a voice for men anne cools antifeminism antifeminist women Dean Esmay hetsplaining homophobia hypocrisy judgybitch misogyny MRA paul elam transphobia

Why is A Voice for Men giving a platform to one of Canada’s leading opponents of gay and lesbian rights? [UPDATED with AVFM response]


Gay marriage isn't a men's right, according to AVFM conference speaker Anne Cools
Gay marriage isn’t a men’s right, according to AVFM conference speaker Anne Cools

A Voice for Men likes to present itself as a voice for gay men as well as straight ones. In a recent post, site founder and chief fulminator Paul Elam declared that

We regard men as human beings, regardless of their sexuality. And most of us feel that this is the salve that heals what has in recent history been inflicted on gay men.

No mention of lesbians, but of course they’re women, and Elam does not seem to like women very much.

AVFM managing editor Dean Esmay, meanwhile, likes to present himself as a champion not only of gay men but of lesbians as well, boasting in one recent tweet that “I have been lesbian-supporting since the ’80s.”

So why is AVFM giving a platform to one of Canada’s most influential opponents of same-sex marriage  — and gay and lesbian rights in general?

Canadian Senator Anne Cools, one of the scheduled speakers at AVFM’s upcoming “Men’s Issues” conference in Detroit, has been a staunch opponent of same-sex marriage for decades.

Her objection? That only heterosexual marriage deserves legal protection because gay people can’t make babies – at least not with each other – thus making their interest in sex all about lust.

In a speech before the Canadian senate, she argued that

The public interest in marriage is reproduction, the continuation of the species, the offspring. There is no public interest in sex or the gratification of sexual impulses for their own sake. …

[L]ust, like all human passions, is not to be trusted. Lust and sex on their own have no public character and contain no public interest or public good. Marriage is about man and woman in a peculiar act of bringing forth offspring.

Never mind that plenty of stright couples don’t, or can’t, have kids. Or that some trans men can.

She’s not simply an opponent of same-sex marriage. Cools has consistently opposed other legislation designed to afford gays and lesbians the same basic rights as straight people — and the same legal protections as other victims of bigotry and discrimination.

She opposed adding “sexual orientation” to hate speech legislation, warning that doing so would expose “millions of Canadians…who hold moral opinions about sexuality, to criminal prosecution.” (Needless to say, the passage of the bill in question did not lead to millions of Canadians being rounded up and arrested.)

She also worried that adding “sexual orientation” to hate speech legislation would somehow – I don’t quite understand the logic – encourage the “depathologizing the paraphilias” and ultimately lead to children being “seduced” into dangerous sexual activities. Here’s her argument:

The fact of the matter is, honourable senators, that we discourage children from smoking cigarettes because tobacco is harmful. I would submit that we are talking about some sexual activities that are dangerous and life-threatening. The committee should have the moral courage to hear something of it. I have lost a lot of beloved friends to a variety of these conditions. I have made it my business to instruct myself. That is the first question. You can think about that.

Ms. Landolt, your concern that the term “sexual orientation” is so wide as to involve a wide range of sexual behaviours is well founded. I would like to put on the record here for this committee a document called the Journal of Homosexuality, particularly, volume 20 in 1990. The subject of the entire volume is pedophilia and male intergenerational intimacy, historical, social, psychological and legal perspectives. If you were to open up this text, the foreword is the debate on pedophilia, and the second article is “Man-Boy Relationships: Different Concepts for a Diversity of Phenomena.” It continues with “Pederasty Among Primitives and Institutionalized Initiation.”

She continued:

I want to know about these children out there and the impact that this is having on them, and, in addition to that, all of these children who are being seduced at youthful ages and who are discovering what is happening to them two or three years later. I have done a lot of counselling. I would like to get a greater picture of the problems out there for children on these grounds, because this sexual orientation debate is going on here as though children do not exist.

She also tried to raise the question of “the medical consequences to individuals who involve themselves in activities such as ‘rimming,’ … sado-masochism and so on.”

In explaining her opposition to adding sexual orientation ito the Canadian Human Rights Act, she offered a similar “slippery slope” argument:

The concern is that pederasts and paedophiles will advance claims to engage in adult/child sexual relationships as a matter of human rights; that claims will be advanced on the legal grounds that pederasty and paedophilia are sexual orientations having entitlements.

For more on her various backwards views, as well as the source of that last quote, see here.

