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The 5 most ridiculous things causing misogynists to lose their sh*t this week



It’s the eternal question: do misogynists spend their entire lives looking for excuses to get mad at women, or are they so naturally enraged by any evidence of female autonomy that they can’t help but erupt in rage over the tiniest of things?

We may never know the answer to that question. What we do know: almost anything can provoke them, no matter how trivial it is, no matter how misguided their anger might seem to anyone who doesn’t actually, you know, hate women. Let’s look at some of the latest things to cause women-haters to lose their shit.

1) British tennis champ Andy Murray’s  announcement this week that he was hiring former female tennis champion Amélie Mauresmo as his coach. Even though she’s, you know, a lady.

On Twitter, as Buzzfeed has chronicled, some have taken exception to Mauresmo’s status as a non-man.

Others have suggested that maybe she’s more of a man than him – ho ho!

Why it would matter to any of these people just whom someone who is not them wants as his coach remains unclear.

2) An article on the Huffington Post noting that on D-Day, one woman – war correspondent Martha Gellhorn – accompanied the 150,000 men who stormed the beaches.

It’s an interesting story: all the female correspondents who requested spots on the boats were turned down, so she ended up sneaking her way into the invasion by hiding in a ship’s bathroom.

But over on the A Voice for Men forums, someone called Humansplaining w/ Jarred is outraged that “Feminists can’t even let Men have D-DAY for themselves!”

Here we are on the 70th anniversary of a watershed moment in one of the bloodiest wars in human history, where thousands of men selflessly gave their lives, and some Feminist feels the need to devote an entire article to the fact that there was also ONE woman involved! There you go, it’s official – the ratio of worth from women to men, is 1:150,000. Those two are completely equal in the eyes of many Feminists, apparently. You can spend all your time relaying the experiences of that one female in great detail, without even the slightest nod to the individual experiences of those 150,000 other human beings that were involved, many of whom perished in the process. Because VAGINA.

Yep. That’s right. Telling the story of one woman on D-Day is an attack on all the men involved. Hell, let’s take that further. Any story told about any individual person involved in a collective effort should be considered a grave insult to all the others. Saving Private Ryan is an insult to all soldiers who weren’t Private Ryan!

3) LEGO is launching a new series of scientist minifigures – only this time, they’re women!

On the Justice for Men & Boys (and the women who love them) website, British MRA and would-be politician Mike Buchanan sniffs that this move by LEGO belongs in the

‘You couldn’t make this s*** up!’ file. Doubtless it will sell well to hatchet-faced mothers determined to quash any signs of femininity in their unfortunate daughters.

Apparently acknowledging the existence of female scientists is somehow an injustice to men and boys?

4) Older women sometimes have sex with younger men.

There’s a certain kind of man who likes to loudly declare just which women – or categories of women – he “wouldn’t bang.” Our old friend Heartiste – the white-nationalist, purple-prose-writing pickup guru – is a member of a slightly smaller subgroup: he gets angry when other men have sex with the women he’s declared unsuitable, a group which apparently includes all but 0.1% of women his age and older.

In a recent post, Heartiste lambastes the dating site as a symptom of our “rapid cultural collapse.” Its crime? Matching up “mangy cougars” and their “dusty muffs” with “inexperienced younger men hauling a knapsack of blue balls.”

While Heartiste directs most of his hate at the so-called cougars themselves – for the crime of having sex while female and forty plus – he’s indignant that younger men, in his mind, allow themselves to resort to

the shabby hole of a bottom shelf jezebel to alleviate your incel. … a tepid squirt of pallid pleasure in exchange for your dignity and psychologically distressing confirmation that this is the best you might ever do.

Apparently the idea that a younger man and an older women might actually enjoy having sex with one another is too much for his fragile misogynist mind to take.

Indeed, it’s hard not to wonder if Heartiste actually likes sex at all  – or if his own alleged lovemaking prowess extends much beyond a “tepid squirt.” This, after all, is a guy who thinks going down on a woman is “beta,” because burying your face in what he calls that “fetid, humid mess” is sort of icky, and might lead her to think that you think she’s hot.

And last but not least:

5) Some people are trying to get colleges to take rape more seriously.

In a column in the Washington Post, George Will sniffs that colleges, by addressing what he calls “the supposed campus epidemic of rape” are bestowing upon “’sexual assault’ victims” a “coveted status that confers privileges,” thus encouraging others to jump aboard the victimhood express.

Others have already torn apart Will’s argument pretty thoroughly. So I’ll just note one not-so-little irony: the headline for Will’s column, as it ran in the Post, was “Colleges become the victims of progressivism.”

Why is it that the people who most loudly condemn the supposed “cult of victimhood” are the first to claim that they’re the ones who are really being victimized – by “progressives,” by feminists, by female tennis coaches, by stories about women in war, by LEGO figurines of female scientists, by women they don’t like having consensual sex, by anti-rape activists trying to create a climate in which more than 12% of rape survivors on campuses feel safe enough to report their rapes?


