You all got the memo about #EndFathersDay fiasco, right – the phony “feminist” hashtag, seeded and spread by 4chan trolls, that aroused so much consternation on Twitter the other day, and that took in so many who’re already given to thinking the worst about feminism?
It would be nice if we could just dismiss this whole thing as trolls being trolls – no harm, no foul. But there’s a bit more to it than that.
For one thing, the troll campaign worked. At least on some people: While feminist writers quickly rushed in to point out that the whole thing was an antifeminist hoax, more than a few in the right-wing media were taken in utterly.
On the National Review Online, Molly Wharton warned that “Twitter anti-fatherists” were taking aim at a holiday that they said “glorifies rape, patriarchy, and child abuse.” The Washington Examiner railed against #EndFathersDay as “the latest ridiculous hashtag from the feminist outrage machine.”
On Fox News’ Fox & Friends, antifeminist author and “Princeton Mom” Susan Patton went further:
They’re not just interested in ending Father’s Day, they’re interested in ending men. …That’s really what they want.
A similar warning came from the self-proclaimed leader of the self-proclaimed Men’s Human Rights Movement:
The Daily Caller tried to play it a bit cooler, acknowledging that the phony campaign had started with 4chan but contending that “feminists quickly picked it up and ran with it.”
The evidence? The alarmists cited tweets like this one, from “Phoebe Kwon” a self-proclaimed “Lesbian, Korean American, Feminist” from “San Fransico.” [sic]
Kwon was also responsible for this charmingly subtle Tweet – I’m not sure how the right-wingers missed this one.
Had any of these commentators looked closely at the “outrageous” tweets cited as evidence of this feminist anti-fatherite uprising they might have figured out that something was up: They all seemed to come from a tiny handful of Twitter accounts, most with only a few followers, many of them festooned with elaborate Social Justice Warrioresque self descriptions, like this one, from @CisHate11
Polyamorous Pansexual Otherkin (faerie), Marxist Misandrist. Fucker of the patriarchy. I majored in womyns studies and procrastination
Phoebe Kwon, one of the most-quoted of all the alleged anti-fatherites, not only spelled the name of her alleged home city wrong; as one We Hunted the Mammoth reader pointed out to me, her avatar was actually a stock photo:
And, oh yeah, 4channers – at least those in on the joke – have acknowledged her as one of their own.
As the Daily Dot noted, this was not the first time 4channers had angered the gullible and annoyed real feminists with a fake feminist #hashtag campaign. In January they got some traction with a phony “thinspo” campaign “BikiniBridge,” celebrating what one Tumblr blog called “the graceful space created by a woman’s hip bones suspending bikini bottoms from their abdomens.”
This was followed by the even more ridiculous Operation Freebleeding, which denounced tampons and sanitary pads and all devices used to staunch the flow of menstrual blood as tools of the patriarchy.
So, some trolls trolled some people. Big deal right?
Well, not exactly. Because this isn’t just trolling for the sake of trolling. This is trolling with an agenda.
If you scroll back through “Phoebe Kwon’s” tweets, you’ll see that “her” account originated back in August of 2013, in the midst of a Twitterstorm around the hashtag #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen. While that hashtag was a real one, started and promoted by feminist/womanist women of color to critique white allies (and “allies”), 4channers jumped into the fray with fake Twitter accounts in an attempt to poison the discussion and further divide feminists along racial lines.
“Kwon” and other faux accounts also jumped into the more recent #YesAllWomen hashtag with deliberately and sometimes ridiculously inflammatory tweets.
The trolls behind these campaigns aren’t just trolls out to create chaos, though they are that. They’re also racist, homophobic, transphobic bigots out to fuck over feminism.
Indeed, a few months ago, a writer for Roosh Valizadeh’s Return of Kings blog who goes only by Douglas reported that he’d gotten a mysterious message from someone called “Bavarian,” who told him that 4chan’s antifeminist campaigns were all part of something called “Operation Lollipop,” a “black propaganda” campaign to fracture feminism. Bavarian wrote:
I was told you are interested in my group’s (Codename: Lollipop) ongoing operation against the PoOs (People of Oppression). My group poses as feminists on twitter. We bait other PoOs into agreeing with us as we subtly move them more and more to the extreme. The purpose is to make moderate feminists turned off with the movement, as well as cause infighting within the group. …
We manly pose as women of color and argue with white feminists. We “check their privilege” to the point that they are fed up. For example, if they say “it’s not our time to talk, white ladies, it’s our time to listen,” we say “the last time white women just listened, George Zimmerman walked free.”
