antifeminism evil women johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture straw feminists YouTube

VIDEO: Misogyny Theater Presents: John Hembling in "I Don't Give a @$%# About Rape!"

Welcome to the first episode of Misogyny Theater, our new animated series, bringing you the best of the worst of YouTube misogyny.

In today’s episode, we revisit an old video from John The Other, also known as John Hembling, a fellow most of you already know pretty well. The monologue in this video is an unedited excerpt from a YouTube rant of his, minus some of the distracting background music that was included in the original.

Content Note: The misogyny in this one is pretty bad, even by John the Other standards.

I will try to produce at least one of these a week. There’s plenty of misogyny on YouTube, so it’s doubtful I’ll run out of material any time soon. I will also be doing a series based on Creepy PMs. Big thanks to everyone who’s pointed me to interesting candidates for future videos, as well as to those who’ve volunteered to do voice work or who’ve sent in pictures of their pets. Thanks as well to the anonymous Friend of the Mammoths who put together the snazzy title sequences here.

In my post announcing my video plans last week, I offered some suggestions on how to help; I’m going to write up a most detailed FAQ on this shortly.

John’s original video is no longer up on YouTube, but you can see clips from it — including the portion I used in the video above — in this more recent video from him in which he tries to explain away the horrible things he said. Apparently it was just a big joke! All in good fun!

EDIT: Removed an embedded video that was no longer functioning because it’s been removed from YouTube.

EDIT 2: For a mashup of Hembling’s original video, along with another video of his in which he pointedly refuses to apologize for the original video, see here, courtesy of Mancheeze.

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10 years ago

I know, it’s like… really? Gotta love people who think rape is something you can joke about. >_<;

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Very well done, David!

I watched the video before you made this post. I couldn’t believe that was an actual audio clip, especially JTO’s bizarre laughter. Creepee.

10 years ago

Sometimes people murder someone and to disguise the motive and culprit they make it look a burglary gone bad. Funnily enough, this has not once, to my knowledge led to people declaring that they no longer give a fuck about burglary victims or find burglary claims hard to believe.

Sometimes people commit insurance fraud. They burn down their home or business in hopes of receiving a big insurance claim. Yet, you don’t hear people suggest that actual victims of fires deserve no sympathy.

I wonder why rape is the one crime in which a small number of false accusations leads to widespread discrediting of actual victims. Oh, wait. I know why.

A Rose for Emily
A Rose for Emily
10 years ago

You might want to stick a trigger warning in front of the full-length video. It includes a graphic (probably made-up) depiction of a rape, along with a fantasy account of his manly man intervention saving the day.

10 years ago

So many talented Mammotheers and Mammoth Friends! Thank you all 🙂

10 years ago

This kind of crap (by which I mean saying awful stuff and then trying to retroactively cast it as “satire” or “edgy”) reminds me of that jerk from middle school (there is at least one in all middle schools, EVERYWHERE, in my experience) who used to make crass, juvenile, and often quite aggressive and repulsive comments, and then when people got upset (as he, of course, intended) would say “Just kidding!”

10 years ago

Bahaha! My god that’s good. You’ve outdone yourself.

A Rose for Emily
A Rose for Emily
10 years ago

@gillyrosebee, I like the imagery in Proverbs 26:

Like a maniac who shoots deadly firebrands and arrows, so is one who deceives a neighbor and says, “I am only joking!”

Doing what Hembling did is like opening fire in a crowd and then claiming it was “performance art.”

10 years ago

So JtO’s please splain video is ridiculous: I was playing a super villain in order to generate argument and having an emotional outburst! Also I’m not a rape apologist, I care about prison rape, sort of! Because he was just SO ANGRY and EMOTIONALLY NUMB at what youtube feminists said/did. What else do you expect, BLOOD?!?!? Men’s lives don’t matter, you want him to DIE to prevent you from danger!?!?!? He was sloppy, you see, he regrets losing control of his emotions, but it’s still not his job to intervene in a crime and put himself in the line of FIRE you see because he’ll still be an evil penis-having male, so FUCK YOU. He totally rejects violence, absolutely and completely!

10 years ago

Gawd, some people.

10 years ago

Hey, pals. Long-time lurker finally peeking her head out. David and Mammothers, you are my heroes. I found this blog while working at a video game retail store, and you all got me through many a misogynist-filled day without too much gnashing of teeth or fist-shaking at the sky.

Great video, naturally; I love this addition to the blog.

What disturbs me about this is the final linked video—the one where JtO lets us know we’re all just stupid and misunderstood what was obviously a joke. I am finding this trend really disturbing, especially with all the “LOL IT WAS SATIRE/A JOKE” stuff that keeps happening around other really nasty stuff said by these misters. I live in the South, and we have a saying here that in every joke is a grain of truth. I think it’s more like in every truth there’s a grain of joke, in this case, except the joke isn’t funny…or a joke.

If you feel brave, I stumbled upon this gem. The article itself is pretty festive (housework=watching porn, put hot sauce in used condoms, female pets > female humans) and is another example of brilliant-satire-that-is-not-at-all-for-real-ya’ll-come-on-it’s-a-joke, but check the most upvoted comment thread:

…Yep. Rape jokes.


PS—forgive my not knowing how link stuff. I don’t internet much.

10 years ago

Re: horrible people trying to hide behind “j/k!”

It always makes me think of Gene Wilder in young Frankenstein, when he’s in the room with the creature screaming for them to open the door, after giving the “don’t open this door no matter what” speech:


10 years ago

The first video has been removed :-/

10 years ago

Thank you for embedding the video here instead of giving a link to it. That way I can watch the video and only the comments that are here instead of the ones on *shudder* youtube. I am afraid to look.

10 years ago

Hi WatermelonSugar! Have a welcome package.

10 years ago

I was pleasantly surprised to see that the comments on your video so far have been okay for the most part. Just one troll, and at least two replies calling him out. 🙂

“I was just kidding! It was just satire!” afterward does not convince anyone that he didn’t really mean it.

A Rose for Emily
A Rose for Emily
10 years ago

@Nat, not only was the first video removed, but apparently it was removed “due to a copyright complaint from the author.” *boggle*

Uh, it’s on the author’s own YouTube channel. He essentially accused himself of infringing his own copyright? I’m guessing he was trying to say that David was violating his copyright by embedding it, and didn’t know how to YouTube.

malcolm johnston (@malcolmingabout)

Aren’t you all getting excited that MRAs are coming together to discuss our views, learn from one another and socialize in just a few short days?

10 years ago

Auntie Alias:

I watched the video before you made this post. I couldn’t believe that was an actual audio clip, especially JTO’s bizarre laughter. Creepee.

Yes, this.

I’ve never heard anyone so amused and pleased at himself for taking such a morally reprehensible position.

Plus, the way JtO makes rape all about him and his fee-fees, not the victims.

But he’s a lot more palatable as an animated dancing puppet.

10 years ago

malcolm johnston:

Not really, no. Why do you ask?

10 years ago

If by excited, you mean a mix of nausea and indifference, then yes. I am quite excited.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

@malcolm johnston

I’d love to be a fly on the wall to watch the attendees try to censor themselves. That will be hilarious.

10 years ago

@ Auntie Alias
“Women are all bi-eautiful creatures that create new life. I love women.” *teeth crack from forced smile*

I really would love to see them try to censor themselves. I have a feeling they are going to be bad at it. Honestly, whenever I try to imagine what this is going to be like all I can imagine in it being like that one compilation video of the most hilarious bronycon moments.

I wonder if they’ll play anti-women homemade dubstep?

10 years ago

I hope they do. That shit gets me pumped up before math exams.

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