Sometimes I wonder if we’re being unfair to Men’s Rights Activists by allowing them to handle their own publicity. I mean, it’s pretty clear that they’re terrible at it. Worse than terrible, really. Terribler. Possibly the terriblest.
I mean, just this week we saw the official social media director of A Voice for Men’s conference in Detroit announcing the conference’s new venue with this:
Bloomfield now claims this was her attempt to “troll” people like you and me by tweeting what I guess she’s now saying is a thoroughly awful fake quote which for some reason she has decided to attribute to a real person. This makes so little sense by normal human standards that I find this explanation a little hard to believe — but I guess I’m just getting trolled by my own skepticism? Oh, Judgy Bitch, you got me!
Whoops! I guess I got trolled a third time!
And … oh, for a second there I thought I was going to be trolled again, but I stood firm. For now.
Anyway, all this is just a long intro for some Actual Authentic I Didn’t Make These Up Honest to Goodness Men’s Rights Memes that I discovered on the blog of someone named Francis Roy, an MRA, an AVFM fan, and a bit of a meme enthusiast. The somewhat baffling meme at the top of this post? One of his best.
Which is to say, his memes basically suck, even by meme standards.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, these are all overvalued by at least 997 words. You can find them all in the meme section of his blog, though, be warned, he also posts a lot of graphic and disturbing pictures of dead soldiers and circumcised babies and other horrible things. (Note to MRAs: a lot of feminists, like me, are also troubled by and/or opposed to circumcision. Instead of derailing every discussion of female genital mutilation and alienating potential allies, you might try taking your message to the public at large?)
Anyway, let’s get to the memes. Note: A couple are mildly NSFW.
Here we learn that divorced mothers who have custody of the children are really just keeping them in order to enjoy all that sweet-ass child support cash!
Note: custodial parents who’ve been awarded child support actually receive, on average, about $300 per month. You can almost buy an XboxOne for that! Or, you know, you can try to feed and clothe and care for a child. And pay for child care, and babysitters, and doctor’s visits, and toys, and, you know, shelter. Huh. $300 actually doesn’t sound like that much.
Frankly as a money-making proposition, “stealing me for daddy’s money” seems like kind of a bust.
But let’s just move on to this fine meme, which as far as I can figure it is some sort of attack on underwear models:
Really? Hath not an underwear model eyes? Hath not an underwear model hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? If you prick an underwear model, do they not bleed? Does blood not run down their smooth, tight abs?
Pretty sure it does. Seriously. Underwear models need to eat, too! Well, maybe not as much as I do, but come on! Stop the hate!
Oh, did I mention that Mr. Roy apparently considers himself a Man Going His Own Way?
Yeah, let’s just move on.
Lol wut
Oh, come on!
I’m not even a Christian, but, seriously?
I’m going to post two quotes here. One will be from Jesus. The other from a rather well-known Man Going His Own Way. See if you can tell the difference.
Here’s the first quote. See if you can tell if this is Jesus, or MGTOW elder Christopher in Oregon.
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Here’s the other quote:
I’m going to be blunt. Have you ever smelled a vagina? Seriously. I mean in it’s natural, unwashed state? Really stuck your nose right down there and taken a deep breath?
My G-d. The stench could have knocked a buzzard off a shit wagon at fifty paces. To this day I swear there was a cloud of flies buzzing around that portal of doom. Sometimes when riding my Harley-Beasties around the rural roads here in Oregon, I encounter dead skunks. Road kill. We have a lot of them here, and when they’ve been baking in the summer sun, you can smell them a long way off even at sixty miles per hour.
Vaginas tend to be even nastier.
SPOILER ALERT: The first quote was the one from Jesus.
Let’s see what else Mr. Roy has got.
Wait, is that one of Mr. Roy’s memes, or did I just accidentally post a pic from my extensive collection of FemDom porn?
By which I mean, yes that was one of his memes and forget what I said about that other stuff.
Ok, one more.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to spring that on you. Hopefully you weren’t eating.
