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VIDEO: Misogyny Theater: Stefan Molyneux explains why women are the root of all evil

Welcome to the second installment of Misogyny Theater! In other news, I’m enjoying making these videos, and may do a couple more this week.

Today’s thoroughly horrifying monologue stars the megalomaniacal libertarian-MRA philosopher guru Stefan Molyneux, who is, as many of you already know, one of the scheduled speakers at A Voice for Men’s conference in Detroit later this week.

The audio is an excerpt from his long-as-hell video “The Matriarchal Lineage of Corruption” in which he explains why, in his view, women are essentially responsible for all the evil in the world. It’s basically the director’s cut version of the quote from him in this video, which I posted about a couple of days ago.

I have taken the liberty of editing out a brief and inconsequential comment from a caller Molyneux had on the phone with him; and adding a few seconds of silence at each end of the clip. The rest is pure, unedited Molyneux.

Oh, ok, I added the Justin Bieber poster and the lamp.

Thanks to YouTuber Tru Shibes for posting a slightly longer excerpt from Molyneux’ 2-hour video; that’s where I got the audio. Tru Shibes has a bunch of videos up featuring some of the worst of Mr. M. And thanks to Mancheeze  and Sam Sederfor pointing me to this quote in the first place.

Note: The sound clip of the murmuring crowd in my video came from

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10 years ago

It honestly worries me that Molyneux has a pretty big following….

A Rose for Emily
A Rose for Emily
10 years ago

He’s quite the cult figure alright. I wonder if it has anything to do with his way of speaking in sound bytes? In the middle I pictured a commercial for an amusement park, with roller coaster and screaming riders, and an announcer intoning, “Fuck the monster!”

10 years ago

Wow. Words fail me.

I know. Maybe the solution to “women choose assholes,” which creates all the evil in the world, is to use a technology which allows two women to create a child (always a daughter) by combining two eggs. No sperm = so sons = no assholes for women to choose from = no evil in the world. Problem solved! Yay! Oh, wait….one problem. Most women like men and lots of men are not assholes.

Would not want a world without David. 🙂

10 years ago

His hypothesis is predicated on there being an asshole gene or set of genes that can be bred out. Unsurprisingly he offers no evidence of this.

Ken L.
10 years ago

Before I found out about MRM, I knew Molyneux was a bad guy. And to find out he is an MRA only confirmed my fears. one thing the world does not need is a cult, espically one with a wing that is already know to use and support violence. for my money this guy is the most dangerous of the speakers at the event.

Also anyone have any thoughts on why there are so few libertarians who are not full on Randriods? I mean the movement existed before her. I just find it strange that every political group has shades of extremes but at least from what i have found libertarians are very all or nothing people.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
10 years ago

Molyneux started podcasting by setting up his laptop in his car and sort of rambling on his way to work. He did hundreds of hours like that and had done thousands of hours more or less rambling on a theme for an hour at a time since then. You might say his format of choice lends itself to repetition.

His central fallacy here is assuming that women’s choices are free and are the overriding factor throughout history in determining reproduction. He speaks as though there were no cultural context which acts to normalize abuse, as though there were no pre-existing power structures which normalize abuse, as though people’s preferences and actions aren’t shaped by history and society. It’s the same sort of blindness to how human societies actually work that leads him and others to think anarcho-capitalism is a good idea.

It’s sad to see having a daughter hasn’t cooled off his sexist tendencies; he’s gotten way worse with regards to women since I listened to his podcasts.

10 years ago

Meh. My father (RIP) wasn’t remotely an asshole, and neither is my husband. My argument is better than his. At least I have examples, even if they weren’t scientifically chosen. Anyway, no baby is an asshole. It’s learned behavior, and the baby can learn it from anybody, including his peers or mentors like Molyneux.

10 years ago

Wow, his theory conveniently absolves “assholes” of any responsibility for their behaviours. Not to mention, that just because your dad is an “asshole” doesn’t automatically mean you will be an “asshole”, nor does an “asshole” son indicate an “asshole” dad.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Apparently Hitler’s mom was responsible for the Holocaust.

Pure, unbridled hatred on display here. He makes Elam look like a pussycat.

