Sometimes I wonder if we’re being unfair to Men’s Rights Activists by allowing them to handle their own publicity. I mean, it’s pretty clear that they’re terrible at it. Worse than terrible, really. Terribler. Possibly the terriblest.
I mean, just this week we saw the official social media director of A Voice for Men’s conference in Detroit announcing the conference’s new venue with this:
Bloomfield now claims this was her attempt to “troll” people like you and me by tweeting what I guess she’s now saying is a thoroughly awful fake quote which for some reason she has decided to attribute to a real person. This makes so little sense by normal human standards that I find this explanation a little hard to believe — but I guess I’m just getting trolled by my own skepticism? Oh, Judgy Bitch, you got me!
Whoops! I guess I got trolled a third time!
And … oh, for a second there I thought I was going to be trolled again, but I stood firm. For now.
Anyway, all this is just a long intro for some Actual Authentic I Didn’t Make These Up Honest to Goodness Men’s Rights Memes that I discovered on the blog of someone named Francis Roy, an MRA, an AVFM fan, and a bit of a meme enthusiast. The somewhat baffling meme at the top of this post? One of his best.
Which is to say, his memes basically suck, even by meme standards.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, these are all overvalued by at least 997 words. You can find them all in the meme section of his blog, though, be warned, he also posts a lot of graphic and disturbing pictures of dead soldiers and circumcised babies and other horrible things. (Note to MRAs: a lot of feminists, like me, are also troubled by and/or opposed to circumcision. Instead of derailing every discussion of female genital mutilation and alienating potential allies, you might try taking your message to the public at large?)
Anyway, let’s get to the memes. Note: A couple are mildly NSFW.
Here we learn that divorced mothers who have custody of the children are really just keeping them in order to enjoy all that sweet-ass child support cash!
Note: custodial parents who’ve been awarded child support actually receive, on average, about $300 per month. You can almost buy an XboxOne for that! Or, you know, you can try to feed and clothe and care for a child. And pay for child care, and babysitters, and doctor’s visits, and toys, and, you know, shelter. Huh. $300 actually doesn’t sound like that much.
Frankly as a money-making proposition, “stealing me for daddy’s money” seems like kind of a bust.
But let’s just move on to this fine meme, which as far as I can figure it is some sort of attack on underwear models:
Really? Hath not an underwear model eyes? Hath not an underwear model hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? If you prick an underwear model, do they not bleed? Does blood not run down their smooth, tight abs?
Pretty sure it does. Seriously. Underwear models need to eat, too! Well, maybe not as much as I do, but come on! Stop the hate!
Oh, did I mention that Mr. Roy apparently considers himself a Man Going His Own Way?
Yeah, let’s just move on.
Lol wut
Oh, come on!
I’m not even a Christian, but, seriously?
I’m going to post two quotes here. One will be from Jesus. The other from a rather well-known Man Going His Own Way. See if you can tell the difference.
Here’s the first quote. See if you can tell if this is Jesus, or MGTOW elder Christopher in Oregon.
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Here’s the other quote:
I’m going to be blunt. Have you ever smelled a vagina? Seriously. I mean in it’s natural, unwashed state? Really stuck your nose right down there and taken a deep breath?
My G-d. The stench could have knocked a buzzard off a shit wagon at fifty paces. To this day I swear there was a cloud of flies buzzing around that portal of doom. Sometimes when riding my Harley-Beasties around the rural roads here in Oregon, I encounter dead skunks. Road kill. We have a lot of them here, and when they’ve been baking in the summer sun, you can smell them a long way off even at sixty miles per hour.
Vaginas tend to be even nastier.
SPOILER ALERT: The first quote was the one from Jesus.
Let’s see what else Mr. Roy has got.
Wait, is that one of Mr. Roy’s memes, or did I just accidentally post a pic from my extensive collection of FemDom porn?
By which I mean, yes that was one of his memes and forget what I said about that other stuff.
Ok, one more.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to spring that on you. Hopefully you weren’t eating.
