
Creepy comment of the day: If men can't get "the steady love and wild sex of a valuable young girl," naturally they'll start shooting people.

Banana slug: A better role model for horny humans than bonobos?
Banana slug: A better role model for horny humans than bonobos?

Sometimes I hunt the misogyny, sometimes it wanders up right up to me and says hello.

Today’s post is an example of the latter. Below, a slightly edited comment that someone left for me this morning. It’s a response to a post of mine about a dreadful post on Return of Kings in which a fellow calling himself Billy Chubbs argued, with absolutely no evidence, that a recent high school shooter was driven to murder because of his “probable sexual frustration,” Chubbs went on to argue that young women are “selfish” because they don’t have sex with guys they’re not attracted to.

Anyway, my new commenter – posting under the name “whogoesthere?” – thinks that I and the other commenters here were being too hard on Chubbs’ “very good argument.” And so he deposited this giant rant, which in many ways is even scarier than Chubbs’ original.

He’s a tad verbose, so I’ve trimmed out some stuff that isn’t relevant to his general, er, thesis. And I’ve also taken the liberty of adding a few paragraph breaks and bolding a few of the best (i.e. worst) bits.

When men don’t get the women they want they turn to violence.

Not a good start here, because this just isn’t true. In this case, the phrase “not all men” is, for once, appropriate. Most men don’t get violent when they’re turned down.

This is established all over the animal kingdom and offers a good example about how it applies to humans, that snotty girls who keep their sexual treasures to all but a few males cause the remaining males to snap. …

Animals do all sorts of things that humans don’t do, and we can’t always learn from their behavior or assume that it relates to our own lives.

Or maybe the Evo Psych crew is just looking at the wrong animals. When banana slugs can’t find a partner to have sex with, they simply fertilize themselves. There’s a lesson here, I think, for the angry incels of the world: you can’t always get what you want, and when you can’t, sex with yourself is better than murder.

High school is a massively sexually charged winner take all environment. … Today’s high school is basically an ongoing audition for a porno video and the guys and girls who don’t make the cut can only sit at home and masturbate.


It’s demeaning and hits a major blow to a person’s sexual identity to not be invited to frolic with the beautiful people.

Somehow most people, regardless of gender, manage to survive even if they’re not frolicking with Charlize Theron and/or Channing Tatum.

I’m sorry but almost no men go on wild shooting rampages if they have a beautiful female in their keep.

In their keep?! Also, no. Charles Manson was surrounded by beautiful young women. Yet he orchestrated multiple grisly murders.

The only guys that do so are bank robbers and thieves, generally guys at a later stage of life more fixated on money.


Human beings naturally assess the amount of sex going around them and judge themselves in relationship to the amount and type of sex others are getting.

You know, you can’t actually tell how much and what kind of sex someone is having just by looking at them. Yes, there will always be people in the world having more sex with you. And some of these people are having sex with people you would probably like to have sex with. There are also people who are smarter than you, funnier than you, who can play chess or kickbox better than you, who have hundreds or thousands of times more money than you do.

That’s life. Life isn’t fair.

This makes sense because from a reproductive standpoint sex is coveted, and sex with beautiful thin, young women are the most coveted. Being the first to spoil these young women sexually is viewed reproductively as a guarantee of parentage, thus this is why males instinctively covet and burn with passion for these females.

Ah, yes, it was only a matter of time until the creepy pedo-justifying Evo Psych assfacts made their appearance. Not all men “burn with passion” in their pants for virginal high school girls.

This is why we have “morality” which is in its essence is a promise not to flaunt or indulge in sex moreso than the lowest man or woman in your tribe. This is what is meant when people say “morality went out the window.” They mean someone with more sexual prowess is openly indulging in sex and broadcasting it to stimulate the jealousy of the underclasses.

I’m pretty sure that’s not what people mean when they say “morality went out the window.”

This teen killed people cause he thought that beautiful girls were out of reach. The high school environment merely rubbed it in his face. Yes drugs to treat ADD might’ve eroded many of the impulse control functions in the teen, but the rage against the high school was still the gasoline.

[citation needed]

He might’ve had a picture or two taken with a girl next to him, but oftentimes those high school girls lie and simply eat up the male’s offerings without granting sexual access, but grant it to a random stud.

How dare young women choose who to have sex with, and who not to!