I’m glad you featured this before the Greatest Human Rights Convention of All Time, David. The facial animation was excellent!

10 years ago

Unlike other MRAs I read about here, I had actually heard of this guy before, maybe from reading stuff about libertarian politics. Well, it does my heart good to know he’ll never have a national political career if he’s saying this stuff in public.

10 years ago

Oh this is rich ground for moron bashing – and yes, I mean the author of this blog and the commenters here. A few questions for you self-anointed arbiters of morality and reason:

1. Do you even understand Stefan’s argument? It’s actually fundamentally based on a truth that any anthropologist or sociologist or biologist or geneticist will tell you. Women choose and set the conditions of reproduction in large part in western society. They largely decide who they will have sex with and who they will reproduce with while men largely propose and wait for women to dispose.. Ergo, they are responsible for those choices, yes? My guess is that your heads here are so full of victim memes that you believe women don’t actually have a choice. Okay, then why should we treat them like adults if they aren’t responsible for their choices? Men are given no such pass. So, either women are sentient humans making the choice to reproduce with “assholes” or they are not fully sentient human beings. Take your pick.

2. You don’t even deal with the larger parts of Stefan’s argument. First, he did an entire video on DV stats and what’s very clear from the data is that women are the primary abusers of children, not men. He believes that violent adult males are created in childhood by abuse, hence him creating the chain of accountability. And that in the case of male abuse, that women who marry violent men invite abuse into children’s lives, ensuring they will grow up to be violent. None of this is terribly controversial or hateful. Why does it shock you all here so much?

Last. I’m not a big fan of Stefan’s. I disagree with many of his ideas, and he’s a bit arrogant. But this argument is not as flawed as you all here seem to think. It’s kind of funny that you get so worked up about it even, I mean, what is he saying that isn’t plainly true?

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago


Gee, you seem nice.

10 years ago

It’s actually fundamentally based on a truth that any anthropologist or sociologist or biologist or geneticist will tell you. Women choose and set the conditions of reproduction in large part in western society. They largely decide who they will have sex with and who they will reproduce with while men largely propose and wait for women to dispose..

Nope. Wrong. So much wrong.

I posted this in another thread earlier, but it applies here too.

“Using recent data and a novel measure of gender equality, we revisited the role of gender parity in gender differentiation for mate preferences. In the first study, 3,177 participants from 10 nations with a gradually decreasing Global Gender Gap Index (GGI) provided online ratings of the desirability of mate attributes with reportedly evolutionary origins. In the second study, GGI scores were related to gender differences in mate preferences previously reported for 8,953 participants from 31 nations (Buss, 1989). Both studies show that gender differences in mate preferences with presumed evolutionary roots decline proportionally to increases in nations’ gender parity.”

And this one:

The entire Abstract, because it’s beautiful:

“In the study reported here, data from implicit and behavioral choice measures did not support sexual economics theory’s (SET’s) central tenet that women view female sexuality as a commodity. Instead, men endorsed sexual exchange more than women did, which supports the idea that SET is a vestige of patriarchy. Further, men’s sexual advice, more than women’s, enforced the sexual double standard (i.e., men encouraged men more than women to have casual sex)—a gender difference that was mediated by hostile sexism, but also by men’s greater implicit investment in sexual economics. That is, men were more likely to suppress female sexuality because they resisted female empowerment and automatically associated sex with money more than women did. It appears that women are not invested in sexual economics, but rather, men are invested in patriarchy, even when it means raising the price of sexual relations.”

10 years ago
Reply to  Glenn

Women choose and set the conditions of reproduction in large part in western society. They largely decide who they will have sex with and who they will reproduce with while men largely propose and wait for women to dispose.

Do you have any knowledge of history? Allow me to enlighten you. For most of human history, it was the FATHER of the woman who chose, for political and economic reasons, the husband of his daughter. It was always a deal made betwen MEN, since a woman and her virginity were considered ASSETS that could be traded for other ASSETS. In many parts of the world today, similar values and traditions are held. In some Middle Eastern countries, “honor” killings are still given, at most, a slap on the wrist. In case you do not know what they are, it is the father or brother, usually, of a young woman KILLING that woman because she may have feelings for or a relationship with a man other that the one DADDY wants to “give” her to. So much for women always being the ones who choose.