But in the unlikely event that you would like to print out your own high-quality color poster of a glowering Paul Elam to hang over your bed, or wherever you hang such pictures, I’ve got some good news for you! Mr. Roy has helpfully provided a downloadable pdf version!
All of the above graphics are by Francis Roy and under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
I thought the “pointing out men’s privilege, looking at the stars ignoring the space” one meant that we only see the few bright stars of male privilege, and don’t see the backdrop of male responsibility. I don’t agree, but I think that’s what he means.
I love that one where the attractive guy besieged by women would rather mow his lawn. That’s really what I think of when I think MGTOW. Not men who because of their shitty attitudes are unable to attract women and therefore try to make it look like not attracting women is all their idea and exactly what they want anyway.
Even poodle mixes are freakishly smart — the cockerpoo puppy I basically raised taught himself to shake accidentally when I yelled PAUSE DAMNIT at my mac, I’d been playing “got your nose, got your ear, got your paw” with him, and I say paws and pause very much the same…he heard paws and got up on his hind legs to offer them.
Toy sized, very good at the “aw, you have a sad? Let me be cute in your lap, no one can resist my cute!”
My favorite family dog from childhood was a poodle/beagle mix. Smallish, short hair and smart as a whip (by dog standards). I would actually volunteer to walk Max, he was that pleasant to be around.
Regarding the Jesus painting, I would have thought it was Matthew 15:22, the Canaanite woman imploring him to cure her daughter of demons.
The painting represents Christ after His resurrection, as told in the gospel of John. ‘Noli Mi Tangere’ — ‘Touch me not’ is what he’s saying to her. It’s not about him refusing to let her near him, rather it’s meant to represent that he’s now ‘distanced’ from her and other earthly beings, so she isn’t meant to physically touch him.
Sorry, I think others recognized the painting too. Only glanced at the comments briefly.
“Mac…a dame? Ya nuts?”
Okay, on its own that line is actually pretty funny to me. Like if it was two 1940’s cartoon nuts quibbling and then a third nut finds out that the two close friends are fighting regarding a girl they barely know, that would be a so-bad-I-LOL’d cartoon.
@insanitybytes22: I was about to post something similar. I mean, given the rest of the horrible stuff done in Jesus’s name, we shouldn’t be surprised. But are they seriously comparing themselves to Jesus? Also, I’ve always loved the relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesu, so it pisses me off to see it maligned like that. (Sorry, I’m very religious in my own way. I don’t think the Catholic Church would agree though…heh heh heh)
Okay, I had to look back to see what caused everyone to start talking about poodles, so now I’m caught up.
Poodles are one of the smartest dog breeds, and their coat is hair, not fur. So they don’t shed all over the furniture. Really, they’re great! So they don’t make a very good insult.
I just wanted to say that I love how ambiguous some of these are, especially the star one; all the different ways to explain it are awesome!
Insanitybytes22 said:
“Good grief, that picture of Jesus pushing a woman away is just offensive. Seriously, religiously offensive. I know, misogyny and hatred are horrible things, but doing it in Christ’s name just adds a whole new level of stupid.”
Especially when the biblical story is quite the opposite. It looks like his conversation with Mary Magdelene on Easter morning and that’s quite a touching story. He’s certainly not pushing her away, he’s blessing her and asking her to deliver a message to the apostles (who’ve gone into hiding). To use it in this context is just silly.
I’m an atheist, raised as a Christian but I have a soft spot for Jesus. He wasn’t a misogynist, in fact, he always seemed pretty accepting of women to me. In some of the gnostic gospels Mary is given a place of great respect with Jesus telling the apostles to listen to her because she understands him best.
more fabulous poodle training as service dogs 🙂 cause i just cannot help myself.
Uh, yeah – that’s another way of saying the same thing. Still doesn’t make sense to use stars and the vacuum of space instead of a tree in a forest, though.
Doesn’t make sense, but a vacuum is very appropriate to MRAs.
A black hole of stupidity would be even better.