On Twitter, I asked Esmay to explain why AVFM is providing a platform for a woman who opposes same-sex marriage. He hasn’t replied.

Another curious Twitterer asked the same question of Janet Bloomfield, the official spokeswoman for the upcoming AVFM conference. She handled the question with her usual (lack of) aplomb.

Alex McKenzie ‏@anArchaeopteryx 3h  @JudgyBitch1 The issue here is that there's a speaker at your conference who is against the rights of gay men. And you're PR, so I ask why.      Reply     Retweet     Favorite  JanetBloomfield ‏@JudgyBitch1 3h  @anArchaeopteryx Her views on shared custody are more relevant. We include a diverse array of speakers with different views @avoiceformen      Reply     Retweet     1 Favorite  Alex McKenzie ‏@anArchaeopteryx 3h  @JudgyBitch1 at a conference for <<men>>      Reply     Retweet     Favorite  JanetBloomfield ‏@JudgyBitch1 3h  @anArchaeopteryx That is not for you to decide @AVoiceForMen @deanesmay Discussion closed. Further tweets will be considered harassment

Apparently AVFM’s much vaunted “compassion for men and boys” doesn’t apply to gay men who want the same basic rights as straight men.

For more on AVFM’s tolerance of homophobia – and Elam’s notorious attack on one trans women, see here.

EDIT: After I put this post up, I decided to see if I might have better luck at getting answers from Bloomfield on Twitter. The conversation went about as well as could be expected. Remember, Bloomfield is AVFM’s offical “social media” spokeswoman for the conference.

 David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle  @JudgyBitch1 Why is AVFM providing a platform for one of Canada's most influential opposents of gay rights?       Reply     Delete     Favorite  12:23 PM - 19 Jun 2014 Tweet text Reply to @JudgyBitch1       JanetBloomfield ‏@JudgyBitch1 20m      @DavidFutrelle Because she also one of Canada's most influential supporters of children and father's rights after divorce.     Details         Reply         Retweet         Favorite     David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 19m      @JudgyBitch1 So the fact that she's been actively campaigning against gay and lesbian rights for decades doesn't bother you at all?     Details         Reply         Retweet         1 Favorite         Delete     JanetBloomfield ‏@JudgyBitch1 15m      @DavidFutrelle I vigorously denounce the anti-gay rights agenda. I don't have to agree with 100% of her beliefs. She cares for men and boys     Details         Reply         Retweet         Favorite     David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 13m      @JudgyBitch1 If you denounce her agenda, will you publicly denounce her for pushing this agenda? If not, why not?     Details         Reply         Retweet         1 Favorite         Delete     David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 11m      @JudgyBitch1 If you don't want to be seen as endorsing her agenda, put out a statement explicitly denouncing her for supporting this agenda     Details         Reply         Retweet         Favorite         Delete     JanetBloomfield ‏@JudgyBitch1 11m      @DavidFutrelle You think Twitter is private? Of course I would, I know how to criticize respectfully. Don't always choose to though.     Details         Reply         Retweet         Favorite     David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 10m      @JudgyBitch1 Is she being paid for speaking at your conference, or being provided with lodging, transportation expenses, and so on?     Details         Reply         Retweet         Favorite         Delete     JanetBloomfield ‏@JudgyBitch1 9m      @DavidFutrelle None of your business @avoiceformen @deanesmay     Details         Reply         Retweet         Favorite     JanetBloomfield ‏@JudgyBitch1 9m      @DavidFutrelle You do not get a say.     Details         Reply         Retweet         Favorite     David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 9m      @JudgyBitch1 Well, let's hear you specifically, and officially, repudiate her for supporting a bigoted agenda.     Details         Reply         Retweet         1 Favorite         Delete     JanetBloomfield ‏@JudgyBitch1 8m      @DavidFutrelle I do not take orders from you. I don't take orders from anyone, actually.     Details         Reply         Retweet         Favorite     David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 7m      @JudgyBitch1 That's not the issue.The issue is whether AVFM supports Cools and her anti-gay agenda.If it doesn't, you should probably say so     Details         Reply         Retweet         1 Favorite         Delete     JanetBloomfield ‏@JudgyBitch1 6m      @DavidFutrelle This issue is closed. Any further tweets will be taken as harassment and you will be blocked.dfjb2dfjb3

I didn’t see her comment about harassment until after I tweeted a couple more times.

