
Anti-AVFM Conference protest happening now in Detroit; see Twitter hashtag #NoMRA for updates [No Troll thread]

Protesters head to the Doubletree
Protesters head to the Doubletree

Just a quick note to let you know that the protest against the AVFM Conference at the Doubletree in Detroit is happening right now. You can check the hashtag #NoMRA on Twitter for live updates. Here’s a Ms Magazine blog piece with more details.

I’ll have some thoughts on it all later.

Photo from @Katie_Speak on Twitter.

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10 years ago

He already has it. I need him. I need his love.

10 years ago

I’ve actually had at him. I was in immense pain. I went off. I was very unkind. He was very defensive. It was a needless, ugly interaction. It just harmed us both. I was incredibly insulting but sincere. He got nothing out of it except anger towards me.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Good. I’m glad you didn’t give him any satisfaction.

True story:

I used to have a cat named Truman. He hated the phone and would sometimes attack it. Poor phone.

One afternoon after I had left work, my office phone rang and a co-worker picked up my line.
“Good afternoon. [Auntie Alias]’s line, Carol speaking.
“Hello. This is Carol. May I help you?”

In the background Carol heard the door open as I entered my apartment and me saying, “You bad boy!” I saw Truman on the table beside the phone which was off the hook. Someone had mastered Last Number Redial. 🙂

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

Have you been able to sleep at all, marinerachel?

10 years ago


Glad you seem to be doing well especially with your mood. How lucky you are in a way to be able to get a quick psychiatrist appointment. Yay. Here in the city I live in, I know people who have waited weeks before an appointment. These doctors are trained well and as you are up front with him about what is going on, I am sure the doctor can find the appropriate medication or even a combination of meds that can help you function better. By now it is so apparent how many people here on this forum are glad you are still with us and that you are taking responsibility and getting help. That is awesome. Heck, you even sparked a few of us long time lurkers here to comment finally. Thank you and I’ll take a welcome packet finally, if there are still any welcome packets available?

I just had to add about the apple sauce as comfort food. As a kid my mom always bought me ‘Motts’ brand applesauce( I liked cinnamon). Also us Jews love potato pancakes called ‘Latkes” (especially around the holiday of Hanukkah which falls around Christmas time). The tradition is latkes with either applesauce or sour cream with a dr.browns brand of cream soda. It is a NY jewish deli staple.

10 years ago

Is it weird that I only like latkes by themselves, not with condiments?

10 years ago

It can be very very difficult to distance yourself from an ex. My best friend in college (before cell phones) literally took the phone out of my hand and told an ex of mine to never call me again. I was pissed for a while, but it was one I the nicest things anyone has done- I couldn’t do it myself.
When I was severely clinically depressed, my doctor insisted I have someone with me at all times the first weeks I started medication. I hated being around “happy people” and didn’t want my friends to see me like that, but it was very important. I’m pretty sure I spent weeks watching “The Golden Girls” with a friend or roommate and eating only yogurt covered raisins.

10 years ago

I’m going down for a sleep now. I got a couple hours last night and am going to see if I can get three-ish more now.

Would you take me to a Jewish deli in NYC, jared?

10 years ago

It’s funny because I have the opposite problem of a lot of people. When I get dumped or rejection I do the beating myself up but the attraction to the person who rejected disappears right away. I never pine for them at all. In a lot of ways that’s a good thing but I also have wondered if I’m a bad, cold person who can’t feel strong enough romantic feelings for another. Am I horrible ice queen?


People are just too hard on themselves I guess.

10 years ago


lol no you are not weird at all.There are no rules on how to eat. For a lot of jewish people during Hanukkah usually have it with apple sauce or sour cream. But I have seen people eat it stand alone, especially if their soft and oily. Latkes are a pain to make if you cant take peeling potatoes with all the elbow grease you can muster but they are worth the hassle. Keep in mind if anyone desires latkes this time of year just search for a kosher style deli in your local if you have one. Now that we are commenting food on food I think I’ll head over to my local deli and get for lunch a pastrami/corn beef on rye bread with mustard and a stand alone latke. It’s pricey but worth it.

10 years ago

@ weirdwoodtreehugger

Nah, you’re just super extra practical. Or maybe I just think that because I’m the same way – if I can tell that the other person isn’t interested then I lose interest pretty fast. There has to be obvious mutual chemistry for me to stay interested in anyone for very long.

