a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? artistry disgusting women evil sexy ladies evil women father's rights gross incompetence I am making a joke imaginary backwards land judgybitch men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed men paul elam pedestalization playing the victim the c-word the poster revolution has begun vaginas yeah that's the ticket

"Stealing me for daddy’s money hurts me too," and other nuggets of wisdom from some dude’s MRA memes

Woah, dude, that's like ... incomprehensible.
Woah, dude, that’s like … incomprehensible.

Sometimes I wonder if we’re being unfair to Men’s Rights Activists by allowing them to handle their own publicity. I mean, it’s pretty clear that they’re terrible at it. Worse than terrible, really. Terribler. Possibly the terriblest.

I mean, just this week we saw the official social media director of A Voice for Men’s conference in Detroit announcing the conference’s new venue with this:

Bloomfield now claims this was her attempt to “troll” people like you and me by tweeting what I guess she’s now saying is a thoroughly awful fake quote which for some reason she has decided to attribute to a real person. This makes so little sense by normal human standards that I find this explanation a little hard to believe — but I guess I’m just getting trolled by my own skepticism? Oh, Judgy Bitch, you got me!

Whoops! I guess I got trolled a third time!

And … oh, for a second there I thought I was going to be trolled again, but I stood firm. For now.

Anyway, all this is just a long intro for some Actual Authentic I Didn’t Make These Up Honest to Goodness Men’s Rights Memes that I discovered on the blog of someone named Francis Roy, an MRA, an AVFM fan, and a bit of a meme enthusiast. The somewhat baffling meme at the top of this post? One of his best.

Which is to say, his memes basically suck, even by meme standards.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, these are all overvalued by at least 997 words. You can find them all in the meme section of his blog, though, be warned, he also posts a lot of graphic and disturbing pictures of dead soldiers and circumcised babies and other horrible things. (Note to MRAs: a lot of feminists, like me, are also troubled by and/or opposed to circumcision. Instead of derailing every discussion of female genital mutilation and alienating potential allies, you might try taking your message to the public at large?)

Anyway, let’s get to the memes. Note: A couple are mildly NSFW.

Here we learn that divorced mothers who have custody of the children are really just keeping them in order to enjoy all that sweet-ass child support cash!


Note: custodial parents who’ve been awarded child support actually receive, on average, about $300 per month. You can almost buy an XboxOne for that! Or, you know, you can try to feed and clothe and care for a child. And pay for child care, and babysitters, and doctor’s visits, and toys, and, you know, shelter. Huh. $300 actually doesn’t sound like that much.

Frankly as a money-making proposition, “stealing me for daddy’s money” seems like kind of a bust.

But let’s just move on to this fine meme, which as far as I can figure it is some sort of attack on underwear  models:


Really? Hath not an underwear model eyes? Hath not an underwear model hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? If you prick an underwear model, do they not bleed? Does blood not run down their smooth, tight abs?

Pretty sure it does. Seriously. Underwear models need to eat, too! Well, maybe not as much as I do, but come on! Stop the hate!

Oh, did I mention that Mr. Roy apparently considers himself a Man Going His Own Way?



Yeah, let’s just move on.


Lol wut


Oh, come on!

I’m not even a Christian, but, seriously?

I’m going to post two quotes here. One will be from Jesus. The other from a rather well-known Man Going His Own Way. See if you can tell the difference.

Here’s the first quote. See if you can tell if this is Jesus, or MGTOW elder Christopher in Oregon.

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Here’s the other quote:

I’m going to be blunt. Have you ever smelled a vagina? Seriously. I mean in it’s natural, unwashed state? Really stuck your nose right down there and taken a deep breath?


My G-d. The stench could have knocked a buzzard off a shit wagon at fifty paces. To this day I swear there was a cloud of flies buzzing around that portal of doom. Sometimes when riding my Harley-Beasties around the rural roads here in Oregon, I encounter dead skunks. Road kill. We have a lot of them here, and when they’ve been baking in the summer sun, you can smell them a long way off even at sixty miles per hour.

Vaginas tend to be even nastier.

