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Coming Attractions: We Hunted the Mammoth announces new animated video series!

Ok, so, yeah, the rumors are true. I am a cat.

But the important thing here is that I’m starting up a new series of (barely) animated videos to explore the one part of online misogyny-land I have generally avoided up until now: YouTube.

Well, internet “radio” shows, podcasts and so on are fair game as well. Basically anything that involves these people talking into a microphone and putting it online.

My videos will be highlight some of the best of the worst of this stuff, and, as I say in the video, distil it into bite-sized morsels instead of the half-hour ordeals that MRAs and men going their own way and girls who write WTF tend to put forth with such alarming regularity.

Plus they’ll be animated in amusing and possibly slightly disturbing ways.

I’m also serious about needing some help.

Like I said, I hate watching their stupid fucking videos. I mean, reading this stuff I can handle. But listening to these assholes blathering on interminably, so full of anger, in their smug, ignorant voices is about as entertaining to me as dental work. I’m going to force myself to do it, but I’m not going to like it.

But I know there are a few of you out there who are actually willing to subject yourselves on a regular basis to this crap. And so I ask of you: if you’re one of them, and you run across something in one of these videos that is so astoundingly terrible that you would like to see it rendered in cartoon form, drop me an email (my last name at manboobz dot com) or leave a link in the comments below.

It’s especially helpful if you can include a rough time-stamp so I can find the particularly egregious bits. See, I’m not interested in analyzing their entire videos here. Only the brief revealing moments where they let something truly astounding slip. I’m also looking specifically for contradictions: if one of these guys or gals says something in one video that directly contradicts something they say in another.

Also, and I didn’t mention this in the video, but this may be your great chance to become a talking kitty, or some other interesting and/or adorable animal!

If you want to volunteeer your voice talents for a future video, let me know! I may come back to some of you who already helped with that last video project, and reach out to some of the rest of you who volunteered after all the slots were filled. I’ll post more about this when I get into making these videos.

This could also be your kitty’s great chance to become a talking kitty! If you have adorable pics of your cat or some other animal that might work well for a video, send me your pics, or link me to them online, and I may use one or more of them in a future video! I’m also looking for interesting photos to use as backdrops. And weird pics in general.

Oh, and if any of you have experience running your own channels on YouTube, I’m interested in any advice you can give on promotion, handling comments, and all that jazz. The last time I put videos on YouTube I sort of felt that they could, and should, have had a lot more viewers than they ultimately did.

Onward and upward.

Together, we can do this.

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10 years ago

Hm, why do you call him Mr. Futrelle here, but make fun of his appearance on Reddit (even though your fat jokes probably cause some collateral damage for your friend Mr. Esmay)?

Also, stop shilling for more traffic here. You don’t get to decide what goes on Mr. Futrelle’s blog roll, and it makes you look needy.

10 years ago

Re: The Pallas cat
That page says the species was first described in 1778.


10 years ago

Hey, David, do you need a volunteer to go through your sidebar links, check for dead links, and make donotlink URLs for the asshat ones? Count me in, if so.

10 years ago

Apparently GWW is the new Mikey B

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

There’s no cognitive dissonance in that–only an acknowledgment that two people can feel differently about something like downvotes.

Sorry, I meant to imply more a tonal dissonance than a cognitive one. Probably should have been clearer on that. I found some irony in that, is all.

10 years ago

And I know the format–very short, cat animation videos–will resonate with your readership/audience so I have to say, well done.

Oh look, she’s trying to neg us. How charming!

10 years ago

Sorry, but I don’t think I’d find GWW videos tolerable even with cat animations.

10 years ago

Ha! She doesn’t realize that I’m also going to start making four hour videos of me sitting in my kitchen in a tanktop babbling pseudoscientific nonsense.

We were promised there would be cats.

And okay, on the link cleanup offer!

10 years ago

Can we get some very long videos of a cat sitting in the kitchen droning on in a condescending tone, utilising vaguely-but-not-really-supportable-sounding anthropological arguments? These would be best isf all arguments catered to the persecution complex and extreme pettiness of the audience. Thanks, David!

10 years ago

Thanks David. I have a ton of photos of him on my computer at home, I’ll look for some useable poses when I get home tonight.

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Hm, I don’t think I can help, but should I get sucked into any MRA-esque videos, I’ll email. But my animal pictures are mostly fish!

Bronas Salk
Bronas Salk
10 years ago

This could be an awful idea. All the MRA videos are half an hour long or more, they just blather on and on while failing to make any points, coherent logic, or present a single fact. Better you than me.

10 years ago

Bronas Salk,

I didn’t recognize your user name but thought it was hilarious. I’m very relieved you turned out not to be a troll!

10 years ago

If you need more voiceover work done, you know how to get ahold of me. I’m more than willing.

10 years ago

I dunno, I already don’t know how you get through these people’s terrible articles. Watching their videos is too much like actually being around them. Godspeed though.

10 years ago

I’d love to record and intro piece of music, kinda like a jingle, for these.

10 years ago

RE: lensman

I once auditioned for the Katawa Shoujo fandub.

My kid sibling really likes Katawa Shoujo!

RE: David

I don’t have any pets, thus no photos. I have some cool landscape photos from my travels in New Zealand, though, if you need backgrounds!

10 years ago

Here are a few that I’ve got on my computer at the moment. Some of these might be too dark or blurry, but there are a few where he’s making some good expressions

10 years ago

I’m the worst at getting pics of my pets looking straight ahead. When I make the dogs sit and stay for a photo, they hang their heads pitifully because I’m on the floor, but not cuddling them and that’s mean. The cats just don’t understand why they aren’t supposed to rub on the thing between our faces. ‘m still going to try, because they are so cute, but I doubt I’ll get anything useful. I can pitch in in other ways, but alas, my menagerie is not good at modeling. I’ve never written a transcript, but I can try. I can lend my voice and can probably get my husband and daughter (who are actually sort of brilliant with voices) to contribute.

Just a thought David, but have you considered new labels for the link lists?
The “boob” reference will be lost on new readers.

10 years ago

David, I’v sent you an email

10 years ago

@lensman, @LBT:

I enjoyed some bits of Katawa Shoujo more than others. I didn’t really connect with Shizune, for instance.

OTOH, I got Rin’s happy ending and walked around for days with a vicarious mix of glow and melancholy.