The campaign began during Hugo Schwyzer’s public meltdown, which Bavarian described as filtered through his own racist lens:
This group started when the hashtag #solidarityisforwhitewomen started trending. It referred to an incident where the feminist Hugo Schwartz [sic] had a mental breakdown and revealed on twitter that feminism was a fraud. He further revealed that WoC were incompetent and only got in the way of the movement. Some white women offered him sympathy and told him to get help. The WoC got angry and started the hashtag.
Bavarian pointed him to a page documenting the phony tweets, many of which come from the same accounts that posted the most outrageous #EndFathersDay tweets. (The site he linked to is now down, but this blog, still available through the Wayback Machine, appears to be some sort of mirror.)
Douglas, for his part, was delighted by the deviousness of it all.
I can only imagine the chaos such an operation would wreak upon the feminists. I look forward to seeing how it all works out. Maybe it will cause the level of mistrust to skyrocket to levels that would hinder the feminist machine. Maybe it will give me more things to laugh at on the internet. All I know is this concept is quite dastardly and funny.
It’s all a bit ridiculously cloak and dagger, but I don’t think we can dismiss it as a joke. The people behind it are trolls, sure, but they are also nasty bigots obsessed with fucking up feminism and “progressives” in general. And people still get fooled by these campaigns.
Now that we know what they’re up to, the trolls may find it harder to fool quite so many people in the future. They may keep trying, to lesser and lesser effect. Or they might come up with something a bit more sophisticated. I guess we’ll see.
EDITED TO ADD: Check out the Twitter hashtag #YourSlipIsShowing, devoted to exposing these fake accounts; so far they’ve IDed 200 or so. This Storify is useful, too.
Seriously. The right wing isn’t just on Twitter. They’re suing to keep gay marriages from happening. They’re passing TRAP laws that prevent women from getting reproductive care. They’re making sure the rich get richer while everyone else gets poorer.
To act like feminism is somehow separable from the rest of politics is just nonsensical.
Really? A political party whose platform is built on denying the basic humanity of women, POC and LGBT et al, and it’s ‘snarky’ feminists that need to ‘calm down’?
Yeah, when the man who said he was going to marry me suddenly bailed out of my life with no explanation, pardon me for being a mite annoyed at the idea I’m “crushing men” because I’m not married to one. Good God.
I would certainly “get bent out of shape” because most people will take this hoax(either willfully or out of ignorance) as true. It’s already being reported as true by reactionaries and right wingers. Ignoring this kind of shit just lets it fester and get bigger. You have to nip it at the bud at the moment it comes out of the ground.
@grumpycat is a girl
I always love (read: hate) that kind of mentality because it usually comes from the same people that get angry about men having to pay child support, deny the wage gap and shit on single mothers
But when they are, they have no problem letting us know what they REALLY think!
Which is a fucking problem. Are you new here?
Over thinking it. You need to get out of the internet bunker and get some fresh air. EVERYONE got trolled in this affair and quite successfully. Your attempt to try and paint 4chan as some black ops unit of MRAs is just patently ridiculous and a bit tin foily. I thought you were smarter than this
I know, right? I should be much nicer to the people who deny that I have personal ambitions and bodily autonomy. I’m sure that Tucker Carlson and his talking head ilk totally don’t want to extrapolate that “women should just get married already” line of thought into “women just get married, so why do they need an education?” Or “women just get married, so why do they need birth control?” I mean, those were the kinds of arguments my mom heard back in 1965. They went away because people were polite and retired and sat with their eyes downcast murmuring about good intentions. Taking garbage and ignoring bad ideas is the cornerstone of any successful movement for societal change!
I’m so glad someone reminded me to be polite. I could have blown it there.
Oh, the ebil femminitss are being meeeeeaaaan! Stop with the tone trolling, seriously.
Laying aside all the other problems with this comment: Are you seriously arguing that this is a good thing? Why shouldn’t women have legal rights except by being bound to a man? By what right do men deny women of these benefits and rights that come to men naturally? Feminism has always fought against the injustice of women not being equal to men in society, and you seem to be arguing that this injustice and inequality is good and natural? What the fudge?
And women are our wifes, mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, employers and employees, customers, librarians, guitar players, etc. What’s your point?
There are problems with letting people run unchecked bullshit points about good things that are misunderstood by the conservative media. People here have already pointed them out. Here’s one of my favorite points, by emilygoddess:
Allowing falsehoods to be flung at your views without pointing out that they are, in fact, falsehoods will only fly if the general public already doesn’t have a largely false picture of your views. Feminists don’t usually retort to this, since their views stand on their own merits, and they don’t need to pull bullshit over people’s eyes. And usually, it takes feminists and liberals to point out the silliness of the accusations whose validity MRAs and conservatives do not care to check.