David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 15m  @JudgyBitch1 I'm not issuing orders.But if you don't want people to think AVFM supports her bigoted anti-gay agenda,you should repudiate her Details      Reply     Retweet     Favorite     Delete  David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 14m  @JudgyBitch1 Or at the very least issue a statement officially saying that AVFM opposes her anti-gay agenda. Details      Reply     Retweet     Favorite     Delete  JanetBloomfield ‏@JudgyBitch1 14m  @DavidFutrelle Go write a column about it, David. Get us even more press. We could use Canadian coverage. And good-bye. You were warned. Details      Reply     Retweet     Favorite  David Futrelle ‏@DavidFutrelle 13m  @JudgyBitch1 Would you have a racist speak at your conference if he or she supported your position on some other issue?

Some more bang-up public relations work from Ms. Bloomfield here.


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10 years ago


That’s why sometimes I prefer to say TWEF/TWERF (trans woman-exclusionary (radical) feminism). Their views are inherently discriminatory towards trans men, obviously, but trans men frequently side with TWERFs because they benefit from TWERF narrarives of “female socialization”.

Yeah, I’ve seen you use that sometimes. Just checking, is it something you’d like others to start doing, too? (like, do you want me to be calling them twefs/twerfs too.)

idk if that made sense I just woke up


looks like word salad to me


Is this what constitutes an argument here?

May I direct your gentle eyes up to the header. Do you notice anything about arguing up there, or does it say that this is a mockery site, hmm?

Judgy offered more condemnation when she said “I vigorously denounce the anti-gay rights agenda. I don’t have to agree with 100% of her beliefs”.

Bub, just saying you denounce something doesn’t mean squat. You have to back that shit up with the rest of your words, something judgy doesn’t do.

God, mark is so teal deer-y :/

The problem is, David, that you included a “but…”, and then proceeded to defend them.

can you read, you fucking jackass? Saying you don’t think people should get harrassed is not the same as defending them.

That isn’t denouncing what they did, it’s merely acknowledging it, and the follow up defense of them is condoning it.

How fucking pathetic is it of our troll he thinks saying people shouldn’t be harrassed is condoning their behavior.

“Guess what dudes, I don’t think MRAs should be doxxed and harassed either! I don’t think anyone should be harassed!”

Grow up.

Where in mark proves hes a terrible human being.


Oh, and for the record, I still use GLBT. I am not switching terms to LGBT just because lesbian feminists hijacked the shit and forced gay men into the back of the bus.

Literally the exact opposite has happened, lol. Gay men’s misogyny is precisely why lesbian seperatism started.

I’m confused by the dude you quoted Ally (sorry I Didn’t see his name) Switching the acroynym proves lesbians are sticking bay men to the back of teh bus?

Also, I use QUILTBAG for an acryonym, but that’s just because it’s the only way I remember how to spell it.

10 years ago

Also, something about the trolls tone (marks) just seems really off to me…like kind of manipulative and gaslight-y? But I dont’ know if I’m the only one feeling it.

Eitehr way its really setting me off.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

I’ve argued with Mark off-site and you nailed it, Marie.

10 years ago

What, markxneil being manipulative and gas-ligthy! Marie! That’s such a terrible thing to say about such a mature, reasonable and intelligent individual. I mean, it’s not like he ever–

Given the frequency of the NAFALT deflection, feminists have absolutely no moral grounds to stand on in claiming anyone should denounce anyone else because they disagree on views.

Okay so he did say that the entire feminist position has no moral standing and that any argument anyone makes is automatically undermined by the virtue of the argumenter being a feminist, which is kind of going to discredit anyone’s opinion but come on, that’s not that bad, at least he never—

I’ve given you both the accusation AND the means of proving me wrong now. Lets see how many of you will attack me with ad homs and shaming language, when such a supposedly simple solution exists to discredit me, find me a single article where David does what he is condemning others for not doing.

I stand by my assertion that Futrelle is a hypocrite. I’m still waiting for a single link to an article where he denounces feminists for their hatred, as he expects the MRM to do (despite the fact they actually have.

But you succeeded, more or less, in finding an example of what I’m talking about… of course, it is Dworkin, a feminist whose condemnation is feminist approved, and who is long dead, and thus, no threat to Futrelle himself. It’s a cowardly easy example to point to (and to listen to many feminists, not even a real feminist), but I’ll concede, you found a single example of him doing what he demands of others. Congrats. But I’ve listed 3 examples of Paul doing the same in actual articles (not in some snide remark in an FAQ). I’m curious, can you find the same?

