a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women doubling down FemRAs irony alert judgybitch men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam self-congratulation yeah that's the ticket

Dizzy With Success: Paul Elam announces triumphant move of AVFM conference to less convenient venue

Quick, look over there!
Quick, look over there!

So A Voice for Men, having lost or abandoned the original venue for their “Men’s Issues” conference in Detroit, has announced its new location: A VFW post some 18 miles away from the original hotel where, presumably, most of the conference’s attendees will be staying.

According to Paul Elam, they made the move in large part to spare conference-goers the terrible inconvenience of having to watch the no-doubt riveting presentations from an “overflow room.”

No, really.

In a post last night, Elam declared that all the media attention given to the conference

has produced is a hell of a lot more interest in the conference, and more ticket sales. So much so, as a matter of fact, that we have opted to move to a venue that will seat more people and provide more security than was available previously.

While we apologize for any inconvenience that the move is going to cause, it is nonetheless a positive move for the conference. Because seating capacity was misrepresented to us at the previous venue, we were forced to plan for an overflow room where we would pipe in live events to a monitor at reduced ticket prices.

With the change of venue we will be able to accommodate all attendees in the same space at the same time.

Naturally, the first thing some critics of Elam did when they saw this announcement was to look up the seating capacity of the largest rooms at both venues. The largest room at the Doubletree Fort Shelby, where the conference was originally scheduled to take place, seats 300, with a maximum capacity of 310. The largest room at the VFW post … also seats 300. Or maybe 350. The VFW website isn’t clear.

In other words, Elam expects us to believe that in order to avoid the inconvenience of having to resort to “overflow rooms,” AVFM moved its convention to a venue 18 miles away from the original hotel that might not even offer rooms any bigger than the original venue.

Meanwhile, in the comments to Elam’s post, one would-be conference attendee reports that the Doubletree has canceled his reservation. If Doubletree has decided to wash its hands of the conference attendees now that they are no longer hosting the conference, and Elam is telling the truth about the number of people planning to attend, this could mean hundreds of people scrambling for hotel rooms.

Still, Elam and his troops are eager to present this as a great victory.

It’s weird. You might think that this sort of reality distortion would be impossible in a democratic country in the internet age. Sure, back in Stalin’s day, the Soviet Union’s propaganda machine could present massive failure as success and get away with it – at least to some degree, at least within their own country.

In the wake of a disastrous program of “forced collectivization” of rural agriculture in 1929-30, which left many peasants dead or imprisoned and paved the way for future famines, Stalin famously announced in an article in Pravda that the program had been so amazingly successful that he needed to call a temporary halt so that everyone could catch their breath. The title of his article: “Dizzy With Success.”

The only way you can get away with bullshit this brazen is if you’re a dictator or the leader of a cult – something that A Voice for Men has increasingly come to resemble. AVFMers are expected not only to accept Elam’s leadership; they’re expected to accept his distinctly non-consensus reality – a world turned upside down in which men are the real victims of domestic violence and rape and pretty much everything else, a world in which the Southern Poverty Law Center is a collection of evil bigots and his motley collection of misogynists is the true human rights movement of the twenty-first century.

Like a lot of cult leaders, Elam keeps his troops too busy to think straight in a continual frenzy of pseudo-activism. AVFMers are forever brigading comment sections of newspaper articles and YouTube videos in little squads (AVFMers almost always travel in packs), all reciting the same few talking points.

Weirdly, the dynamics of internet discussions can actually reinforce this kind of intellectual conformity, much as Stalin’s control of the media did in his day. No, AVFMers can’t avoid being exposed to facts that contradict the shared (un)reality of their ideological bubble.

But in internet discussions you don’t have to be right in order to convince yourself you’ve won an argument. You just have to be loud and persistent and unwilling to ever give in. You don’t have to convince anyone else of your arguments so long as you convince yourself. MRAs don’t win many arguments on their merits, but they manage to convince themselves they win every one.

The trouble is that when they step outside of their regular stomping grounds on the internet, this strategy – so effective in generating ideological conformity amongst cult members – falls completely apart.

We’ve seen several spectacular examples in the past couple of weeks. First, we watched a concert organized by Canadian Men’s Rights group CAFE implode after musicians and sponsors realized what they’d been roped into; the pathetically unconvincing attempts by the group to explain away this failure were amazing to behold.

Then we saw AVFM’s Dean Esmay reduce himself to a caricature on Fox (local) news as he rapidly regurgitated standard AVFM talking points like some sort of fanatical ideological auctioneer, apparently unaware that to everyone outside of the Men’s Rights bubble everything he was saying was obviously utter nonsense.

