a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence alpha males antifeminism boner rage creepy elliot rodger empathy deficit entitlement evil sexy ladies evil women incel internal debate men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy playing the victim sympathy for murderers western women suck

CoAlpha Forum member on Elliot Rodger: "Had he just butchered as many sorority girls as he could he would have been a true hero."

A makeshift shrine on the lawn of the sorority targeted by Elliot Rodger
A makeshift shrine on the lawn of the sorority targeted by Elliot Rodger

Most of those in the manosphere, whatever their real feelings, have been relatively circumspect about expressing sympathy with, or support for, Elliot Rodger. Sure, many manospherians – from MRAs to PUAs to MGTOWs – have long been half-warning, half-threatening those of us in the “blue pill” world that angry young men are going to rise up and take a sort of self-styled revenge upon their supposed female and feminist oppressors.

But when one man actually launches a “Day of Retribution” intended to punish the “blonde sluts” of the world (as well as any man who roused his ire or got in his way), most manospherians have tried to change the subject, denying any connection between his ideas and theirs, and in some cases even trying to pretend that the man who wanted to watch all women die in concentration camps wasn’t even a misogynist at all.

That’s not the case over at the CoAlpha Forum, a self-proclaimed “Reactionary Free Speech Forum” given over to a strange and scary patriarchal variant on manosphere ideology.

The main thing keeping the CoAlphas from celebrating Elliot Rodgers as an Incel Hero? He killed too many men – and didn’t “butcher” enough “sorority girls.”

In one thread immediately following the shootings, the CoAlphas wondered why Rodger didn’t kill more women. Cornfed complained:


The guy seems to have killed mostly men for some reason. I would have much more sympathy for him if he had confined himself to shooting up a sorority house as per his original stated intention.

Fschmidt, one of the site’s administrators, offered a distinct lack of sympathy to the victims, and indeed any victims of any killings in the United States.

America has a population of over 300 million human vermin, so if a few are killed, it hardly matters who they are because the numbers are insignificant.  A guy like him would have been useful to us alive.  The question is how to reach guys like him before they snap.  Maybe I should have posted to PuaHate (where he posted).  The average IQ there seemed pretty low, which is why I didn't post there.  But if that forum comes back, I will take another look.

Vegeta2 just came out and said it: In his eyes, Elliot would have been a true hero — if he had only killed more women.

Dont waste your time on Puahate. it is a cesspool. I've lurked there There are, I believe thousands of men like Elliot. Once in a while one of these men will want revenge for being rejected, humiliated and bullied. Had he just butchered as many sorority girls as he could he would have been a true hero. My problem is that his killings were random. For all we know there could have been a fellow Incel among his victims

Cornfed was also less than impressed with Rodger’s “haul” as a spree killer:

The dead victims of this guy appear to have been three Chinese nerds, some random guy and two skanks. Not a very admirable haul. People really should not do this, but if they do then they ought to put more thought into it.

In a second thread started several days after the killings, fschmidt postulated that Elliot Rodger’s real problem was that he was a “man of integrity” who suffered because he was pressured to “try to fit into a depraved culture that he could never really be a part of.”

And suprisingly, he got some pushback from one commenter. Though Moralmoe91 made clear that he “agreed with most of Rodger’s criticisms of: women, society as a whole, and the messed up male/female dynamics that are rampant today,” he just couldn’t agree with the killing, which he thought was wrong because, you know, killing is bad, and also very likely to cause big problems for incels and antifeminists like him.

Fschmidt offered a rather chillingly blase response to Moralmoe91’s contention that killing people was not such a great idea.

I don’t understand the point of condemning his actions.  I mean, I don’t approve but I am not particularly against the death of Americans.

In a series of coments, poor Moe did his best to explain to fschmidt that Rodger’s actions might end up hurting him too. And he repeated his apparently quite controversial notion that murder is actually bad.

You guys don't seem to understand what i'm trying to say... I agree with all of you about how messed up American Culture is, particularly the women. I can also identify very strongly with Elliot's pain... However what he did was wrong and only hurt our cause. Feminists have been assassinating our character and calling us hateful for years and because of guys like Elliot they now have evidence to support all of the negative shit they have been saying about us.  His actions did nothing to help dateless men.... It only hurt our image and made us look bad... That is part of the reason why dateless men have got to condemn his actions. The biggest reason being that murder is morally wrong.