Oh, okay, I guess he did set up a “Simple and easy to pass test” that would be “super easy for someone to pass”, and then the moment someone did pass it, immediately started on about the veracity, ability, understanding and validity of that particular passing mark. That’s a little gaslighty. On the other hand, it’s not like he ever—-

WOW. You view me as an “enemy”? That’s a bit disturbing. “Enemy” seems a rather emotionally invested, don’t you think? You’re just not that important to me, cupcake. You just post so much it’s almost impossible not to reply to you occasionally.</blockquote

@Kittehserf AKA, got nothin.

It’s why the MRM is growing exponentially, and feminism is sinking like the rat infested ship it is. And you lot know it, it’s why your all huddled around futrelle’s propaganda machine, hoping it will save you. I’m done here. Enjoy your echo chamber.

You seem to think radfems are the only hateful feminists out there… of course, I’ve seen you make excuses and rationalize hatred against men on more than a few occasions over the years. But you keep playing the victim.

Okay so he did spend every chance he got switching from addressing someone in person to belittling their mental ability, their personality and their political stance in general, without having to back it up with specific examples but just lumping someone in with a notion of terribad feminists who are wrong and hateful. Bonus points he also gets for harping on about how emotionally invested we all are, and how it’s “a bit disturbing” to be “called an enemy” and how that’s totes not really rational, dear, are you sure you’re of sound enough mind to have this conversation?

Huh…. But he seemed so MATURE and so RESPONSIBLE and so ADULT with his position of… being fine with people being doxxed and harassed. Oh dear!

10 years ago

I’m confused by the dude you quoted Ally (sorry I Didn’t see his name) Switching the acroynym proves lesbians are sticking bay men to the back of the bus?

Adding the L was seen as a way to combat lesbian invisibility but usually no one really cares if you put G first as long as you don’t include a long whiny complaint about other people putting the L first. Unfortunately gay guys occasionally publicly complain about how AWKWARD and CONFUSING the new QUILTBAG or even the old LGBT acronyms, that lesbians fall under gay, non-gays can do their own thing and Gay with a capital G is just so much easier. Since you can usually get away with “gay” as short hand in casual conversation, they’re assholes who seemingly can’t be bothered to even superficially recognize non-gay men at all. Obviously there are lesbians that throw bisexuals and trans under the bus because people can suck at times.

10 years ago

“GLB&T is even better, I find, because transsexualism disorders have nothing to do with sexual orientation, apart from being congenitally determined.

Because if there’s a problem with the gay-rights movement, it’s that it’s too focused on trans people.

10 years ago

Maybe it’s just relative lack of exposure, or the fact that intend to hang out with nice people… But I’ve never actually met any gay men who are jerks about stuff like this.

It really could be just my exposure levels, so don’t take my anecdata too seriously (because anecdata should never be taken as real, good, glorious, perfectly sampled data).

But, I’m kind of feeling a little awkward with the blanket ‘gay men tend to be jerks about lesbians/misogyny” thing that seems to be rolling.

Sorry if I’m offending anyone, and yes, some gay men can be as misogynistic as straight dudes, and I really don’t mean to tone troll, but some of my favorite relatives and friends are gay, and it’s all confusing and touchy, and kind of a difficult subject, and eep!

And I should back off, before I say anything else not too bright…


10 years ago

Intend should be ‘I tend’

Ally S
10 years ago


Yeah, I’ve seen you use that sometimes. Just checking, is it something you’d like others to start doing, too? (like, do you want me to be calling them twefs/twerfs too.)

What really matters is the acknowledgement that these feminists are specifically hateful towards trans women (and, for that matter, anyone who isn’t AFAB). Cis people, because of their privilege, tend to ignore this transmisogynistic dynamic. So I think it’s important for especially cis people to use TWEF/TWERF instead. I mean, it’s not like using TERF is inherently transmisogynistic (several of my trans women friends who prefer to use TWEF/TWERF still use TERF from time to time), but it’s important to not erase transmisogyny through the usage of TERF. I hope that makes sense.

By the way, the reason some folks say TWEF is that it highlights the fact that radical feminists who are trans woman-exclusionary hardly have a “radical” analysis of gender at all because of their assumption that sex isn’t a social construct.

