My grandmother died last night at 11. I’m so glad we went to see her yesterday. I cried a bunch last night when I was writing my last comment and it was almost the same time. I think I just knew it was time. Now I just feel kind of numb, which is probably for the best as I have a bunch more phone calls to make.
Had a really, really odd and kind of awful EMT moment yesterday.
I don’t understand some people. How the hell is playing ‘gotcha’ with the hospital and emergency responders more important than getting the correct help? He never even called 911! We had to do that, to get the right people (and the right number of people) on scene (ER was busy, so they only really had one nurse free…).
How the heck is yelling and brandishing a camera at EMT’s with a little kid in serious pain on their stretcher, screaming about lawsuits if they don’t help for you to haul a conscious and resisting person out of your car NOW appropriate?
Also, there were other things that made the whole mess, even messier. We did end up assisting, once we got our patient taken care of properly and the ambulance back in service.
It’s a mess.
Our original patient, the kidlet, will be fine. He was fantastic.
I’m constantly surprised by how well some of the pediatric patients have things together, compared to adults with the same problems. Not all kids, a lot of them don’t have it together at all, but some kids? Jedi.
I’m feeling somewhat better this morning. Also, here’s a picture of what I looked like at the terrible pride event I went to recently:
It’s the first time I ever made an effort to have a butch lesbian look. That shirt I’m wearing is also the first piece of women’s clothing I’ve ever bought. I’m wearing the whole outfit again today for self-esteem stuff. >_>
I definitely want to get a dark green blouse, though. Perhaps some camo stuff as well. I don’t want to look too butch but I like being butch because it conveys parts of my personality that I want to convey.
Thanks, Serena and Lurker. The shift captain has our backs, but we don’t really know what’s going to happen with all the mess.
Ally, I’m definitely stealing one of the hugs you’re offering. Thanks for that.
On a more fluffy and happy note: I’m seconding Katz’s barrette idea. You have lovely, large, dark eyes, but the drooping bangs also can be nice…
Silly idea: have you tried pinning up half the bangs, and letting the other side stay down as a half frame for your face? If you part just a little off-center, then use just a touch of liner or mascara about the eyes, it would probably look really, really nice, without loosing the butch part that you like.
I don’t really know anything about fashion, so I could be wrong, maybe very wrong. I also know very little about makeup, so grain of salt?
10 years ago
Hugs and/or good thoughts to everyone who wants them. The hysteroscopy went well – no tumors, fibroids, or other visible problems. All good news, and the follow up is next week.
Silly idea: have you tried pinning up half the bangs, and letting the other side stay down as a half frame for your face? If you part just a little off-center, then use just a touch of liner or mascara about the eyes, it would probably look really, really nice, without loosing the butch part that you like.
Ooh, that would be super cute. But it also looks cute as is. I like how wavy it is.
I’ve been thinking about asymmetrical bangs for a while. I really just want long hair, though. Would the asymmetry still look good if my hair went down to my back?
Ally, I personally think asymmetrical bangs and long hair look good, especially if the bangs are just long enough to tuck behind an ear, when necessary.
I’ve had asymmetrical bangs with long hair recently. I let my bangs grow because bangs aren’t working for me in general (my hair is getting frizzy as it goes grey) but the overall look worked. For what it’s worth, I have long layers in my hair, so the longest part of my bangs was just a little shorter than the shortest layer.
If I were you I probably wouldn’t cut my bangs at first; you can always cut them later but it’ll be a big pain if you cut your bangs and then later decide you’d prefer them long.
That Pallas cat is reminding me of one of those found footage movies. The last thing the protagonist sees is an out of focus cat RIGHT HERE.
Ally, you are rocking the butch look! And idk about bangs, but asymmetrical hair works with it long, or at least, I tell myself mine doesn’t look to horrid when it decides that symmetrical is not a thing it will be doing today!
KathleenB — glad it went well!
Contrapangloss — dafuq? I’m guessing cat accident with camera idiot and combative person in one car and kidlet with adult(s) in the other? And kidlet’s adult called y’all? And THEN asshole with the camera decided to start yelling about lawsuits? Gonna go out on a limb here and guess that said asshole doesn’t want to have to deal with the cat insurance, particularly if asshole was the at fault driver and “oh fuck, I hurt a kid”…cuz assholes gonna asshole.
Glad the kid’ll be fine, and your supervisor has your crew’s back, and I hope asshole gets his comeuppance. Maybe a hefty bill from the insurance company? Either that or that camera ends up recording a confrontational cat and then the feed cuts out…
Car insurance, cat insurance would be another matter entirely! (Cat health insurance is much cheaper than health insurance for a toy poodle who’s not allowed out unsupervised, go figure. Little dude couldn’t get his mouth around a tennis ball, or scratch, but is more dangerous than a cat cuz DOOOGGGGG!! >.< [tell me, when's the last time you heard of a toy poodle attack?])
marinerachel – yay, have fun!
I finished my reconstructed, reconstructed outfit tonight. Details may be seen on Ravelry!
My grandmother died last night at 11. I’m so glad we went to see her yesterday. I cried a bunch last night when I was writing my last comment and it was almost the same time. I think I just knew it was time. Now I just feel kind of numb, which is probably for the best as I have a bunch more phone calls to make.
Hugs Serrana and Ally and anyone who needs one!
serrana: my thoughts are with you.
Serrana, I’m so sorry.
