a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence alpha males antifeminism boner rage creepy elliot rodger empathy deficit entitlement evil sexy ladies evil women incel internal debate men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy playing the victim sympathy for murderers western women suck

CoAlpha Forum member on Elliot Rodger: "Had he just butchered as many sorority girls as he could he would have been a true hero."

A makeshift shrine on the lawn of the sorority targeted by Elliot Rodger
A makeshift shrine on the lawn of the sorority targeted by Elliot Rodger

Most of those in the manosphere, whatever their real feelings, have been relatively circumspect about expressing sympathy with, or support for, Elliot Rodger. Sure, many manospherians – from MRAs to PUAs to MGTOWs – have long been half-warning, half-threatening those of us in the “blue pill” world that angry young men are going to rise up and take a sort of self-styled revenge upon their supposed female and feminist oppressors.

But when one man actually launches a “Day of Retribution” intended to punish the “blonde sluts” of the world (as well as any man who roused his ire or got in his way), most manospherians have tried to change the subject, denying any connection between his ideas and theirs, and in some cases even trying to pretend that the man who wanted to watch all women die in concentration camps wasn’t even a misogynist at all.

That’s not the case over at the CoAlpha Forum, a self-proclaimed “Reactionary Free Speech Forum” given over to a strange and scary patriarchal variant on manosphere ideology.

The main thing keeping the CoAlphas from celebrating Elliot Rodgers as an Incel Hero? He killed too many men – and didn’t “butcher” enough “sorority girls.”

In one thread immediately following the shootings, the CoAlphas wondered why Rodger didn’t kill more women. Cornfed complained:


The guy seems to have killed mostly men for some reason. I would have much more sympathy for him if he had confined himself to shooting up a sorority house as per his original stated intention.

Fschmidt, one of the site’s administrators, offered a distinct lack of sympathy to the victims, and indeed any victims of any killings in the United States.

America has a population of over 300 million human vermin, so if a few are killed, it hardly matters who they are because the numbers are insignificant.  A guy like him would have been useful to us alive.  The question is how to reach guys like him before they snap.  Maybe I should have posted to PuaHate (where he posted).  The average IQ there seemed pretty low, which is why I didn't post there.  But if that forum comes back, I will take another look.

Vegeta2 just came out and said it: In his eyes, Elliot would have been a true hero — if he had only killed more women.

Dont waste your time on Puahate. it is a cesspool. I've lurked there There are, I believe thousands of men like Elliot. Once in a while one of these men will want revenge for being rejected, humiliated and bullied. Had he just butchered as many sorority girls as he could he would have been a true hero. My problem is that his killings were random. For all we know there could have been a fellow Incel among his victims

Cornfed was also less than impressed with Rodger’s “haul” as a spree killer:

The dead victims of this guy appear to have been three Chinese nerds, some random guy and two skanks. Not a very admirable haul. People really should not do this, but if they do then they ought to put more thought into it.

In a second thread started several days after the killings, fschmidt postulated that Elliot Rodger’s real problem was that he was a “man of integrity” who suffered because he was pressured to “try to fit into a depraved culture that he could never really be a part of.”

And suprisingly, he got some pushback from one commenter. Though Moralmoe91 made clear that he “agreed with most of Rodger’s criticisms of: women, society as a whole, and the messed up male/female dynamics that are rampant today,” he just couldn’t agree with the killing, which he thought was wrong because, you know, killing is bad, and also very likely to cause big problems for incels and antifeminists like him.

Fschmidt offered a rather chillingly blase response to Moralmoe91’s contention that killing people was not such a great idea.

I don’t understand the point of condemning his actions.  I mean, I don’t approve but I am not particularly against the death of Americans.

In a series of coments, poor Moe did his best to explain to fschmidt that Rodger’s actions might end up hurting him too. And he repeated his apparently quite controversial notion that murder is actually bad.

You guys don't seem to understand what i'm trying to say... I agree with all of you about how messed up American Culture is, particularly the women. I can also identify very strongly with Elliot's pain... However what he did was wrong and only hurt our cause. Feminists have been assassinating our character and calling us hateful for years and because of guys like Elliot they now have evidence to support all of the negative shit they have been saying about us.  His actions did nothing to help dateless men.... It only hurt our image and made us look bad... That is part of the reason why dateless men have got to condemn his actions. The biggest reason being that murder is morally wrong.

No dice. Fschmidt was convinced by none of it. Not even the bit about murder.

Murder?  Killing is only murder when one kills a member of one’s own culture.  Modern Western culture is not my culture, so I do not consider killing its members to be murder.

That may be the creepiest thing I’ve read since Elliot Rodger’s manifesto.

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10 years ago

I give up on trying to talk sense into these guys. There’s no point, they’re determined to do nothing about their problems and sit around with other angry young men wanking about how much they hate women instead. So, instead, I offer them a song!