No dice. Fschmidt was convinced by none of it. Not even the bit about murder.

Murder?  Killing is only murder when one kills a member of one’s own culture.  Modern Western culture is not my culture, so I do not consider killing its members to be murder.

That may be the creepiest thing I’ve read since Elliot Rodger’s manifesto.

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natalie jones (@zerohourcomic)

As an incel I feel compelled to stop being a bitch for a moment to say : Not all of us are hate filled assholes. Some of us are nice and are able to get along in our lives without sex or a girlfriend/boyfriend and some of us KNOW that the world owes us none of these things.

Before someone whips out the ‘the no-one-said-that’ card, well, yes i know no one said that. I don’t want any of this to splash onto people like me who chose not to participate in these self-defeating,mean spirited, hate-filled groups.

10 years ago

How about “lonar” for lonely narcissist? Its both more accurate and is cute play on the word “loner”.

I like it, quiet_kitten. Very apt.

10 years ago

We are well aware that plenty of people manage to go about regular lives without sex or a partner. Those people are not a problem.

10 years ago

Natalie, are you a man or a woman? If you’re a woman why do you call yourself incel when you know you could find both relationships and sex?

10 years ago

Natalie Jones, we don’t have a prize around here for contributing the least.

natalie jones (@zerohourcomic)

Katz, I was making that comment for people who are new to the idea of an incel and might get the wrong impression from such groups. I apologize if I haven’t met the standards of one so great as you and will remember not to transgress against the ever so mighty one known as KATS!

10 years ago

…I’m not known as Kats.

10 years ago

I’m having trouble reconciling why anyone would label themselves an incel if they didn’t feel they were somehow being denied something. First off, giving yourself a label suggests you’re quite focused on it and the “involuntary” part makes it very clear that this is something you believe is being done TO you.

Everyone goes through dry spells and lots of people have trouble with the whole dating/relationship thing, but most people don’t give themselves a label over it. They work on the issues or they find other things to fulfil themselves with.

10 years ago

Yep. Some of us can be really happy without doing the sideways tango.

But ‘incel’ in and of itself indicates that the self declared ‘incel’ finds their plight involuntary, implying unwanted. Involuntary also implies that someone or something else is forcing the involuntary nature.

The idea that pretty guys or pretty girls are forcing someone to be celibate by not wanting to have sex with any given person is a hell of a problem with the incel ideology, to me.

Natalie, if you are happy without a parter, consider not calling yourself an incel. Even if you are unhappy without a parter, consider dropping the incel.

Incel is an awful term.

10 years ago

Yeah, I see now value in that label it’s not worth “trying to take it back” it’s pretty much corrupt so anyone labelling themselves incel automatically is suspect in my eyes.

10 years ago

As an incel I feel compelled to stop being a bitch for a moment to say

So, putting aside your internalized misogyny for a moment – if you’re aware that you’re behaving badly, why do you keep doing it?

10 years ago

schwadevivre | June 1, 2014 at 6:12 pm

@ takshak surely a bonus is always bona

I really wish there was a God so that these MRA/PUA/Incel/MGTOW/CoAlpha morons would one day find themselves in the bodies of women.

okay, this is skeeving me the fuck out. I know it was probably meant well, but it’s still skeeving me out anyways.

a) I never liked the “become part of the oppressed class for vengeance/perspective” or w/e. Sure, it’d be nice if they’d gain perspective, but I do not see my existence as a punishment or lesson. I’ve seen people say “ableist person be careful because anyone can become disabled”and it’s like… well, they see disability as a punishment. Putting a MRA/PUA/whatever in a “woman’s body” (wtf does that even mean?) would be treating womanness as a punishment.

and b) what the heck is a woman’s body? I mean, seriously. If you’re talking about an AFAB body (which can still have many variations), then it’s kind of cissexist of you, and also.. they (presumably identifying as male) would still be men.


Natalie, are you a man or a woman? If you’re a woman why do you call yourself incel when you know you could find both relationships and sex?

anyone can find relationships if they lower their standards enough, jackass. finding ANY relationship/sex does not equal finding a relationship/sexual relationship you atually like

10 years ago

Not all of us are hate filled assholes.

OK, just an asshole then.

10 years ago

If you’re a woman why do you call yourself incel when you know you could find both relationships and sex?