If it helps anyone, here is a Pallas cat who is not too sure about the camera in its enclosure.
Had a really, really odd and kind of awful EMT moment yesterday.
I don’t understand some people. How the hell is playing ‘gotcha’ with the hospital and emergency responders more important than getting the correct help? He never even called 911! We had to do that, to get the right people (and the right number of people) on scene (ER was busy, so they only really had one nurse free…).
How the heck is yelling and brandishing a camera at EMT’s with a little kid in serious pain on their stretcher, screaming about lawsuits if they don’t help for you to haul a conscious and resisting person out of your car NOW appropriate?
Also, there were other things that made the whole mess, even messier. We did end up assisting, once we got our patient taken care of properly and the ambulance back in service.
It’s a mess.
Our original patient, the kidlet, will be fine. He was fantastic.
I’m constantly surprised by how well some of the pediatric patients have things together, compared to adults with the same problems. Not all kids, a lot of them don’t have it together at all, but some kids? Jedi.
Aw, Pallas kitty! Yes, that helps!
@contrapangloss, that’s beyond fucked up. No one should make your job harder, but especially not on purpose.
Ugh, sorry that happened. 🙁
Glad the kid is going to be alright.
Hugs all around to anyone who needs one.
I’m feeling somewhat better this morning. Also, here’s a picture of what I looked like at the terrible pride event I went to recently:
It’s the first time I ever made an effort to have a butch lesbian look. That shirt I’m wearing is also the first piece of women’s clothing I’ve ever bought. I’m wearing the whole outfit again today for self-esteem stuff. >_>
Well, the pride event may have been terrible, but you looked great, Ally. I like that blouse. You rock that shade of green.
Ally, you look good! Your hair is getting so long! You should invest in some cute headbands or barrettes.
Oh, green? You can blame that on the terrible photo quality. XD It’s black. I wore an all-black outfit that day. Thanks though c:
I definitely want to get a dark green blouse, though. Perhaps some camo stuff as well. I don’t want to look too butch but I like being butch because it conveys parts of my personality that I want to convey.
Haha, okay, it looks still looks green on my crappy laptop monitor. Black suits you too. 😀
You look great, Ally! Whatever color your shirt is. XD
Thanks, Serena and Lurker. The shift captain has our backs, but we don’t really know what’s going to happen with all the mess.
Ally, I’m definitely stealing one of the hugs you’re offering. Thanks for that.
On a more fluffy and happy note: I’m seconding Katz’s barrette idea. You have lovely, large, dark eyes, but the drooping bangs also can be nice…
Silly idea: have you tried pinning up half the bangs, and letting the other side stay down as a half frame for your face? If you part just a little off-center, then use just a touch of liner or mascara about the eyes, it would probably look really, really nice, without loosing the butch part that you like.
I don’t really know anything about fashion, so I could be wrong, maybe very wrong. I also know very little about makeup, so grain of salt?
Hugs and/or good thoughts to everyone who wants them. The hysteroscopy went well – no tumors, fibroids, or other visible problems. All good news, and the follow up is next week.
Ooh, that would be super cute. But it also looks cute as is. I like how wavy it is.
I’ve been thinking about asymmetrical bangs for a while. I really just want long hair, though. Would the asymmetry still look good if my hair went down to my back?
Ally, I personally think asymmetrical bangs and long hair look good, especially if the bangs are just long enough to tuck behind an ear, when necessary.
I’m no expert, though.
I’ve had asymmetrical bangs with long hair recently. I let my bangs grow because bangs aren’t working for me in general (my hair is getting frizzy as it goes grey) but the overall look worked. For what it’s worth, I have long layers in my hair, so the longest part of my bangs was just a little shorter than the shortest layer.
If I were you I probably wouldn’t cut my bangs at first; you can always cut them later but it’ll be a big pain if you cut your bangs and then later decide you’d prefer them long.
Oh, I’m definitely keeping my bangs. I need them in order for my hair to frame my face (even if just partially).
I’m also thinking about getting my hair layered.
Serrana — *hugs*
That Pallas cat is reminding me of one of those found footage movies. The last thing the protagonist sees is an out of focus cat RIGHT HERE.
Ally, you are rocking the butch look! And idk about bangs, but asymmetrical hair works with it long, or at least, I tell myself mine doesn’t look to horrid when it decides that symmetrical is not a thing it will be doing today!
KathleenB — glad it went well!
Contrapangloss — dafuq? I’m guessing cat accident with camera idiot and combative person in one car and kidlet with adult(s) in the other? And kidlet’s adult called y’all? And THEN asshole with the camera decided to start yelling about lawsuits? Gonna go out on a limb here and guess that said asshole doesn’t want to have to deal with the cat insurance, particularly if asshole was the at fault driver and “oh fuck, I hurt a kid”…cuz assholes gonna asshole.
Glad the kid’ll be fine, and your supervisor has your crew’s back, and I hope asshole gets his comeuppance. Maybe a hefty bill from the insurance company? Either that or that camera ends up recording a confrontational cat and then the feed cuts out…
Car insurance, cat insurance would be another matter entirely! (Cat health insurance is much cheaper than health insurance for a toy poodle who’s not allowed out unsupervised, go figure. Little dude couldn’t get his mouth around a tennis ball, or scratch, but is more dangerous than a cat cuz DOOOGGGGG!! >.< [tell me, when's the last time you heard of a toy poodle attack?])