announcements kitties MGTOW misogyny MRA PUA red pill YouTube

Coming Attractions: We Hunted the Mammoth announces new animated video series!

Ok, so, yeah, the rumors are true. I am a cat.

But the important thing here is that I’m starting up a new series of (barely) animated videos to explore the one part of online misogyny-land I have generally avoided up until now: YouTube.

Well, internet “radio” shows, podcasts and so on are fair game as well. Basically anything that involves these people talking into a microphone and putting it online.

My videos will be highlight some of the best of the worst of this stuff, and, as I say in the video, distil it into bite-sized morsels instead of the half-hour ordeals that MRAs and men going their own way and girls who write WTF tend to put forth with such alarming regularity.

Plus they’ll be animated in amusing and possibly slightly disturbing ways.

I’m also serious about needing some help.

Like I said, I hate watching their stupid fucking videos. I mean, reading this stuff I can handle. But listening to these assholes blathering on interminably, so full of anger, in their smug, ignorant voices is about as entertaining to me as dental work. I’m going to force myself to do it, but I’m not going to like it.

But I know there are a few of you out there who are actually willing to subject yourselves on a regular basis to this crap. And so I ask of you: if you’re one of them, and you run across something in one of these videos that is so astoundingly terrible that you would like to see it rendered in cartoon form, drop me an email (my last name at manboobz dot com) or leave a link in the comments below.

It’s especially helpful if you can include a rough time-stamp so I can find the particularly egregious bits. See, I’m not interested in analyzing their entire videos here. Only the brief revealing moments where they let something truly astounding slip. I’m also looking specifically for contradictions: if one of these guys or gals says something in one video that directly contradicts something they say in another.

Also, and I didn’t mention this in the video, but this may be your great chance to become a talking kitty, or some other interesting and/or adorable animal!

If you want to volunteeer your voice talents for a future video, let me know! I may come back to some of you who already helped with that last video project, and reach out to some of the rest of you who volunteered after all the slots were filled. I’ll post more about this when I get into making these videos.

This could also be your kitty’s great chance to become a talking kitty! If you have adorable pics of your cat or some other animal that might work well for a video, send me your pics, or link me to them online, and I may use one or more of them in a future video! I’m also looking for interesting photos to use as backdrops. And weird pics in general.

Oh, and if any of you have experience running your own channels on YouTube, I’m interested in any advice you can give on promotion, handling comments, and all that jazz. The last time I put videos on YouTube I sort of felt that they could, and should, have had a lot more viewers than they ultimately did.

Onward and upward.

Together, we can do this.

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Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Hahaha! Your voice is perfect for this. It reminds me of Jupiter in the Talking Cat videos.

10 years ago

Oooh, the frustration – I’m at work so I can’t listen to the talking kitty even if it’s spouting MRA talking points. /pouts.

I’d love to be a talking kitty – especially if you ever need an English accent for it.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

titianblue, it’s a rough summary of his post.

me and not you
me and not you
10 years ago

So I just realized that I read your posts in my voice, and the kitty voice (presumably your real voice) really threw me for a loop. This is going to change *everything* about how I read your writing.

10 years ago

I have a pug that sometimes thinks it’s a kitty.

I think he would appreciate being in your videos if he knew what a video was.

me and not you
me and not you
10 years ago

Bad impersonations are even better, but that might just be me. I am 100% in favor of this idea.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

magnesium, your pug is adorable!

10 years ago

Hey there. Found this linked on reddit, and was curious, so I came here to confirm it was you and not an impersonator.

I just wanted to say that from a production standpoint, I find the cat animation funny and clever (even the scrolling eyes that look like it’s reading from a script, silly and entertaining and dare I say…cute). And I know the format–very short, cat animation videos–will resonate with your readership/audience so I have to say, well done. I’m not being sarcastic, either. Just giving credit where it’s due–it’s going to be a very effective format, all things considered.

That said, now that I’m here, I’ve noticed that your “boob roll” is right next to the comment box, and while scrolling for interesting websites, I didn’t see my blog or channel in there. If I rate a mention among the handful of channels you named in your video, I would think I at least rate a place in your extensive sidebar hall of shame, no? Please rectify this oversight, ASAP.

Oh, one more thing: since the video has been linked to reddit, I imagine it will be receiving some downvotes. Please know that I am not one of them–I almost never downvote anything, and never a video as…well, clever as this one.


10 years ago

Oh my gosh David, you’d be perfect to voice a documentary or narrate a movie.
I’m sorry David I know I asked you like a few times but you did get my emails?

10 years ago

good luck david! 😀

Sorry I can’t be much help, I usually only skim the quotes you post from them, I can never stand to actually listen to them.

10 years ago

Like I said, I hate watching their stupid fucking videos.

I know that feel bro.

10 years ago

Offering some furry alternatives to kitties, if needed. (Rabbits are quite similar in demeanor to kitties, I’ve found).

10 years ago

There is something slightly disturbing about that talking cat, haha. It will be interesting to watch the backlash; people are such dicks on youtube. You’re a brave man.

LBT (with writeathon poll!)

Sorry, I will be absolutely NO help for this. I HATE having to learn stuff through video or audio; I process text way faster and easier. Also, I like having the distance between me and them. No way could I watch the hour-long messes that get posted so much in Youtube; I couldn’t even do it with trans videos that I actually WANTED to watch.

10 years ago

If you’d like, you’re welcome to use My girl Ella or my boy Miles.

Here’s one of dog misandry.

I would be willing to listen to videos, depending on length, but wouldn’t know where to begin. Do you just want people keeping an eye and ear on YouTube?

10 years ago

*wanders off in search of more witchy kitty photos*

10 years ago

I cannot stand to watch videos, but I’m still willing to record some quotes!

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
10 years ago

Oh, one more thing: since the video has been linked to reddit, I imagine it will be receiving some downvotes.


10 years ago

Girlwriteswhat, llamas and gentlemice, in a fine display of desperation.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

I wonder if she noticed “girls who write WTF”.

One thing I agree with her on (the only thing ever) is that the video is clever and the eye movements were very effective.

10 years ago

This sounds fun and entertaining. Great idea David.

10 years ago

I hope you find someone to do that listening/reading because I get the same ready to throw up reaction when I run across any of those f*cktards.

I know in advance whenever I read their posts, watch their videos or even read their Tweets I’m going to find something laughably stupid in what they say or how they say it. Only thing is I am not laughing because I know a goodly number of times their intent is to screw someone over in whatever way they can to ameliorate whatever situation they find themselves in.

That’s why I come here.

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