awesome open thread

Open Thread: Manfeels Park Dance Party Edition. No trolls, no MRAs.


Open thread! As always: No trolls, no MRAs.

This is a general open thread; for more personal stuff, go here.

Oh,and the pic above is from a hilarious new website called Manfeels Park, which mashes up whiny MRA complaints with … Jane Austen.

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10 years ago

That’s an entire database I didn’t know existed.

I’m getting Zork flashbacks now.

Thank you for both links.

Hm… What’d you program this with – The House of Fear, I mean?

10 years ago

Inform 7. It’s easy-peasy, natural language (supposedly) and designed for interactive fiction.

10 years ago

Anyway if you want to email about it shoot something to this meltmail and I’ll reply: [email protected]

But do it today because it is a meltmail.

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Fibi — things I’d had up my sleeve that you could maybe adapt for D&D — powerful person owes their life to a Really Bad person, but you’ll never get that damning bit of info if you just kill the big baddie; oh that statue? Yeah that’s a gargoyle; why is the book I need in the hands of someone who wants me to do a shitty favor before they’ll give it up (attempts to resort to violence end in horrible deaths). I don’t think any related to Bedlum and Victorian women would help you though?

10 years ago

Well, it’s official. SCOTUS thinks corporations are people with rights to force religion on other people, but women are not people and don’t have a right to their own bodily autonomy. Fuck.

10 years ago

Hobby Lobby won?


10 years ago

Fibi — things I’d had up my sleeve that you could maybe adapt for D&D — powerful person owes their life to a Really Bad person, but you’ll never get that damning bit of info if you just kill the big baddie; oh that statue? Yeah that’s a gargoyle; why is the book I need in the hands of someone who wants me to do a shitty favor before they’ll give it up (attempts to resort to violence end in horrible deaths). I don’t think any related to Bedlum and Victorian women would help you though?

Bedlum and Victorian women are always helpful! (And so it is the rest. I like spinning ideas from random snippets. Thank you)

Anyway if you want to email about it shoot something to this meltmail and I’ll reply: [email protected]

But do it today because it is a meltmail.

Sorry Katz, I was sleeping and running errands and helping my sister move into her new apartment. Didn’t see this post until right now.

IF you want, you can contact me at fibi at gmail, which is my throw-away contact e-mail for this particular part of the woods.

10 years ago

The only silver lining I can see is it may force the administration to consider an ACA mandate to provide free/cheap BC and reproductive health services to all uterus et al.-havers regardless of whether or not it is covered by insurance purchased through their employer.

Ideally, frankly, we should divorce health care and insurance from employer benefits all together; it is something we should all have access to regardless of employment status and employment ‘benefits’.

Still, it’s going to be interesting to see how this ‘religious exemption’ ruling plays out in other areas, and by interesting, I mean horrible.

10 years ago

Sorry Katz, I was sleeping and running errands and helping my sister move into her new apartment. Didn’t see this post until right now.

IF you want, you can contact me at fibi at gmail, which is my throw-away contact e-mail for this particular part of the woods.

No worries, but I’m not getting that email address to work? Here, have another meltmail:

[email protected]

10 years ago

Peeps probably already know about this, but I thought I’d find an old open thread to post it. Does anything ever change? Ever?

won’t someone think of the rich white males!

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Fibi — my biggie Bedlam one hinged on the vampire sunlight problem, but maybe you can work with it all the same — female vampire, put in Bedlam, how the hell do you get out before becoming a crispy critter? (One of the psychs was also a vampire, or maybe a ghoul, either way the answer was find him, explain, do whatever the fuck he asks because it’s better then being crispy [I was thinking vampire, and one of status, where requesting anything too vile would come back to haunt him]).

How do you get your ghoul out when you can’t make daylight appearances? Bonus points if you’re playing a woman and the ghoul is male, cuz Victorian England.

Navigating proper Victorian woman etiquette while dealing with vampire politics (playing nice tends to get you killed)

Whoops, realize your husband is swindling his investors? Too bad it’s 1860 and you’re a woman in Victorian London! Have fun at Bedlam! (1865 actually, because I needed it after The Great Stink for vampire reasons, do it before or during that and you can toss in all kinds of “and btw, all you smell, everywhere, is sewage, try not to get chorea!” — both in practical terms and miasma theory)

And my deus ex machina — that Really Powerful sorta friend? Yeah, she doesn’t fight, period, but she will work a little vampire “magic” to get you an escape route, so stay on her good side. (I wanted a chance to sorta play and she was the perfect chance to craft my players’ futures without going totally deus ex machina about it — pretty much, if she showed up she either had a plot advancing quest, or you were doing something fatally dumb)

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Wow autocorrect, that should be cholera, not chorea, though that could be an interesting problem while in combat.

