a voice for men antifeminist women elliot rodger false accusations FemRAs hypocrisy irony alert lying liars misogyny MRA reddit straw futrelle

Elliot Rodger and Me: The anatomy of a "Honey Badger" smear campaign


I have a new theory that I think might help to explain why so many Men’s Rights Activists are so obsessed with false accusations of rape. It’s simple: They are so used to making false accusations themselves, about pretty much everything, that it’s hard for them to conceive of someone making an accusation that is actually true.

Naturally, as a critic of the Men’s Rights movement I’m a fairly reliable target for these false charges, and rarely does a day go by in which I don’t learn some new, terrible, and wholly imaginary thing I’m alleged to have said or done. Hell, these days I can barely make it through a Twitter conversation with A Voice for Men’s Dean Esmay without him spouting some grotesque falsehood about me.

The latest accusation from the A Voice for Men crowd – or at least from AVFM’s so-called Honey Badger Brigade – is that all the media talk about Elliot Rodger being an MRA was my fault. Or, as “Honey Badger” Alison Tieman put it in a tweet that she sent to an assortment of media outlets that had written about Rodger and the MRAs,

Tieman’s tweet links to a post on the Honey Badger Brigade blog titled “Feminist media bias, or how Man Boobz caused a media circus,” complete with a little caricature of me. (At least they didn’t depict me as a shirtless, self-flagellating Michael Moore lookalike, this time, or as a giant man-baby with poopy diapers eating a chicken leg.)

The big revelation of the Honey Badger Brigade post? That the first article that connected Eliot Rodger to the Men’s Rights movement included … a link to my blog:

I compiled a list of online articles in a rudimentary timeline, searching for the earliest pieces linking Elliot Rodger to MRAs, and the findings were pretty extraordinary. Likely the first article making this connection was on the Daily Kos, citing a blog. Which blog, you ask? None other than David (Man Boobz) Futrelle’s cutting-edge journalism at

It gets worse. Of the 16 articles I looked at, eight of them sourced the Daily Kos article either directly or indirectly by citing an article that had cited that same Daily Kos article.

The clear implication of the post is that I was the “source” of the notion that Rodger was an MRA.

There’s just one little problem with that argument, which is that I never said any such thing.

Indeed, when the writer at the Daily Kos published their piece, I had said precisely nothing on the subject of Rodger at all. In fact, my first post on Rodger was published after the Daily Kos piece appeared. That  Daily Kos piece, which was based on original reporting by its author, linked only to my writings about incels, and the link to We Hunted the Mammoth was only one in a multitude of links.

Here’s what I said about Rodger in my first post on the subject:

[Rodger’s video] sounds almost like a parody of the misogynistic beliefs and rhetoric that I write about on this blog. His language and his melodramatic tone both echo the writings of many of those young men who consider themselves “incels.” His anger is the same anger we see from the rejected men who lash out with insults and threats on OkCupid when their often crude advances are turned down. He reminds me of every so-called “nice guy” who is inwardly seething with resentment born of sexual entitlement denied. He even, at one point, calls himself a “gentleman.” He also calls himself an “alpha.”

It is clear that his  resentment at women was stoked by what I call the “new misogyny” and by steeping himself in at least one online community that reaffirmed his exaggerated, unwarranted sense of victimhood. So far we have evidence that he was a commenter at PUAhate, a site ostensibly designed to critique PUAs but which has degenerated into a haven for misogynistic “incels” and angry trolls.

I made no mention of the Men’s Rights movement at all.

In a later post, written after a great deal more information about Rodger had appeared online, I was more explicit in stating that he was not, to the best of anyone’s knowledge, an MRA.

So why did so many in the media describe him as an MRA? Well, it’s not hard to guess: because he was driven by an exaggerated version of the familiar mixture of misogyny and aggrieved entitlement that drives so many MRAs.

As I wrote in my most widely read post on the subject:

While he doesn’t seem to have ever identified as a Men’s Rights activist per se – the only “rights” he seemed to be interested in were his own – his postings online echo the extreme and ignorant denunciations of feminism seen amongst MRAs and other manospherians.

I put it a bit more bluntly in a Reddit comment I wrote after first seeing the Honey Badger Brigade post:

If they’d actually paid attention to anything I’ve written on Rodger they would see that I didn’t call him an MRA; I went out of my way to point out that as far as we know he didn’t read MRA sites.