10 years ago

faux, hi, have a Welcome Package!

Always good to see another servant of the Furrinati delurking. 😀

What on earth is Natalie Jones even on about? Non sequitur upon non sequitur.

Funny, isn’t it – “incels” whine endlessly about how women are out sexing any random dude, however good, bad or indifferent he is, yet they’ve never figured out that that still excludes them.

Common denominator, fellers.

10 years ago

Nthing the opinion that the term incel is full of implied entitlement and misogyny. I’m no virgin but am going through a pretty severe draught. But it never crossed my mind to call myself incel. It’s nobody’s fault but mine that I’m not even putting myself or out there and trying to gets dates and/or sex. Even if I was trying and failing it still wouldn’t be the fault of an entire gender. The whole label is just icky.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

This is the internet, you have no idea who’s posting this stuff. You say it’s some white guy but it could just as well be some Black girl. You’re making a judgement without competent knowledge of the facts.

“I’m not going to get upset by someone calling for my rape and extermination, because it might be a black girl.”

…Said no one, ever.

Why does it matter who’s behind the keyboard? An asshat is an asshat is an asshat. Words matter. On the internet, it’s all you have to go on.

For example, I judge you to be a bigot, because you used the terms “chink” and “Negro”, and you capitalize “Black”, as if to indicate that nonwhite skin color is an exotic category to be called out and set apart from regular discourse. If you’re unhappy with being called a bigot, then learn how to communicate clearly, and don’t post racist shit.

10 years ago

Connotations aside, why would you identify as something that was both temporary and (from your perspective) negative? That’s awfully pessimistic.

natalie jones (@zerohourcomic)

Well, yeah, I am an asshole but, y’all are right I probably shouldn’t call my self an ‘incel’. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

10 years ago

If someone dislikes their current job, are they a bad-job-haver and doomed to be so forever? If they don’t apply for any new jobs and instead spent most of their time complaining how they’ll never get a better job to other people who also see themselves as bad-job-havers, is that the most proactive and sensible approach they could take to that issue, or would going out and looking for a job (with the understanding that hey, it still might not happen, but it’s definitely not going to happen if they don’t even apply) be smarter?

10 years ago

To be honest, I wouldn’t want to ever be hit on let alone date a person who calls himself an incel or a “nice guy.” blaahh Just stay at home, I don’t want to know you.

10 years ago

Like I wouldn’t define myself as an “unpublished writer,” even though that’s true, and I certainly wouldn’t then selectively hang out with other unpublished writers (and avoid published writers) and define my identity around being unpublished, because not only would that be a depressing way to classify myself, but it would create a perverse incentive for me not to accomplish my own stated goals.

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

Urrrrgh. If anyone wants a break from the stupid, I promise no stupidity whatsoever at my writeathon. I will write 100% stupid-free stories about decent human beings. (Or non-decent human beings getting come-uppance, if that’s your preference.)

RE: emilygoddess

I love that song. Can’t believe it never occurred to me how perfect it is for the manosphere!

You can thank my former roomie in Boston who studied musical theatre. She would sing this sometimes at appropriate moments.

RE: katz

Peter LaCroix, pretend to be an antifeminist all you like, but we know you’re in the pocket of Big Flavored Bottled Water.

I’m with you. I’m sick of arguing the same bullshit with these dudes as though they’re actually worth debating for the five-billionth time. They can go fucking ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE INTERNET if they want to be taken seriously.

RE: caamib

Natalie, are you a man or a woman? If you’re a woman why do you call yourself incel when you know you could find both relationships and sex?

*pats you gently on your stupid little head* Run along, child, the grown-ups are talking.

RE: natalie jones

…protecting the good names of incels? Is that REALLY the hill you want to die on? I haven’t heard anything good about these guys.

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

RE: katz

I know, right? I mean, I identified as ‘homeless’ for a while, but. Uh. That was something that CHANGED, something I WANTED to change, and incels seem more obsessed with clinging to their identity label and never giving it up or the resentment involved.

10 years ago

I know, right? I mean, I identified as ‘homeless’ for a while, but. Uh. That was something that CHANGED, something I WANTED to change, and incels seem more obsessed with clinging to their identity label and never giving it up or the resentment involved.

Now I’m imagining some dude going from couch surfing to an apartment with roommates to an apartment by himself to owning a house and identifying as “homeless” the whole time.

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