SPOILER ALERT: The first quote was the one from Jesus.

Let’s see what else Mr. Roy has got.


Wait, is that one of Mr. Roy’s memes, or did I just accidentally post a pic from my extensive collection of FemDom porn?

By which I mean, yes that was one of his memes and forget what I said about that other stuff.

Ok, one more.



Sorry, I didn’t mean to spring that on you. Hopefully you weren’t eating.

But in the unlikely event that you would like to print out your own high-quality color poster of a glowering Paul Elam to hang over your bed, or wherever you hang such pictures, I’ve got some good news for you! Mr. Roy has helpfully provided a downloadable pdf version!

All of the above graphics are by Francis Roy and under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

I kind of agreed with the underwear one, we aren’t entitled to anything strictly because of our gender.

Not quite – “the contents” he is referring to appear to be Teh Pussy. What he is saying, in his Manly Not At All Women Hating manner is that women are all entitled bitches who use Teh Pussy to rule the world, or at least those bits of it with penises who want Teh Pussy.

You know, you’d think someone who wanted to publicly proclaim himself a member of the MGTOW pack would have considered their need for Teh Pussy BEFORE doing so,

10 years ago

What baffles me about the MGTOW is that the first step is quite logical: if one’s pursuit of sexual encounters has come to dominate one’s thoughts so strongly that it has distorted/interfered with other aspects of life, then taking steps to reduce the imbalance in one’s thinking is a really really good idea.

Where the vocal internet brigade of MGTOW go wrong is when they flip that into constantly talking about women and how horrible they are in every possible way. That’s not actually how one goes about stopping thinking about one’s unbalanced interest, chaps.

Then again, other men who’ve decided to rebalance their lives away from philandering in a quieter manner probably had less dehumanised views of women in the first place.

10 years ago

Oh fuck Mike is back to attempt at getting more pageviews. He’s really pathetic and I almost feel bad for him. He’s so desperate for people to view his shitty little blog full of his misguided beliefs that he’s trying to bait a blog full of people who realize what a shitty person he is to go on his blog and give him 5 cents per visit.

Of course, I fall a bit short of feeling bad for him, seeing as he associates with the MRM. I’m all for dealing with men’s issues, but when your way of helping men is villainizing women (and any non-men or men you don’t consider men), you aren’t going to get my sympathy.

Also, poodles are very nice dogs, though I prefer mix breed dogs since they are healthier and tend to live longer lives. I have a black lab/border collie mix and a black lab/mastiff mix, Todd Todd and Zeus (I didn’t name either of them) and they are wonderful pets.

But yeah, poodles are very interesting creatures. Like a lot of animals we see as frippery and lap animals are a lot more than that.

10 years ago

I don’t (want to?) understand the mind that embraces feels like watching a sociopath in court explaining with dead doll eyes how he’s really the one we should feel sorry for. What kind of horror is being created here…

10 years ago

Lids, I have a black lab mix too! (We think it’s some sort of hound in him, but the shelter wasn’t sure.) I don’t really care, ’cause he’s my silly dog buddy. He’s afraid of thunder and it’s storming right now, but he’s being such a good boy! Mixes can be great pets! And he’s pretty hardy. Only time he’s been sick was when he ate some poinsettia. Yeah, I didn’t know that they were poisonous.

I second the ‘Mike is actually a spam bot’ thing.

Also, as others have said: Children are not possessions. They should not be used as weapons against another party, male or female. This just makes it clear that MRAs don’t care about their children, boys or girls.

And MGTOW=Jesus? Yeah…that’s not even funny it’s so ridiculous. And insulting to Christians, because as much as they might want it, no one is worshiping MGTOWs or using them as a moral compass. …at least I hope not.

10 years ago
Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

@Unimaginative & palindrome-lovers —

There was some humour magazine back in the 1980′s that purported to have created The Longest Palindrome! The previous record-holder had been “A man, a plan, a canal: Panama.”

The new one: A foof, a man, a plan, a canal: Panama Foofa

I’ve written one longer than that:

Dogma arise! Nile few deified we felines. I, Ra, am god.

