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VIDEO: Misogyny Theater: Stefan Molyneux explains why women are the root of all evil

Welcome to the second installment of Misogyny Theater! In other news, I’m enjoying making these videos, and may do a couple more this week.

Today’s thoroughly horrifying monologue stars the megalomaniacal libertarian-MRA philosopher guru Stefan Molyneux, who is, as many of you already know, one of the scheduled speakers at A Voice for Men’s conference in Detroit later this week.

The audio is an excerpt from his long-as-hell video “The Matriarchal Lineage of Corruption” in which he explains why, in his view, women are essentially responsible for all the evil in the world. It’s basically the director’s cut version of the quote from him in this video, which I posted about a couple of days ago.

I have taken the liberty of editing out a brief and inconsequential comment from a caller Molyneux had on the phone with him; and adding a few seconds of silence at each end of the clip. The rest is pure, unedited Molyneux.

Oh, ok, I added the Justin Bieber poster and the lamp.

Thanks to YouTuber Tru Shibes for posting a slightly longer excerpt from Molyneux’ 2-hour video; that’s where I got the audio. Tru Shibes has a bunch of videos up featuring some of the worst of Mr. M. And thanks to Mancheeze  and Sam Sederfor pointing me to this quote in the first place.

Note: The sound clip of the murmuring crowd in my video came from

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10 years ago

Glenn, if you think that Molyneux’s argument – that women are responsible for all the evil in the world, including the actions of asshole men, because they have sex with the wrong kind of men, because evolution – then that would make you the moron, not us.

This is really, truly indefensible what Molyneux is saying here. It is in no way based in reality. It is only rage-frothy hate.

10 years ago

“He believes that violent adult males are created in childhood by abuse, hence him creating the chain of accountability. ”

It stands to reason then the violent adult females are also created by childhood abuse. If men are absolved of all crimes because of mommy, then so are women. And her mother before her. And her mother before her. By your own logic, no one is accountable for anything! Isn’t that funny?

“Women choose and set the conditions of reproduction in large part in western society. They largely decide who they will have sex with and who they will reproduce with while men largely propose and wait for women to dispose.. ”

Why do manosphere types hold men in such contempt that they believe they will reproduce with any woman that will have them? In modern Western society, men and women have to choose each other. Mind blowing. I know. As pointed out by others, throughout most of history and in many modern societies, the choice is never the woman’s. It is up to her family and her father in particular.

“So, either women are sentient humans making the choice to reproduce with “assholes” or they are not fully sentient human beings. Take your pick.”

I know you don’t believe this, but men are also sentient human beings. They also can choose whether or not they reproduce with “assholes”. Furthermore, all people have a choice in how they behave and abusers of either sex should be held responsible for their actions.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago


Exactly. It conflicts with this gem:

Okay, then why should we treat them like adults if they aren’t responsible for their choices? Men are given no such pass.

10 years ago

For every complicated problem, there is a simple, clear-cut, easy to understand solution that is wrong. Any explanation for any social ill that can be accurately summarized as “it’s all women’s fault” is also wrong – and not because I’m denying women’s agency, either.

This reminds me of the hackneyed observation regarding women in abusive situations ‘why doesn’t she just leave?’, usually made by people who would be utterly baffled if you responded, ‘why doesn’t he just stop?’

10 years ago

Also does Glenn realize that he’s arguing that men have no control over their behavior? Like they’re just beasts that are entirely controlled by their inherited instincts? How misandrist of him.

10 years ago

I just want to know, what about the women who don’t fuck assholes? I mean, Mr. M has kids, and presumably doesn’t include himself in the ‘asshole’ catagory, so is he the only exception?

Also, what about the men who prefer not so nice women?

10 years ago

@ GrumpyOldNurse


Logical questions are MISANDRY.

10 years ago

Oops! My bad.

10 years ago

“He believes that violent adult males are created in childhood by abuse, hence him creating the chain of accountability.”

It stands to reason then that violent adult females are created in childhood by abuse. That means women are also absolved of accountability because of mommy. And her mother before her. And her mother before her. And so on. By your own logic, no one is to blame for anything! Isn’t that funny?

“Women choose and set the conditions of reproduction in large part in western society. They largely decide who they will have sex with and who they will reproduce with while men largely propose and wait for women to dispose..”

Why do manosphere types have such contempt for men that they believe they will reproduce with any woman that will have them? In modern Western society, men and women have to choose each other. Mind blowing. I know. As mentioned by others, throughout most of history and in many modern societies, women don’t have much choice. It is all decide by their families and the father in particular.

“Okay, then why should we treat them like adults if they aren’t responsible for their choices? Men are given no such pass.”

You are giving men a “pass” right now. If that’s what you want to call it. You clearly don’t believe men are sentient. Abusers of either sex should be held responsible for their own actions.

10 years ago

He seems to be suggesting that everyone should take responsibility for their own actions. Except for women, as we are responsible for our actions and those of men, as well. So, can someone please tell me who is responsible for men’s actions?

