Most of those in the manosphere, whatever their real feelings, have been relatively circumspect about expressing sympathy with, or support for, Elliot Rodger. Sure, many manospherians – from MRAs to PUAs to MGTOWs – have long been half-warning, half-threatening those of us in the “blue pill” world that angry young men are going to rise up and take a sort of self-styled revenge upon their supposed female and feminist oppressors.
But when one man actually launches a “Day of Retribution” intended to punish the “blonde sluts” of the world (as well as any man who roused his ire or got in his way), most manospherians have tried to change the subject, denying any connection between his ideas and theirs, and in some cases even trying to pretend that the man who wanted to watch all women die in concentration camps wasn’t even a misogynist at all.
That’s not the case over at the CoAlpha Forum, a self-proclaimed “Reactionary Free Speech Forum” given over to a strange and scary patriarchal variant on manosphere ideology.
The main thing keeping the CoAlphas from celebrating Elliot Rodgers as an Incel Hero? He killed too many men – and didn’t “butcher” enough “sorority girls.”
In one thread immediately following the shootings, the CoAlphas wondered why Rodger didn’t kill more women. Cornfed complained:
Fschmidt, one of the site’s administrators, offered a distinct lack of sympathy to the victims, and indeed any victims of any killings in the United States.
Vegeta2 just came out and said it: In his eyes, Elliot would have been a true hero — if he had only killed more women.
Cornfed was also less than impressed with Rodger’s “haul” as a spree killer:
In a second thread started several days after the killings, fschmidt postulated that Elliot Rodger’s real problem was that he was a “man of integrity” who suffered because he was pressured to “try to fit into a depraved culture that he could never really be a part of.”
And suprisingly, he got some pushback from one commenter. Though Moralmoe91 made clear that he “agreed with most of Rodger’s criticisms of: women, society as a whole, and the messed up male/female dynamics that are rampant today,” he just couldn’t agree with the killing, which he thought was wrong because, you know, killing is bad, and also very likely to cause big problems for incels and antifeminists like him.
Fschmidt offered a rather chillingly blase response to Moralmoe91’s contention that killing people was not such a great idea.
I don’t understand the point of condemning his actions. I mean, I don’t approve but I am not particularly against the death of Americans.
In a series of coments, poor Moe did his best to explain to fschmidt that Rodger’s actions might end up hurting him too. And he repeated his apparently quite controversial notion that murder is actually bad.
No dice. Fschmidt was convinced by none of it. Not even the bit about murder.
Murder? Killing is only murder when one kills a member of one’s own culture. Modern Western culture is not my culture, so I do not consider killing its members to be murder.
That may be the creepiest thing I’ve read since Elliot Rodger’s manifesto.
All hail the blockquote mammoth!
One of the things that turn me off the most is when a person feels sorry for himself/herself and blames others for not being in a relationship and not having sex. It’s pathetic.
I have been responsible for my own orgasms for 5 years. I don’t feel the need to cry a river for not having a partner even though I want one.
I remember the last time I went out to meet people. I met a “nice guy”. Oohh he was telling me how hard it was for him to be a virgin when he was 18. He felt so sorry for himself that he went to a sex worker. He complained about how “nice guys always finish last” and that he would ‘have to’ pay for sex till he dies. It was the most pathetic thing I had ever heard. It still is.
natalie jones (@zerohourcomic) | @ June 1, 2014 at 10:45 pm
It always confounds me when trolls say that.
You know why trolling is easy here?
Because we are sincere.
What makes trolling difficult?
An ironic distance from your subject matter.
Really. When you have a huge ironic distance and you pointedly don’t care, it’s almost impossible for a troll to gain any traction.
And when we’re literally in the middle of a thread about people talking about a mass murderer and how they think he should have killed more people, I will very seriously judge anybody who has a ironic distance and doesn’t care and can speak glibly and ignore trolls.
We’re talking about something that has killed, virulent misogyny, and we’re staring at a whole bunch of people who don’t think it’s killed enough.
It’s devastatingly serious, it’s life or death stuff, and trolling it really shows just how much the trolls don’t care. They don’t care about the people who’ve already died, they don’t care about more people dying. Not so long as they get their jollies.
So, yeah, it is easy to troll here. All you have to do is have no empathy and no morality.
*Applauds Howard*
Oh, and Natalie, we don’t do the “Don’t feed the trolls” thing here. We feed them til they burst. You think you’re oh so clever to get a response here? You’re merely a chew-toy who just hasn’t realised it yet..
Those stupid feminists and their emotional reactions to things that negatively affect their lives! Trolling is way cooler than caring about things!
Wetherby and Cassandra, HDU imply that GGG has no experience with women? He successfully blackmailed one into having sex!
