a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women are these guys 12 years old? block that metaphor Dean Esmay drama kings evil women FeMRAsplaining gross incompetence homophobia icky lady fluids imaginary oppression misandry misogyny MRA playing the victim reactionary bullshit shit that never happened straw feminists straw futrelle terrorism that's completely wrong

Nuh-uh, YOU Are: Men’s Rights Activists respond to petition calling on the president to classify them as terrorists

Feminists: Always up to something
Feminists: Always up to something

So about a week ago, someone put a petition up on asking the president to classify the Men’s Rights Movement as a terrorist group. The petition, posted in the immediate aftermath of Elliot Rodger ‘s killing spree, seems to be sincerely motivated. But it was a bad idea. The Men’s Rights movement is full of assholes, some of them potentially quite dangerous.  Still, not every MRA is an Elliot Rodger in the making, and this kind of hyperbole doesn’t help those who are trying to expose the true terribleness of the Men’s Rights movement.

After their initial outrage wore off, MRAs decided to treat the petition as a golden opportunity for self-martyrdom. Dean Esmay of A Voice for Men urged fellow MRAs – sorry, MHumanRAs – to sign it themselves, perhaps not realizing that it might prove difficult to convince the world they’re being oppressed by a petition if they’re the ones most actively collecting signatures for it. (Esmay also took a moment to compare me to Bull Connor, which seems a tad odd, to say the least.)

Well, now the MRAs are trying a new tack. Perhaps taking a tip from old school rap feuds and all the “answer records” they generated, or possibly just the childish retort, “nuh-uh, YOU are,” one AVFM commenter named Janet Wilkinson struck back against the evil feminists with a petition announcing to “The Government” that it was “Time To Class Feminism As a Terrorist Group.”

No, seriously, that was the entirety of her message to “The Government.”

 To: The Government Enoughs enough, Its Time To Class Feminism As a Terrorist Group  Sincerely, [Your name]
You’ll note that she didn’t even specify which country’s government she was talking about. She claimed to come from “Spain, United States,” so we’re just going to assume she meant the US. And maybe also Spain. Unless “Spain” is the name of a city in Alabama, or something, but somehow we doubt it.

She illustrated her petition with a Completely Authentic Documentary Photo of Violent Feminazi Misandering That’s Totally Not a Stock Photo or Anything No its Real MISANDRY IS DEATH.

This is what a feminist looks like?
This is what a feminist looks like?

But if the picture in itself wasn’t enough to win you over, she offered this powerful case against the evils of feminism. I’ve highlighted some of the most powerfullest arguments.

      Petitioning The Government  Its Time To Class Feminism As a Terrorist Group          Janet Wilkinson          Petition by          Janet Wilkinson          Spain, United States  Over the years feminism has constantly attacked men and women for choosing to live their lives the way they want to. These actions have now progressed to physical violence where we have seen feminists violently attack men who are concerned about mens issues.Repeated attacks in Canada and elseware have left many injured and maimed. Another feminist cell activated recently and is planning on attacking another talk for men in the US. Its time we stopped the violence, its time we put a stop to the hatred feminists are constantly generating. Its time we stopped womens studied courses from brainwashing women into thinking they are victims. Its time these misandric loonatics are stopped.

Huh. So feminists are maiming Canadians now? Weird. I mean, given that MRAs bring about sixty gazillion cameras to every protest they attend (“Always Be Recording”) it seems strange that we haven’t seen any photographic evidence of these maimings or even of the injuries themselves. But, what the heck, I ‘ll totally take the word of some random AVFM commenter who can’t spell the word “lunatics.” I guess Canada truly is a land of danger for men and boys.

And what’s this about “a new cell activating” to “attack” some talk by some antifeminist?

I really need to start going to more of the meetings. I’m always missing the fuuuuum stuff like this.

Also, the correct collective noun for feminists isn’t “cell.” It’s “coven.” A “school of fish,” a “murder of crows,” a “coven of feminists.”

But as always, it’s in the comments, filled with contributions from assorted AVFMers, that the MRAs really shine.

Here are some of my favorites, starting with the most popular comment in the thread. That’s MOST popular, NOT least. Keep that in mind while reading it. More people liked this comment than liked any other comment.

 Jack Troughton TORONTO, CANADA      4 days ago     Liked 11  I cannot sign fast enough a petition which sees through the institutionalized discrimination of this long-overdone movement, by now a mere coagulation of entitled prejudice and bitterness from a self-created mentality of victimhood, thrashing in confusion without any actual oppression or hardship against which to justify itself. Stop this sexism.

So …  feminism is a long-overdone coagulation of confused thrashing bitterness and prejudice? As the New Yorker likes to say: Block that metaphor!