(IRL – celebrity crushes and so on, where you don’t actually know the other person, are a totally different deal, obviously.)

@ Jared

I think I just really like potatoes, and don’t like most Western condiments.

10 years ago

I never pine for them at all. In a lot of ways that’s a good thing but I also have wondered if I’m a bad, cold person who can’t feel strong enough romantic feelings for another. Am I horrible ice queen?

Lol, no, not an ice queen. I’m the same way. I was with a guy for two years, and when he broke up with me by basically dropping all contact and refusing to talk to me for almost a month, I immediately switched my brain to “FUASSHOLE” mode. A few weeks later we met at a cafe and he was all remorseful and tried to act like he was just confused about what he wanted.

He said, “Think we might ever get back together?”

I said, “Hahaha, fuck no!”

Haven’t seen him since. Zero sads.

10 years ago

I forgot to add the dr.browns cream soda I am having with my luch. For me I got to have that cream soda.

@marinerachel yes I would because I like when people I know visit NY and never had NY jewish deli. Katz deli is probably where I would take my friends visiting from out of town where there is a scarcity of kosher deli’s. Katz deli has sort of gotten commercial but the sandwiches are still good and huge and the smell of the deli is enticing. I always suggest to said friends a matzah ball soup. Now talk about comfort food. A good chicken noodle or matzah ball now that’s the best. Here is there website
I think they deliver to people out of town.
Well marinerachel at least now you know you may just have to to try a good deli Talk about comfort food.

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Marinerachel — my mother’s kitty offers headbutts you can’t ignore, she demands pets! And has been given them for you. She currently suckling my blanket in appreciation.

Also, here’s a Reese’s for you. She keeps trying to eat them and obviously can’t, cuz chocolate, so if you can, here, have a few.

Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

As for mostly liquid comfort food, I love miso soup. And if you can eat the solid bits in it, it has some nutrition to it too. Tomato soup is always good too, and probably easier to get.

And mango juice, but pecunium would certainly argue the point on that one!

10 years ago

As someone who has been in depression related ‘can’t eat’ mode, what worked for me was Cheerios, straight out of the box. Cheerios have that nostalgic comfort as well as being bland as hell. I have a thing about textures in food normally, so for me, the mild crunch of oat cereal is a pleasant feeling.

In happy distraction news, my kitty is sitting on my lap with her forehead smooshed up against my arm while I type. I’m supposed to be getting work done, but I don’t want to disturb her! My kitty is a little lover, so @marinerachel, I’m sure she would be cuddling up on your lap were she physically able to do so!

10 years ago
10 years ago

@marinerachel: Go, you! The high road is overrated, anyway. Hopefully, you were able to put back all the venom you’ve taken over from him right back where it belongs: with him. It’s his responsibility to dispose of it, not yours.

10 years ago

One of the reasons this is so painful is I know the attraction and love and longing for one another isn’t gone. He just feels threatened and vulnerable. He thinks he’ll find happiness through simplifying his life. What he should be doing is tackling his insecurity. I’ve brought him nothing but love and strength and positivity. He hasn’t been able to control his insecurity to appreciate everything I give him for a while though.

10 years ago

This may be a stupid question because hey, Brit here who grew up in the Mid East/Asia, but what’s a cream soda? It’s a soda that…tastes like dairy products?

Ally S
10 years ago

Cream soda is basically a soda that is supposed to taste like vanilla ice cream.

10 years ago

@marinerachel: You will have attraction, love and longing for a guy who loves you back and who appreciates everything you do for him. But you won’t have it with this guy. He needs to be single and go to therapy to deal with his issues for a long, long time. There are plenty of guys out there who don’t take their issues out on the women they date, I promise.


10 years ago

OK, that makes more sense. I was picturing a soda that tasted like whipping cream or something, which seemed odd.

Ally S
10 years ago

Well, I guess it’s not necessarily intended to taste like vanilla ice cream in particular, but it certainly has a lot of vanilla in it and as a result tends to remind people of vanilla ice cream.

10 years ago

cassandra: Yeah, I guess vanilla is what it tastes like. I really like the A&W diet version (because I hate the aftertaste of real sugared sodas).

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