And now we have Paul Elam trying to convince the world that AVFM changed its venue for its conference because, hey, we needed more room!

The trouble with having your head up your ass most of the time is that when you take it out, people tend to notice the smell.

But, hey, as long as the AVFMers are happy with their new venue, I’m happy for them. Janet Bloomfield, the official “social media director” for the conference, posted this triumphant tweet lat night:

She has assured me that this is an actual quote. The “Wayne State cunts” remark is apparently a reference to the Wayne State sociology professor who, er, debated AVFM’s Dean Esmay on the local Fox affiliate the other day. Esmay has also posted a slightly shorter version of the same quote in the AVFM comments section.

So, yes, both the official PR representative for the conference and AVFM’s “managing editor” both apparently think it’s a great idea to refer to women who disagree with them as “cunts.”

Oh, and Bloomfield also thinks it’s hilarious to joke about Elam scamming his supporters of the $29,000 raised for additional security:

You can’t buy this kind of publicity, largely because as far as I know there are no PR firms that offer organizations help in destroying the last tiny shreds of their credibility.

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Ally S
10 years ago

LOL – so you don’t think I have agency or the ability to make decisions on my own, huh? Yep. That’s feminism right there. Women: utterly helpless victims at all times everywhere.

Have you, like, opened up a single feminist text that supports the notion that women are permanent victims? I don’t think you have, so perhaps that should be a hint for you to shut up until you do.

10 years ago

My father was a combat veteran of WWII, and the inspiration for my career with the VA (twenty four years in the Prosthetics department). I know just what he’d say if he saw these wowsers and their antics.

“I don’t understand.” And that would be all. He could pack a lot into that phrase, and, as Marco Polo would say, what need of more words.

10 years ago


karl | June 12, 2014 at 4:23 pm
We are growing. Get used to it. 🙂

Uh-huh. That’s why all the bands and sponsors pulled out of the E-Day concert when they learned it was an MRM event. Because the MRM’s growing, not that the vast majority of people outside the manosphere are repulsed by it..

This is like, the 4th troll on this thread.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t help but be reminded of those people who claim to be “the fastest growing x in y.” I mean, sure, well done, but a group of 2 people can grow 400% over night and still be an insignificant group. Of course, in those cases, they’re usually actually getting converts. In this case I’d suspect that it’s just that the people who were already virulently misogynistic but didn’t know about the MRM are finding out about them. That’s not really growth, it’s just redrawing the borders.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
10 years ago

If that band name is taken, I will also accept Gamboling Guerilla Girly-Men or Militant Manginas Of Madagascar.

10 years ago

But yeah, feMRAs can’t Internet. It doesn’t take a great deal of research to conclude feminism =/= never criticising women. That’s what the MRAs do – they never ever criticise the women who hang out with them because they rely on them to lend the moooooovement legitimacy (as if having a few insecure women around means you’re not a misogynous hate movement. It does give that sort of illusion though.) Feminism is equity-driven. That means it’s OK for us to criticise horrible people of any gender who contribute to the social disadvantages faced by women!

10 years ago

Yes, she wanted to “trick” us into rallying ’round a woman they decided sent threats to DoubleTree.

Meh, that or she was just trying to use us to flush out the MRM’s victim of the hour so she could be harassed.

Now she’s refusing to answer the question about whether or not she lied and acting like she thinks that’s clever or cute.

MRAssholes, you aren’t growing. You aren’t going to rise up and take back anything anymore than the south is going to rise again. You are what happens when bigots start getting pushed to the fridges and they get scared. The KKK likes to pretend that it is a viable human rights movement too. They’re just as convincing as you are.

Yes, feminists find you scary. AVfM has called for gendered violence and terrorism and claimed that women are begging to be raped and that men should always get away with rape. Your “movement” inspires killers like Elliot Rogers and a variety of other men who rape, abuse and murder women. You are truly horrifying in your ability to inspire men to do horrible things to women and girls and your ability to persuade some women and girls that they deserve it. But you’re “movement” is a joke and not one of you is bright enough to understand the punchline. I’ll honestly be shocked if you manage to scare up over a hundred fellow haters to come to your shoddy little hatefest.

You know the truth about the “threats” will come out and just like everything else you guys do, it will be humiliating for you all.

10 years ago


And Mikey can you show me one example where a MRA has showed any integrity?

I don’t know about him, but I can! (Shocking, I know, but I’ve found one.)

10 years ago

Yes, she wanted to “trick” us into rallying ’round a woman they decided sent threats to DoubleTree.

^ There they are!