Moving down the list, we see this comment, conclusively proving that feminism is unnecessary because prejudice is a thing of the past:

 Dene Rumsby STOWMARKET, UNITED KINGDOM      1 day ago     Liked 1  Feminism once had valid reasons for fighting for women's rights and equality but with nothing legitimate left to complain about has turned into an evil disingenuous movement of half truths, misandry and lies. Time for people who really believe in equal human rights to leave this stinking cesspit to the lesbians and man-hatersApparently this Canadian believes that the misandering is even worse in the United States than it is in the Feminazi Gynocratic Republic of Canada.

 Brandon Paul WEYBURN, CANADA      4 days ago     Liked 1  I may not live in America where the largest feminist acts are but it still makes me mad to know a guy can't live his day to day life without some power crazy woman screaming at him for saying hello to her.

Meanwhile, the somewhat implausibly named “Joe Joejoe” reported that he’s having  similar problems over in jolly old England

 Joe Joejoe DERBY, UNITED KINGDOM      4 days ago     Liked 1  Because Feminists bully me and tell me I'm a horrible human and a rapist for finding girls attractive

But this comment takes the cake. It takes the cake, eats it, and has two more cakes.

 Vasco Patricio COIMBRA, PORTUGAL      3 days ago     Liked 1  Women need to stop riding their high horse of menstruation, cognitive dissonance and revisionist history.

I can’t top that, so I’m not even going to try. Good night everybody! I’m here all week! Don’t try the veal.


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10 years ago

I have a horse too! Everyone to Narnia and Equestria!

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
10 years ago

If it makes Brandon Paul feel any better, when a man dares to say hello to me, I gallop away on my high horse of menstruation rather than screaming at him like the powerful woman I am.

Pocket Nerd
10 years ago

The petition reeks of false-flag trolling, if you ask me. It’s the same bogus junk you see from anti-gay bigots with victim envy: “Soon those hateful, wicked homofascists will outlaw Christianity, and we’ll be facing the guillotine just for preaching the Gospel!” They want to appropriate the underdog status of their targets without relinquishing any privilege or power over those targets.

In many, many discussions with feminists and in feminists venues, I’ve never met a single one who thinks that being an MRA, or simply holding misogynist views, should include de jure criminal status, or that “action must be taken” by the authorities against such people.

Not one. Not ever.

If I were a gambling man, I’d bet any sum you care to match that this is the product of some peevish redpiller who thinks he’s somehow scoring points by exposing what he “knows” feminists really think (but won’t admit). And, of course, it would give his fellow dudebros plenty of opportunities to rend their garments, cast ash on their faces, and bewail the terrible persecution they suffer at the hands of Teh Eeebil Wimmenz… but without having to relinquish any privilege or power over women, of course.

10 years ago

oh kittehs! they are beautiful! mamma acts like all new moms everywhere 🙂

are they yours, right now? they are gorgeous! i do not have any at the moment. we had to sell off the family ranch a couple of years ago when my dad died and no sibling was really able to buy out the others. i had asked my dad (who had me on horseback at 18 months) many times if i could board a horse with him and he always declined, but as soon as he had grand daughters, he suddenly saw the light 🙂 funny how that works.

10 years ago

@kittehs Welsh Cobs tend to be very attractive horses, if one likes the more compact and muscular kind of horse. Kingston is very handsome (dark bay with four white feet), very well schooled (does most lateral movements easily, is learning pirouettes), super kind and calm (he hasn’t thrown a rider since he was a wee exuberant baby and is one of the main “beginners’ horses” for both kids and adults at my riding school) but can be stubborn as all hell and requires a lot of work to ride properly collected and with some oomph.

Waah, I don’t want to wait all summer for new lessons, damnit!

10 years ago

I guess now that I’ve climbed down from the high horse of menstruation, I’m riding around on the old grey mare of menopause. ;p

Be warned, though; she doesn’t suffer fools lightly. If she lays her ears down, get clear like, NOW!

10 years ago

@fruitloopsie. Oooooooooo 🙂

10 years ago

It’s true, though! All MRA’s, please don’t come to Canada! There’s roaming covens of feminists everywhere, doing HORRIBLE things! Why, my own son was attacked and castrated by 5 different covens on his way home from school just yesterday! Imagine the horror of being castrated 5 different times! And the RCMP just laughed when I called them! And the menstruating high horse grabbed my 6 year old daughter and carried her off! I’m sure they’ve brainwashed her by now…

So, MRA’s, for your own protection, please don’t come to Canada!

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: serrana

Also, if the high horse of menstruation looked like this, I’d totally ride one.

“So toniiiiight we’re riding a blood unicorn… down the siiiiide of an erupting volcanooo… and we drink! Drink! Drink! from a chalice filled with the bitter tears of MRAs…” (with many thanks to Voltaire — no, not that one.)