That said, as he was a regular at PUAhate, he was part of what you might call the MRA extended universe, and much of his ideology came out of the same misogynistic swamp that MRAs inhabit.

I didn’t cause any of this. MRAs caused this by being shitheads, and by thinking “any publicity is good publicity.” This is what MRAs get for supporting and defending AVFM for years, for their Occidental College spamming, for their crusades against an assortment of feminist villains they harassed and slandered. Oh, and for spewing misogyny all day every day.

My blog DOCUMENTS this. They’re the ones saying the shit that I quote. They made their own bed.

Other journalists have used me and my blog as a resource. They incorrectly labeled Rodger an MRA. But they weren’t far off. He was MRA-adjacent.

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars ate up the Honey Badger Brigade post, which seemed to confirm my reputation as some sort of dastardly misandrist boogeyman. None of them seemed to have read a word of anything I’d actually written about Rodger. One Redditor described me thusly:

The Futrella is a desperate character with receding hair and receding appreciation from his Feminist Cohorts of screaming delinquents. …

I do wonder if his followers are real or if he spends all his time between pizza and diet soda masquerading under multiple legends?

A few were calling for my head.

iethatis 6 points 3 days ago (14|8)  AVfM should sue him for damages resulting from the death threats and resulting security costs, and venue change costs resulting from his lies.      permalink     save     report     give gold     reply  [–]guywithaccount 3 points 3 days ago (4|1)  It'd be a tough case to prove.

That’s a bit of an understatement, huh?

Also, for what it’s worth, I don’t have a receding hairline. Even that is a false accusation.

As is Tieman’s remark about the “genocidal ideogogs” [sic]. But that’s a whole other kettle of worms.

EDIT: Oops. I originally neglected to take the difference in time zones into consideration when writing about when the Daily Kos piece appeared. While it did appear before my post, it wasn’t four hours before. I’ve corrected this in the piece.

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friday jones
friday jones
10 years ago

Typos alert: “fee” = “free.” Why do my computers always come with a defective R key?!?

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Speaking of smear jobs, this is nasty. I was watching a video of Steve Brule interviewing Paul Elam. (It’s under Hangouts on the AVFM home page, titled “Tonight! Steve Brule Interviews Paul Elam About the International Conference on Men’s Issues.”)

Elam claimed a member of AVFM’s security team found a note in his mailbox saying something like, “I hope you’re protecting the convention better than you are your home.” He said it caused much angst because the person has a family and that the police are investigating.

He continued, (9:00) “People like bloggers, like David Futrelle, and individuals that are running places on Reddit like againstmensrights are developing and pushing a threat narrative. They have so demonized people who are talking about issues affecting men and boys that they are inspiring very unbalanced, unstable people to act out violently, to make threats.”

What fucking bullshit that is. I don’t believe the mailbox story any more than I believe there were legitimate threats on the hotel. Elam is the only one inciting hatred and violence. How DARE he project that onto David and AMR.

The frickin’ video is an hour long and I haven’t the heart to go further than the 11:40 mark.

Das Pink
10 years ago

Bullying was a media myth with regard to the events at Columbine High School. That’s certainly not a central point of Bancroft’s statement, just something that bothers me quite a lot whenever I see that come up as an aside in an otherwise good text.

10 years ago

Typos alert: “fee” = “free.” Why do my computers always come with a defective R key?!?

Typing “grrrrrrrrr” a lot might well wear them out prematurely.

10 years ago

@Auntie Alias: WTF, I wish some reporters would actually properly investigate this and call him on these claims.


Elam claimed a member of AVFM’s security team found a note in his mailbox

AVfM has a security team and they are based at Paul’s house???!!!

10 years ago

It’s interesting that they keep accusing David of posting under false names. The way they keep repeating this idea makes me very suspicious. I have a hunch that the reality is that their so-called movement is made up of a large number of non-autonomous participants. I mean, in my experience, when someone wants to insist that you have done something so adamantly when you know you haven’t…it usually means that they have done this thing they accuse you of and feel ashamed or guilty about it. In order to soothe themselves they have to try to convince themselves that everyone else is doing it too, so it’s no big deal.

10 years ago

Huh, sorry David I didn’t mean that to sound like I was talking about you as if you aren’t there.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

Yeah, sure. We’re a real violent community. When Elam gets a threat made from pasted magazine letters that reads “yOu Will STeP On aLl thE LeGOs,” I’ll believe it came from someone who follows this blog.

