a voice for men MRA

Is A Voice for Men's conference kaput? Doubletree says "they are not booked with us." [UPDATE: Elam says they have another venue.]


Woah! Just wanted to pass along this news from the Motor City Muckraker:

A controversial conference for a men’s rights group in Detroit appears to be in jeopardy after a fallout with downtown’s Hilton DoubleTree, which planned to host the event from June 26-28.

The inaugural conference at the DoubleTree has been canceled for unknown reasons, and organizers of the first International Conference on Men’s Issues haven’t said yet whether it will be moved to another hotel and conference center.

“At this time, they are not booked with us,” Larry Brown, manager of the DoubleTree, said this morning. He declined to elaborate on the cancelation.

There’s nothing on A Voice for Men about this latest development, though Esmay hinted during his Fox News appearance that they were possibly going to reconsider the Doubletree. But as of right now, AVFM is still selling tickets, as if the Doubletree convention is still a going concern.

Are they going to try to book the convention elsewhere? Or are they going to take the $29,000 they raised for “security” and, I dunno, send Esmay to a better stylist?

One other, ah, interesting detail in the Motor City Muckraker story:

When asked Tuesday whether the event would be moved, an organizer responded: “The DoubleTree GM (general manager) actually said that he has ‘feminist phobia’ and sort of laughed but in a nervous way. So its being discussed.”

It’s questionable whether this conversation ever occurred because the general manager is a woman.

Yeah. Seems like a lot of things about this convention have been pretty questionable from the start.

UPDATE: Well, one thing’s a bit clearer now, though. I called the Detroit Police and they confirmed that the Doubletree did indeed report to them that it had received threats. Who sent them, we still don’t know, but I think we can all agree that whether the threats came from some misguided feminist or “progressive” or from an MRA trying to stir shit and make feminists look bad, whoever made the threatening calls is a shithead who deserves to face the legal consequences for what they did.

UPDATE 2: According to the Detroit News, Elam says they’ve got another venue:

“We have scheduled another venue and will make an announcement on the site this evening,” group founder Paul Elam said in an email Wednesday.

So far no announcement on AVFM; I’ll post about it when there is one.

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10 years ago

You still haven’t found the “kill all men” here. Do that or GTFO.

10 years ago

Considering the amount of namecalling I’ve been on the recieving end of after only a handful of posts, I don’t really think I need to go looking for the obvious hate that exists here hell. You guys are well aware of your own levels of hate. I shouldn’t need to point them out to you.

10 years ago


You said “everything I stand for.”

I also think you should locate evidence of our supposed misandry or piss off.


Ally S
10 years ago

However I won’t base myself to the common denominator here and respond with insults as seems to be the standard practice here 🙂

Fortunately it turns out that you actually deserve the insults.

10 years ago

Considering the amount of namecalling I’ve been on the recieving end of after only a handful of posts, I don’t really think I need to go looking for the obvious hate that exists here hell. You guys are well aware of your own levels of hate.

You made hostile comments from the start. We were just responding in kind.

We aren’t mocking you and insulting you because you’re a man. Lots of men comment here and do not get called names. We’re mocking and insulting you because you’re an asshole and a troll. Our responses to you are not evidence of misandry.

10 years ago

paul, so far no one here has called you a gendered slur, or made rape or death threats against you, or suggested that you brought violence upon yourself, or suggested that you secretely liked being assaulted, or posted your personal information like your address or telephone number, or likened you to a non-human animal. If I’m recalling correctly, people have called you stupid and an asshole, but no one has even suggested that your stupidity or assholery was the result of your gender.

So, the worst you’ve got here? “Asshole” and “stupid.” And you’re seriously likening this to the kind of shit that AVFM and MRA’s pull?

10 years ago

Considering the amount of namecalling I’ve been on the recieving end of after only a handful of posts, I don’t really think I need to go looking for the obvious hate that exists here hell. You guys are well aware of your own levels of hate. I shouldn’t need to point them out to you.

So you can’t find it and you’re a liar? Of course.


