off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff, June 2014 Edition

Hey, we're huggin here!
Hey, we’re huggin here!

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments.

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10 years ago

@katz: thanks for the update on the kitties, I was wanting to know how they were doing but too scared to ask in case any of them had died.

@contrapangloss: good luck with the flood and your work.

Update on me: had my CT scan a couple of days ago and now have three little tattoo dots so they can line the linear accelerator up on me. The radiation therapists were really nice, and I got a consult with the radiation oncology specialist, who was super nice as well. I even got to explain the Dunning-Kruger effect to her because she hadn’t heard of it before. The radiation will be higher energy than x-rays, and will knock electrons out of the outside orbit of the atoms, purposefully to create free radicals. This is the medical treatment causative effect. So I’m learning a bit of physical medicine. 🙂 I haven’t got my start date for treatment yet, but it will be of 19 days’ duration. I’ve already bought my heavy moisturising cream and my aluminium-free and alcohol-free deodorant. Ahead of treatment starting, I have got my next ear stretch (2.5mm now) and the periodontist has put the cap on my implant this morning – he wanted to get the job finished before I start radiotherapy. Apparently some of the radiation may hit my jaw, with a potential outcome of problems for oral surgery as they sometimes expose part of the jawbone when they fit the cap.

It’s all good and my benzos have worn off. But boy did I sleep when I got home. 🙂

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

pallygirl, did your radiation oncology specialist laugh or boggle when you told her about Dunning-Kreuger, or get a thoughtful expression like she was thinking “That just describes Dr X in Y department …” 😉

katz, so glad to hear the kittens are getting better!

10 years ago

She went into a brief discussion about encountering patients who are on incredibly high doses (i.e. pharmacologically active, that high) of antioxidants because they think they got cancer from free radicals. Then I mentioned anti-vax and fluoridation, and asked her if she knew about Orac’s blog. I said there was quite a good explanation of it on YouTube. Then we un-sidetracked back onto my treatment.

I really like her, she’s super cool.

10 years ago
Reply to  pallygirl

Contrapangloss, pallygirl, I’ll be sending all my good thoughts your way. Katz, I’m so glad your kitties are eating again!

10 years ago

Good luck with the flood, contrapangloss.

Also, good luck with your treatments, pallygirl. I’m glad you have a doctor you like.

10 years ago

So far, lake just broke the record, and river is five-inches from it. Both are still rising.

No rescues yet, so at least we’ve got that going for us so far!

Ally S
10 years ago

The hormones been having some noticeably positive effects despite the fact that I’ve only been on them for a week. My face is becoming softer, I’m having better moods, my body hair is slowing in growth and becoming whiter, and even my breasts are starting to enlarge. Here are some comparison pics (SFW):

2 years ago:

Of course most of the differences are accounted for by things other than hormones, but it’s still a huge difference already. I’m also finding it easier to smile these days. 🙂

10 years ago

Waters are dropping! Rain hasn’t let up, but the waters are dropping. No confirmation about damage, but we’re fairly certain that there are no flood related injuries, at this time.

I think we lucked out. The river rose to just under record breaking, and the lake broke records. We could still have some icebergs float down river, and one bridge is still closed. But… Things look like we’ll be okay.

Thanks for the internet hugs and support.

Ally, the bandana looks really good, by the way. Glad you’re feeling a little more comfy in your body, and really glad you have access to the hormones and support you need to help make it so.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Yay for the waters dropping, contrapangloss!

That’s great news, Ally! I had no idea hormones got to work so fast.

That bandanna would rock with your black shirt, I bet.

10 years ago

Whew, I’m glad the flood didn’t turn out too bad.

Ally, you look so happy in that picture!

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I should never be let loose in yarn shops.

I went in to find a couple of balls to make a beret to match the reconstructed jacket. Found them, all right – but there was a sale on, wasn’t there. And I looked at other yarn, didn’t I. And I found this, didn’t I.

Now I just have to figure out what to make with six skeins of it.


10 years ago

Oooo that desert yarn colour combo is pretty. I’m not one to criticise as I purchased bulk yarn last Saturday. Speaking of yarn, I have some photos up on Ravelry of the fox cape, I spent this morning sewing on the 8mm beads for eyes, and I wetted half the bottom of the cape and have it blocking on the home-made blocking mat – currently all photos are of the cape on the blocking mat. I still have to finish sewing in ends, stitching the closed eyes on my fox ?cravat, which I think I will do tomorrow. And I’m close to finishing the first of my fair isle armwarmers. I am getting much better with fair isle now I’m forcing myself to practice it.

Ally: you look great in the photo. Green is really one of your colours.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Oooh, just looked at your Ravelry pics, pallygirl. The foxy cape is wonderful!

I hope the Furrinati are *cough* helping *cough* with the blocking and keeping count of the beads and so on.

I just figured out what to make from the desert yarn – a tunic with horizontal and vertical stripes, ie. part of it knitted sideways. I saw one like that in a Time Team episode (no, I don’t mean one of Mick Aston’s jumpers!) that was just gorgeous. Now I can’t remember which episode it was …

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Ha, found it! The tunic in question is at 6:56. I’ve drooled over that top every time I’ve seen it, and I think this yarn would lend itself to that idea, even if the stripes play out quite differently.

10 years ago

Ooo that sounds like a nice jumper. The large boy (9kg) decided to walk on it, and then stand on it /rolls eyes.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Hey, he was helping press it!

Humans are so ungrateful.

10 years ago

I picked up six or seven things of yarn and I don’t even known how to knit. I need to pick up some cheaper yarn and learn sometime…

BTW, I love this website so much. I have such a hard time keeping faith in people sometimes, and I come here, and someone says something bigoted, and are called out, and recognize the fail and apologize, and I’m just… I’m so happy about it. It thrills me so much.

10 years ago

You’ll be kittehserf and your amazing technicolour mod coat.

10 years ago

@Deoridhe: there are so many places to learn on the internet now. I got taught to knit by my mother, but I’ve picked up crocheting out of books and watching videos. Crochet is quicker. 🙂

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

ROFL I already have that, pallygirl! (Don’t think I didn’t get all the Joseph jokes the first time I wore this to work.) XD

10 years ago

Well, I think you need two, as you’ll have to dry the troll tears out of the one you’re wearing every so often. 🙂 And I can see how that coat got the comments.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

True, true. I’ll have to have many coats of many colours. ::nods::

Well, I’m off to watch television (or knit and listen to television if we want to be accurate). Hopefully the Troll of Boring Indignation will piss off.

I must say, even if the Dark Lord lets the comments out again, I’ve had fun blipping them. So many troll tears. ::wrings out garments::


10 years ago

Can we ask for tech help here? I need a free or cheap downloadable anti-virus/internet security widget to replace (Big Name Shitty Antivirus), my subscription to which is expiring soon and which I don’t like enough to be willing to pay for again.

10 years ago

Hit post too soon. So, anyone have something free/cheap and easily downloadable that they’ve used and would recommend? Those who have my email address can just email suggestions to me if they prefer (ie don’t want trolls to know what they’re using).

10 years ago
Reply to  cassandrakitty

Avira is good, and free. Our IT people recommend it for our home computers.