There’s a reason this song has been invoked as an example of pathetic, self-indulgent whinging for longer than some of you have been alive, kids.

(I’m not joking about that last part. There was a bit in my university paper about this song, with some self-centered little prat playing it at a party “and then everyone else is miserable too”.)

10 years ago

Posted this by mistake on another article, but anyway… I don’t know what good will come of this petition… or if it will be of any use at all… but people seriously need to be made aware that the “MHRM” and MGTOW etc. is not just simply another harmless corner of the internet.

What scares me is that I think a lot of young men (and sometimes even women) nowadays tend to share the manosphere ideologies without fully realizing it – without even knowing what the manosphere is, etc…. it’s just the way the culture is built around them, and when someone goes onto the internet and finds, hey, there are like 1000 other guys who feel like I do, well… you can see what that leads to.

10 years ago

Reblogged this on You sir, are being mocked and commented:
The shamelessness of the manosphere.

10 years ago

These guys…they ought to be in jail, but they aren’t. The very thought gives me the chills.

10 years ago

Cassandra, is it wrong that I found that song kind of funny?

10 years ago

Nope! I find it hilarious. This probably explains why I find PUAs and incels funny most of the time too.

10 years ago

Is it satire? It just seems too silly to be true 🙂

10 years ago

I used to assume that it was, but Morrissey has much such an ass of himself over the past few years that now I wonder if he might have been serious. Let’s hope not, eh?

10 years ago

Made, not much. Though he has indeed done it much. Seriously, dude, stop making people embarrassed for having stanned you when we were teenagers.

10 years ago

I hope not 🙂 It would be disturbing if it is. That said I do have friends who are really upset about seeing couples

10 years ago

Enough. At what point does this cross from free speech to inciting violence?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

It kind of sounds like a secular version of the FLDS

Funny you should say that, WWTH…fschmidt, despite being a committed atheist, has posted on several sites looking for a religion to join that hates the same things he hates (liberalism and women….er, feminists) and is willing to provide him with a bevy of submissive rape targets that have been trained not to question authority. I can’t imagine any religious community would want that shitstain among them, faking their belief system just so he can prey on their daughters.,82513,83989

From the solitudedx forum (thread title “Religions that would help an incel find a woman?”)

10-07-2013, 03:01 PM
It’s easy enough for an incel to find a woman by looking outside the femisphere (feminist countries). The bigger challenge is to keep her from being corrupted and to raise sane kids. This is where religion comes in. I suggest looking at the divorce rate to judge a religion. I know Orthodox Judaism does well. Islam may also be worth looking at. I think the Mormon divorce rate is quite high. Modern Christianity seems like a lost cause. I personally am planning to join Karaite Judaism.

BTW, co-alpha dudes, remember that kidnapping is illegal! You can’t just go round up some random women and then “matchmake” them with your members! Which is a bit of a problem for you in that if any of you could find women to date then your little internet club wouldn’t exist in the first place.

fschmidt admits he was considering this very same option, before going the “exploit-woman-desperate-for-green-card” route. From the coalpha forums:

Robert Tashbook worked with me at Nextag. He worked in QA but was very creative. Nextag’s original business model made no sense. Tashbook found the business model that made Nextag work. He realized that there was an opportunity to treat comparison shopping as an arbitrage business, taking the profit in the difference between the cost of buying ads and price that we could sell ads to merchants. If you look up Nextag, you will see that it was valued at $1.2 billion. What did Tashbook get for making Nextag so valuable? He is currently in federal prison for unlawful sexual conduct. He tried to kidnap a girl using the Internet to be his sex slave. While at Nextag, we never discussed our personal lives, so I didn’t know this side of him, but I completely understand where he was coming from since I considered a similar option myself before deciding to try finding a girlfriend Mexico instead. Luckily for me, I had better judgement than he did. This side of Nextag’s history is unlikely to make it into the popular media.

That sounds like a fun company to work for. o_____O

10 years ago

I usually find every day comments of PUAs, mras, etc quite ridiculous and funny, but these are too disturbing. They make me sick 🙁

10 years ago

Great. Now it’s not only impossible to Poe these guys, it’s impossible to make jokes about them either. No matter how over the top and ridiculous you think you’re being it turns out that some guy has either already tried it or is giving serious thought to doing so.

I came into the whole observing the manosphere thing thinking they were awful but in a predictable way, one that can be managed by society, but I’ve changed my mind. Almost all of these guys would be dangerous given the opportunity.

10 years ago

I’ve never heard that song before…must be more well known in the UK?

Speaking of the UK…I have been meaning to ask on here, I hope you guys don’t mind a little derail? Has anyone from the UK seen that new reality trash called “I Wannna Marry Harry”??? Every time I see the commercials I am just in awe of how disgusting the Fox network can be. I mean how is shit like this not offensive to everyone. Maybe that’s the point…just ugg.