RE: Argenti

LBT — the year Steele won? Yeah Tom shoulda had that one given Steele was a muchly banned sock.

HE CALLED PENGUINS WHORES. I still can’t believe anyone TOPPED that, aaaaaah!

RE: cloudiah

Here is a reminder that people are kind:

Oh my god it sounds like a squeaky toy.

Winter Walker
10 years ago

I’ve heard that mare has a mean kick on her!

10 years ago
10 years ago

I heart all the horsies. I plan to do horseback riding lessons as soon as I have money but first I have to sell my book 🙁

10 years ago

but first I have to sell my book

I’m about halfway through, and I think you could definitely sell it.

10 years ago

Aw, thanks.

10 years ago

The riding lessons are hella expensive, yes. But totally worth the money. I get immeasurably more joy from riding than I did from my gym card and the restaurant lunches I gave up to be able to afford it.

Also, I get the pleasure of shutting down the jackasses claiming riding and horses are for weak girls and NotARealSport with a “I can manouver several hundreds of kilos of nervous muscles with teeth and four iron-topped feet, you lift dead weights or throw a ball around, shut your mouth”.

10 years ago

I’ve never understood how horses ended up a “girly” thing. Who do I immediately think of as people who ride horses?

-Badass conquerors in equestrian statues

10 years ago

“I can manouver several hundreds of kilos of nervous muscles with teeth and four iron-topped feet, you lift dead weights or throw a ball around, shut your mouth”.


10 years ago

I rode a horse once. It was a battle of wills, and the horse won easily.

Regarding the OP, am I reading it wrong or are some cis het men really squicked by menstruation? I would think they’d get over it, but apparently some don’t.

Pocket Nerd
10 years ago

Thus Spake ZaraKateli:

Also, I get the pleasure of shutting down the jackasses claiming riding and horses are for weak girls and NotARealSport with a “I can manouver several hundreds of kilos of nervous muscles with teeth and four iron-topped feet, you lift dead weights or throw a ball around, shut your mouth”.

Clearly, your desire to sit atop that mountain of muscle is an expression of the eeevil feminist desire to exploit, control, enslave, and ultimately geld all men everywhere. HORSEBACK RIDING IS MISANDRY!!!!11

(Actually, considering some MRAs think women like cats BECAUSE BIOTRUTHS, it wouldn’t surprise me if some MRA somewhere actually believed the above.)

10 years ago

I’m lucky. The horses I am acquainted with are specially trained to work with special needs children. If they weren’t, I’d be out of luck. I just hold the right end of the lead. The horses do the rest.

10 years ago

I have attempted to volunteer repeatedly at some places that offer riding for people with special needs and no one ever got back to me. 🙁

10 years ago

Mine isn’t good about that either.
What’s that about?

10 years ago

are they yours, right now? they are gorgeous! i do not have any at the moment. we had to sell off the family ranch a couple of years ago when my dad died and no sibling was really able to buy out the others.

fauxmy, I wish! I found those clips on youtube the other day. I’m in suburban Oz and horse-owning or riding isn’t a thing for me, unfortunately!

katz –

Badass conquerors in equestrian statues

Because I had to.

Robert –

Regarding the OP, am I reading it wrong or are some cis het men really squicked by menstruation?

Oh yeah, definitely. Like that loathesome saying about never trusting something that bleeds for five days and doesn’t die.

10 years ago

I miss having horses. Riding is a sublime pleasure. Sadly my joints don’t seem to want to let me ride as I used to (and the time commitments for doing it in NYC are higher, as well as the cost out here).

But the thrill of having a synergy between yourself and 7-1,200 lbs of willful energy… nothing like it.

10 years ago

Dear United States Government of America,

I did this petition because femnimism is the Greatest Threat To Fredom and Liberty the world has ever known. Every, day feminists kill and murder over 200 billion people just in the UK. Some bloggers estimate that global totals of misandry related deaths could reach in to the mid-kajillions. Plus if feminism is so great, then howcome I can’t get laid? It’s time for this gynotastic genocide of men at the hands of activated feminist terrorist sleeper cells to stop because I want my sons to grow up in a world where they can walk down streets safe at night without having to be terrified of roving gangs of fenimists menstrating all over the place and taunting them with anti-male hate slurs like “Hey, Axe Body Spray! Worked in any coal mines lately?” and “Hey, get a look at these bumbling dads over here!” Feminsits want all of the rights and none of the opportunites, which just proves how much of a terrorists group they are.


Frederance Jones, MHRMAMEAABH (Mens Human Rights Manliness Advocate for Male Equality And Also Boys Human)