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#EndFathersDay: Trolls being trolls, or "black propaganda" designed to tear apart feminism?

Not actual feminist
Not actual feminist

You all got the memo about #EndFathersDay fiasco, right – the phony “feminist” hashtag, seeded and spread by 4chan trolls, that aroused so much consternation on Twitter the other day, and that took in so many who’re already given to thinking the worst about feminism?

It would be nice if we could just dismiss this whole thing as trolls being trolls – no harm, no foul. But there’s a bit more to it than that.

For one thing, the troll campaign worked. At least on some people: While feminist writers quickly rushed in to point out that the whole thing was an antifeminist hoax, more than a few in the right-wing media were taken in utterly.

On the National Review Online, Molly Wharton warned that “Twitter anti-fatherists” were taking aim at a holiday that they said “glorifies rape, patriarchy, and child abuse.” The Washington Examiner railed against #EndFathersDay as “the latest ridiculous hashtag from the feminist outrage machine.”

On Fox News’ Fox & Friends, antifeminist author and “Princeton Mom” Susan Patton went further:

They’re not just interested in ending Father’s Day, they’re interested in ending men. …That’s really what they want.

A similar warning came from the self-proclaimed leader of the self-proclaimed Men’s Human Rights Movement:

The Daily Caller tried to play it a bit cooler, acknowledging that the phony campaign had started with 4chan but contending that “feminists quickly picked it up and ran with it.”

The evidence? The alarmists cited tweets like this one, from “Phoebe Kwon” a self-proclaimed “Lesbian, Korean American, Feminist” from “San Fransico.” [sic]

Kwon was also responsible for this charmingly subtle Tweet – I’m not sure how the right-wingers missed this one.

Had any of these commentators looked closely at the “outrageous” tweets cited as evidence of this feminist anti-fatherite uprising they might have figured out that something was up: They all seemed to come from a tiny handful of Twitter accounts, most with only a few followers, many of them festooned with elaborate Social Justice Warrioresque self descriptions, like this one, from @CisHate11

Polyamorous Pansexual Otherkin (faerie), Marxist Misandrist. Fucker of the patriarchy. I majored in womyns studies and procrastination

Phoebe Kwon, one of the most-quoted of all the alleged anti-fatherites, not only spelled the name of her alleged home city wrong; as one We Hunted the Mammoth reader pointed out to me, her avatar was actually a stock photo:

Phoebe Kwon, feminist Tweeter
Phoebe Kwon, feminist Tweeter
Phoebe Kwon, stock photo model
Phoebe Kwon, stock photo model

And, oh yeah, 4channers – at least those in on the joke – have acknowledged her as one of their own.

As the Daily Dot noted, this was not the first time 4channers had angered the gullible and annoyed real feminists with a fake feminist #hashtag campaign. In January they got some traction with a phony “thinspo” campaign “BikiniBridge,” celebrating what one Tumblr blog called “the graceful space created by a woman’s hip bones suspending bikini bottoms from their abdomens.”

This was followed by the even more ridiculous Operation Freebleeding, which denounced tampons and sanitary pads and all devices used to staunch the flow of menstrual blood as tools of the patriarchy.

So, some trolls trolled some people. Big deal right?

Well, not exactly. Because this isn’t just trolling for the sake of trolling. This is trolling with an agenda.

If you scroll back through “Phoebe Kwon’s” tweets, you’ll see that “her” account originated back in August of 2013, in the midst of a Twitterstorm around the hashtag #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen. While that hashtag was a real one, started and promoted by feminist/womanist women of color to critique white allies (and “allies”), 4channers jumped into the fray with fake Twitter accounts in an attempt to poison the discussion and further divide feminists along racial lines.

“Kwon” and other faux accounts also jumped into the more recent #YesAllWomen hashtag with deliberately and sometimes ridiculously inflammatory tweets.

The trolls behind these campaigns aren’t just trolls out to create chaos, though they are that. They’re also racist, homophobic, transphobic bigots out to fuck over feminism.

Indeed, a few months ago, a writer for Roosh Valizadeh’s Return of Kings blog who goes only by Douglas reported that he’d gotten a mysterious message from someone called “Bavarian,” who told him that 4chan’s antifeminist campaigns were all part of something called “Operation Lollipop,” a “black propaganda” campaign to fracture feminism. Bavarian wrote:

I was told you are interested in my group’s (Codename: Lollipop) ongoing operation against the PoOs (People of Oppression). My group poses as feminists on twitter. We bait other PoOs into agreeing with us as we subtly move them more and more to the extreme. The purpose is to make moderate feminists turned off with the movement, as well as cause infighting within the group. …

We manly pose as women of color and argue with white feminists. We “check their privilege” to the point that they are fed up. For example, if they say “it’s not our time to talk, white ladies, it’s our time to listen,” we say “the last time white women just listened, George Zimmerman walked free.”