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10 years ago

The multi-billion dollar feminist hate industry has had a busy week. Great job all around, ladies. Special kudos to the cell who successfully infiltrated Lego headquarters and hypnotized the board members with their butts.

10 years ago

Here we are on the 70th anniversary of a watershed moment in one of the bloodiest wars in human history, where thousands of men selflessly gave their lives, and some Feminist feels the need to devote an entire article to the fact that there was also ONE woman involved!

I thought it was misandry that women weren’t forced drafted too? Now it’s misandry that one of the women who were denied the right to go with them chose to go with them in order to report on their selfless giving of their lives? It’s misandry that she chose to honour their lives and let the world know of their bravery? Oh, no, it’s misandry that one article informs us that she ever existed, gotcha.

Doubtless it will sell well to hatchet-faced mothers determined to quash any signs of femininity in their unfortunate daughters.

Just out of curiosity, does hatchet-faced mean something else, or is it a not-so-subtle Jew reference? And since when did being a scientist mean quashing all signs of femininity? I can think of quite a few female scientists, but very few who lack all femininity. I certainly don’t think of professor (or should that be “professor”?) Alice Roberts, to pick one at not-quite-random as someone who is devoid of femininity… do they think that being intelligent and demonstrating it to the world is anathema to femininity or something?

a tepid squirt of pallid pleasure in exchange for your dignity and psychologically distressing confirmation that this is the best you might ever do.

So… my most recent ex is 42 this year (I’m 28) and I have to say, I don’t see what’s psychologically distressing about the idea that she was the best I might ever do. Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of better relationships in the future, but she was (and is) an astonishing woman with whom I shared a universally stimulating and passionate relationship. It’s like coming to the “psychologically distressing confirmation” that Everest is the tallest object you’ll ever climb. OH NO! How could I possibly live with it!?
Seriously though, I have no idea wtf is wrong with these guys who think that older than 25 is too old… or “dusty,” for that matter… I detected no dust, and I was quite thorough in exploring.
I may not be actively searching for “cougars” (she’s the only woman I’ve dated with an age difference greater than 3 years at this point) but I’m certainly not going to reject them just because some manchildren think it’s icky for the majority of adults to have sex drives.

10 years ago

Yes, forced drafted. It’s a thing. Shut up. ¬_¬

10 years ago

I bet Heartiste does hate sex, it’s probably god-awful with him.

Ally S
10 years ago

Here we are on the 70th anniversary of a watershed moment in one of the bloodiest wars in human history, where thousands of men selflessly gave their lives, and some Feminist feels the need to devote an entire article to the fact that there was also ONE woman involved! There you go, it’s official – the ratio of worth from women to men, is 1:150,000. Those two are completely equal in the eyes of many Feminists, apparently. You can spend all your time relaying the experiences of that one female in great detail, without even the slightest nod to the individual experiences of those 150,000 other human beings that were involved, many of whom perished in the process. Because VAGINA.

This has to be the most ridiculous “what about the men” derail I have ever seen. Countless people have already written about that war, and probably many of them have also focused on those 150,000 men, and yet he gets upset when someone talks about one non-male person because of historical significance? What entitled man-babies.

10 years ago

“Going down on a woman is Beta”? Really?
Yeah, bc you don’t want a woman to know you want her even if you’re having sex with her at that very moment, I guess. What selflessness!

I find it ironic too that the people who most like to preach to all of us lesser, brown people about personal responsibility, are the same people least likely to accept personal responsibility for any of the shit they think and do.

Ally S
10 years ago


It’s only a matter of time before PUAs try to bolster their ideology with shoddy research on men who go down on their female partners.

10 years ago


“Going down on a woman is Beta”? Really?
Yeah, bc you don’t want a woman to know you want her even if you’re having sex with her at that very moment, I guess. What selflessness!

What I don’t understand, is how can it be Beta to go down on a woman if you enjoy it? Is it only Alpha to get sexual gratification from an activity if you’re the only one gratified by it? Or do they not understand that it can actually be a very pleasant experience for all involved? I’m kind of hoping it’s the latter, because otherwise it would mean that the only way to be Alpha is to be useless in bed, and that would suck.

Mike Buchanan
10 years ago

David, good evening. I hope this finds you well.

Maybe LEGO should inspire young wannabe female scientists with a range of modern era ‘famous’ scientists rather than ‘female’ scientists? Hmm, how might that work out? How many famous female scientists in the modern era can YOU name, in the wake of quite a few decades of equal opportunity? Yeah, I got the same number. Zippo. Nada. Squat.

So desperate are the social engineers to deny gender-typical career preferences, that Brunel University is offering some potential postgraduate engineering students over £20,000 pa additional grants. Which ones? Those with vaginas, of course:

Why is it only a problem when professions are male-dominated, never a problem if they’re female-donated?

Who pays for all these social engineering initiatives? 72% of the income tax raised in the UK is paid by men, and it’s known the vast majority of female engineers who have children don’t later return to the profession. Do you think the Brunel initiative is a good use of taxpayers’ money? Come on, David, you know the answer to this question. It’s hardly rocket science…

Mike Buchanan

(and the women whom love them)

10 years ago

Feminists can’t even let men have D-Day for themselves!