–I’m sure there are longer ones.

10 years ago

[blockquote]… the whole point of the MRA is to confuse rights with privileges, so they can claim the privileges they fight for are “rights” and the rights feminists fight for are “privileges”.[/blockquote]

QFT. That is so beautifully succinct and accurate. Mind if I steal it? 😀

As for the memes… I think the one I find most offensive is the one suggesting that “Check your privilege” is equivalent to “WOMENS ARE YOUR DICTATORS AND RULERS! DO NOT QUESTION THEM! WORSHIP!”

Like, seriously? “Be aware that perhaps in your life you have unwittingly benefited from accidents of birth/wealth/social structure and that you are not necessarily qualified to speak on the life experience of others who have not similarly benefited” = “BOW DOWN BEFORE ME MALE SCUM!” ??? News flash guys: being told to “check your privilege” is not a silencing tactic (unless your sole reason for contributing to a discussion is to derail/troll) – it’s a reminder that not everybody starts from the same place, and that you shouldn’t devalue other people’s perspectives just because yours is different.

It takes some pretty impressive mental gymnastics to equate those two things. Then again, it took me a long time to be self-aware enough to examine my own privilege, I suppose.

10 years ago

Joey and his water bottle are so adorbs!

I must see if Mads would like her running water this way.

10 years ago

The longest palindrome I ever found:
“Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Nedra, Anita, Rolf, Nora, Alice, Carol, Leo, Jane, Reed, Dena, Dale, Basil, Rae, Penny, Lana, Dave, Denny, Lena, Ida, Bernadette, Ben, Ray, Lila, Nina, Jo, Ira, Mara, Sara, Mario, Jan, Ina, Lily, Arne, Bette, Dan, Reba, Diane, Lynn, Ed, Eva, Dana, Lynne, Pearl, Isabel, Ada, Ned, Dee, Rena, Joel, Lora, Cecil, Aaron, Flora, Tina, Arden, Noel, and Ellen sinned.”

Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

I think the stars one is supposed to mean that only a few men are privileged. The privileged men are the “stars.” All the other mens are toiling away invisibly in the vast darkness.

This of course demonstrates that whatsisname doesn’t understand the concept of “privilege.” It also conveniently ignores women. Where are we in this celestial metaphor? Are we dark space and a few stars as well? Comets? Nebulae?

I suspect to MRAs we’re Black Holes,* enticing the stars, stealing novae, and nibbling space-bon bons.

* Smelly ones.

10 years ago

I want to make a Fault in our Stars joke about the first one, but I’m lost.

10 years ago

I tried to puzzle it out at first and then I realized that it is very much inside baseball and I do not want to understand. The picture of Elam with the admonition to show compassion for men and boys set up so much cognitive dissonance in my poor tired brain that I had to eat chocolate.

10 years ago

The lawnmower guy is being offered sex if he’ll stop mowing the current lawn and go mow her lawn, but he gave his word to mow this lawn and he’ll not think of going back on an agreement.

10 years ago

Note to self: learn how to blockquote.

Also, on that last one: does the “artist” consider “compassion for men and boys” to be an active thing? Or is his definition of compassion just the lack of vitriol, intimidation and threats? Because the MRM does make sense according to a twisted kind of logic if you assume the only way to show “compassion” for one group is to subject anybody not within that group to worse treatment…

Ann Somerville
10 years ago

“The lawnmower guy is being offered sex”

Girl had a lucky escape. Who wants to fuck a guy who thinks mowing a lawn is more fun?

” But somehow, mysteriously, nobody ever broke the news, so the dude died ignorant.”

Sadly he took six innocents down with him because he was ignorant and entitled.

Like this guy who killed a woman when he didn’t get the vagina he believed he’d earned:

Rest in peace, Katherine Martinez.

10 years ago

Elam’s pic made throw up a little in my mouth.

10 years ago

Good grief, that picture of Jesus pushing a woman away is just offensive. Seriously, religiously offensive. I know, misogyny and hatred are horrible things, but doing it in Christ’s name just adds a whole new level of stupid.

