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The 5 most ridiculous things causing misogynists to lose their sh*t this week



It’s the eternal question: do misogynists spend their entire lives looking for excuses to get mad at women, or are they so naturally enraged by any evidence of female autonomy that they can’t help but erupt in rage over the tiniest of things?

We may never know the answer to that question. What we do know: almost anything can provoke them, no matter how trivial it is, no matter how misguided their anger might seem to anyone who doesn’t actually, you know, hate women. Let’s look at some of the latest things to cause women-haters to lose their shit.

1) British tennis champ Andy Murray’s  announcement this week that he was hiring former female tennis champion Amélie Mauresmo as his coach. Even though she’s, you know, a lady.

On Twitter, as Buzzfeed has chronicled, some have taken exception to Mauresmo’s status as a non-man.

Others have suggested that maybe she’s more of a man than him – ho ho!

Why it would matter to any of these people just whom someone who is not them wants as his coach remains unclear.

2) An article on the Huffington Post noting that on D-Day, one woman – war correspondent Martha Gellhorn – accompanied the 150,000 men who stormed the beaches.

It’s an interesting story: all the female correspondents who requested spots on the boats were turned down, so she ended up sneaking her way into the invasion by hiding in a ship’s bathroom.

But over on the A Voice for Men forums, someone called Humansplaining w/ Jarred is outraged that “Feminists can’t even let Men have D-DAY for themselves!”

Here we are on the 70th anniversary of a watershed moment in one of the bloodiest wars in human history, where thousands of men selflessly gave their lives, and some Feminist feels the need to devote an entire article to the fact that there was also ONE woman involved! There you go, it’s official – the ratio of worth from women to men, is 1:150,000. Those two are completely equal in the eyes of many Feminists, apparently. You can spend all your time relaying the experiences of that one female in great detail, without even the slightest nod to the individual experiences of those 150,000 other human beings that were involved, many of whom perished in the process. Because VAGINA.

Yep. That’s right. Telling the story of one woman on D-Day is an attack on all the men involved. Hell, let’s take that further. Any story told about any individual person involved in a collective effort should be considered a grave insult to all the others. Saving Private Ryan is an insult to all soldiers who weren’t Private Ryan!

3) LEGO is launching a new series of scientist minifigures – only this time, they’re women!

On the Justice for Men & Boys (and the women who love them) website, British MRA and would-be politician Mike Buchanan sniffs that this move by LEGO belongs in the

‘You couldn’t make this s*** up!’ file. Doubtless it will sell well to hatchet-faced mothers determined to quash any signs of femininity in their unfortunate daughters.

Apparently acknowledging the existence of female scientists is somehow an injustice to men and boys?

4) Older women sometimes have sex with younger men.

There’s a certain kind of man who likes to loudly declare just which women – or categories of women – he “wouldn’t bang.” Our old friend Heartiste – the white-nationalist, purple-prose-writing pickup guru – is a member of a slightly smaller subgroup: he gets angry when other men have sex with the women he’s declared unsuitable, a group which apparently includes all but 0.1% of women his age and older.

In a recent post, Heartiste lambastes the dating site as a symptom of our “rapid cultural collapse.” Its crime? Matching up “mangy cougars” and their “dusty muffs” with “inexperienced younger men hauling a knapsack of blue balls.”

While Heartiste directs most of his hate at the so-called cougars themselves – for the crime of having sex while female and forty plus – he’s indignant that younger men, in his mind, allow themselves to resort to

the shabby hole of a bottom shelf jezebel to alleviate your incel. … a tepid squirt of pallid pleasure in exchange for your dignity and psychologically distressing confirmation that this is the best you might ever do.

Apparently the idea that a younger man and an older women might actually enjoy having sex with one another is too much for his fragile misogynist mind to take.

Indeed, it’s hard not to wonder if Heartiste actually likes sex at all  – or if his own alleged lovemaking prowess extends much beyond a “tepid squirt.” This, after all, is a guy who thinks going down on a woman is “beta,” because burying your face in what he calls that “fetid, humid mess” is sort of icky, and might lead her to think that you think she’s hot.

And last but not least:

5) Some people are trying to get colleges to take rape more seriously.

In a column in the Washington Post, George Will sniffs that colleges, by addressing what he calls “the supposed campus epidemic of rape” are bestowing upon “’sexual assault’ victims” a “coveted status that confers privileges,” thus encouraging others to jump aboard the victimhood express.

Others have already torn apart Will’s argument pretty thoroughly. So I’ll just note one not-so-little irony: the headline for Will’s column, as it ran in the Post, was “Colleges become the victims of progressivism.”

