
Anti-AVFM Conference protest happening now in Detroit; see Twitter hashtag #NoMRA for updates [No Troll thread]

Protesters head to the Doubletree
Protesters head to the Doubletree

Just a quick note to let you know that the protest against the AVFM Conference at the Doubletree in Detroit is happening right now. You can check the hashtag #NoMRA on Twitter for live updates. Here’s a Ms Magazine blog piece with more details.

I’ll have some thoughts on it all later.

Photo from @Katie_Speak on Twitter.

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10 years ago

So what you’re saying is that when I take my breaks at work tonight, there will be lots of delicious MRA whining and flailing to catch up on? Sweet πŸ˜€

Ally S
10 years ago

The great thawing of frozen peaches will soon commence. Oceania is literally already here.

10 years ago

Those haters, vying for workplace equity and equal funding for domestic abuse and suicide prevention for males, and promoting discussion and real debate instead of shaming and baseless accusations of hate speech. how dare they.

10 years ago

At least we can hope the most annoying MRAs are at the conference and won’t be here to bother us.

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
10 years ago

The article in Ms. is absolutely perfect!

10 years ago

Hope Sarah and the other Detroiters will update us too.

10 years ago

I will probably be chastised for saying this, but the best thing to do with these idiot MRAs is to ignore them. They thrive on negative attention. They’re narcissists, they can’t get positive feedback, do they feed off whatever they can get.

10 years ago

That would work in other places, except the purpose of this blog is to mock them. πŸ™‚

10 years ago

I think the most effective way to counter MRAs is to (a) mock them, AND (b) make sure they will never outrun their most vile words and actions. Speaking of which, it appears that there’s more doxxing in store:

10 years ago

Those haters, vying for workplace equity and equal funding for domestic abuse and suicide prevention for males, and promoting discussion and real debate instead of shaming and baseless accusations of hate speech. how dare they.

Men already have workplace equity. In fact men are privileged. The further you go up the ladder, the more thin the female population is.

The VAWA is not gender segregated. Men can use the programs it funds.

Mental health services are not gender segregated either. You can make the case that there should be more funding for both DV and mental health services. I would love for that to occur. However, you seem to want men to be privileged and receive more services. That would violate the law, so it isn’t happening.

Nice try.

10 years ago

Those haters, vying for workplace equity and equal funding for domestic abuse and suicide prevention for males, and promoting discussion and real debate instead of shaming and baseless accusations of hate speech. how dare they.

Yes, dear, the nerve of those uppity womens not wanting Hilton to support a group whose leader thinks “bash a violent bitch month” is a grade-A idea. Prove that AVfM has ever actually helped a man besides Paul Elam.

Run along, the grown-ups are talking.

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: paul

Those haters, vying for workplace equity and equal funding for domestic abuse and suicide prevention for males, and promoting discussion and real debate instead of shaming and baseless accusations of hate speech.

Yeah, because these assholes really care about male victims as people, and not just beating sticks for feminism. And I’m a male survivor, I know what I’m talking about. How many shelters have they set up for men? How much money have they raised for the purpose?

I’ve had MRAs specifically tell me there is no place in their movement for me, and I believe them. Your movement doesn’t give a shit about guys like me, unless we can be used to hate women.

10 years ago

There were about a dozen men along the route of the march, taking pictures and video.

The woman who was followed to her car got a picture of the guy who followed her and took a picture of her license plate, but I forgot to get her email address after the march. :/

Colette Wedding
10 years ago

Couldn’t make it to the protest but I have been on Twitter. Man is that GirlWritesWhat a trip, haha.

Colette Wedding
10 years ago

I’m sorry, JudgyBitch – she spins on her top easily.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Holding the AVfM conference right on the heels of the Eliot Rodger killings is eerily reminiscent of the NRA tendency to hold rallies at the scene of mass shootings (Columbine in 1999, Tucson in 2002, VA Tech in 2007, Northern Illinois in 2008). It displays the same level of colossal “fuck you” tone deafness and refusal to engage with their role in fanning the resentment that led to Rodgers’ killing spree.

Even if it was already planned months ago and they couldn’t postpone, at least acknowledge the unfortunate timing. Try to pretend like the public’s opinion matters.

But no, as long as they get their frozen peaches, they don’t give a damn about the collateral frostbite.

I hope all the Detroit protesters stay safe. Thank you for your courage in standing against hate.

christina valentine
christina valentine
10 years ago

First time commenting.. Ive been following #NoMRA, and where is the Detroit media? Is this march not news worthy? And also, is anyone ever going to find out WHO sent the letter from Doubletree, and “verify it”? Its would seem like that is an important piece of information, because the DP and the FBI BOTH say there have been NO “death threats” reported. I would love to have THAT brought out into the light of truth! Thanks, love this site.

10 years ago

Thanks to the protesters. The MRAs are violent, dishonest misogynists. Thank you for standing up for what is right. I hope you all stay safe and that your protest is a success.

10 years ago

“Safe” being a relative term in the context of Detroit…

Sorry, I couldn’t help it. πŸ˜€

10 years ago

It’s frightening that they are following protestors with cameras and taking pictures if their license plates. πŸ™

10 years ago

Downtown is pretty safe, actually.

Detroit is awesome. You should come visit.

10 years ago

Ahhh I wish I could go. I would’ve protested too. The things that are happening are really bothering me. Taking photos of license plates? It really shows what the mras are really like.

10 years ago

Dean is claiming in the comments on a local news site
that they do not condone the stalking, but I think he was there. I was not able to get a decent picture of the guy with a walkie-talkie who looked a lot like him.

10 years ago

sarah, thanks for the reports from the event! Also, I want to confirm that Detroit is indeed a fascinating city. I used to travel there regularly.

10 years ago

The guys who took pictures weren’t harassing in any other way besides the guy who followed a woman to her car.

There were like, 8 guys at Washington and Grand River who were yelling something at us. So we got a little louder πŸ™‚

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