a voice for men Dean Esmay doubling down facepalm FemRAs irony alert lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny paul elam post contains sarcasm the c-word

A Voice for Men’s Paul Elam and Dean Esmay explain the proper slurs to use for "nasty women."

That's Queen Bitch to you
That’s Queen Bitch to you

So, hoping to find out any more information I could about those threats the A Voice for Men gang has apparently been getting lately, I forced myself to listen to 45 minutes worth of a regular AVFM YouTube show with the highly ironic name Intelligence Report. The topic of the show was ostensibly the “Death Threats in Detroit.” But somehow, AVFM’s Paul Elam, Dean Esmay and Tara Palmatier managed to reveal much less about this subject than they did about their own obsessions and insecurities.

At one point in their rambling conversation they began talking about how unfair it was that the Southern Poverty Law Center had profiled the AVFM gang as a bunch of woman-haters, when really the SPLC should be putting mean feminists on their Hatewatch list instead. And somehow this segued into a discussion of gendered slurs against women, and why it was just fine to use them, so long as you didn’t use them to refer to every single woman on planet earth.

And yes, I’ve saved a sound clip of this edifying discussion for you. You’re welcome!

Oh, just a little FYI, when Pauly says they never ever ever ever use the words “cunt” or “bitch” to describe women as a group — as if using those words is totally fine otherwise — he’s lying. At least when it comes to “cunt.”

With “bitch,” well, they’re awfully fond of the word, but technically I can’t recall a writer there calling literally every single woman on planet earth a bitch. I mean, granted, Elam once wrote an article titled Princess Miserable and the Great American Bitch Machine, in which he suggested that

feminism, consumer products, psychology, media, advertising, politics and social custom [have] all merged into one Great Big Bitch Machine; [and] the modern female psyche is nothing more than a product of that machine

But technically he’s not calling all women bitches there. Just saying that “modern female psyche” is the product of a “Great Big Bitch Machine.”

Not the same thing at all.

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10 years ago

My gran’s dog used to always try to lick people’s bare feet, in between their toes. Border collie with a foot fetish! I wasn’t a fan of that particular habit.

10 years ago


That is my beloved Zelda. Not to get heavy, but she died last January after 20+ years as my tiny striped Furrinati overlord.

I am just about ready to start looking at shelters for a new pair of kitty companions.

She and her brother Xerxes came to me together and having kitty siblings (I would go with two cats who are friends as well) seemed to keep them happy and entertained when I couldn’t be with them.

Thanks, she was very special to me and as sweet as she looks in that picture.

10 years ago

It’s not curry powder! You use a curry comb to curry the pony’s coat and loosen any dirt and dead skin, and then follow it with a dandy brush to get rid of the crap the curry comb stirred up.

There would be no point in trying to flavor the pony until after you finish grooming him. And then you just feed him apples and carrots and (in the case of one horse I knew) Mountain Dew, which I suppose you can view as a kind of marinade but I really do not recommend that you eat your pony.

10 years ago

Zelda was a pretty girl. Good luck finding your new kitty overlords!

10 years ago

Aw, cutie Zelda. My cat passed away at just over 20 too, I was a mess for a while. Found my new kitty overlord the very first time I went to the shelter, where she pretty much claimed me on sight.

10 years ago

Rescue greyhounds are the sweetest.

I’ve always heard that! The few I’ve met were adorable.

My aunt has one. He’s totally a couch potato, but if you’re there first he’s very dainty about picking out a spot without stepping on anyone.

I can just picture it. 😀

The little rat-terrier though, that girl has absolutely no concept of personal space. She likes standing on peoples chests, to better lick the inside of their noses.


Zelda was a cutie! Our Magnus made it past 20, but sweet he never was – more like the cat from hell. Made for some great “how Magnus shredded my boss’s hand” stories, though.

Good luck on getting your new overlords! Getting siblings is a great idea.

10 years ago

Thanks all.

Nice to be around so many of those conquered by the Furrinati.

I will post pictures as soon as I find my new kitty overlords.


My golden has a serious foot fetish. He is a rescue with kind of a murky past, so I am not sure if this is a breed thing or specific to him but he will lick as long as you allow him to and then try and get in a furtive nibble here and there. I am also not a big fan of this since I’m ticklish and he is slobbery in the extreme.

10 years ago

My aunt with celiac attempted to consume gluten-free bread and just about died, stunned by it’s awfulness. She gave it to her ponies instead. They’ll eat anything. Except gluten-free products. They stopped chewing within a few seconds of it being in their mouths, all their saliva absorbed into it, and just stared at the people, wondering why they would do something so horrible.

10 years ago

OK, that made me gigglesnort.

“Why you do this to me, people? You not love me any more? You run out of carrots?”

10 years ago

So, according to this logic, it’s A-OK to call a POC the n-word, as long as you don’t use it to refer to every POC on the planet. And the same would be true for every other horrible slur out there.

This is pretty common, actually. My grandfather and aunt have been known to say things like “there are black people, and then there are [n-word]s”. Guess how one qualifies as the latter?

I have been tweeting about how specific individual men (identified as friends or family members) are not terrible, and then add but NotAllMen are like that/can say that/act like that, etc.

That’s pretty clever, actually.

10 years ago

Re horses and “treats”: We had a horse who would eat anything. I’d been making vegetable stock (for borshch), and took the boiled greens to the horses.