Why is it that the people who most loudly condemn the supposed “cult of victimhood” are the first to claim that they’re the ones who are really being victimized – by “progressives,” by feminists, by female tennis coaches, by stories about women in war, by LEGO figurines of female scientists, by women they don’t like having consensual sex, by anti-rape activists trying to create a climate in which more than 12% of rape survivors on campuses feel safe enough to report their rapes?


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Phoenician in a time of Romans
Phoenician in a time of Romans
10 years ago

‘You couldn’t make this s*** up!’ file. Doubtless it will sell well to hatchet-faced mothers determined to quash any signs of femininity in their unfortunate daughters.

Let’s see – the most prominent popular figures for female scientists today would have to be on The Big Bang Theory, specifically Bernadette, Leslie Winkle, and, of course, Amy. The first being friendly and bubbly if quirky, the second being witty, autonomous and unabashedly sexual, and the last gradually relaxing into femininity while still being intellectual (and so much much more normal than her boyfriend). Two lead characters appealing in their own way – feminine and intelligent, and one minor character who exemplifies the ability to live her life on her own terms.

Yeah, terrible role-models for girls there.

10 years ago

I was really big into imagination and make-believe when I was a kid. My favourite toys were a box of old clothes/fabric for dress ups and a trampoline. (Bouncing is conducive to day dreaming obviously.)

10 years ago

I’ve started thinking about all the schoolyard games we used to play now. I imagine they’re still playing them… they seemed to be very cyclic. We played handball (sometimes enormous games of elimination handball), elastics and marbles amongst others. Do kids outside Australia even play handball? I’ve never seen it mentioned on tv, and when I was at school in America there wasn’t even anywhere to play it that I recall.

10 years ago

I don’t know what handball is, so I don’t think it’s a thing in the UK. Not sure about the US.

10 years ago

We didn’t play handball. We played dodgeball, the most evil game on Earth.

Ally S
10 years ago

The only games I ever played when I was a kid were video games. I remember being particularly fond of Metroid games because of the main protagonist. My admiration for Samus Aran was a veiled attempt to comfortably identify with femaleness without being teased or bullied for it, since that was the time I went knee-deep into repression of my gender.

10 years ago

I liked red rover and was good at it. Even though I was small. Anyone remember that one? I don’t know how popular it is.

10 years ago

That’s the one where people form a line and call someone’s name, and that person has to run at them and try to break through the line, right?

House Mouse Queen
10 years ago

Mikey’s grand ambition in the UK is to get women off of company boards because in his small mind the companies perform horribly when women are on the boards.

Hes been totally debunked by Ally Fogg but it doesn’t stop his whining.

10 years ago

Uh, Rosalind Franklin didn’t think DNA was a triple-helix, it was Watson and Crick who did before they ended up figuring out it was a double helix (based on the work Franklin did too)
What a surprise, Mikey the sexist shit is full of, well…shit.

Watson and Crick built an incorrect triple-helix model of DNA in 1951, after Watson saw a lecture by Franklin where she showed crystallographic X-ray images she had taken of DNA. The overconfident Watson had failed to take notes, and so he underestimated the amount of water in the DNA structure.

an overconfident man who thinks he knows everything and doesn’t have to take notes? gosh, we’ve never seen that before!

another guy who thought it was a triple helix:

in the final weeks before the discovery, another contender, Linus Pauling in Pasadena, had convinced himself that DNA was a triple helix. (Watson and Crick had been up that cul-de-sac before.)

either way, it’s all irrelevant. In Mikey-land if it was Franklin, or in reality, Watson and Crick, they learned from their mistakes and all made important contributions to what we know of DNA. Isn’t science about learning from mistakes?

10 years ago

is Lisa Randall a “modern” enough female scientist? (theoretical physicist to be exact) God, the rationalization hamsters and outright denial misogynists will go to through to devalue and put women’s contributions down. Says so much about what miserable, insecure people they are.

10 years ago

Rosalind Frankling could have scribbled a cure for cancer in her notes, but that don’t mean shit to Mikey because she wasn’t always nice.

Ally S
10 years ago

It’s interesting how a woman loses what little humanity she has in the eyes of most men as soon as she does anything defensive or refuses to coddle them. One of the reasons I’m scared of most men.

10 years ago


Yep. It’s the same type of horseshit you see when misogynist men will dismiss intelligent and famous women because they weren’t hot. Or even if they ARE hot. Hedy Lamarr contibuted to the development of frequency hopping, which is linked to today’s WiFi…but most would still focus on her looks. Or those obnoxious “ooh she’s hot AND smart” as if you can’t be both and it’s such a surprise. Because hot women must be brainless.

hmm, exactly the same as Mikey’s assumption that female scientists can’t be feminine too.