10 years ago

@ Marci

The term you’re looking for is “projection”. And yeah, I think that’s what’s going on too.

(Not with the thing about Pauly having a home-based security team made up of AVFM employees who sort his mail for him, though. That’s just hilarious bullshit.)

10 years ago

When Elam gets a threat made from pasted magazine letters that reads “yOu Will STeP On aLl thE LeGOs,” I’ll believe it came from someone who follows this blog.

zoon echon logon wins the thread and the html.

10 years ago

Nothing to do with anything, but these cuddling Furrinati are too sweet not to link.

10 years ago

cassandrakitty: I kind of figured that was what it meant, but is it still the same if the person is knowingly doing it? Like, they obviously know that they are posting multiple comments, threads, etc…but turning around and trying to claim that is what is going on here. It is more than projection isn’t it? I just can’t understand how people can be so dishonest while trying to claim some kind of moral high ground. They must have very little self respect.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
10 years ago

This article got me to break my Mammoth Cherry. (Snerk!)

I think mammoth cherries are peach-sized and frozen.

To be fair, Alison Tieman also thinks that feminists control the power company and sent her a large bill in retaliation for one of her Youtube videos,

When her gas is cut off, she will likely blame the Russian goverment. Which is controlled by feminists.

and she believes that some 90% of men are closeted trans women for some reason.

…because most men aren’t really into this masculinity thing?

I’m going to call the Detroit conference the “con con”

Great, now I imagine Elam as that strip club/brothel tycoon from Moulin Rouge, singing “We do con con con!”.

It’s all in your head, me and not you! We are all cats in a David suit. Some of us are ferrets in cat suits in a David suit.

Don’t forget the poodles!

What is with these guys calling the feMRAs “honey badgers”? It creeps me out in a dirty leering old man kinda way.

Honey badger is a real animal. The nickname is (I think) based on this Internet meme:

10 years ago

zoon echon logon: Good thing I warned my co-worker about random guffaws coming from me while I read this blog. Otherwise I might be looking at a “random” drug test.

10 years ago

@ Auntie

I have not filed a FOIA request, (that’s what you meant, right?) but others are on that, at least to my knowledge.

10 years ago

Here are some cute dancing badgers with a song of their own <3

10 years ago

I am just surprised feminists have yet to be accused of witchcraft. Methink cats, scented candles and legos are highly suspicious. But some guys have smell the sulfur

The Stepford Knife
The Stepford Knife
10 years ago

What’s so wrong with having “receding hair” anyway? To suggest that MALE pattern baldness is a fault is MISANDRY.

10 years ago

Hair grows, then hair recedes, YOU CAN’T EXPLAIN IT.

10 years ago


it’s actually his fourth act. before the aids denialism, he was also a proponent of intelligent design, and was also an often-mocked right-wing “classical liberal” warblogger.

he just keeps coming back, and every time it’s with some new crankery.

10 years ago

Deano sounds like he’s on a quest to find the dumbest crankery out there.

10 years ago

I forgot about Typhon’s battle with Feminazi Light and Power Co! Did that ever get resolved? I guess so, since she apparently has electricity now.

I don’t know, actually. I haven’t been on Reddit in quite a while, so I don’t know if it got mentioned on AMR after she initially suggested some sort of feminist utilities conspiracy. She had Fidelbogen assigned to investigate the situation, and we know he’s a level headed guy, so I’m sure it all got worked out.

10 years ago

My fiance was watching Elliot Rodger’s “Retribution” video and I was watching kinda passively then said, “I bet you a dollar he’s PUA or MRA.” This was before learning about the massacre. I came right to your blog, knowing you’d have something to say about it.

Anyway, I think if anyone had even cursory knowledge of MRA ideaology, they’d have made the same connection.

(hello, lurked forever)

10 years ago

Deano sounds like he’s on a quest to find the dumbest crankery out there.

10 years ago

Can I be David too? It would be an honour, just as soon as I can get the ferrets into the cat suits and order up some pizza!

Screaming Delinquents – wasn’t that a feminist punk poetry band? Or am I thinking of the Raving Beauties?

It’s hard to keep up when we all have to post so much under so many non-David aliases… oops what a giveaway.

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