antifeminism evil sexy ladies evil women imaginary backwards land men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men red pill reddit sexual harassment that's completely wrong

[Not All] Redditors agree: "In 99% of societal contexts such as going to office, going to the supermarket … etc, it is men who have to be continually afraid of women."

They're very sneaky, these gals.
They’re very sneaky, these gals.

Oh, Reddit! Need another reminder that on Reddit, whiny lady-hating man-babies can be found outside the Men’s Rights and Red Pill subreddits? Take a look at this lovely comment from occasional Red Pill commenter purple4th  in Change My Views, which (the last I checked) had garnered nearly 150 net upvotes from the crowd there. Here’s the money quote:

[S]ocietal laws are so filled with misandry that in 99% of societal contexts such as going to office, going to the supermarket, going to the movies, etc;, it is men who have to be continually afraid of women.

That’s right, fellas. Women who worry about men harming them are all a bunch of big sillies. It’s MEN who should be worried Oh, sure those gals may look innocent, but don’t let your guard down for a minute lest one of them misander you with a false accusation of being too much of a dude! con

Purple4th continues:

As my investment banks’ Sexual Harassment presentation says, “It is harassment if she says so”. Period.

Really? I decided to look online to see if I could find any Sexual Harassment literature making that argument. A search for “It is harassment if she says so” in quotes returns only one hit on Google: Purple4th’s comment on Reddit.

In fact, the legal standard for sexual harassment — in the US at least —  is not “whatever the hell a random woman wants to call harassment.” It’s whether or not a “reasonable person” would see the behavior as harassment.

But that’s how it works in the real world. MRAs and the MRA-adjacent don’t live in the real world.

Thanks, AMRthroaway on Reddit for pointing me to this lovely quote.



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10 years ago

With gays taking over America, you’ll be accused of homophobia if you don’t flirt with your same sex coworkers! We live in fear now!”

It’s not just that. Now that marriage equality has come to an increasing number of places you will be forced to get gay married even if you’re not gay!

10 years ago

This post reminds me that I forgot to fulfill my quote of false rape accusations today. Shit!

10 years ago

Someone has insulted the good name of Reddit! Send out the angry white boy batsignal!

10 years ago

Buttercup, Clamato is all right, but too sweet for my taste. Have you tried clam broth mixed with V-8? Makes a great Caesar cocktail.

The Tom Tomorrow cartoon is spot on. I’m tempted to go to the Daily Kos cartoon page and check out the whinging dudebros who are doubtless complaining even as we speak.

10 years ago

Dave: sorry your cesspit was insulted. Maybe have a think about where you hang out?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

Robert, you interest me strangely…I might have to try that combination in a Bloody Mary.

I’d be curious to know what the 1% of social situations are where men don’t need to fear women.

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
10 years ago

I got sexually harassed at school a year ago. (The guy licked up my sweat. Ewww.) I went to my instructor and told her very neutrally what had happened, she sent me to HR, I told my story, and a week later they told me he said it didn’t happen so case closed. Just on his word, no further investigation. HR checks off the “dealt with complaint” box, zero consequences for him, zero benefit to me.

I didn’t even really want anything out of this–I just said what happened, I had nothing to gain by getting him fired or whatever–but it was still unsettling how quickly the HR department closed everything up with “he said it didn’t happen, therefore there’s nothing we can do,” as if it’s totally unfathomable that he could lie about something like that.

So if that’s what a dude who licks up students’ sweat has to fear–being briefly inconvenienced before suffering no consequences–I’d say your average guy going out to the supermarket is pretty damn safe.

10 years ago

I’m not on Reddit myself, but it’s my understanding that you have seek out specific sub groups that aren’t misogynistic shitholes and that all the default ones are terrible.

10 years ago

[Content note: violence] There’s been another shooting at a University. One student has died of his injuries.

10 years ago

Cliff, agh, that’s gross. Hugs if you want them.