Leus… took one bite. Brio… took one bite. Scarlett… took one bite. Sienna, ate about a quart, and decided that was enough (I had the better part of two gallons by volume). Then she came back and took another bite. Looked offended.

Repeated that about three times before she decided it wasn’t going to get tasty.

10 years ago

My babies (see avatar) are shelter buddies but not littermates. They still get along really well, though. I fell in love with Jade (the tortie) and we went to get her out of the cage, Pan was sleeping on her, and I was all, “I can’t separate them. Give me the tabby too.” Jade likes to wake people up by licking their hair, though. Pan is just wild.

A woman who ran a children’s art school out of her house on a couple acres in Montana had two rescue greyhounds. They were super sweet, even to the hordes of strange children that descended on their land every day. If I were to get a dog, I’d look into one, but I am more of a cat person and my lifestyle isn’t good for dogs.

10 years ago


“I’m off to self-flagellate. I must do so as a penance. I can’t bear the shame of improper punctuation and the suffering it causes les menz.”

I, wil, joen, u, deer, sistur, of, missandry, oh noes? The missandry has takken ovur me.

10 years ago

Another misandrist

Shaun Day
Shaun Day
10 years ago

First, emilygoddess, thank you, I am having fun drinking notallmen tears.

Second, didn’t we have a stable full to overflowing of ableist ponies and unicorns which Dave is also not allowed to eat?

Third, we got a purebred fully trained showdog Scttish Collie as a stray and could never find her owners and she had pups with a purebred Greyhound and they were so ugly they were gorgeous.

10 years ago

@talacaris, I got “You will never wank bun” from google translate. My Swedish is from, like, 4 generations ago. I got nothin’. Except, maybe, be careful about joining cults, because once they hook you, they’ll bleed you dry. (I get the impression that being exuberant about your religion is socially awkward in Scandinavia.)

10 years ago


My aunt with celiac attempted to consume gluten-free bread and just about died, stunned by it’s awfulness.

That’s strange. I’ve eaten gluten free for about…five years? And have had pretty good luck. Some brands are better than others, though.


My golden has a serious foot fetish. He is a rescue with kind of a murky past, so I am not sure if this is a breed thing or specific to him but he will lick as long as you allow him to and then try and get in a furtive nibble here and there. I am also not a big fan of this since I’m ticklish and he is slobbery in the extreme.

I’ve got a golden retriever who does the same thing. If you wear socks, he’ll sometimes sit there with a sad face until you take them off.

10 years ago

Hi David, there are some MRA types blaming #sociopathwomen for the death of criminal fugitive Rodney Clavell after a siege in central Adelaide today – in particular a tweeter called @news_australia. Already calling him a hero for mens’ rights. Four women held hostage are safe. I was a few blocks away in meetings for most of the day, very eerie wondering what was happening, hoping there would be no loss of life. Thought this might be of interest.

10 years ago

A somewhat crappy translation, I thinksketches like this woulf fly on USian telly

(wanking biscuit= somewhat legendary male group activity, last has to eat the biscuit)

“If you’ve ever been occupied with self-defilement
I want you to listen to my awakening
A group wanking session
won’t rather disturb God,
but when i comes to his Son,
There is a prohibition:

You shall never wank over a biscuit
with Lord Jesus Christ,
cause he is our Lord
and never cums last
Thus says every apostle and every gospelist:
You shall never wank over a biscuit
with Lord Jesus Christ,

When Satan wanked biscuit
with Lord Jesus Christ
he cheated as usual and used his cunning
A clothespin he fixed on our Lord Jesus’ dick
But it flew away, and the biscuit Satan had to eat.

Peter, he came third
Mark got silver
Judas , he came last
Then it went as it went.
So what have you learned from this melody?
To never mix cakes with simple masturbation.

&c &c

10 years ago

Talacaris, you can’t expect anyone to guess that from the video alone. 🙂

But adding to Talacaris Google translation, there’s this, um, I really do hope it’s just an urban legend?, that occasionally new recruits in the army will have this little ritual where they sit in a circle and wank over a biscuit or bun, and the one who cums last will be forced to eat the semen-covered bun.
So basically the whole joke is the utter absurdity of having Jesus and his disciples doing this as part of an enthusiastic gospel song. And it’s embedded into a longer story with the guy with the long black hair as the main character.

10 years ago

I also think it mostly an urban legend. Somebody says that a friend of friend has participated.

well and maybe our captain made a reference to this, when the King was to visit our regiment: “Perhaps he will visit your barracks, so if you’re gonna masturbate, you all are gonna masturbate in rhytm”

10 years ago

Well, that’s a whole lot weirder than I could have imagined. :/

10 years ago

Talacaris, are you old enough to have done, um, don’t know the English for it, mandatory military service? You know, VÄRNPLIKT?

10 years ago

Yes, back when it was mandatory. I think the word you’re looking for is conscription. Mostly in cooking, but had some training in cash handling, postal handling and maintenance planning, working under the company quartermaster (Intendenturtroppchef/ Trosstroppchef)

10 years ago

Yes, back when it was mandatory. I think the word you’re looking for is conscription. Mostly in cooking, but had some training in cash handling, postal handling and maintenance planning, working under the company quartermaster (Intendenturtroppchef/ Trosstroppchef)

…You worked with a quartermaster? I’m going to assume it was like this.