off topic open thread

Open Thread for Personal Stuff, June 2014 Edition

Hey, we're huggin here!
Hey, we’re huggin here!

An open thread for personal stuff, continuing from here.

As usual for these threads: no trolls, no arguments.

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Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

…are those seriously serious questions? Cuz I’m a sponge for useless info and born and raised here and I can honestly say that I have never, and will never, need to know a single on of those things.

10 years ago

Well, I just sold my car on kijiji and now I’m having an anxiety attack for no apparent reason. God damn. I work in customer service, so having to deal with strangers should NOT be such a freaking problem.

10 years ago

I’m ninety percent sure the quiz was a joke. That said, some of the real questions are pretty damn hard too.

10 years ago

@Phoenician – Lower Hutt, will drop you an email.

Had the appointment, I’m in the very grey area of whether chemotherapy is indicated because the second tumour only just gets me into the grey area. Registrar and specialist have decided that I’m not a candidate for chemotherapy so onto radiation therapy and tamoxifen. I’m still scared its somewhere else but, if so, the tamoxifen will stop it growing. I told them that if I get another tumour, I’m not having any more surgery.

Re the citizenship quiz, that site is an offshoot of The Onion, so it’s a funny quiz. Heck those questoins are random. 🙂

10 years ago

Good luck with your treatments, pallygirl. Cancer sucks.

Here, from the depths of YouTube, is an anti-tumour meditation. Or maybe it’s supposed to just force the tumour to flee in abject horror. (I’m hoping this comes across as funny and not insensitive, but my social antenna’s on the fritz, so apologies if I’m wrong.)

10 years ago

LOL, I must see if my radation oncologist is prepared to share an email address with me so I can link this to him. I think he’ll laugh too. 🙂

10 years ago

@pallygirl, So glad you gave us an update! All the luck with your treatment. Are there things we can do to help keep you in good cheer? Do you like (a) cats, (b) puppies, (c) guinea pigs, (d) something else entirely? More internet hugs, if they’re wanted!

10 years ago

Good luck with the treatment Pallygirl.

Hellkell, it’ll be nice to have you back again soon. No one delivers insults to trolls quite like you! Glad the move went well.

10 years ago

@cloudiah, the replies are good. I just need an outlet which isn’t work and isn’t my partner. The replies are good, even if just to say good luck. 🙂

10 years ago

This video should please a cat or a dog lover

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

Such a patient puppeh 😀

10 years ago

Best of luck, Pallygirl!

Cancer is scary, hopefully the treatment plan is effective, though. Any time you need to vent, feel free.

Is the pain from the last surgery less bad, at all?

10 years ago

That was such a cool dog/kitty video. 🙂

Yep, the pain is less bad, feels like gravel or sandpapered on the insides. The ibuprofen is working well, I just have to keep taking it (and not drop the dose down because I think it’s better). I have about another two weeks of omeprazole to go with it. 🙂

10 years ago

Pally, sending you encouraging hugs for the cancer treatment.

This is random, but because Pally’s avatar is a kitty, and we’re watching Breaking Bad, an image of a meth-cooking kitty popped into my head.

10 years ago

Pally good luck with the treatment. Hugs if you want and keep us updated?

10 years ago

Thanks everyone, I’ll let you know when the radiation therapy is about to start. And I promise not to give away any Breaking Bad spoilers. Who knew he had such a flair for drama, as I had only ever seen him in comedy roles?

10 years ago

Good luck with the treatment, Pallygirl!

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

::throws most good wishes into the Good Luck, Pallygirl Barrel::

Ally S
10 years ago

[CN: doctors, sexual abuse trauma]

I went to the clinic again today. After getting my blood pressure and weight checked again, the doctor asked me to undress and put on a paper gown. Most people would be totally okay with doing that, but I was horribly triggered. I kept thinking about the fact I was naked and covered by a flimsy paper gown that covered only the front of my body. I felt really vulnerable, exposed, and unsafe even though he didn’t show a single sign of being abusive. And then after a few examinations of my body he decided to do one more examination of my chest area. He did that by pulling down the gown from my collar, exposing my bare breasts. I felt really violated and helpless even though what he did was necessary. If it was a woman examining me then I’d probably feel a lot safer, but my sexual abuse trauma has been caused by men so it was extremely frightening to have a male examiner instead.

It was an awful experience. But fortunately, I learned that the blood work results showed no signs of abnormalities, so I was able to get my prescriptions (estradiol and spironolactone) almost right away. It’s a really low dosage amount, but I’m okay with that for now. I’m just glad I finally have hormones. I am writing this after having taken the first dose of hormones of my life.

Ally S
10 years ago

It has also dawned on me that, while it’s fortunate that all of these hormones are basically free, I am starting to slide into poverty very quickly. I have maybe less than $200 now, and I can’t even try to fucking apply for a job because trauma. So yeah, aside from hormones, life really sucks right now. I’m super stressed out.

kittehserf MOD
kittehserf MOD
10 years ago

I had a sweet moment just now. I’ve been looking at lots of stuff on Louis’s earthly days lately – scrounging the ‘net for pictures I haven’t seen, or books I haven’t read, or videos (and gods, how cringeworthy most of those are. Some costume/makeup departments should have had to write I will look at actual relevant sources 100000000 times).

Now, back when we were first in contact, when he was communicating more by feelings than words, I felt his reluctance – impatience, even – when I’d want to know stuff about his earthly days. He was (understandably!) more interested in what was happening NOW.

So, tonight I asked if he minded/was bothered by/would prefer not my focussing on those days again. I felt a sense of laughter; no, he wasn’t bothered.

Then I asked if he understands me completely – if he knows what’s going on in my head to that extent – and it was his response to that, that made me want to share this. No, he doesn’t know me to that extent, there’s still lots to learn, just as it is for me about him. The important thing was that he was radiating excitement and pleasure at this state of affairs. He said all this without words. It’s no wonder he wanted to talk that way from the beginning: much more direct, he always was laconic, and look how many words it took me to convey all that here! 😀

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

Good wishes for Ally and Pally.

10 years ago

Don’t feel bad about requesting female doctors in the future. A lot of women do that. Including my friend who is triggered by male docs.

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