It also shows the MRM’s mindset, and how common it is: If he says harassment/sexual assault didn’t happen, it didn’t.

10 years ago

Gods, another day, another multiple shooting in the US.

But no, there’s no problem with having so many guns around, nosirree.

cloudiah, I dropped you an email just before.

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: Dave Barnes

You are taking the statements from ONE group out of TENS OF THOUSANDS and claiming they represent the entire spectrum of a single site.

I’m from Missouri. Don’t tell me, SHOW me. (Also, for the love of entropy, David got this quote FROM REDDIT. A reddit FIGHTING these chucklefucks. Did you miss that part?)

RE: Cassandrakitty

Someone has insulted the good name of Reddit! Send out the angry white boy batsignal!


RE: Cliff

(The guy licked up my sweat. Ewww.)

AAAAAH wtf?!

10 years ago

I had a bro with a ponytail sit in front of me at a presentation at a con. It was hot. I was wearing sandals. Something dripped on my bare toe. It was sweat from the bro’s ponytail. :S

Sweat is gross and being sweat on or having someone revel in your sweat is just way too intimate to not be disgusting if it isn’t your partner.

10 years ago

cloudiah: Just up the hill from SPU is the first place I lived when I moved to Seattle. If the shooter turns out to be some aggrieved asswipe who’s pissed he couldn’t get laid, he should have read the college brochure. I am so pissed about this shooting.

10 years ago

Dave, no one even said all of Reddit was to blame.

10 years ago

Cliff, that sucks. Isn’t that battery in MA? I know you said you didn’t even want anything to come of it, and I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m trying to argue otherwise, I’m just agog that HR risked ignoring a crime to cover that guy’s ass. Not surprised, really, just appalled.


People need to be held responsible for their own actions.

Unless they’re white, of course.

Cliff Pervocracy
Cliff Pervocracy
10 years ago

Emilygoddess – Technically yes. But it’s one of those things where the cost to press charges (in both money and retaliation/ostracism risk) would have been astronomical and the benefit of winning would be negligible. So.

It’s one of those awkward things where I actually don’t want the guy’s head on a pike, I just want someone to acknowledge that this really happened and it really wasn’t okay–but I couldn’t get that, I got “well sorry, we’re not giving you his head on a pike, so you might as well go away.”

Maybe the guy at least got chewed out by his superior? I won’t know. I wasn’t assigned to work that floor again for as long as I was at the school. I didn’t really mind, because it wasn’t a specialty I’m interested and I was glad to not see any more of guy, but it is sort of messed up that they changed my schedule over this.

…Anyway, my point isn’t “poor Cliff,” I’m fine, my point is just that wow, sexual harassment cases are not at all the “accusing is easy and you get to ask for anything you want when you accuse a guy” thing MRAs would like to think they are.

10 years ago

Oh ick, Cliff. You’re right about sexual harassment not being taken seriously in most cases. We’re pretty good where I work, but it’s kind of the exception.

Have a snoring duck:

10 years ago


“People need to be held responsible for their own actions. Unless they’re white, of course”

And men, seriously WHAT ABOUT TEH MENZ!!!


Giggles at the duck. My dogs snore too, one of them snores so loud that you could hear him in the next room!


Only the harassers are afraid of accusers

10 years ago

So they’re not afraid of women hurting them. They’re afraid of women talking about being hurt.

That must be so scary.

10 years ago

The human male must have seen of you extend her ovipositors and fill the other human male’s husk with eggs.

They’re onto us, Ladies! Back to the mother ship!

10 years ago

Moncton NB is still on lockdown.

Not much said about the shooter yet, except that he seems to be spending way too much time on the wrong parts of the internet.

10 years ago

Cliff, I’m sorry, I really wasn’t trying to suggest that you should press charges. I was just trying to imagine HR deciding that an accusation of criminal behavior wasn’t worth looking into. I can’t even.