I’m not saying the girl he killed deserved it, it’s only that when you are in that frame of mind you cannot tell who is having more sex than others and you simply fill in the gaps with rage.

Wait, so if she had turned him down he would have been justified in killing her?

The beautiful girl simply represented everything that the teen couldn’t get. The steady love and wild sex of a valuable young girl.

Yeah, I think you’re confusing high school with porn again. His rampage lasted roughly a minute and a half. He shot her because she was there.

All the other theories posted on this site seem comical, self-righteous and weirdly off-point. It’s like you’re assessing the situation as an asexual senior citizen or righteous prude.

Not a lot of “prudes” here. Just people who find the “women need to have sex with ‘nice guys’ or these ‘nice gys’ will kill you all” to be a somewhat problematic argument.

Generally men want sex with young thin beauties who validate their existence.

Some men do. But most men, among those who are sexually attracted to women, aren’t as neurotically fixated on this small slice of the female demographic – women in their teens and early twenties who are somehow both virginal and sexually “wild” – as manosphere men seem to be. And most people don’t base their entire  self-worth on whether or not they’re having sex with beautiful people.

Some men prefer women older than them. Some like women who are fat. Plenty of men don’t fixate on a particular physical type and are attracted to all sorts of different women. Believe it or not, whogoesthere, there are lots of men who are more interested in what’s in a woman’s head than they are in whether or not she matches up with some particular checklist of physical attributes.

If society removes all of the social pathways to attaining such a beauty, such as making prostitution illegal, increasing shame for men who seek sex, rewarding females and males called manginas who identify and mock the sex seekers and so on… this will lead to depression in men and all of the behaviors surrounding it, including shootings. Sounds pretty much like a logical line of reasoning to me.

And that’s the problem. It’s not actually a logical line of reasoning at all. It’s more like a sort of blackmail.

Men don’t kill women because they can’t have “the steady love and wild sex of a valuable young girl.” Sometimes men kill women because they feel entitled to have sex with these “valuable young girls” and become bitter and enraged when they can’t find a “valuable young girl” who agrees with them on this particular point.

It’s not the lack of “sexual access” that’s the problem. It’s the notion that your desire for “sexual access” means more than the right of that person to say “no.” It’s the notion that society has done you wrong because you can’t (at least at the moment) get laid. It’s the idea that your desire to have sex with a particular kind of woman somehow trumps the right of other people to live.

I mean, what the fucking fuck.

Oh, by the way, there’s no evidence that the shooter in question – Karl Halverson Pierson – was motivated by sexual frustration. His intended target was the school librarian, who is also the school’s debate coach. Pierson was obsessed with debate, and had some sort of grudge against the coach.

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10 years ago

I’m not surprised that he loves Nietzsche, what with his obsession with categorising people into “Übermensch” and “Üntermensch” (or, more specifically, Überfrau and Ünterfrau).

10 years ago

My new theory is that undfreeland is engaged in performance art in which he attempts to illustrate the DSM definition of antisocial personality disorder.

10 years ago


Fine by me and I appreciate your concern.

I think it is also warranted by his focus on Wetherby as he tends to latch onto the commenters he perceives as male and is treading into personal territory.

And yes, he is tedious in the extreme.

10 years ago

That’s because you have no concept of other people as people, und. For the rest of us, attacking people we care about is not OK.

Also I actually do find it amusing that you think you’ve “owned” anyone here at English.

10 years ago

@wetherby, what I’ve said has nothing to do with the Ubermensch

10 years ago

It’s like interpretive dance! The Internet Dance of the Boy With No Conscience or Empathy.

10 years ago

Everyone knows it’s pwned anyway

10 years ago


We’re not here because of you. You’re here because of us.

10 years ago

@wetherby, so the relationship I had for two years, the one that started with me telling her to fuck off and eventually she left me for a good friend, She came around my family a bunch. One of my brothers would make fun of stuff she said all the time. Didn’t bother me.

It didn’t bother you, but did it bother her?

Or did you bother to find out?

And if it had bothered her, would you have said something about it to your brother?

Because these are the kind of seemingly trivial issues that can nonetheless establish a clear difference between an insensitive jerk and a decent human being.

10 years ago

@wetherby, what I’ve said has nothing to do with the Ubermensch

And the point goes “whoosh” right over your pretty little head.

As does the joke.

Which is odd, as I thought I was the one with the “sucky sense of humour”?