MRAs and other reactionaries are all too happy to tell lies, since to them, it’s all a big game. They don’t care about human rights, they care about scoring points against what they view as the opposition. The human rights movement of the century, people.
Well, there’s that old saying about even a stopped clock being right twice a day. So I’d give him the benefit of a doubt and say that maybe even Tucker Carlson can be technically correct every now and then. Granted, those times are limited to when he says stuff like “The chicken at this restaurant is really good” or “It’s windy outside.”
Marriage gives economic benefits to both spouses of hetero and gay couples. I’ve been in quite a few relationships where I was the biggest earner. But beside reducing it to a paycheck, even a mother who stays at home to care for the children can contribute enormously to the home economy. How much work does she do that probably would be farmed out if she was not there? Independently of my salary, I pretty much always had a big vegetable garden and with the canning and all, how much do you think we were saving? Unpaid does not mean worthless. Being now single and having less time, there are a lot of work that I pay women to have done. I also pay guys too, including the landscaper who employs both gals and guys to cut my lawn.
From Amanda Marcotte on Slate:
Um, yeah, no; when a national news channel, that purports to be “fair and balanced” (yeah, right), gets taken in by a hoax that is easily revealed as such by some basic research, because they automatically believe the worst of feminists, then that is indeed a problem.
And when a group like the 4-chan trolls who started this hoax brag about it and outright state that they’re doing it to smear feminism? And newspapers just pick that up and run with it without checking into it? And people believe it? Yes, those are all problems that need to be exposed.
banshee, I’m not quite sure why you’re chiding people here for “snarky political comments” when we aren’t the ones spreading lies or swallowing them hook, line and sinker.
I wonder what Carlson thinks is the reason that there are more men in poverty in the US now than ever in his lifetime? Is that caused by not marrying enough women? I’m gonna say…no.
@banshee Ya sure. If we were really trying to convert the truly extreme that might be a consideration. Really though the goal is to point out the dumb to the silent audience and make gains so that people who choose to prove their ignorance with their freedom of speech suffer the consequences when others use their freedom of association to cut ties.
Also apparently nothing is ever about race.
Apparently feminists are now trying to distance themselves from their own ideology by blaming it on the patriarchy.
Crushed Men is my favorite upholstery color. It sets off the cats so nicely.
Tucker Carlson couldn’t find his own ass if he were naked in a hall of mirrors.
I’m not single and 30 because I hate men and want to crush them. Sure, I coulda married the first asker, but given the fact that he was jobless and he tried to rape me, I would hope that even Tucker Carlson would agree that that was not a beneficial proposal.
I mean, c’mon trolls. Even if you agree that marriage is a good thing, how on earth does it then follow that marriage is happening less often because feminists want to CRUSH MEN?
I don’t want to crush men. I want to find a guy who I love and who simultaneously loves me back and thinks that arrangement will last for a pretty long time. That hasn’t happened yet. I suppose you could argue that I should have stuck with the first asker, or not had sex before marriage, or whatever, but you can’t argue that I am not married because I want to CRUSH MEN.
(Not that I think any of those arguments have any merit, but at least they have some sort of logic behind them, no matter how faulty their premises. The idea that CRUSHING MEN is what feminists want is a ridiculous lie/fantasy.)
But the only reason the pranksters are able to do this sort of thing is because the feminist presence has a real track record of mob behavior and saying shit similar to this anyway. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. The feminist presence on twitter has engaged in such hysterical and overheated rhetoric (KillAllMen, etc) that something like EndFathersDay is plausible.
@ woody
I think you’re getting feminism and Game of Thrones promotions mixed up.
@Woody: Contrary to what you seem to believe, repeating a falsehood over and over again does not magically make it true. You’re tedious and you never have anything new to add to a conversation. Go away.
Plus it’s fairly well known that middle and upper class people are more likely to marry than poor people. Weddings cost money even at their cheapest. They require time and planning. If the marriage doesn’t work out the divorce costs money too. Is it any wonder that a couple who is short on time and money might decide marriage isn’t worth it?
Contrary to what Tucker Carlson and his right wing buddies claim marriage isn’t some magic spell that lifts you out of poverty. Correlation isn’t causation.
I suspect most right wing pundits know this. Making poverty into a social ill that can be blamed on the actions of the poor suits their agenda. They can distract the public from their favored economic policies which enrich the 1% at the expense of everyone else.
Don’t blame poverty on budget cuts, tax cuts for the rich, low minimum wages and labor killing trade policies. Blame it on those stupid poors not getting married!
Citation needed Woody.