The campaign began during Hugo Schwyzer’s public meltdown, which Bavarian described as filtered through his own racist lens:

This group started when the hashtag #solidarityisforwhitewomen started trending. It referred to an incident where the feminist Hugo Schwartz [sic] had a mental breakdown and revealed on twitter that feminism was a fraud. He further revealed that WoC were incompetent and only got in the way of the movement. Some white women offered him sympathy and told him to get help. The WoC got angry and started the hashtag.

Bavarian pointed him to a page documenting the phony tweets, many of which come from the same accounts that posted the most outrageous #EndFathersDay tweets. (The site he linked to is now down, but this blog, still available through the Wayback Machine, appears to be some sort of mirror.)

Douglas, for his part, was delighted by the deviousness of it all.

I can only imagine the chaos such an operation would wreak upon the feminists. I look forward to seeing how it all works out. Maybe it will cause the level of mistrust to skyrocket to levels that would hinder the feminist machine. Maybe it will give me more things to laugh at on the internet. All I know is this concept is quite dastardly and funny.

It’s all a bit ridiculously cloak and dagger, but I don’t think we can dismiss it as a joke. The people behind it are trolls, sure, but they are also nasty bigots obsessed with fucking up feminism and “progressives” in general. And people still get fooled by these campaigns.

Now that we know what they’re up to, the trolls may find it harder to fool quite so many people in the future. They may keep trying, to lesser and lesser effect. Or they might come up with something a bit more sophisticated. I guess we’ll see.

EDITED TO ADD:  Check out the Twitter hashtag #YourSlipIsShowing, devoted to exposing these fake accounts; so far they’ve IDed 200 or so. This Storify is useful, too.

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10 years ago

Wow. It’s like arguing with strawfeminists, turned up to 11. What a bunch of douchecanoes. They can’t argue with equality, and they’re getting sick of people not falling for their distortions of feminist positions, so they’re actually trying to distort the positions of actual feminists? WTF? Talk about losing the game so badly you have to change the rules.

Again, I get so mad at this bullshit. It’s just a fucking game to them. Rape, LOL. Domestic violence, LOL. Human trafficking, LOL. Child soldiers, LOL. Child brides, LOL.

Never mind the real people who get hurt and who feminists and their allies are trying to stand up for – the important thing is some asshole trolls won some TrollPointz on the intarwebz!

Fuckers. Hope they grow up and realise just how narrow-minded, mean-spirited and callous they’re being one day.

10 years ago

I don’t think they’re capable of anything more sophisticated; this pales in comparison to shit the US government has been doing to the left for forever. Still, it’s good to know they’re trying and to spread that knowledge around.

10 years ago

The hashtag #yourslipisshowing is calling out the fake accounts. Some funny interactions, in a bleak way. (so much racism)

And then there’s the twitter acct using the name yesallwomen to sell tshirts. Stealing tweets.

10 years ago

Also shows a fundamental misunderstanding of feminism-as-monolith if they don’t think feminists already argue with each other about the relative value of different oppressive structures.

10 years ago

Oh please, let them start making fake feminist memes to tweet from their fake accounts!

10 years ago

A much smaller incident David didn’t mention was C+= or C+= equality. It was a much smaller incident, but it was just another 4chan hoax that was triggered because a woman had the gal to talk about considering a feminist coding language. Like usual it was able to trick the kind of people who would believe you if you said a feminist kicked you in the groin for holding the door for her (which was unfortunately way too many).

This kind of thing just pisses me off. Like i can’t find absolutely nothing humorous in this. It’s just sheer misogyny and the fact that people are bigoted enough to not see through it is just infuriating.

10 years ago

@JoJo: What is a feminist programming language? I am really curious about this. I mean, I might not be thinking super deep about this, but I am not sure how languages like Java, Python, C#, C++, or Ruby promote patriarchy or oppression…

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
10 years ago

There’s a longstanding (unfulfilled) WHTM challenge to find a moderate MRAs. A less difficult, but still unfulfilled, challenge could be to find an anti-feminist who actually understands feminism.

Given that they don’t understand feminism, I don’t think they could fool anyone who didn’t also fail to understand feminism. (Or, at least, they’d be immediately called out on their shitheadedness by the real feminists I know.)

I’m not a huge fan of twitter. As we see here, it tends toward sound bites rather than nuance, there’s lemming crowd behavior, and not a lot of fact checking. It’s also not a representative sample of real public opinion. Maybe I’m being unfair, but it seems uniquely suited to this sort of manipulation.