Oh, and leave us not forget the ancient custom in many places, including England, of abduction of a woman and raping her, thereby giving the rapist LEGAL OWNERSHIP of her.

Feh. You and your “philosophies” are not worth the “paper” they are written on. One more example of whiney baby-men refusing responsibility for their own misery and blaming women for it.

10 years ago
Reply to  fromafar2013

Nope. Wrong. So much wrong.

I posted this in another thread earlier, but it applies here too.

NIce. I posted mine before I reda yours. Well done and nicely researched. Woo!

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

1. Do you even understand Stefan’s argument? It’s actually fundamentally based on a truth that any anthropologist or sociologist or biologist or geneticist will tell you.

…which would be why no anthropologists, sociologists, biologists or geneticists say it, just him. Yes, that explains everything.

10 years ago

I mean, what is he saying that isn’t plainly true?

Well, for one, the idea that “assholes” are the root of all ills.

For another, the idea that being an “asshole” is a strictly heritable trait, that is, if your dad is an asshole, then you’ll be an asshole, and even more outrageously, if your dad is nice, then you cannot be an asshole.

And another, that every single thing in every man’s personality is built as a response to the sexual behavior and choices of women.

And last but not least (and this list certainly isn’t comprehensive) that women bear the primary responsibility for the existence and choices of assholes, more responsibility than do the assholes themselves.

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

So, either women are sentient humans making the choice to reproduce with “assholes” or they are not fully sentient human beings.

Fun logic learning time!

Most people bungle ‘begging the question’ because we tend to use the colloquial form in speech. “That begs the question, where was the butler?”

But ‘begging the question,’ as a fallacy, is when you assume one portion of your argument to be true, and then proceed from there. It comes from formal debates, where you can ask your opponent if you can just, for the sake of argument, assume one point you’re debating as true–so you can get to the real meat.

With that fun teachable moment out of the way… look! A prime example!

Let me repeat it!

So, either women are sentient humans making the choice to reproduce with “assholes” or they are not fully sentient human beings.

I bet he thought he was being clever when he did that.

10 years ago

Being an asshole is a learned trait. Here’s a tribe of baboons that teaches us that!

In a study appearing today in the journal PloS Biology (online at, researchers describe the drastic temperamental and tonal shift that occurred in a troop of 62 baboons when its most belligerent members vanished from the scene. The victims were all dominant adult males that had been strong and snarly enough to fight with a neighboring baboon troop over the spoils at a tourist lodge garbage dump, and were exposed there to meat tainted with bovine tuberculosis, which soon killed them.

Remarkably, the Forest Troop has maintained its genial style over two decades, even though the male survivors of the epidemic have since died or disappeared and been replaced by males from the outside. (As is the case for most primates, baboon females spend their lives in their natal home, while the males leave at puberty to seek their fortunes elsewhere.) The persistence of communal comity suggests that the resident baboons must somehow be instructing the immigrants in the unusual customs of the tribe.

”We don’t yet understand the mechanism of transmittal,” said Dr. Robert M. Sapolsky, a professor of biology and neurology at Stanford, ”but the jerky new guys are obviously learning, ‘We don’t do things like that around here.’ ”

It’s almost like Glenn and Molyneux are both full of shit!

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

Frankly, I would really enjoy diagramming the hell out of that. Soooo much.

So, either women are sentient humans making the choice to reproduce with “assholes” or they are not fully sentient human beings.

“See, either you admit women are making the choice I say they’ve been making, or obviously women are incapable of making choices. As simple as that.”

So simple.

Is it obvious to everybody else that this piece knocked me for a loop and has me laughing out loud? This was so much that I just can’t stop laughing.

This one line reminds me of trolls of old. It’s PERFECT.

10 years ago

Ok, ya’ll, I am confused here.

Per Mr. Molyneux, women are evil if they have sex with assholes. From other misters discussed here, women are also evil if they don’t have sex with men who assume they’re entitled to sex, or assholes.

Geeze, I sure am glad I have sex with a partner that is not an asshole, or I’d have a real headache now trying to figure out which kind of asshole-sex would keep me from being evil!

Also, on Glenn:
“And that in the case of male abuse, that women who marry violent men invite abuse into children’s lives, ensuring they will grow up to be violent.”

