off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff, June 2014 Edition

Hey, we're huggin here!
Hey, we’re huggin here!

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments.

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10 years ago

Thanks, guys, but it’s too late to mend things at this point. She stated that this was her final email and she would not be replying again, had blocked me on Skype, etc.

It just seems so abrupt from my end.

I really, really appreciate the kindness. Y’all hardly know me.

10 years ago

Big change from “observational” shifts, although those were also sometimes very hands-on and fun, for sure! 🙂

Also, a bit less stressful than responding from the volunteer station. Only been an EMT for a year, and when I respond from my own station, me and (if I’m lucky) the volunteer RN are kind of on our lonesome for the first 10-15 minutes. Much intimidating for baby EMTs, for sure. The RN is amazing though.

Yeah. I’d love to have way more precept experience, before too many more of those calls come in.

10 years ago


yay for your job :3

10 years ago

oh sorry i read your post wrong 🙁

10 years ago

Karalora, that really, really stinks.

I really wish that I had good advice to give, or something profound to say to make it all better…

10 years ago

@karalora well it sucks that this situation is unsalvageable (and btw definitely a good portion of the blame rests on her. As Captain Awkward says USE YOUR WORDS) but hopefully some advice can reassure you for other relationships.

10 years ago


Yeah…I’m not actually going to become a recluse. It’s just a recurring thought.

10 years ago

@Karalora: that sounds awful, internet hugs from afar if you want them. And kitty fur, I have lots of that I can give away. 🙂 I agree with wewereemergencies, if she really wanted the friendship to continue then she would have found a way, friends don’t let little misinterpretations block relationships and give each other the benefit of the doubt – and time to explain. So don’t completely blame yourself – she may have been looking for an excuse to end the friendship anyway – blocking you seems pretty extreme. If you can pinpoint a way that you said something in a less good way, and think up what you will do instead if a similar situation presents itself, that is one possible good outcome. But don’t rip yourself to pieces trying “what if” scenarios in your head – it will be you giving yourself mental torture and for no good reason. 🙁

contrapangloss: hooray for the job and the money and the excitement you’ll have. I’m so pleased for you. 🙂

And hugs (with or without cat fur, if you get hugs from me IRL it’s always with cat fur though LOL) to anyone that wants them.

10 years ago

Hey guys, I’ve started working on a new zine project! This one will be about eating disorders, or rather, mine. I’m trying to break it down into exactly WHY I starved, what I got out of it, and also how and why I stopped. I’m hoping that when I’m done with it, it’ll teach people about eating disorders and also maybe help them deal with their own, if that’s something they’re dealing with.

It’s really emotionally intense and difficult, so I think it’ll take me a while to make. But I’m really excited about this project, and hope it’ll be useful when I’m done!

10 years ago


I already have a surplus of cat fur on my shirt. (Sekhmet is always very supportive when I’m sad.)

10 years ago

@karalora, that sucks. I have a lifelong friend who’s no longer speaking to me because I didn’t behave the way she required me to when she was having a crisis. I couldn’t, but that’s irrelevant. It hurt. It’s been a few years, and it still sucks, but it hurts less.

@LBT, have I ever mentioned how much I admire your generosity? You’ve been through so much horrible shit, and you keep overcoming it and using it as fuel for your art, and you make your art educational and helpful to others. You’re amazing.

10 years ago

Please let us know when you have something up. As someone who’s been through an eating disorder too I’m definitely interested in reading it.

If you (or anyone else) is interested in essays about experiences with e.d.s I recommend Going Hungry, edited by Kate Taylor. It has essays from a variety of perspectives not just the rich white girls everyone stereotypes as being the only ones who ever have eating disorders.

10 years ago

Kitteh, Louis plays Glory Days on the lute? That is AWESOME.

I think so! 😀

Hope your picnic with Mr S goes beautifully and your ankle heals up.

Hi and welcome, delurkers!

And hugs (with or without cat fur, if you get hugs from me IRL it’s always with cat fur though LOL) to anyone that wants them.

Hey, if we ever meet afk we can swap kitty furs!

Karalora, that sucks, but don’t let this ended-friendship be the pattern and cut you off from having any. That’s only going to make you feel lonelier.