But in the unlikely event that you would like to print out your own high-quality color poster of a glowering Paul Elam to hang over your bed, or wherever you hang such pictures, I’ve got some good news for you! Mr. Roy has helpfully provided a downloadable pdf version!
All of the above graphics are by Francis Roy and under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
“Valid in theory” in your pea brain doesn’t cut it.
“I’ve got nothing to prove to anyone here, Woody. You, otoh…”
All I have to “prove” are my points. Just like you.
“Yeah, well, if I shat unicorns, then I would be JESUS! You ever think of that? Huh? CheckMATE, Woody!”
Are you really not capable of following the logic here?
I have a theory, auggziliary, that Woody is about as smart as the plank he is named for.
It’s totally valid in theory too!
Also I’m Jesus.
I have a theory that the neighbor’s weiner dog is the reincarnation of Napoleon. Evidence? Well, he’s small, foul-tempered, and keeps trying to invade neighboring territories.
Hey, it’s a valid theory.
No LBT you aren’t Jesus. You have a hubby and Jesus was a MGTOW. Get it right!
The fact that the “apex fallacy” solely exists in the Manosphere is a big clue about it’s non-existence. It’s a weak socio-political argument with the word “fallacy” slapped on it. What other logical fallacy does it even resemble? Is it supposed to be a fallacy of relevance?
MGTOWs can have partners if they want to! Eeesh! Just because I’m going my own way doesn’t mean my own way doesn’t coincide with the insides of my hubby’s pants!
MGTOW seems to mean doing exactly what every other guy is doing, but constantly whinging about how you don’t need women or their approval while you do it.
Then I’m obviously the ultimate MGTOW because I’m gay.
So MGTOWs only eat macadamia nuts? And this Francis Roy thinks he’s like Jesus? Because when you think of Jesus, “frothing hate-filled misogynist” is the first thing that pops in your head.
So, wait, you’re coming on this thread to say this? The one with a tweet from prominent MRA Janet Bloomfield using a gendered slur AND falsely attributing this quote to a real person who didn’t say it? The one where the MGTOW apparently thinks he’s just like Jesus, and that providing child support is robbery? These are your “supporters of human rights?”
No, there’s no such thing as the “apex fallacy.” Yes, we understand exactly what the “apex fallacy” is. No, that first poster did not clearly illustrate the “apex fallacy.” I first took it to mean that men had as many privileges as there are stars in the sky. Nobody, anywhere, accepts the “apex fallacy.” The only ones who believe its an actual thing are MRAs.
Huh. “The only one who believe its an actual thing are MRAs.” That could be said about a lot of horrible ideas, actually.
@woody — so far, the only thing i’m bringing to the ‘debate’ (and i am using this term loosely) is poodles, lots and lots of standard poodles.
by my tally, i’m way ahead in debate points over you and mikey. poodles rock!
Is anyone going to make some purple poodle artwork? I would but I’m no good at art.
no need to reinvent the wheel 🙂
obviously we need purple poodles to prance beside us while riding our high menstrual horses. like, duh :/
Priceless: Poodles in the Iditarod. The 80s were very misandric near the Arctic Circle: ”Alaska, where women win the Iditarod and men mush Poodles,”
oh that is delightful, isabelle! i have seen footage of him with the poodles at the idatarod, but never this interview. made my heart happy 😀 they are incredible animals.
i have focused on videos of them as service animals because my mother was director of nurses for some of the largest free-standing rehab hospitals in california and i have done a fair amount of volunteer work before i became disabled. there was a steady stream of service dogs in the hospitals at any given time. there was nothing my mom found more satisfying than discharging a quad or para patient out into the world with their service dogs and seeing more and more standard poodles doing the job. they excel at almost any task put to them and obviously, i love them.
so, back to this serious ‘debate’ with mikey and woody. we win, with oodles of poodles, so there!
“Which is my problem with this meme; if the meme can be easily interpreted in more than 3 different ways, it’s a failure as a meme.”
