a voice for men MRA

Is A Voice for Men's conference kaput? Doubletree says "they are not booked with us." [UPDATE: Elam says they have another venue.]


Woah! Just wanted to pass along this news from the Motor City Muckraker:

A controversial conference for a men’s rights group in Detroit appears to be in jeopardy after a fallout with downtown’s Hilton DoubleTree, which planned to host the event from June 26-28.

The inaugural conference at the DoubleTree has been canceled for unknown reasons, and organizers of the first International Conference on Men’s Issues haven’t said yet whether it will be moved to another hotel and conference center.

“At this time, they are not booked with us,” Larry Brown, manager of the DoubleTree, said this morning. He declined to elaborate on the cancelation.

There’s nothing on A Voice for Men about this latest development, though Esmay hinted during his Fox News appearance that they were possibly going to reconsider the Doubletree. But as of right now, AVFM is still selling tickets, as if the Doubletree convention is still a going concern.

Are they going to try to book the convention elsewhere? Or are they going to take the $29,000 they raised for “security” and, I dunno, send Esmay to a better stylist?

One other, ah, interesting detail in the Motor City Muckraker story:

When asked Tuesday whether the event would be moved, an organizer responded: “The DoubleTree GM (general manager) actually said that he has ‘feminist phobia’ and sort of laughed but in a nervous way. So its being discussed.”

It’s questionable whether this conversation ever occurred because the general manager is a woman.

Yeah. Seems like a lot of things about this convention have been pretty questionable from the start.

UPDATE: Well, one thing’s a bit clearer now, though. I called the Detroit Police and they confirmed that the Doubletree did indeed report to them that it had received threats. Who sent them, we still don’t know, but I think we can all agree that whether the threats came from some misguided feminist or “progressive” or from an MRA trying to stir shit and make feminists look bad, whoever made the threatening calls is a shithead who deserves to face the legal consequences for what they did.

UPDATE 2: According to the Detroit News, Elam says they’ve got another venue:

“We have scheduled another venue and will make an announcement on the site this evening,” group founder Paul Elam said in an email Wednesday.

So far no announcement on AVFM; I’ll post about it when there is one.

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10 years ago

Dude, radfems are to feminists as squares are to rectangles. All radfems are feminists, but not all feminists are radfems. The two terms are not interchangeable. Words: they mean things.

10 years ago

Mikey doesn’t know what a radfem is, there’s a another shocker.

10 years ago

MHRAs would be happy to see live streaming of radfem conference speeches onto the internet,

…along with the names, phone numbers, and home addresses of al the attendees.

Mike Buchanan
10 years ago

David, I do hope you are able to put up a blog post on the topic I suggested to you earlier today, concerning the strong evidence that when female representation on corporate boards is increased, financial performance declines. Anyone doubting that assertion should check out

10 years ago

Mikey, write your own fucking blog piece. What’s wrong, no one reads your sad blog?

10 years ago

(Also, I should note that a. I am a feminist, not a radfem; b. I do not agree with or particularly like most of the radfems I have encountered; c. that has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not they are feminists. They are feminists if they identify as such.)

10 years ago

Radfem – an American feminist, Christina Hoff Sommers, wrote in ‘Who Stole Feminism’ (1994) of equity feminists – like herself – and gender feminists.

Equity feminists are like libertarian civil rights activists: as long as it’s not _government_ doing the oppression, they’re fine with it.

In my experience, they spend all their time fighting Affirmative Action and the Civil Rights act than they do fighting discrimination by private entities, which is odd, considering how important fighting private discrimination is if you believe the government is not allowed to legislate against it.

10 years ago

And Mikey B is publishing assfax that bear no relationship to the truth:

Companies with more/any women on boards actually perform better.

10 years ago

Not only does Mikey not know the definition of free speech, he also doesn’t know that correlation doesn’t causation. I thought men were supposed to be the ones who are good at STEMlogic. But Mikey doesn’t even know basic 101 level science.

10 years ago

Correlation doesn’t equal causation I mean.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Soon the Rebellion will be crushed, and young Skywalker will be one of us

HA! Love it.

Ally S
10 years ago

Radfem – an American feminist, Christina Hoff Sommers, wrote in ‘Who Stole Feminism’ (1994) of equity feminists – like herself – and gender feminists. The latter seek female supremacy and relentless advantaging over men on the grounds of gender alone…

Christina Hoff Sommers’ work is hardly a reliable source for understanding the breadth of feminist ideologies, but whatever.

Her dichotomy of “equity feminism” and “gender feminism” is completely unstable and has no bearing on the reality of feminist ideologies. “Equity feminism” as she conceives it would be nothing without “gender feminism” because the whole fucking basis of feminism is the goal to eliminate gender oppression against women. Gender is a key part of all feminist discourse and to ignore it is to shoot oneself in the foot. In any case, it’s too broad of a label to be useful, especially since there is a huge amount of diversity among “gender feminists”.