I’m confused by the dude you quoted Ally (sorry I Didn’t see his name) Switching the acroynym proves lesbians are sticking bay men to the back of teh bus?

That was none other than Paul Elam. Real champion of human rights, isn’t he?

Also, I use QUILTBAG for an acryonym, but that’s just because it’s the only way I remember how to spell it.

I prefer to avoid the acronym, honestly. It’s unwieldy for me. I personally say “queer/trans” or something similar instead. That’s just me, though. I don’t have a problem with people using the acronym so long as they don’t include “allies” in it (the movement is for queer and trans people, not allies!).

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

What annoys me the most is the tactic that goes like this: “Are you saying [something completely different than what was said OR a bullshit prediction]?” I have examples!

More importantly, where have MRA’s denounced their *leaders’* hateful rhetoric?

Are you suggesting Cools is a “leader” among the men’s movement?

Getting mad at David Futrelle for not denouncing radfemhub extremists is like getting mad at Jon Stewart for not denouncing anarchist terrorists.

Are you seriously going to try and assert that no feminist has said anything worth condemning and/or denouncing since Futrelle started this blog? Or are you just going to assert futrelle should be exempt from doing precisely what he condemns others for not doing (AKA hypocrite)?


Ally S
10 years ago


But, I’m kind of feeling a little awkward with the blanket ‘gay men tend to be jerks about lesbians/misogyny” thing that seems to be rolling.

Please bear in mind that I say these things as a lesbian who has faced misogyny from gay men.

Are all gay men okay with being misogynists? Of course not. But that’s besides the point, in the same sense that the fact that not all men are abusers is irrelevant to the reality of the ubiquity of male violence.

I understand why you are apprehensive about hearing such things because I am very familiar with anti-gay het people saying that gay men are predatory, evil, etc. That is a very real issue and it doesn’t deserve to ever be ignored. But it’s still important to point out the fact that gay men can be misogynistic. Far too many people assume that gay men are literally incapable of misogyny. Nevertheless, I’m sorry that I offended you. I hope I have cleared things up.

10 years ago

Maybe it’s just relative lack of exposure, or the fact that intend to hang out with nice people… But I’ve never actually met any gay men who are jerks about stuff like this.

I think it’s not really gay men specifically, or intentionally, it’s just the regular intersectionality thing: When they go to make a movement about gay rights, it defaults to being about gay white dudes, and then human nature being what it is, people are slow and reluctant to recognize the necessity of expanding it.

But I think you’re right that “gay men hate lesbians/trans people/bisexuals” isn’t really a thing, particularly.

10 years ago

I don’t have a problem with people using the acronym so long as they don’t include “allies” in it (the movement is for queer and trans people, not allies!).

Doesn’t the A stand for asexual?

10 years ago

When they go to make a movement about gay rights, it defaults to being about gay white dudes, and then human nature being what it is, people are slow and reluctant to recognize the necessity of expanding it.

Yep. I’ve had the misfortune of encountering a very small number of gay men who were virulently and openly misogynistic, but such men are not the norm. What is the norm is people brought up to think of themselves as being the default humans acting on that assumption and thus marginalizing other people. It doesn’t have to be a deliberate thing, all that it takes is for people not to think about their assumptions and to get defensive when people try to point out that that’s what they’re doing.

I’m also confused as to how anyone could think that gay men would be incapable of misogyny given that they were presumably raised in the same misogynistic society that everyone else was. I would point out, though, that in general men who’re not sexually attracted to women are usually going to be less of a threat to us than men who are, simply because so much of the violence and controlling behavior directed at women by men is sexually motivated in one way or another.

10 years ago

I see a troll is once again insisting that we (a fairly obscure bunch of feminists) condemn the actions of other obscure feminists we have no connection to, and pretending that is the equivalent of the currently most influential MRM group (i.e. AVfM) being asked to condemn the abhorrent views of people they have endorsed by asking them to speak at their conference. Yeah, that isn’t actually equivalent. And in fact, David and others here have frequently condemned extremist and/or violent sentiments expressed by feminists (which aren’t nearly as common as this marly troll would pretend).

Nonetheless, I thought I would alert you to the existence of a handy, one-stop-shopping place anyone can go to put their condemnation of these obscure feminists on the record, as it were:


10 years ago


But, I’m kind of feeling a little awkward with the blanket ‘gay men tend to be jerks about lesbians/misogyny” thing that seems to be rolling.

