’t exist. How typical of privileged white people…

Don’t forget, he also chased down that old Warren Farrel post too, just to show how much he cares.

How much he “doesn’t” care, anyway. By totally caring too much.

What the fuck are these people trying to prove? How obsessive they are?

10 years ago

For libertarianism to be self-consistent, it’s first and most important principle would be the complete demolition of our society and government as they truly exist so that an equitable society run under their philosophy could be built without grandfathering in existing inequalities and injustices. It would, in fact, have to be as revolutionary as communism in its thinking.

But libertarianism isn’t about its much-vaunted principles; it’s about enshrining the current inequalities and injustices as fixed and involiable constants.

10 years ago

This theory also leaves out the fact that kids can be abused by people that aren’t there parents. For example, I was assaulted by two classmates when I was a kid, but my parents are both wonderful. So I didn’t inherit an asshole gene but I got abused. Does that make me an asshole or not? Is it still somehow a woman’s fault even though it was boys that assaulted me? How can any of this possibly be my mother’s fault?

On libertarianism: Yes it’s true that it’s predominantly white and male. People that aren’t extremely privileged need things like the civil rights act, the Americans with disabilities act, etc.

I like to drop this link from time to time

10 years ago

^ ugh, I mean their. Drunk WWTH no spell good.

10 years ago

<blockquote.You are spreading myths about men, that once we are abused we become monsters. Those are horrible myths that perpetuate self-loathing, depression, and suicidality in abuse survivors. You sir, are a fuckwit, and you can go take a long walk off a short pier in Piranha Lake.


*cough* Sorry. I just got so happy to hear someone say this. If abuse made an abuser, we would have even more abusers than we do now, I mean, damn.

Also, did Glen just come in, leave a huge pile of crap in the thread and just leave? I like when they stay and we can poke them with sticks.

TIL Libertarianism is a club for rich white guys who don’t want to be Republican for some reason. So far they don’t seem that different on the ‘we are rich and want to stay that way and screw anyone else’ front.

10 years ago
Reply to  Quackers

Man, if that were true, women everywhere would be throwing themselves at MRAs.

EWWW! The horror! I shall have nightmares for weeks, just imagining that.