10 years ago

Oh, no! Paul got called names after being an obvious troll! Someone bring the fainting couch and smelling salts STAT!

10 years ago

Hey Mike, how do you define “radfem”?

If I remember correctly, the Lego company, all female scientists, people who think female scientists exist, and mothers with “hatchet faces.”

10 years ago

I don’t hate you. I think you’re a puffed-up, ignorant, sexist, lying ass. I think it’s funny how wrong and dense you are. I think it’s hilarious that you came to a site expressly for mocking misogynists, tried to score some points for Team Misogyny by pretending to be “neutral observer” and were shocked, shocked when we pointed at you and laughed.

I don’t hate a dog when it scratches it’s butt on the rug in front of company. I don’t hate you for doing the human equivalent of that here either. It’s OK. That’s what the site is for. It’s for pointing to misogynists when they do stupid, dishonest things and laughing at them because, well… what else are we gonna do with you?

But do go on about how above it all you are and how you’re leaving, while you stay here and tell us how hateful we are and how awful feminism is.

…. as if you saying so makes it so.

Because authority. Because dude.

Maybe eventually, you’ll even realize why that’s funny.

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: paul

Just because the information hasn’t been made public about the cancellation, doesn’t mean it hasn’t been made privately to people who are already going. We do live in the age of mailing lists after all.

Please don’t talk down to me. If a con hopes to get curious passerby, they need to express where it will be and have all that figured out as soon as possible, so people can plan around them. This isn’t a matter of “next-gen” communication; this is a matter of basic con management. Not everyone likes to join mailing lists; I know I don’t.

You guys love to make assumptions!

And you love to be patronizing. Seriously, you just explained basic Con Management 101 to someone who’s been selling and speaking at cons for years, though you have stated absolutely NO credentials that mean your knowledge is new or groundbreaking to me.

RE: everyone else

Hey guys, I’m finally reading Why Does He Do That? and look at the passage I just ran into!

“This line of reasoning many times develops into
a discussion of how men are the victims of women
overall in society, because women run the world.
This is a startling distortion, given which gender
actually dominates almost all legislatures, police
departments, judgeships, businesses, and so on ad
nauseam. When I point out this reality to the
Victim, he describes a kind of paranoid fantasy in
which women are behind the scenes secretly
pulling the strings, largely by getting men to feel
sorry for them. His capacity for turning things intotheir opposites in this way is a central cause of his
(pg. 272-273, in my crappily formatted PDF)

Ring any bells?

10 years ago
Reply to  Tulgey Logger

Tulgey Logger:

Misogynist Honking Rage Association

I just spat tea all over myself. Best version of that acronym EVER.

10 years ago

Someone bring the fainting couch and smelling salts STAT!

*passes out monocles*

Now we can pop our monocles too.

10 years ago


That better, Paul?

10 years ago

Hi, recent blog follower, first-time commenter here. I don’t really think all this gloating is becoming. Let them have their stupid little conference. Forty paunchy guys sitting around have a massive bitchfest in a hotel conference room. Wow, radical. They say sunlight is the best disinfectant. The more MRAs expose themselves in public, the more the public will see how pathetic and foolish they are. Conference on, guys! It’s no skin off my nose.

10 years ago

Considering the amount of namecalling I’ve been on the recieving end of after only a handful of posts, I don’t really think I need to go looking for the obvious hate that exists here hell. You guys are well aware of your own levels of hate. I shouldn’t need to point them out to you.

See, he doesn’t need evidence! He just KNOWS that we want to kill all men. Evidence is misandry.

The “pretends to be neutral” troll is one of the most insufferable categories of troll. I blame Fox News with their “Fair and balanced” nonsense, mixed with a big batch of Glenn Beck style “I’m just asking questions.”

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: magnesium

The “pretends to be neutral” troll is one of the most insufferable categories of troll.

My personal least favorite are the ones who think that if they just say horrible things in a “nice” enough way, they won’t be horrible anymore.

10 years ago

You know, I just thought of who our trolls reminds me of and it gives me an excuse to post a Natahn Fillion clip.

