a voice for men announcements MRA

TV APPEARANCE: I’ll be on Al Jazeera America today at 12:30 ET, debating Robert O’Hara of A Voice for Men

My trump card in every debate.
My trump card in every debate.

Just a quick heads-up: I’ll be appearing on The Stream on Al Jazeera America today at 12:30 PM ET, debating Robert O’Hara of A Voice for Men. We’re in the opening segment of the show, which covers both the Men’s Rights movement and (in a separate segment) the issues of Father’s Rights. Also weighing in on Men’s Rights, the awesome Soraya Chemaly. For the rest of the people on the show, see here.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Al Jazeera archives episodes of its shows, nor does it stream its shows online, so you’ll have to watch this using that “television” thing that used to be such a big deal. The show will be rerun on Thursday, also at 12:30 PM ET.

To find out if your cable/dish company gets Al Jazeera America, go here.

Oh, and I have a favor to ask: if any of you have a way of recording your TV and a way of getting that video into a form that could be, say, emailed to me, could you do that? I would love to have a copy of the show. Thanks!

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Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

I’ve been having way too much good luck recently. I was obviously overdue for feeding the blockquote mammoth.

10 years ago


Thanks for the live comments. I liked it, especially since I’m at work and couldn’t watch.

10 years ago

Obvs Woody’s a troll, my question is whether he’s a Real Boy™; he seems a little wooden to me.

10 years ago

Shut up Woody.
The host was actually pretty fair to O’Hara. Until he spouted his “women are lying about rape and who cares about women killed by their partners” crap.

10 years ago

Looking forward to watching it online.

10 years ago

I was just looking at the Stream twitter feed and apparently O’Hara’s position is ‘US news director at avfm news’.

10 years ago

apparently O’Hara’s position is ‘US news director at avfm news’.

Hahahaha! That reminds me of the made up correspondent titles on the Daily Show. Like “Senior Black Correspondent.”

10 years ago

WWTH, no your comments were not too spammy at all. Very much appreciated by not-being-able-to-watch-for-myself me.

Woody is silly.

10 years ago

Hoping it was recorded online and posted somewhere, looking forward to being able to watch it!!! 🙂

10 years ago

I am certain that Woody is actually existing in a parallel universe but accidentally commenting on messageboards in this one. What else could explain his complete divorce from everything that we see, hear and know as reality?
citation: Discworld multiverse theory, kinda.

10 years ago

Didn’t know where else to post this, but are there any fellow Londoners here who read the Evening Standard? (free commuter newspaper)
There was a bizarrely dumb comment by journalist Sarah Sands on the now-dropped rape accusations against Oxford Union president Benjamin Sullivan.
(I’m sorry I couldn’t find a non-Daily-Mail story on it, so instead here’s an aftermath story: )
Sands’ little recap ends with:
“If Ben Sullivan now mistrusts women, who can blame him? I feel ashamed for my sex.”


10 years ago

(it just occurred to me that I read somewhere once that ‘dumb’ may be ableist, if so I apologise)

10 years ago

WWTH, I appreciated your comments.
Hopefully this gets posted online and I’ll be able to watch. Congratulations David, I’m sure you did very well.

10 years ago

this isn’t posted on the castroller link posted above. Does anyone have a good link to this so I can watch it?

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

Thanks for the play-by-play, weirwoodtreehugger and bunnybunny!

10 years ago

Now O’Hara is doing the “we have women in our group so we can’t be sexist!”

Yep and the GOP has Herman Cain, so they can’t be racist.
Nope nope nope nope…

10 years ago

Every time someone says “Shut up, Woody” an angel get’s it’s wings.
…and my monitor gets a coffee shower.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Thanks for the recap! Did the host ask David any direct questions? How long was the segment?

10 years ago

I haven’t watched it yet, but the MRA claim is that the hosts of these things have been biased. They were bellyaching about that during Esmay’s, er, finest hour too.

Children of the broccoli
Children of the broccoli
10 years ago

Now O’Hara is doing the “we have women in our group so we can’t be sexist!”

By that logic feminism can’t be misandrist because there are male feminists.

10 years ago

Woody is trying to pull a Fox News now. If the conservative/MRA guest is coming off bad then its obviously because they had it in for him.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago


Hope springs eternal. MRAs breathlessly await every opportunity to share their viewpoints publicly, convinced that this time the red pill will open everyone’s eyes. What choice do they have but to blame everyone but themselves when their obvious misogyny blows up in their angry faces?

I’m giddy with anticipation over what the media will write about them after the Thursday press conference. I expect some epic butthurt afterwards. 🙂

10 years ago

Every time someone says “Shut up, Woody” an angel get’s it’s wings.

So maybe he isn’t actually obnoxious, he just acts that way because he loves angels so much?

10 years ago

By that logic feminism can’t be misandrist because there are male feminists.

Check and mate.