Sorry if I’m offending anyone, and yes, some gay men can be as misogynistic as straight dudes, and I really don’t mean to tone troll, but some of my favorite relatives and friends are gay, and it’s all confusing and touchy, and kind of a difficult subject, and eep!

idk. I mean it’s great you haven’t met gay men who are jerks about this stuff, but lots of us have met them. :/


Cis people, because of their privilege, tend to ignore this transmisogynistic dynamic. So I think it’s important for especially cis people to use TWEF/TWERF instead

Got it. thanks for the explanation :3 I’ll switch over to TWEF/TWERF, then.

I don’t have a problem with people using the acronym so long as they don’t include “allies” in it (the movement is for queer and trans people, not allies!)

Ditto. The a stands for asexual, not allies (//preaching to the choir).


Doesn’t the A stand for asexual?

yeah. But sometimes allies act like it stands for allies, not asexual, which is I think what Ally meant.

10 years ago

And also, I read a book at one point where someone said dragons were bad. I haven’t seen you, markxneil, ever say that dragons are good. Are you an anti-dragonist? That’s monstrous, man! Reptilian beings of awe-inspiring power are people too!

Of course markxneil is an anti-dragonist. Look at how misandrist they are:

10 years ago

You have to remember there is no single LGBT community IRL, it’s a multiple communities that have shared struggles. Most LGBT socially in multiple worlds: a broader social circle including straight people, then smaller LGBT circle and an even smaller, often sexuality related, group. If you have gay male friends there are gay clubs they will bring non-gay friends to and gay clubs they won’t (or can’t) because they’re doing more than dancing.

A lot of the complaints about the current QUILTBAG (or variations) is from people are 40 or over. You know all the things Dan Savage says that offends young queers? That’s same stuff was conventional gay guy thinking, and conventional thinking in general, about 20-30 years ago. When I was growing up in the 1980s people thought all bisexual women were adventurous straight women and bisexual men were closeted gays, the later particularly seen as mythical creatures. Trans stuff didn’t matter because they didn’t have any political power, the history of HRC on trans issues is a horror show, for instance. Luckily, things have wildly improved because trans women and men have gained positions of power in non-profit LGBT advocacy groups. HRC still has huge blind spots because it’s a bunch of rich white people, but HRC is, at best, “problematic”. (I have a lot of issues with HRC). The fact is allies don’t do anything more than lip service, so you need to have as much broad representation in leadership positions.

I’m rambling a bit and didn’t mean to offend or bum anybody out. I’m off to my birthday dinner!

10 years ago

AVfM has posted a solid response to this article, not that I expect any of the ideologues on here to give it a fair shake:

10 years ago

Keep shaking those pompoms, Woody.

10 years ago

Seriously. Is Woody a paid shill? Can we just ban him for being boring? He doesn’t engage and entertain. All he does is drop a praise Paul Elam turds in here.

10 years ago

Behold, the real content of all these comments, which Woody is desperately hoping that Elam will notice.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Ally — yeah, the only time allies should get grouped with people who fall under the QUILTBAG umbrella is when it’s something like a GSA or “conference for QUILTBAG people and their allies”. (Remind me what the letters are if this is wrong? Queer, undecided, intersex, lesbian, trans, bi, asexual, gay? Or is the Q questioning? But then what’s the U?)

And TWEF it is, that’s really a much better definition of the problem after all.


Random — straight :: gay/lesbian/bi/pan, cis :: trans, sexual :: asexual, ?? :: intersex? Is there a term for “I am not intersex // there was no doubt what gender to assign me at birth // nobody’s ever thought my genitals are in need of “correction””?

Ally S
10 years ago


“I am not intersex // there was no doubt what gender to assign me at birth // nobody’s ever thought my genitals are in need of “correction””?

DFAB/DMAB (designated male/female at birth)?

10 years ago

(Haven’t read any of the comments)

But so, yeah…this is akin to the problem of the mainstream gay and lesbian movement willing to throw trans folk under the bus. Except unlike straight, cis MRAs, gay and lesbian folk actually are oppressed…and at least there are a good number of gay and lesbian folk critiquing their own movement’s exclusionary practices. See also: feminism’s problem with throwing women of colour under the bus.

Also reminds me of that time Patton Oswalt tweeted a quote from Steve Sailor without any context and failed to see that it was a problem.