10 years ago

I love meme generators:

10 years ago

The only thing I can really conclude from all this is that you are pretty much the worst “social media director” for a conference ever.

But she’s the best they’ve got.

That’s pretty funny.

10 years ago

I’m in the comments of that Motor City Muckraker post, arguing with MRAs. It’s my day off, and I’m trying to argue with Fidelbogen. What is my life?

And now Attila Vinczer has decided to single me out personally, because I made one comment calling him on his failure to correctly apply his thesaurus to his comments.

Then we saw AVFM’s Dean Esmay reduce himself to a caricature on Fox News

Technically, it was a local Fox affiliate. MRAs only wish they were important enough to get on Fox News Prime.

The trouble with having your head up your ass most of the time is that when you take it out, people tend to notice the smell.

This is perfect <3

as far as I know there are no PR firms that offer organizations help in destroying the last tiny shreds of their credibility.

Maybe not, but I would totally watch a movie about people doing exactly that to eeeevil corporations.


But I have to say, today’s post reminds me of a paper that I had to write for my Master’s in Anthropology, looking at the propaganda of groups that do not have the benefit of total or significant control of the media. There’s some interesting differences when a propaganda-producing group has to deal with pesky, outside facts compared to say, WWII Germany’s production of propaganda.

Welcome back! Do you mind telling us more? I majored in religious studies and I bet your research would also be applicable to, for example, creationists having to deal with science.


It’s a perfect choice of venue, though, when you think about it. It’s a place meant to serve veterans of wars, and AVFM is full of men who have never served in the military in any capacity, but believe they are entitled to the same respect and social benefits as real veterans by virtue of being men.

Indeed, I’ve seen supporters trying to claim that the VFW hall is a fitting venue because the underfunding of the VA is a men’s issue.

Mikey, shut up and go away. Or at least address the comments people have made in other threads before popping up in another one. You’re like the most boring game of whack-a-mole.

And stop flogging your stupid blog.


Reactionaries never can do humor well.

I know! What is with that? There’s a guy in the Muckraker comments cracking the same “sharpies and posterboard” joke in every thread.

10 years ago

If I give +1 internets to pallygirl, am I giving mine back, or is another one generated for this specific event?
Hmm…. I’ll risk it. +1!

10 years ago

So, does one wear their long or short pants to the VfW?

10 years ago

Thanks. 🙂 Have a dancing cockatoo in return.

10 years ago

I’m thinking of all the vets I know. They like pleated khaki shorts, pulling their socks up high, golf shirts and sucking on shitty American cigarettes.

Short pants it is.

Colette Wedding
10 years ago

Michael Buchanan – Seen those arguments before and you don’t even make the best version of long-debunked crap. You’re boring, your blog sucks, go. 🙂

10 years ago

Thanks for the link!

10 years ago

My grandpa’s a vet! He was a medic.

He doesn’t smoke, or wear shorts, but he does like khaki, high socks, and short sleeve button down shirts.

He also likes me and the rest of his granddaughters, which is weird because apparently AVfM thinks all veterans should hate feminists, or something odd like that.

He also has a daughter who ended up being a sheet-metal worker. (She and my other aunts rock)

Does this make him a Veteran Purple Poodle? Or does the veteran-ness and the former Baptist Preacher-man undermine his Purple Poodle cred?

10 years ago


Thanks for the video! That bird is a cutie!

10 years ago

Thanks Athywren, and you get to keep yours too. internets awards, the gift that keeps giving. 🙂

10 years ago

At least they don’t know yet about the wife-beater stick production line at the Patriarchy factory on the island. I understand the sticks are manufactured to a thickness just 0.001″ less than the average man’s thumb, to avoid the obvious legal risks.

I’m aware that this is a ‘joke’. It’s also a domestic violence joke. I’m pretty sure there’s a banhammer with Mikey’s name on it….

10 years ago

I hate the feminists who desecrate his memory, and the memories of so many other men in so many wars who gave (and continue to give) their lives so that women and children don’t have to.

Yeah, those terrible people thinking he shouldn’t have had to fight at all!

Also, fuck you if you think war is so easy-peasy for women. Ask the women in the Congo what they think of that bullshit.

Also also, my grandfather – who was wounded at the Bulge and came home with PTSD by the age of 20 – raised two feminists. Go to hell with that shit.

thank you for your courage in sharing that.

TIL that posting a link to someone else’s story = courage. Such brave warriors for human rights :*-)

I think Mikey B is trying to be the Upworthy of noxious manboobz trolls. (Downworthy? Trollworthy?)

I did one of those LOLs that scare the cats.

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