A Wolverine
A Wolverine
10 years ago

i’m unsure if it really is cause for concern, the anti-feminists on 4chan are possibly even less informed than the average MRA
/pol/, the board most likely responsible for all this is considered a cesspit by other 4chan users and is crawling with tinfoil hat types with terminal dunning-kreuger syndrome

10 years ago

Every time I’ve seen a comment (especially on reddit) mysteriously reading like the MRA feminist fantasy, it turned out to be bullshit (i.e. the ‘feminist’ has a long history of pro-MRA comments). What’s amazing is that I don’t remember seeing any MRA using a bit of skepticism and put in the 10 seconds it takes to check. They just pile against the evil Dworkin loving, chivalry worshiping spermjacker.

What’s less amusing is that professional journalists sometimes don’t check either. And given the names of the publications, I won’t be holding my breath for a correction.

10 years ago

It’s like they enjoying fighting the invisible enemy they have made up in their minds instead of coming up with legitimate debates that require some thought. MRA’s must be the most immature dunder headed dimwitted dingbats on the face of the earth.

10 years ago


Its mostly from what i’m seeing a thought experiment, but since it has the word feminist in it, it is enough to be able to incite shit

10 years ago

This BS is why it’s important for feminists to be open about being a feminist in meat space. It’s easy to assume straw feminists are real when no one you know identifies as one. I doubt any of the men I’ve known would describe me as a terrifying man hater.

I can’t believe how gullible people are. These must be the same people who think reality shows are real.

This hashtag is really insulting for those of us feminists who have loving relationships with our fathers. I think my dad would be to surprised to find out I must hate him because I’m a feminist.

To be clear, I don’t expect feminists with abusive and/or neglectful fathers to get the warm fuzzies on father’s day. It’s just stupid to imagine that none of us have fathers that we love. Fuck them for assuming that I hate my dad when I don’t.

10 years ago

The list of “news” organizations that denounced the obvious trolling is not too surprising. The Washington Examiner, National Review Online and Fox & Friends are a veritable murderers’ row of conservative trash bin non-journalism.

Michelle Malkin’s nightmarish Twitter commentary site Twitchy probably ate this crap up with a giant spoon but I don’t have the stomach to check.

10 years ago

Wow. All the projection.

All the claims of false flag bullshit I see from the right, and they fall hook, line, and sinker for a real false flag campaign.

Every time I see a right-wing person accuse the Left of something, I should probably assume they fear it because they are doing it themselves.

10 years ago

Fuck them for assuming that I hate my dad when I don’t.

Yeah, I’m a feminist, and my dad is my hero.

(I know i’m very very lucky for that.)

10 years ago

@opium4themasses: that seems to be how they see ALL arguments. They seem to think calling someone “racist” or “sexist” is meant to be a gotcha to shut someone up, which is why they’ll happily come out with the word themselves the moment they come under attack for an unrelated topic (e.g. saying Sarah Palin was a victim of misogyny for being slurred as a bimbo is legit; saying she’s a victim of misogyny because she got criticism of her policies which were FUCKING TERRIBLE is stupid and detracts from honest-to-Dog sexism, but this is what I saw a lot of GOP mouthpieces doing when she was on the VP ticket).

When everything is just a game of Us vs Them, it’s easier to just reduce any charge of prejudice to a set play, and use it to your advantage, rather than actually making sure it’s appropriate to whether or not prejudice is actually involved.

10 years ago

All I can say is that I am profoundly grateful that so many of these guys cannot get women to sleep with them. Keeps them from breeding.

Feh and a pox upon them all.

10 years ago

If it causes online feminists to be more wary about extreme comments from other feminists, maybe that’s not such a bad thing. Not that that is an issue specifically with feminism, more with the echo chamber nature of the internet. It doesn’t make for the highest level of discourse though.

10 years ago

::snort:: I could be a right-wing, ultra-traditional type and I’d still despise my father, because of all the despicable things he’s done. Feminism’s got fuck-all to do with it.

But if it makes these jackasses feel better, I have no time for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. Too flaming commercial.

10 years ago

Did you miss the part about this rhetoric not actually coming from feminists. Feminists don’t need a lesson on how not to be so extreme because for the most part they aren’t.

10 years ago

If it causes online feminists to be more wary about extreme comments from other feminists, maybe that’s not such a bad thing.

I like that you are insinuating that feminists have no problem with fucked up rhetoric unless it’s brought to the attention of the internet. Classy.

10 years ago

Self parody, David. Self parody.

10 years ago

I know a guy who took to Facebook to tell his feminist friends to chill out, hug their dads, and resume fighting the patriarchy tomorrow. Completely unsolicited because no one was posting anything like this on Facebook. He kept claiming that feminists (including us, his feminist friends) were going around and telling people how to raise their kids. Wtf no. People piled in to reason with him, but he kept progressively making less and less sense.

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