10 years ago

Just out of curiosity, does hatchet-faced mean something else, or is it a not-so-subtle Jew reference?

To the best of my knowledge it’s referring to someone with a thin, hard face and grim expression. It’s been used to sneer at women for a long time.

What I don’t understand, is how can it be Beta to go down on a woman if you enjoy it? Is it only Alpha to get sexual gratification from an activity if you’re the only one gratified by it? Or do they not understand that it can actually be a very pleasant experience for all involved? I’m kind of hoping it’s the latter, because otherwise it would mean that the only way to be Alpha is to be useless in bed, and that would suck.

Late to the party, but my two cents: I get the feeling it’s only alpha if she’s not enjoying it, or better, distressed by it. That rules out doing anything that might give her pleasure.

…I don’t understand… what about when you want more sex? Maybe this is Beta, but I like that cushy setup where you’ve got someone who wants to have sex with you? Multiple times? In different rooms!? With the lights on?!? And kissing!?!? I like the kissing part a lot.

But it’s beta to have sex with the same woman twice!! How will you increase your notch count that way?

pallygirl – those cunning devils! XD

Ally S
10 years ago

I don’t know if the term “hatchet-faced” is anti-Semitic (although I wouldn’t be surprised if it is), but I’m really not fond of it at all as a trans woman. I feel that it some way it is transmisogynistic because the term was used to discriminate against women with atypical facial structure, and a lot of AMAB trans women are mocked and despises for having certain kinds of jawlines, cheekbones, etc.

10 years ago

Ally, I don’t know about that or the Jewish slur. It does mean thin sharp face and has been around since the 1600s.

10 years ago

handball is where you each stand in a rectangle (aussie schoolyards tend to be made of concrete rectangles. handy!) and you take a tennis ball and bounce it to someone else, making sure it lands in your square first. They hit it once to bounce it to someone else. Similar rules to ping pong, cept you use your hands instead of paddles.

We had 3 variations.

Turn based – 2 people play and everyone else is in line to play next, when someone is out. This is the least fun IMO, and was taken too seriously by some people.

Move around – everyone plays all the time, and each of the rectangles is numbered. The King (in rectangle 1) always serves. When someone gets out, they are the Joker (in the last rectangle) and everyone else moves up a place.

Elimination – when you are out you sit down, or move out of the game. Everyone else plays over your rectangle until there is one person left standing. If the game is suitably big, the final rally can be across a lot of empty space.

Coincidently.. I was just listening to some music and Boy & Bear came on. The photo they have on Spotify is this one and I was thinking. “What a gorgeous smile. PUAs are morons.” and then I found this photo of them playing handball.

10 years ago

It’s also sometimes applied to men. Means thin, sharp face with hard features. When I was living in Texas I heard people being described as hatchet faced all the time, none of whom were Jewish or trans as far as I know.

Ally S
10 years ago

Yeah, I don’t have any evidence that the term “hatchet-faced” has transmisogynistic connotations or even any negative connotations at all. It’s just that I’ve seen the same people who shame cis women for having certain facial appearances often also shame trans women for having facial appearances that look “manly”, so I’m giving the term – as it was used by the MRA – a lot of side-eye for that reason.

10 years ago

@ Kim

The guy in the middle of the first photo reminds me of someone and I can’t figure out who. That’s going to bug me now.

10 years ago

When I used to actually go to MRA/PUA sites, I would always see Fartiste complain about women who have supposed “man jaws” it doesn’t appeal to his boner so he always complained about it.

Like, do these people actually have anything in life they enjoy? besides trashing women on the internet of course :/

10 years ago

It’s a much older, broader term, Ally. It’s not about trans people.

Ally S
10 years ago

I guess as someone who has been ridiculed for looking “manly” a lot, I’m sensitive whenever I see these words and find it easy to see how they could be used in transmisogynistic ways even though the words themselves have nothing to do with trans women. It’s kind of like seeing a non-racist word and thinking it’s racist even though your perception of the word is rooted in a sensitivity to racism due to being oppressed by it.

10 years ago

At a certain point it kind of seems like he’s making up excuses not to approach women, doesn’t it? Well that one’s jaw is wrong and the other one is 23 which is ancient and that one over there looks like her waist to hip ratio might be one point off the ideal. Guess that means I don’t have to approach any women and get told to piss off in public again tonight, then. Handy!

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