10 years ago

RE: Unimaginative

@LBT, have I ever mentioned how much I admire your generosity? You’ve been through so much horrible shit, and you keep overcoming it and using it as fuel for your art, and you make your art educational and helpful to others. You’re amazing.

Aw, you’re kind. The way I figure, if I can use my suffering to be useful and maybe prevent other people from suffering, that gives my pain purpose, and makes it much easier to deal with. I know somebody somewhere talked about using suffering as a means of transformation, but I can’t remember who.


Please let us know when you have something up. As someone who’s been through an eating disorder too I’m definitely interested in reading it.

Thanks! In some ways, I’m a little frustrated, since my ED was apparently pretty unorthodox. (It had practically nothing to do with weight or bodily control, which a lot of ED lit fixates on.) So I worry I’m not going to say anything other people can connect to. But I can damn well try!

10 years ago

Thanks! In some ways, I’m a little frustrated, since my ED was apparently pretty unorthodox. (It had practically nothing to do with weight or bodily control, which a lot of ED lit fixates on.) So I worry I’m not going to say anything other people can connect to. But I can damn well try!

I reckon you’d be connecting precisely with the people most of the lit ignores.

10 years ago

I achieved that rarest of things today: Cat Approval. Mads has been leaping about on the bookshelves, indicating she wants to sit on a high windowsill. Problem is we don’t have high sills, they’re at floor level. So I moved her scratching post over to the window, and voila! Happy cat.

My camera battery died while I was filming her, but this clip gives the general idea.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

Hi all,

I was off for a few days and notice there are so many new threads with a zillion comments. Congrats to Ally and Inurashii for transitioning.

10 years ago

It has been remarkably busy lately!

10 years ago

Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome!

10 years ago

Doing better this morning. Getting a good night’s sleep helped. Thanks again to everyone who chipped in with encouraging words.

I’m sorry I don’t participate more in the community here. I very rarely know what to say because someone else has usually said it ahead of me and I don’t want to jump in with shallow me-tooism.

10 years ago

@kittehserf – I have seen a comment in an older thread suggesting that you might be a fellow Ricardian (if your historical interests extend across the Channel).

10 years ago


Hey guys, I’ve started working on a new zine project! This one will be about eating disorders, or rather, mine. I’m trying to break it down into exactly WHY I starved, what I got out of it, and also how and why I stopped. I’m hoping that when I’m done with it, it’ll teach people about eating disorders and also maybe help them deal with their own, if that’s something they’re dealing with.

It’s really emotionally intense and difficult, so I think it’ll take me a while to make. But I’m really excited about this project, and hope it’ll be useful when I’m done!

Good luck on your project! I hope it goes smoothly for you. 3


Yay, you got a kitty avatar! 😀 (enter the hivemind! >:D)


I’m sorry I don’t participate more in the community here. I very rarely know what to say because someone else has usually said it ahead of me and I don’t want to jump in with shallow me-tooism.

That’s part of what took me so long to comment when I was lurking. I think sometimes people repeat each other, but that’s kind of inevitable with so many people commenting, and I don’t think you’ll just look like me-too-y.

Either way, I don’t want you to be too worried about me-too-y stuff, cuz I think it’ snot that big a deal? But you don’t have to comment more than you want to, also :3

10 years ago

Is anyone familiar with NCSF? There’s some stuff going on, on another site, and I’d like to ask for your input, mammoth-hunters.

10 years ago

Also… @marie: I am now a member of so many hiveminds, I’ma need a PA to keep them all organized.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

I’m gonna spend all week catching up with the comments 🙂

This weekend was Midsummer so all Finns were out in the country chilling out and getting drunk. Helsinki was really deserted when I came back home Saturday evening. It’s my favorite holiday, although this year there was way too much weeding in the garden and the weather was a bit chilly for the season. Daytime temperatures have been barely above 10 C with frequent wind and spits of rain for many days. Much like June in Melbourne, no?

BTW, I assume Pagans in Australia/NZ celebrate summer and winter solstice – adjusted to Southern seasons? I understand that mainstream Australian Christmas is kinda like a mix of Finnish Midsummer and Western Christmas.

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