Well…in skillful enough hands, that a meme can be interpreted in a bunch of different ways makes it more serviceable, not less; if nothing else, it adds to the deniability factor. But this meme wasn’t composed by skillful hands; I expect we’re agreed about that.
The problem is probably that the guy who put it together thought its meaning was self-evident — “hypergamy!!” (cue light bulb) — and that anyone exposed to it would come to that conclusion, since Isn’t It Obvious. Alas, not necessarily. Different histories propagate different realities (and different responses). That’s where the meme goes wrong.
“David, I am not seeing many mra trolls on
here</del this thread, I think they're too busy on the other ones."FTFY
"i am rather seeing a lot of aficionados of your blog trolling and writing useless, extremely juvenile stuff like there was no tomorrow."
Apparently talking about animals and attractive men is extremely juvenile. Here I would've thought that (mostly) women discussing things traditionally associated with women, without being insulted, was very feminist. But apparently being a regular around here makes me a troll?
"i am also seeing someone like you, with your profile, trying to clearly put mra, and avfm, in the same place with PUAs??! Are you serious? This is extremely irresponsible."
You heard it here folks, discussing various strains of misogyny together is extremely irresponsible. Guess we can't discuss the similarities between the KKK and people terrified of Muslims in the same space either, different strains of racism and all that.
"this is the kind of stuff that then goes on to generate hatred and trolls."
Yep, misogynists tend to hate being called on their shit. Too bad for them.
"PUAs are just one huge freak of nature and a bad sad joke, one of the many examples of hatred in disguise operating at large in this fucked up world, just like there are opposite examples of hatred coming from women towards men. so what?!"
Well, last I checked, women at large weren't discussing how to isolate women and up your n-count via tactics preventing them from saying no. Aka, women don't, by and large, support rape.
Maybe you can't tell the difference between a hateful person and a hate filled movement?
"everybody knows that, and they deserve to be left to their own sad state."
Wait, PUAs, and their rapey tactics, deserve, DESERVE, to be left alone? Because plenty of people are hateful? So every ill in history that had a lessor version occurring in society at large should've been left alone?
"But how would you react if a supporter of human rights labelled together the good causes of feminism with a nasty, pathetic, vile female men balls severing -hater, in a place as recognised and “official” as your blog?"
This is an official feminist blog? Wtf does that even mean? And yes, AVfM, and plenty of others, do lump all feminists with the one woman who cheered for Bobbit. Responses range from "that again?" to "how many times do we have to tell you that most feminists don't support that?" Feel free to find a well known PUA whose tactics are totally kosher.
"It’s high time to stop this irresponsible, dangerous attitude. This is brewing and fostering hatred."
Again, calling misogynists misogynists makes them hate us? Well, good. Maybe, just maybe, they'll see the light of day and realize why we call them that and that they should knock it off. Nobody here is trying to make friends with people who think women are objects to be used for their pleasure, or worse.
Female sounding nym, PUA supporter. Anyone else thinking sock?
Aw, did I miss a conversation about hot men? That was the only part of that person’s comment worth noticing.
I don’t remember a hot men conversation in this thread but here, have a Hiddleston
Hmm, this is the problem with the hot men conversation, definitions of “hot men” may differ*. I appreciate the thought, though!
*What what what? Women don’t all want the same things from men? But if that’s the case then how are PUA gurus expected to make a living peddling shitty “seduction” manuals?
I actually started the Hot Dudes thread, on account of Jules being a tedious bore. (Though I caved and also posted some women that my husband assured me were so gorgeous they needed to be posted.) I can’t remember what post it was though…
Does it work as well as bras? Because if we’re not banning people for being boring we may need some other way to get Woody to piss off.
I am glad you enjoyed it. Just love how John Suter makes quite the statement with the cute red ribbon: my dog can run one of the toughest race on earth and is classy.
Guys? Bottom of the last page, from Mr Kitteh to young Stalin.