Thanks trolls. The world needs more Nathan Fillion.

Colette Wedding
10 years ago

Re: Detroit cops confirming threats

That answers one thing but clears up nothing. Just ads to the confusion actually. First they no, now they said yes, yet people reported the hotel itself said there were no threats.

10 years ago

The pretends to be neutral trolls really are like Hydra heads. We get rid of one (Anand) and another pops up (Paul).

I don’t even think Paul is a sock of Anand because they have different writing styles. It really does seem to be another troll filling the void.


10 years ago

I’m trying to figure out how renown FeMRAs could ever be considered remotely independent. They depend on the Men’s Human Rights Moooooovement for validation. They literally exist in their chosen form in order to be praised and puffed up. They’re the Holocaust denying Jews of the MRAs. They’re the S. E. Cupp of atheists. It takes a certain intelligence to eek out that position but one doesn’t do it because they’re independent. They do it to exploit a resource.

10 years ago

@Mike Buchanan

States assault the human rights of men (and boys) to advantage women (and girls). The evidence for this lies in every life outcome you could mention.

“The evidence for this lies in every life outcome you you could mention.” An angel dies every time some one writes a sentence that is thing wrong on so many levels.

fathers denied access to children, yet the state forces them to pay maintenance on threat of imprisonment (a driver of suicide)
– absence of support for male victims of domestic violence (a driver of suicide)

Citations needed, but I thoroughly doubt any are coming and if are they are they will most likely be links to The Daily Mail.

Why has nobody accused me of lying?

Because you are breathtakingly incapable of comprehending how the world around you actually functions. You’re not smart, wise or sociable enough to be a skilled liar, but I will accuse you of being ill-informed, poor at critical reading and bereft of even a smattering of a sense of humor.

I’m sorry if the conference was cancelled, it would have been amusing to watch stunted the man-children of AVFM prove to be incapable of doing anything well at a professional level.

Finally, Poodles are very smart, but I still don’t understand why you think dogs and feminist straw women you conjured in your own head rule society.

10 years ago

Whops, curse you spell check.
**that is this wrong on so many levels.

10 years ago

Hrm. My post made little sense. What I meant was they are to MRAs what Holocaust-denying Jews are to anti-semites. They are to MRAs what S. E. Cupp is to atheists.

It is sort of clever though – hold a position you KNOW you’ll be praised for within the circle you run in and, by belonging to the group you slander, get to claim superiority – “Oh, I’m not like THOSE OTHER girls”, which you get extra points for. You’re also guaranteed favourite status and will be protected from criticism within the group for “lending legitimacy” to their claims that you belong to a class that they characterise as a sack of shit. You’re basically a kidnapped indigenous child who has been taught to speak English and eat with a fork and knife and are paraded about palaces as evidence your class can be improved upon. You’re pretty much a sideshow and as long as you tow that party line your fags and Cheetos costs are covered. You’ll forever being a monkey playing the symbols in exchange for bits of banana and peanuts though.

10 years ago

Yeah, the only reason I haven’t killed my sons yet is that they aren’t big enough to be good eat’n. Gotta let ’em get bigger. It’s OK if they toughen up. I plan to baste and slow roast them over a giant scented candle. It’s right out back with the frolicking unicorns and the vegan cheese that tastes exactly like the real thing.

My husband? Well, if I kill him who will carry me on his shoulders as I whip him through shopping centers screaming, “Buy me jewelry!” Nobody, that’s who! Can’t have that.


I’m entertained at these guys calling men who don’t hate women lapdogs (because coming right out and saying “bitches” would be too obvious) by calling them “purple Poodles”. Poodles are very smart, hearty dogs. Standard poodles are working class dogs bred for hunting and served as war dogs for a large chunk of history.

Purple is a beautiful color with a history of being associated with kings and emperors.

The idea that the color and the breed of dog are now silly or ignoble and being called a “purple poodle” is derogatory and insulting because they are now associated with femininity is just another projection of their misogyny.

They are so good at being accidentally hilarious.

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