Much game. Very ladykiller. Wow.
Those stupid
feministsdecent people generally and their emotional reactions to things that negatively affecttheirbillions of people’s lives! Trolling is way cooler than caring about things!FTFY.
Adding to the applause for Howard. I haven’t seen it spelled out so clearly before.
On Pharyngula, commenter David Marjanovic has argued that even the Roman Language Police didn’t get “Romans go home” quite right, since their wording implies that all Romans go to the *same* home.
Arctic Ape
Is it sad that I squeed at this idea?
Now I want to join a guerrilla gardening group. 🙂
“Lingua Latina non mortua est; sed contemplacit pro fiordis”
The Latin language is not dead but…
Yeah, conjugating those verbs would be great.
Yeah, I think they were wrong. The locative is used when something takes place in the house, and the ackusative should be used for direction to the house. But they got it right in the end, because they used the ackusative anyway (domum), while the locative is domi.
I don’t really know any Latin and only little Monty Python. However, if you aren’t familiar with Pharyngula’s argument thread and David Marjanović in particular, he’ll be happy to dredge the deep wells of linguistic pedantry with you. Just remember to copy the accent for his name 🙂
” Brian: Aaagh ! Not the dative, not the dative ! Er, er, accusative, “Domum” !
Centurion: But “Domus” takes the locative, which is…?
Brian: Er, “Domum” ! ”
Here’s where I think they went wrong. Locative shouldn’t be used here and the locative is domi.
I’ve heard that that the dirtiest of dirtiest latin words, worse than irrumabo and pedicabo was landica, and guess what that means…
RE: natalie jones
Just sayin’ trollin’ here is easy like sunday mornin’.
*raises eyebrow* I’m now embarrassed to have taken you seriously. Congratulations, you prove you have the ability to irritate people, like any three-year-old. What an accomplishment.
RE: faux
it is the equivalent of going to your ‘not stamp collecting’ hobby club
I know. It’s why I don’t hang out in atheist groups; all we have in common is NOT believing in something! That’s not exactly a way to base a friendship…
RE: Suzy
He complained about how “nice guys always finish last” and that he would ‘have to’ pay for sex till he dies. It was the most pathetic thing I had ever heard. It still is.
My most pathetic moment was some dude who thought he’d get to fuck me if he just whined about how he’d never gotten laid. One day, I got sick of it and told him that I didn’t think never getting laid sounded so bad, seeing as all my corporeal experience to that point was raped.
To which he responded, “At least you got some!”
THAT was the most pathetic thing I ever heard. Yeah, buddy, I can’t IMAGINE why you’re having trouble getting laid, with an attitude like that. (What was even more pathetic was that he still saw himself as a sweet, sincere man who the pretty girls just never gave a chance.)
::is busy squeeing over faux’s new kitty gravatar::
natalie jones: . I don’t want any of this to splash onto people like me who chose not to participate in these self-defeating,mean spirited, hate-filled groups.
It doesn’t. I’m a man. I don’t get offended when someone talks about date rapists, because I know I don’t do that. I don’t catcall women, so that rolls off me.
Same for most of the things related to racism.
I’m not perfect. I do some sexist things. I do some racist things. When they are pointed out to me I go, “oh… shit I ought to not do that”.
Because I have no vested interest in perpetuating the problems.
So if you don’t do that shit, it’s not about you. If you think it is, you need to figure out why.
@Chris Wilson and Unimaginative: Thanks for the heads up about CAFE’s “charitable” status. I feel like doing a bit of shit disturbing, so I think I’ll go over all the info I can find on them with a fine toothed comb with regard to any possible way they could even be bending the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Then I’ll start pestering my MP, MPP, and possibly even Toronto city council, if they’re setting up shop in these parts.
I know only a little about CAFE, but I know a lot about the Charter, and how to use it. From everything I’ve read so far about CAFE, I’m sure they’re breaking it somewhere. From there it’s just a small step to hate group status! 😀
BTW, for any of the “this is just a one-off and he was crazy and men don’t do this so quit talking about it” guys who’ve been lurking around and puking up entitlement all over these articles about Rogers…
Yeah, he was just crazy, and men never do stuff like this. Women should just stop complaining, amirite?
That’s horrible. Especially since she’s so young. And how dare that creeper debase the Furrinati by wearing a picture of one as an avatar?
He sounds more like Ramsay Bolton than Elliot Roger, Ick.
That PoS should be permanently in a cell for making death threats.
Damn, that kik harassment is pretty much the worst creepy PM I’ve ever seen. And of course some assholes are calling it fake, blaming her, bla bla.
That guy’s not Schrodinger’s Rapist, he’s Schrodinger’s Serial Killer.
Brain bleach:
Musical swing bus stops in Montreal