10 years ago

The combined wrongness of Stefan (in the OP) and Glenn (in the comments) has sent me off into the fractal vortex of wrongitude, from which I may never return. Please send a rescue party, immediately. Make sure they include supplies of kittens, Vitamin Water Zero, and scented fucking candles.

10 years ago

He seems to be suggesting that everyone should take responsibility for their own actions. Except for women, as we are responsible for our actions and those of men, as well. So, can someone please tell me who is responsible for men’s actions?

cloudiah cries mournfully from the vortex of wrongitude, “Classic male hypoagency…” and continues spiraling away.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

… women are the primary abusers of children, not men. He believes that violent adult males are created in childhood by abuse, hence him creating the chain of accountability. And that in the case of male abuse, that women who marry violent men invite abuse into children’s lives, ensuring they will grow up to be violent.

My husband’s father was an abusive asshole (he was also an alcoholic who had no interest in getting any treatment, but that’s another story). My mother in law left him after years of struggling to keep the little ones safe. Husband’s never raised a hand to me or anyone else. Right now he’s having an epic Pokemon battle in the living room; our kids are both Pikachu (can never have too many Pikachus).

I guess I’ll have to wait until after the kids are back in their pokeballs to inform him that he’s an ipso-facto asshole and that it’s all his mom’s fault.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

Women are only attracted to terrible people. This makes women evil.

Manospherians will go on at great length about how the narrow sliver of the female population to which they are attracted are terrible people. This makes the manospherians oppressed.


10 years ago

So, Glenn, you’re saying that men have no agency? They we are born assholes because of selective breeding?

How come selective breeding only affects men? If you won’t hold a man responsible for his abusive actions because “he was born that way,” shouldn’t women get a pass for their allegedly poor choices in mates because they were “born” to choose aggressive males?

Of course not, because that’s absurd. But the idea of an “asshole-choosing” gene is no more absurd than that of an “asshole” gene.

While I have many philosophical objections to right-libertarianism, the idea of personal responsibility isn’t one of them. How strange for a self-professed libertarian like Molyneux to posit that every man who ever lived can avoid responsibility for his actions by claiming to be a victim of selective breeding.

How pathetic.

10 years ago

Just now de-lurking.

I’ve been reading this blog for a long time, and I love it. I am also a feminist libertarian (they do exist; the Association for Libertarian Feminists has been around since the 70s) and I can tell you that Molyneux is viewed with extreme concern both within libertarian feminism and within the larger libertarian community. His initial work on encouraging parents not to hit their children, even as discipline, was great, but obviously he’s revealing his true colors as he panders more and more to the young, disaffected men who flock to him.

I guess I just jumped in to say, Molyneux and Freedomain Radio are a problem, but I don’t know what to do about it. You can find out more here:

And if you want a real laugh you should look up his “review” of Frozen.

By the way, I’m a non-Randian libertarian.

10 years ago

Cloudiah: the vortex of wrongitude isn’t that bad. I only feel fear now when things start making sense. Also when one of my co-workers says “wow! We’re sure having a quiet shift!”

10 years ago

Also this guy totally does not understand how many assholes work. It’s not like assholes are acting like assholes 24/7. If a man acts super nice to his wife but acts like an asshole around everyone else, and she’s unaware, is it still somehow her fault?

Short answer: yes. If a man has any kind of personality defect, if you search deep enough you find that there will always be a woman to blame somewhere for it. Always. In your example, you can see that by being nice to his wife, the man is spending his”niceness” quota on her, meaning that he must be a total asshole to everyone else. It science!

10 years ago


What if one lacks a niceness quota? I’m afraid mine is overdrawn.

10 years ago

Let me guess – he thinks he’s a nice guy?

10 years ago

How would one quantify ‘asshole’ anyway? Like, my dad is a total emotionally abusive asshole to my mom his sisters and used to be to me (until I put my foot down) but he has tons of friends and everyone at his work sings his praises, and he is in fact kind and helpful to them in general.

Is there an Official Asshole Sliding Scale? Where would someone like my dad go on it? Can women never be on it? Do gay people exist?

10 years ago

JTO also seems to be ignoring the facts that not all children are born out of consensual sex and not all children are raised by both or either of their biological parents.

However, he seems to be ignoring a walloping amount of other facts as well so this isn’t surprising.

10 years ago


If you are a woman, you never have a niceness quota. Because of your female privilege you are not actually required to be nice, the world/beta males will already forgive you for your transgressions.

If you are a man with an overdrawn niceness quota, there is probably a woman in your life that is to blame for it.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
10 years ago

I dunno you guize, maybe it really was women gaining maximal atomistic sexual agency during the [handwave redacted] time period that gave us nuclear weapons, and our heads are just too full of victim memes to see that. I mean, nuclear weapons came a whole 24 years after the 19th amendment, which is maybe one generation, so that’s consistent with Molyneux’s argument that women could spontaneously cause utopia in one generation by not demanding that men act like assholes.

Then again, in my life it has usually been other boys and men working off of patriarchal ideas who suggested that I be an asshole dude, so maybe it’s pat—no, no, no! That’s clearly victim memes! It’s all women’s fault! *stuffs ears and sings “I hate girls” over and over*