
Anti-AVFM Conference protest happening now in Detroit; see Twitter hashtag #NoMRA for updates [No Troll thread]

Protesters head to the Doubletree
Protesters head to the Doubletree

Just a quick note to let you know that the protest against the AVFM Conference at the Doubletree in Detroit is happening right now. You can check the hashtag #NoMRA on Twitter for live updates. Here’s a Ms Magazine blog piece with more details.

I’ll have some thoughts on it all later.

Photo from @Katie_Speak on Twitter.

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10 years ago

marinerachel: I’m glad to hear you are being looked after. Don’t think you weren’t worth it. When John Donne said “send not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee” the corollary (which he included) was that the loss of one diminishes us all.

We didn’t want to lose you (and if you weren’t suicidal, that’s ok. I’ve been there (depressed and presenting as perhaps suicidal. I wasn’t but if I’d died I wouldn’t have cared; might even had thought that a fine outcome).

We care. More than that I can’t say. More than that really can’t be said. We care.

If it helps, try to remember that we care.

10 years ago

contrapangloss: I can send you some yarn (made myself).

10 years ago

Kitty hugs for all!

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

Oh, thanks be that you’re safe, marinerachel! Be extra good to yourself.

David, you’re the best.

10 years ago

So glad to hear you’re with a friend and safe!

10 years ago

I knew it, marinerachel, you’re a fighter! It’s no surprise you found your way here, because a lot of the regulars are fighters too. You decided to live to fight another day. Good choice. Everyone here is special. You are special. You’re offically a badass now. I toast you, dear lady. You are so not alone.

10 years ago

Seconding the David’s the best.

Marinerachel, did I say I was glad you’re safe, yet? Just made a mug of instant hot cocoa, and am raising it in toast to you.

Don’t feel like you have to share, if it’s too painful. I’m interested, but not at the price of your pain.

I’m so, so glad to know you’re safe, no matter what.

10 years ago

Assuming you aren’t diabetic and don’t have a nut allergy, this is the time where a couple of spoonfuls of Nutella tastes best. Like, the absolute bestest taste in the world.

10 years ago

Marinerachel: Thanks for letting us know you’re all right. I’ve been where you were (are? Don’t want to assume), and it honestly does get better.

10 years ago

Nthing the thank-you’s to David and the gladness that marinerachel is safe 🙂

10 years ago

I can’t believe the kindness I’ve been shown tonight. I’m astounded. I’m still extremely emotionally volatile and profoundly hurt and hopeless on the one hand but on the other I’m weeping because I’m so touched. Someone I tried to give everything but never told me what they needed who toyed with me for a year, than rejected me has left me wanting to die. Here people I’ve never given anything have gone out of their way to help me. I’m just astounded. I can’t believe the humanity I’m experiencing. I feel so hurt and used and worthless but at the same time am experiencing such kindness. I don’t even know how to respond. I’m still sobbing uncontrollably but it’s because I’m so moved.

10 years ago

(Hugs marinerachel)

Ally S
10 years ago

:: brings out Barrel of Free Hugs for marinerachel, along with various stuffed animals ::

10 years ago

I’ve been reading this site for over a year and have never delurked because I just thought it was unnecessary. Marinerachel, I would really like to know how you’re doing, even if it’s just here. You can email me at irenadel at yahoo dot com if you want to.

I’m so glad you pulled through and that people here were able to help you and I’d like to help you with what little I can. I’d like to send you a gift or something, anything you’d like that could cheer you up. I think you deserve gifts and cuddles and love more than anyone else right now, I’d like to be able to give you a little of that.

People at Wehuntedthemammoth… I am awed, completely and utterly awed at what has just transpired here. I think I just got my faith in humanity back. Thank you David.

10 years ago

marinerachel ,
I’m so glad you’re OK.

Ally S
10 years ago

And you know what marinerachel? You’ve given plenty already. I’ve seen you here ever since I started frequenting this blog, about 2 years ago, and I have always appreciated your contributions in the comments section. And I know for a fact that I’m not the only one here who feels that way about you. You deserve love and support regardless of how much you have contributed here, but putting that aside, you are a valued Mammotheer and we’re all glad you’re still here. <3

10 years ago

:: all the hugs ::

If you ever make it into Alaska, hit David up for my email. I’m so, so glad you’re at a friends, and if there’s ever anything I can do…

Family tradition is to mail care packages. If you’d like one, hit David up for my email and we can sort it out. I’m so, so glad you’re safe.

Have more internet hugs. Maybe the magic power of pillow hugging will transfer them appropriately. I’m hugging my pillow half to stuffing lessened for you.

10 years ago

I can’t believe you did this for me, David. My depression has gone unmanaged for years and my GP, bless his cotton socks, has been hesitant about sending me to a shrink, probably because I’ve presented very cheerfully. I’ve never wanted to alarm him so I’ve always faked a sunny disposition when I’ve been to the doctor.

The Mounties gave me the psychiatric referral I needed. I never would have guessed this is how I would finally receive the psychiatric care I need. I can’t thank you enough. I am profoundly hurt. I don’t know if I have ever been hurt this terribly. The heartlessness of this man, the display of how little he cared, how worthless I was to him after everything I put into him has destroyed me. I no longer have any sense of self-worth or love and I can’t enjoy anything. Maybe with this help I can get those things back. I haven’t eaten in days. I tried to drink a diet coke and vomited several times today. Maybe I can start start ingesting fluids on my own again in the next couple days.

I don’t know how to thank you.

Ally S
10 years ago

Anyway, I need to go sleep now. But feel free to take as many hugs as you need from the barrel, and if you empty it out then surely cloudiah will come around to bring out another one for you.

10 years ago

*stuffinglessness. Thank you autocorrect.

10 years ago

Thank you so much, everyone. I am still devastated and will be for some time but the kindness you’ve shown me has been such a gift.

10 years ago

All the hugs.

and some otters chasing a butterfly

10 years ago

:: more hugs, and heaping silent blessings upon the Mounties ::

I should also go to bed. But first,

:: more internet hugs ::

10 years ago

I’ve been mostly AFK all day but, marinerachel, I am so glad you are safe and sound. Please stay safe and get whatever help you need.

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