My favourite Noli Me Tangere, by Titian.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m not seeing what you’re seeing in the meme; I’m fine with the ‘sauce for the goose’ sauce for the gander’ (more than fine, lol), but I must be missing how this applies to this meme as written; I can see how it can easily be modified to say this very clearly, but as is, not so much.
Which is my problem with this meme; if the meme can be easily interpreted in more than 3 different ways, it’s a failure as a meme. To the guy who posted it, it’s about hypergamy, to some, it’s about bodily autonomy. Hel, looking at it again, the people seem very white; another meaning could be ‘dear white people, being white (ie, the contents) doesn’t entitle you to stuff!’ (which would actually be kinda awesome as a meme).
Gonna have to agree with everyone earlier saying that even for people who aren’t that keen on dogs, (for a bunch of reasons, I ain’t) full-sized poodles are often pretty endearing animals.
O serendipity, how I love thee – while I was looking at versions of the Noli Me Tangere I stumbled upon the website for the Royal Collection, started searching and voila …
In a simple red suit
In quasi-classical armour and royal robes
Such huge, good quality pictures aaaaaaaahhhhh
Those were gorgeous, thewatchingdog – especially the poodle who was going to get that ball off the bed even if the bed had to be destroyed in the process. XD
@thewatchingdog — thank you so much for showing off the playful side of the poodle. it is one of the delightful charms of the breed. the dog getting the ball off the bed demonstrates the intelligence of the breed, many other dogs would not get the cause and effect of using a tool (the bedspread) to achieve a goal.
my favorite, tess, would jump through hula hoops and swim in the pool with me, just for fun. she never needed much encouragement 🙂
Should’ve known what to expect but thought I’d see poodles! Didn’t know young Louis was so generally fluffy and soft-faced, either. Do you know if that’s a lovelock or he’s just got his hair thrown over one shoulder?
But here I think the assumption is that MGTOW are influenced by self-awareness of one’s shortcomings, not primarily by the misogyny it really is caused by. MGTOW hate the fact that “western women” are mostly independent and have a right to choose their sexual and romantic partners. Being conservative assjerks mith huge egos born from privilege and entitlement, the MGTOW believe their inability to get laid is due to some fault in the women (sorry, girls), and in true sour grapes fashion, decide that they never wanted a romantic/sexual relationship in the first place. Who needs those hypergamous sluts riding the cock carousel instead of doing their God-given chores of, I don’t know, cooking, cleaning, hand spinning and sucking my dick, or some shit.
Like Randroids threatening to “go Galt”, these sad little manchildren make a huge deal of making themselves unavailable to the ingrates who “needed them more than the other way around”, and start waiting for society to collapse. Since nobody misses them here in the real world, their bitterness keeps growing, and their useless GTOW statement flies out the window in favor of anti-woman screeds whose only purpose seems to be to uphold their desperate belief that they’re independent and happy without women (sorry, girls), and that women (sorry, girls) everywhere are secretly longing for their resurrected, lawnmowing selves.
That’s my best guess, at least. Could be wrong.
@kittehs: Aaaaaaaaah Louis has superhero tights under his robes in the second picture they’re literally so tight that they show off the full shape of his legs was Louis secretly a superhero?
Seriously, though, those are really good quality pictures. I’m so happy you found them!
@kittehserf omg thank you so much..I actually have a poodle and she’s so wonderful ..I enjoy your comments always so witty with just the right amount of elan!
lowquacks, LOL, I was only sorry there weren’t any poodles to be seen. The black-and-white hound seems to be Standard Picture Dog – he’s pretty much the same as the one in this portrait at Chiswick House. But then so’s Louis’s pose: for all I know the red-suited pic might just have been copied from this. It was done for Charles I, but Louis didn’t actually sit for it.
Yup, that’s a lovelock he’s wearing. He took to wearing that style in his teens, when his hair was still quite short curls, and kept it right through various hairdos. And fluffy is right, he changed his beard cut often!
I can’t get over how young he looks in the pic in the robe, though he’d have to have been in his late thirties when it was done, which means his health was deteriorating and he only had a few earthly years left.
Of course “he looks so young” could be just “I’m really middle-aged now”! 😛