So it’s supposed to be the fault of the woman for marrying a violent man? Not the man for being violent? That sounds a little off to me, personally.

10 years ago

Do you even understand Stefan’s argument? It’s actually fundamentally based on a truth that any anthropologist or sociologist or biologist or geneticist will tell you.

Hahaha. No. I just an article about 10 ideas that scientists wish people would stop misusing. You’ve hit a few of them here.

Learned vs. innate

One of my favorite [misuses] is the idea of behavior being “learned vs. innate” or any of the other nature-nurture versions of this. The first question I often get when I talk about a behavior is whether it’s “genetic” or not, which is a misunderstanding because ALL traits, all the time, are the result of input from the genes and input from the environment. Only a difference between traits, and not the trait itself, can be genetic or learned — like if you have identical twins reared in different environments and they do something different (like speak different languages), then that difference is learned. But speaking French or Italian or whatever isn’t totally learned in and of itself, because obviously one has to have a certain genetic background to be able to speak at all.

This is why the notion that the world will be peaceful and utopic in a generation’s time if women only stop breeding with assholes is absurd.


Typically “gene” is misused most when followed by “for”. There’s two problems with this. We all have genes for hemoglobin, but we don’t all have sickle cell anemia. Different people have different versions of the hemoglobin gene, called alleles. There are hemoglobin alleles which are associated with sickle cell diseases, and others that aren’t. So, a gene refers to a family of alleles, and only a few members of that family, if any, are associated with diseases or disorders. The gene isn’t bad – trust me, you won’t live long without hemoglobin – though the particular version of hemoglobin that you have could be problematic.

I worry most about the popularization of the idea that when a genetic variation is correlated with something, it is the “gene for” that something. The language suggests that “this gene causes heart disease”, when the reality is usually, “people that have this allele seem to have a slightly higher incidence of heart disease, but we don’t know why, and maybe there are compensating advantages to this allele that we didn’t notice because we weren’t looking for them”.

There isn’t an asshole gene. Even if there was, there’s no guarantee it would express. This means you could pass asshole genes down to your kid without being an asshole yourself.

Survival of the fittest

Topping my list would be “survival of the fittest.” First, these are not actually Darwin’s own words, and secondly, people have a misconception about what “fittest” means. Relatedly, there’s major confusion about evolution in general, including the persistent idea that evolution is progressive and directional (or even deliberate on the part of organisms; people don’t get the idea of natural selection), or that all traits must be adaptive (sexual selection is a thing! And so are random mutations!).

People aren’t genetically engineering the species through mating. If there are asshole genes they could still survive or resurface because of random mutations.

You don’t even deal with the larger parts of Stefan’s argument. First, he did an entire video on DV stats and what’s very clear from the data is that women are the primary abusers of children, not men. He believes that violent adult males are created in childhood by abuse, hence him creating the chain of accountability. And that in the case of male abuse, that women who marry violent men invite abuse into children’s lives, ensuring they will grow up to be violent. None of this is terribly controversial or hateful. Why does it shock you all here so much?

How is this not hateful and controversial. What you and Molyneux are saying is that if a woman marries an abuser, it is her fault that the kids become assholes. The responsibility is taken off the abusive man.

However, if the mother is abusive, she is at fault if the kids grow up to be violent assholes. Using Molyneux’s logic it should be the father’s fault for marrying a violent asshole. But no. It’s always the woman’s fault.

A Rose for Emily
A Rose for Emily
10 years ago

Do you even understand Stefan’s argument?

Yes, Glenn, we understand it pretty thoroughly, thanks. It’s a simple enough argument:

1) Assholes are the result of asshole fathers (whether genetic or by upbringing isn’t that important),

2) Women have complete control over who gets to reproduce,

3) Women can reliably identify assholes, and in fact preferentially give them the golden ticket to reproduce,

4) Therefore, women are responsible for the existence of assholes.

Each and every one of these claims is not only false, but obviously false. If you’re having trouble seeing why, feel free to ask questions.

10 years ago

Oh, look. Another asshat MRA spouting the same tired, dumbfuck ideas that anyone with half a brain and google access can debunk in seconds. Some things never change…

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