10 years ago

As in, the spare Harry?

10 years ago

@Emcube,we’v already been spammed by the MRAs trying to get us to sign the petition. It’s a crap MRA publicity stunt.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

These guys are really dangerous and scary. The internet affords these people a place to congregate and fuel each other’s twisted beliefs and hate fantasies. Forty years ago, they would have merely been lone oddballs, holed up in basement apartments writing crank letters to the editor. Now they’re hanging out in groups on rage sites, pouring gasoline all over each other.

It speaks volumes about the loathsomeness of fschmidt and Elliot Rodgers that, despite all their wealth and privilege, they were unable to attract any attention from the ladies. Both of them are peas in a pod.

Also, Nextag sounds like a pretty fucked-up, amateurish company, if they allowed QA to come up with their business model (fschmidt, one of the founders, apparently wasn’t bright enough to do so). It’s not even a particularly original business model. The fact that it managed to reach a 1b market cap means they just got extraordinarily lucky with the timing of their company during the fledgling days of e-commerce.

10 years ago

Omg, cornfed!!!! He used to get on daves esl in korea and just rant and rant abouthow awful western women are. He would say he woulod spend a day looking at them and see how they were all unhealthy and diseased. Daves esl cafe had a lot of stuff like that

10 years ago

Speaking of Korea, did you see that guy who’s supposed to be the country’s number one forensics expert puking evopsych crap all over what was supposed to be an event dedicated to increasing gender equality? He flat out said that skimpy clothes cause rape and so really women are to blame.

See? This crap doesn’t stay confined to internet forums. It’s out in the real world, fucking things up for everyone who isn’t an evil misogynistic shithead.

10 years ago

So…… do they expect women to sign up for their matchmaking service?

Kevin Kehres
10 years ago

So, the 9/11 attacks on the US weren’t murder? Because they’re not part of our culture?

Peter LaCroix
Peter LaCroix
10 years ago

This is the internet, you have no idea who’s posting this stuff. You say it’s some white guy but it could just as well be some Black girl. You’re making a judgement without competent knowledge of the facts.
As far as Rodgers, he hated women but he hated almost everyone including his brother who looked up to him and he liked that but wrote that he may have to kill him if he turned out better than himself.Rodgers suffered from a pathological sensitivity to rejection combined with delusions of grandeur. He never even approached a woman but still felt rejected.Anything could bring on this feeling of rejection and most of it was in his own mind.A doctor wanted to prescribe anti psychotic drugs but Rodgers didn’t think they were good for him so apparently a number of doctors and people saw that he was not quite normal. There’s a big difference between some MRA, or whatever they call themselves, who may write something that doesn’t mesh with your own beliefs and someone who goes out intending to murder people.Rodgers was just mentally disturbed and none of this has anything to do with feminism or MRA’s.PUA’s and all of the other tiny groups are just boys who never learned how to socialise with girls, or with anyone else for that matter,and are just bitter antisocial game plying porn watching losers but they’re harmless.I don’t know if Rodgers would be considered legally insane but he was a very disturbed person and possibly psychotic.Are there men who just hate women for some reason? Yes, but Rodgers just appeared to hate everyone. I read his “manifesto” before it was online and this is just not how a normal man thinks. He wrote that he was going to stab and kill his roommates which he did because they were not real men and just nerdy chinks. He hated some Black man he saw and didn’t even know because he was just a dumb inferior Negro.Does Rodgers sound normal to you?

10 years ago

A quote from one of the members:
…Really, at this point, I’m wondering if this killing spree was a false flag attack.

These events are always false flag attacks to this sort of person, aren’t they? I remember at another right wing sesspit (the now defunct trying to write the Anders Brevik massacre as a false flag. Anything to stop them having a good, honest look at themselves, I suppose.

10 years ago

Typically I find, MRA, PUA rants fairly amusing. I enjoy reciting them all grandiose-like to select friends and we get a good laugh… Until I come across things like this. I’ve read a lot of stupid MRA rants that allude to wanting women either killed or controlled, some dog whistle-y kind of things, or at least some form of plausible deniability. When they post shit like this that actually word for word spells out that women should be killed or controlled by men, it really shows that society is failing in calling this crap out and making it downright unacceptable. I mean these dudes KNOW they can post this stuff and there will be zero consequences. And as we all know that is extremely dangerous and puts real lives in danger… I dunno other people have responded more eloquently than I ever could, but ya this stuff def crosses the line from eye-rolling MRAbsurdity to hate speech that incites voilence that has the potential to affect people’s lives OFF the internet.

Sorry all, I had a few words to say, but I just don’t really words all too good… 🙂