Alice Sanguinaria
10 years ago

Those posters deserve all of my “wat”. Especially the last one. WAT.

Dani Disaster
10 years ago

Paul Elam is a repugnant human being but having him cartoonized makes it easier for me to picture some Acme fueled, Wile E. Coyote moments in his attempt to derail and attack the feminist Roadrunner.

Meep meep!

AJ Milne
AJ Milne
10 years ago

My sister in law makes $2000 a week from home by reading Mike Buchanan’s blog. *~* CHECK IT OUT NOW! *~*


Seven things you won’t BELIEVE are at Mike Buchanan’s blog!!!

Doctors HATE HER for sending them to Mike Buchanan’s blog!!!

I got BANNED from every comments thread on the net with JUST THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK!!!

LBT (with writeathon poll!)

RE: Mitur Binesderti

You have to wonder why people would be so upset that anyone would want their rights protected, be they female or male.

How exactly do any of these posters protect men’s rights? What rights are they protecting?

RE: pallygirl

And that the standard is quite a large dog?

They’re a decent size. Not mastiffs or anything. There’s an old guy in my neighborhood who plays harmonica who has a standard poodle. (I think. It’s about the right size, has curly hair, and honestly, poodles are so linked with the goofy haircuts that I have a hard time recognizing a standard Poodle without one.)

10 years ago

These allegations of stealing money through child support have always clashed really badly with my experience. I don’t even remember my parents as a couple, I was too little when they divorced. Most of my friends in middle school and high school were divorce kids too. I have maybe two friends whose parents are still together…

And out of all the people I know who went through the child support thing, I know ONE lady who went all out war on her husband. She was also a deeply troubled lady and she DIDN’T get the money. She was a case of a mother really wanting the child support for herself. She even made the poor girl sue her dad… And courts still DIDN’T GIVE HER THE MONEY.

The rest of us… well, my child support money always paid for half of my school’s tuition. Even when I stopped living with my father, he still only paid for half of my school tuition, never mind clothing, food, school supplies, etc. The less time I spent with him, the less money he’d put forth on my behalf…

And I stopped seeing him so often because he let one of his girlfriends abuse me… not physically, but still…

So yeah, I’m not seeing the all around awesome benefits of the whole “stealing” the kid.

10 years ago

pallygirl say

My only serious question about poodles: aren’t there three types (erm, maybe toy, minature, and standard)? And that the standard is quite a large dog? Help me Emily Goddess.

yup — you’ve got it on poodle sizes. there is also the ‘royal standard’ which is even bigger than the standard size. i have been raising, training and rescuing standard/royal standard poodles for twenty years and consider them all to be smarter than mikeyb.

it was my first and favorite who sat beside me while i was sick beyond words from chemotherapy. it was that same poodle who would go to thrift stores with me, who helped pick out her own head scarf and cat eye shades so she could ride shotgun in my vintage mercury and look hip.

that same standard willingly gave up her spot on my bed for the man i married. when we brought home our first born daughter, that same wonderful poodle welcomed my daughter and then changed her sleeping spot to under the crib to do her poodle best to take care of our precious daughter. tess, the poodle would stick her long nose through the crib slats every 15 minutes or so to check on the baby. when the baby started to walk, no walker type toy was needed. tess took that role. baby girl would hold onto tess and they would walk about the house. sometimes one or both fell, but tess would help get baby back on her feet and they’d start all over.

right now, my elderly mother has a standard poodle that is a rescue and as my mother’s health fades, i can think of no greater companion. i do not mind going over to her house every night at 10 to give the dog her final walk of the day because my mother no longer can. my brother, husband and daughters take other shifts throughout the day and consider it a pleasure that a simple act of kindness on our part can keep the two geriatrics together as long as possible.

mikey b, i fail to comprehend why you consider ‘poodle’ an insult. in my experience, they have been better to me than the majority of people i happen to meet (even though ‘our’ connection is on the net, i’d put you in that category). they are excellent companions, very smart and intuitive creatures, highly protective of those they love and show more compassion than i think you ever could.

i would suggest you check your privilege, but i’d be happier if you checked a lexicon.