10 years ago

If I’m so boring, then why are you here. Ya’lls harsh reaction to me is just proof of the truth of what I say. You know, on some level, that I’m right about people, so you must argue against it.

Yep, totally unique and impossible to refute argument. Well played.

10 years ago

Man, it’s been so long since I’ve had occasion to really parse out my thoughts on these subjects. I”m glad ya’ll are here, piratejennie

10 years ago

Random but it’s kind of interesting how much he reminds me of JudgyBitch. Not that I think it’s her trolling, it’s just that they’re the same type of people.

10 years ago

And still not getting the snark.

10 years ago


What, fail at understanding basic concepts of humanity and logic?

10 years ago

@Wetherby, brother > girlfriend. One’s going to be around a lot longer. And I know you’re attempting humor. It’s a bad joke because it’s ignorant. Especially when Nietzsche has so many misogynistic aphorisms. I’m not a big fan of his aphorisms.

10 years ago

That, sure, but more the gleeful joy they take in the idea of confusing and upsetting people, combined with a very specific joy in the idea that they can violate other people’s boundaries and nobody can stop them from doing it. It’s a common thing in trolls, but this one just happens to remind me of her in terms of tone and specifics.

10 years ago

I think it is also warranted by his focus on Wetherby as he tends to latch onto the commenters he perceives as male and is treading into personal territory.

Just to be absolutely clear, I’m not the least bit fazed by these so-called personal attacks, so if I am the commenter being referred to, please don’t take offence on my behalf, because I’m certainly not taking it at my end.

On the contrary, I’m finding it equally revealing that he’s fixating so much on one of the few male posters here, and strongly suspect that this is a pattern that’s replicated elsewhere. He really does seem to have genuine difficulty talking to women, especially intelligent, outspoken and witty women – not least because their very existence contradicts his theory that a woman’s value is purely based around her physical appearance.

I’m also finding it equally revealing that having failed to put me on some kind of pedestal (the “dazzlingly attractive, incredibly wealthy and sophisticated European” one), presumably so he could claim that I’m exploiting certain privileges that have been cruelly denied him, he’s now turning to full-on negging.

All of which is hilarious, but not as hilarious as the notion that his resoundingly standard-issue burbling that we’ve all seen a gazillion times before constitutes “complex and unique ideas”. I really, really hope he’s too young to know any better, because if he’s any older than, say, 22, he’s looking at a very very sad and lonely life indeed.

(He hasn’t even contributed a complex and unique catchphrase yet! He hasn’t called anyone a spinster, or boasted about living DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH, or complained about penguin whores or bigged up his collection of plushies. I mean, say what you like about those guys, but they did at least stand out in a crowd.)

10 years ago

I love my sister but I would have moved mountains for my partner before he dumped me. That’s the person I chose to make a life with.

10 years ago

Every troll should have a catchphrase!

10 years ago

I don’t know about you, but I’m here for the singing. Mocking through song is fun, and lyric making takes at least a little thought.

…Which is convenient, because all you’re giving me for inspiration is little thoughts.

“Little thoughts, little thoughts as they spring from the troll
Spreading bountiful bile, alienating you and I.
Ugly thoughts, with misogyny entwined…”

(Tune of “Little Hands”)

10 years ago

@cassandrakitty, man, some of ya’ll really need to take a chill pill. It’s the internet. Violating each others’ boundaries, really?

@wetherby, for the fiftieth time. A woman’s physical appearance is the only thing that’s valuable as far as sex goes. Everything else, it doesn’t matter at all. Would it shock you to know I’ve had several close friendships with women?

10 years ago

I’m glad I’m here too!

I’m roasting carrots & cauliflower with rosemary from my garden & some balsamic vinegar for dinner tomorrow.

Also catching up on the Yo, Is This Racist podcast while sipping a lovely Voingnier my mom sent me from her trip to Oregon.

My big fat golden is snoring at my feet and I am all caught up on my editing for the day.

I am finally cooling off in this humid weather and my sweetie is keeping my side of the bed comfortable with a box fan & the covers pulled back.

You’re a doll for saying so!

10 years ago

Oh, child, just because you think you’re good at being all sneaky and manipulative doesn’t mean anyone is falling for it.

10 years ago

Hey David! Can his troll challenge be to type everything to the tune of Beatles songs? Or Quaker hymns? Like, correct number of syllables per line, and everything, with a citation for the to the tune of?

It would make things really fun.

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