off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff, June 2014 Edition

Hey, we're huggin here!
Hey, we’re huggin here!

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments.

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10 years ago

What about something like this, Ally? I literally just googled layered hair with bangs. But I thought it had kind of a nice long hair but still kind of butch look about it. XD

10 years ago

(And also seems to go with the nicely tousled look you’ve got in the photo.)

10 years ago

And you could also go full-on Chrissie Hynde.

Clearly I’d rather look at hairstyles than do anything else today.

10 years ago


Camera dude was in no way responsible for kidlet’s problem, other than the fact that he started yelling at us when we were unloading the kidlet.

I’m deeply angry with camera dude, for a variety of reasons that I probably shouldn’t get into here. I will say, though, that I found his behavior callous, with extreme disregard to the needs and safety of the person he was supposedly aiding, other patients, and emergency personnel.

Despite my ire with him, I certainly didn’t mean to imply he hurt the kidlet, other than by being a scary yelling dude, in the ambulance bay at the hospital, who we swiftly got kidlet out of range of.

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Ah, my mistake, and I don’t think I was quite clear enough that I was speculating on the fucked up thought process an asshole may’ve had. And ambulance bay! Unloading not loading! Hence him being in a car and not having called you but you being there!

I feel like an idiot now >.<

Somehow that makes it seem worse though, ambulance bay would make it quite likely there were other people around to get aid from. Should that have been his actual goal.

In that case, I hope he gets his comeuppance for his assholery in the form of cat anger consequences. Because if there's one time cats aren't selfish jerks, it's when it comes to kids.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Serrana, all the hugs.

Ally, great photo! The shirt looks green to me, too, and that deep bluish-green (viridian, I think) suits you.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago
10 years ago

kittehs, You’ve got a real talent!

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Merci, madame, merci!

I call it “making it up as I go along”. 😉

10 years ago

I just want to make it clear that I’m not sucking up to you because you’re an all-powerful mod.

BTW, did you do something new with your hair? It looks terrific. XD

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Wait, you’re not sucking up?


LOL about the hair, I took that snap last night and thought “Shit, I’m really due to get it cut, it’s all over the place and nary a curl to be seen.”

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

(Which is to say, much better sucking up, 9/10 for credibility.)

10 years ago

Hey Mammotheers! An old friend of mine wrote an article on Sociological Images that just got heavily referenced in an article for TV Guide. It is a piece about the GoT & female nudity. The comments over at TV Guide are all kinds of terrible. If anyone feels like heading over to see,

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Not my colors, but looks good on you! Nicely done! (And, no, I’m not sucking up, and neither is this — making it up as you go, and having it work, is, imho, a sign of talent)

10 years ago

Nice, kittehs!

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Thank ‘ee, Argenti and serrana!

Look at this gorgeous video I just found – woman reunited with wolves.

Ally S
10 years ago

I finally found a good bandanna, and so out of boredom I decided to try something new with my appearance:

The results were silly, but it was fun anyway.

Ally S
10 years ago

Whoa, so today was really weird. I headed up to San Jose with my friend to meet up with some other friends and on the way there we ran into two highly obnoxious white dudebros. The first one was this dude who literally pushed me against the door of the bus while the bus was moving and said “I like your green bandana!” And then he remarked about how he liked my friend’s green hair. He was really rude and invasive. And then he talked to these two Latin@ people and called the woman white. She was like “I’m not white” and he was like “Well, you sure look white! You’re one feisty gal.” All she responded with was “Well, I actually find that pretty offensive” in a very calm but clearly annoyed tone.

And then my friend was confronted by this white dude who asked her for cigarettes. She gave him a few and then he was like “Thanks a lot, man. WHITE POWER!” right in front of this man of color who then became outraged at him. We come back to the same area later (this was a bus stop we had to take both ways for the trip) and we find both of the dudes sitting on a bench being interrogated by a cop. I briefly heard one of them express remorse for getting upset and physically aggressive.

Yeah, I hate San Jose sometimes.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

What a creepy pair of losers, Ally. At least they were being given grief by a cop afterward. A touch of instant karma.

10 years ago

So, we’re going to have some flooding tomorrow, because an ice-dam finally gave way. I’m going to be helping with rescue’s and moves. Peak flooding will be noon, my time. The locals have known about the flood danger for a while now, since the ice dam formed, and we know it’ll be fast enough and strong enough to mess with river banks, based on the height before it gave way.

Any internet hugs and good feelings sent the way of those who get flooded, and to the rest of the rescue crews, would be much appreciated. We’re hoping to be doing less rescues and more relocations, and have everyone safe before we have to use the boats.

So, yeah. Crossing fingers for as safe a day as we can get, and that the waters won’t do too much damage…

10 years ago

Tons of hugs and thoughts contrapangloss. Floods are fucking scary and I hope destruction is minimal. And of course that no-one is hurt. Best wishes!

Ally S
10 years ago

Speaking as someone who’s been through more than enough floods, I’m sorry to hear about that. I hope everyone is safe and the damage isn’t too extensive. BTW if you don’t mind telling where is the flooding going to happen exactly?

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Lots of hugs and good thoughts, contrapangloss!

10 years ago

Best wishes to everyone in the flood area.

BTW, my kittens are all eating again, so they should be better soon.

10 years ago

Ally, the Mendenhall Valley. Because our population is pretty sparse, and spread out, and the river isn’t too huge, it probably won’t be near as nasty as what you’ve faced. But, it’ll be bad enough. 🙁

Projected rise, last time I talked to the chief, was about 15′ for the river.

NOAA probably has a more recent update. I better go to bed now. Tomorrow will be busy.

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