Is Humansplaining w/Jarred a WWII vet? I’m guessing no. My grandfathers both were and if they were alive today I’m sure they would he was being a complete idiot. Especially my maternal grandfather who was glad he had two daughters instead of sons and also liked kitties. MRAs might think he was a “mangina” or a “beta” because he was sweet and gentle but he also helped liberate a concentration camp. What the hell has this trouser stain ever done?

I hate it when MRAs claim credit for things other, better men have done.

10 years ago

George Will is a huge pile of stinking rape-apologizing shit.

What the hell kind of “privileges” does he think being a rape victim confers? The “privilege” of not being believed? The “privilege” of having your actions and dress and past sexual history held up to scrutiny and be used to excuse your rapist?

10 years ago

Athywren: When dealing with MRAs and PUAs, always assume the worst possible option. They genuinely seem to assume that there is a total amount of pleasure (X) which can be had in a single sexual encounter, and therefore, anytime a woman is enjoying sex, she’s stealing that pleasure from the man.

Also, I vaguely recall when George Will was one of the ‘good’ conservatives–still wrong about a lot of things, but not a contemptible, disgusting piece of shit. What the ever-loving fuck is wrong with these people?

10 years ago

Mikey B: you’re not even trying. But you clearly have a Google alert set up to feed your sad man-child ego. Way to go, chump.

10 years ago


anytime a woman is enjoying sex, she’s stealing that pleasure from the man.

I’m suddenly reminded of my third girlfriend… she apologised to me for having orgasms… oddly enough, it was through her previous boyfriend that I found out about PUAs first time around. Not necessarily assuming anything here, but I wonder if those two facts are related.

10 years ago

So, as usual, all this can basically be summed up as “someone, somewhere, doesn’t hate women as much as we do, which is appalling”.

Random, but do people not remember when Lego was a totally non-gendered toy and nobody thought it was weird that girls played with it? I had lots of Lego as a child. Then again, I also grew up to be a feminist, and during the brief period where Mr C and I broke up pretty much only hooked up with people who were younger than me, and I was over 30 at the time, so…shit, they’re right. Lego makes women into evil feminist cougars who may or may not also be tennis coaches.

10 years ago

After lurking and reading so many articles for so long, i honestly think that PUA even like sex. It seems to be a status only thing. Also, George Will has always been of the type of conservative that thinks that if you give somebody a piece of gum everybody will start asking you for some so gum should be made as hard to get as possible.

10 years ago

Maybe LEGO should inspire young wannabe female scientists with a range of modern era ‘famous’ scientists rather than ‘female’ scientists? Hmm, how might that work out? How many famous female scientists in the modern era can YOU name, in the wake of quite a few decades of equal opportunity? Yeah, I got the same number. Zippo. Nada. Squat.

How many famous scientists of any gender are there? Why is being famous the only metric that matters? As much as I love Neil Degrasse Tyson and Bill Nye they aren’t the ones doing the actual research. Just look at the abstract for any scientific study and chances are you will find that some of the people working on the research for women. It’s entirely shitty of you to resent the fact that young girls might look up to Marie Curie, Rachel Carson or Sally Ride. In fact, those are people boys who like can looks up to too.

Please go step on a pile of female scientist legos.

Mike Buchanan
10 years ago
Reply to  hellkell

Hellkell, ‘Google alert’? Who has the time? Nothing could be further from the truth. I had a ‘pingback’ to approve because (I assume) Mr F linked to our piece on Lego ‘female scientists’, and checked the link out of curiosity. Just posted the following blog piece in response to Mr F’s:

10 years ago

Oh, Mikey. Looking at your profile and your picture and so on I can see why you wouldn’t like life very much, since yours seems rather miserable, but really, is that any excuse for taking your rage against the world that’s passed you by out on an innocent children’s toy? Do try to be a better person. The only way is up, in your case.

rtanen (@rtanen)
10 years ago

Mike, when is modern? Do Rosalind Franklin, Grace Hopper, and Marie Curie count? I can find others, but those are some of the really famous ones.

10 years ago

Why is Mikey B so threatened by Lego female scientist toys?

10 years ago

How many famous female scientists in the modern era can YOU name, in the wake of quite a few decades of equal opportunity?

Jane Goodall
Alice Roberts
Lucie Green
Maggie Aderin-Pocock
Four from the top of my head in about two minutes.

Yeah, I got the same number. Zippo. Nada. Squat.

I don’t think you actually got the same number…

10 years ago

Mikey, please go step on those Legos you’re so het up about.

10 years ago

Shorter Mikey: waaahhh, there are some study grants that are going to females rather than males waaahhh.

Why don’t you also go and whine about how there’s social science grants going to students studying social science rather than STEM fields.

Also, we feminists aren’t the ones trying to prevent males becoming primary school teachers or nurses, or other traditionally feminine roles. You know, the males that your lot would accuse of being manginas. Maybe males aren’t entering those professions in droves because of the *lower pay due to them being traditionally female occupations*.

Go away, adults are talking.

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