10 years ago

Reading about people who want to keep oppression in place is ruining my life. My depression is worse, and I have feelings of extreme anger.

My therapist and my dad told me harboring such powerful feelings of resentment is very unhealthy, and that I need to let them go. For this reason, I am going to leave WHTM. I don’t know if it will ever be healthy for me to come back. I’m sure you all will get along fine without me, but I really wanted to say goodbye before I left.

To the many wonderful regulars (and irregulars?) here, I say: Thank You! I hope you have very enjoyable lives. 🙂

I can post until the end of today; if anyone has questions. (concerns? comments? :P)
Oh, the end of today for me will be when it’s midnight on the East coast of the US.

10 years ago

Hey, I just saw something that was so funny I gotta share: Our current right-wing government is a collaboration between four different political parties. They campaign together under the heading “alliansen” (=the alliance). On their website, they have a cartoon with a flag. The flag is supposed to be blowing in the wind, and the fabric bends, so you can’t see all the letters in “alliansen”. The letters you do see on this flag form the word “asen”. “Asen” means, roughly, “the bastards” or “the assholes”.

So basically this is thrown around all over Facebook by leftie Swedes… I wonder how long it will take before one of “the assholes” take notice and change the flag pic on the website…

10 years ago

Scott, take your time. I understand where you’re coming from. I’ll be staying at Mammoth, but just removed myself from my Swedish feminist groups on Facebook and also from my vegan group, because it was too much depressing shit there. Sometimes one’s gotta take a break from things.

10 years ago

Scott, you know what you need. Taking care of yourself should always be your first priority. Do feel free to just hang around the open threads if you like.

10 years ago

Hi Scott, my best wishes to you! I do understand where you’re coming from as well, and I’m glad your dad and therapist are around to support you. Just want to let you know I’ve enjoyed your posts, and am very glad you exist in the world.

10 years ago

Dvärghundspossen and katz,

Yes, thank you. 🙂

It’d actually be best for me to avoid the site completely, but I appreciate the invitation.

10 years ago

Just want to let you know I’ve enjoyed your posts, and am very glad you exist in the world.

::blushes in embarrassment:: That’s such a nice thing to say, thank you. 🙂

10 years ago

Scott, best of luck!

By all means, do what you have to for your own mental health. I’ve enjoyed your posts, and am sincerely grateful for getting to know you, in little bits and pieces of short text.

I’ll miss seeing your name in threads, just a bit. However, if us missing you here means you’re able to live even a slightly happier and healthier life, then absolutely go for it.

Better to miss you but know you’re taking care of yourself, than to know you’re just getting more and more hurt.

Best of luck, and I hope you have a brilliant life in meatspace.

10 years ago

By all means, do what you have to for your own mental health. I’ve enjoyed your posts, and am sincerely grateful for getting to know you, in little bits and pieces of short text.

I’ll miss seeing your name in threads, just a bit. However, if us missing you here means you’re able to live even a slightly happier and healthier life, then absolutely go for it.

Better to miss you but know you’re taking care of yourself, than to know you’re just getting more and more hurt.

Best of luck, and I hope you have a brilliant life in meatspace.

::blushes even more:: Thank you, contrapangloss. 🙂 I think your posts are excellent. 😀

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

*waves* been nice having you around Scott! But if you need to go, you need to go — doesn’t just apply to the bathroom 🙂

Should you decide to return, you know where to find us, until then, good luck!

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

scott, seconding everyone – Sorry you have to go, but take care!

10 years ago

But if you need to go, you need to go — doesn’t just apply to the bathroom

Lol! XD

Thanks, kittehserf and Argenti. 🙂

emilygoddess - MOD
emilygoddess - MOD
10 years ago

So 4chan decided to troll the “feminist” tag on Tumblr today. And when 4chan trolls you, it tends to include really appalling stuff. I saw dead humans and animals being tortured, and deliberate attempts to upset rape survivors, just in my brief few minutes in the tag. Then I had to go hug my partner and cat for a little while. People are seriously fucked up.