10 years ago

Oh, hahaha. This schadenfreude pie is delicious!

So, what do those MRAs think is going to happen to that $29,000 they donated for extra security for the Doubletree?

And Mikey B. doesn’t know what a radical feminist is and takes his definitions from Hoff Summers. Color me surprised!

This article and thread is hilarious.

Mike Buchanan
10 years ago
Reply to  Lea

Lea, you couldn’t be more wrong, Many anti-feminist and non-feminist women (‘Honey Badgers’) active on AVfM and elsewhere are MHRAs, and male MHRAs hold them in the HIGHEST esteem. Obvious examples:

Erin Pizzey (speaker at the coming conference)
Karen Straughan (Girl WritesWhat) – ditto
Janet Bloomfield (JudgyBitch)
Alison Tieman (TyphonBlue)
Diana Davison

They’re all fiercely intelligent and independent women who don’t want the power that comes with claiming victimhood status. They want to be treated as what they are, well-adjusted women – not whiny, narcissistic, dysfunctional ones. You should check out their articles, videos etc.

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
10 years ago

Ah yes, the First Amendment to the US Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Also, all people have an unalienable right to a Doubletree conference room and to total freedom from criticism.

Ally S
10 years ago

Now, let’s see what makes Christina Hoff Sommers a feminist:

-Calling herself a feminist
-Claiming to adhere to a “true” version of feminism

And what makes her anti-feminist:

-Telling women who were raped by their boyfriends and then later had consensual sex with them are lying about being raped
-Engaging in the exact same intellectual dishonesty that all other anti-feminists employ in their critiques of feminist research
-Uncritically accepting both the gender binary and the sex binary, and therefore falling into nothing but essentialism when she actually does try to theorize about gender oppression
-Citing the perspectives of women who are so self-absorbed as to completely ignore the reality of female rape victims’ suffering under patriarchy in order to shame those survivors for saying they are afraid of male violence

Yep, quite a feminist we have here!

10 years ago

Don’t forget, right wing radio hosts also have an unalienable right to corporate sponsors.

We already know all about your feMRAs. We also know that you only like them as long as they stay in line. The second a feMRA steps out of line she is subjected to the same vitriol and misogyny you have for other women.

10 years ago

Many anti-feminist and non-feminist women (‘Honey Badgers’) active on AVfM and elsewhere are MHRAs, and male MHRAs hold them in the HIGHEST esteem.

Until they say the wrong thing and get booted from the clubhouse with extreme prejudice. See: WoolyBumbleBee.

10 years ago

Mikey B. does not appear to know what the definition of words are. He seems to think JB, TyphonBlue, Erin Pizzey, and GWW are “intelligent” and not “narcissistic.”

Ally S
10 years ago


Erin Pizzey (speaker at the coming conference)
Karen Straughan (Girl WritesWhat) – ditto
Janet Bloomfield (JudgyBitch)
Alison Tieman (TyphonBlue)
Diana Davison

They’re all fiercely intelligent and independent women who don’t want the power that comes with claiming victimhood status. They want to be treated as what they are, well-adjusted women – not whiny, narcissistic, dysfunctional ones. You should check out their articles, videos etc.

Erin Pizzey claims that women in abusive relationships like to be abused.

Karen Straughan uses shoddy evo psych research to engage in a woefully misinformed armchair diagnosis of feminists.

Janet Bloomfield is a hypocritical rape apologist.

Alison Tieman made a horrible analysis of rape statistics, which includes a citation from a study that the authors acknowledged was methodologically flawed due to small sample sizes and an understanding of statistics at which anyone with a rudimentary understanding of statistics would laugh.

Diana Davison calls women “c*nts” and has no problem doing so.

Trust me – I know enough about them.

Ally S
10 years ago

Oh, and I did watch a video by GWW, and I would have rather drank orange juice after brushing my teeth than sit though that hour-long mess of misogyny and bad science.

10 years ago

It’s almost precious how oblivious to his own stupidity Mike is.

It’s so nice to know that the US hasn’t cornered the market of ignorant bigots running for public office.

Sorry, Canada. That isn’t very nice of me, I know.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

Very sad to find out Mikey and his pals do not hold us gender feminist women in the HIGHEST esteem. I am very impressed that there are 5 women who do receive this honor! Congrats to them.

However I will cling to my victimhood status which allows me to rule over all of the poodles of my acquaintance. I am working to extend this control to other breeds of dogs as well. Who is with me?!

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
10 years ago

I’m a non-gender feminist. I believe in the equality of all people in a totally general sense that does not acknowledge any actual current inequalities. Basically I go around saying “hey! we’re all people here!” and that’s about the end of it. Pretty good gig.

Not sure why I’m called a “feminist” though, since of course women and femininity have no special relevance to my “everyone on earth is equally equal! yay!” beliefs. I should probably fix that up.

I’m a non-gender, um, ist.