Most of those in the manosphere, whatever their real feelings, have been relatively circumspect about expressing sympathy with, or support for, Elliot Rodger. Sure, many manospherians – from MRAs to PUAs to MGTOWs – have long been half-warning, half-threatening those of us in the “blue pill” world that angry young men are going to rise up and take a sort of self-styled revenge upon their supposed female and feminist oppressors.
But when one man actually launches a “Day of Retribution” intended to punish the “blonde sluts” of the world (as well as any man who roused his ire or got in his way), most manospherians have tried to change the subject, denying any connection between his ideas and theirs, and in some cases even trying to pretend that the man who wanted to watch all women die in concentration camps wasn’t even a misogynist at all.
That’s not the case over at the CoAlpha Forum, a self-proclaimed “Reactionary Free Speech Forum” given over to a strange and scary patriarchal variant on manosphere ideology.
The main thing keeping the CoAlphas from celebrating Elliot Rodgers as an Incel Hero? He killed too many men – and didn’t “butcher” enough “sorority girls.”
In one thread immediately following the shootings, the CoAlphas wondered why Rodger didn’t kill more women. Cornfed complained:
Fschmidt, one of the site’s administrators, offered a distinct lack of sympathy to the victims, and indeed any victims of any killings in the United States.
Vegeta2 just came out and said it: In his eyes, Elliot would have been a true hero — if he had only killed more women.
Cornfed was also less than impressed with Rodger’s “haul” as a spree killer:
In a second thread started several days after the killings, fschmidt postulated that Elliot Rodger’s real problem was that he was a “man of integrity” who suffered because he was pressured to “try to fit into a depraved culture that he could never really be a part of.”
And suprisingly, he got some pushback from one commenter. Though Moralmoe91 made clear that he “agreed with most of Rodger’s criticisms of: women, society as a whole, and the messed up male/female dynamics that are rampant today,” he just couldn’t agree with the killing, which he thought was wrong because, you know, killing is bad, and also very likely to cause big problems for incels and antifeminists like him.
Fschmidt offered a rather chillingly blase response to Moralmoe91’s contention that killing people was not such a great idea.
I don’t understand the point of condemning his actions. I mean, I don’t approve but I am not particularly against the death of Americans.
In a series of coments, poor Moe did his best to explain to fschmidt that Rodger’s actions might end up hurting him too. And he repeated his apparently quite controversial notion that murder is actually bad.
No dice. Fschmidt was convinced by none of it. Not even the bit about murder.
Murder? Killing is only murder when one kills a member of one’s own culture. Modern Western culture is not my culture, so I do not consider killing its members to be murder.
That may be the creepiest thing I’ve read since Elliot Rodger’s manifesto.
I hope the FBI is keeping an eye on this “CoAlpha” website.
That’s only the second time I’ve seen the term CoAlpha.
The other time, it was GGG.
The humor inherent in these dudes casually excluding themselves from ‘Western Culture’ is just too much. Putting aside the fundamental ridiculousness of saying that you aren’t a part of the culture you live in — has there ever in history been anything that more screams ‘Western Culture’ than a bunch of white guys talking about how much they love the idea of butchering anyone who isn’t a white guy?
Maybe I’m just too cynical, but I’m not at all surprised to see the manosphere lauding the murder of innocent human beings in the name of hating women. In fact, that is exactly what I expected them to do. How sad is that?
So that’s one person (Moe) who has at least a basic sense of how to do PR (and, you know, ethics – “murder is morally wrong”, apparently a controversial statement among incels), and the rest of them just want to wank about the possibility of a second Rodger killing targets who they’re angrier at? Go ahead and draw more attention to your various creepy little internet forums, guys. It doesn’t win people over to your cause, but it does indeed demonstrate the fact that feminists were right about you all along.
You aren’t familiar with Fschmidt? That disgusting fucktard has been around forever. Reading his shit made my skin crawl years ago.
Wow, there really is no bottom to this barrel.
“Reactionary Free Speech Forum.” I guess “Pack of Assholes With No Sense of Shame” didn’t have the same ring to it.
Nobinayamu, hello! How’ve you been?
Hey, at least they openly call themselves reactionaries. Self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom and all that crap. Shame they stopped at step one.
That Cornfed arsehole says on another discussion on that site “No female is my equal” and then “you must have very low self esteem to regard entities with one sixth of your grey matter as your equal. It would be like regarding dogs as your equal”.
Where did this guy get his dictionary?
You got to love how these guys are worried about how this murder is going to affect THEIR REPUTATIONS.
Keep shoving your heads up your asses, guys. You might see the sun if you’re not careful!
I wish I could say any of this shit surprises me. Considering the amount of defensiveness and anger coming from our recent troll influx, it doesn’t at all.
i wish these clowns would get locked up. They should not be allowed to wander around in public after threatening people like that.
It’s sort of fascinating when internet rocks are lifted up and you see all the slimy creepy-crawlies that live underneath, in total darkness.
Sunlight isn’t their friend.
Manospherian: “Feminists are making us look bad!”
No, sweetie- YOU are making you look bad
Vegeta2 is also a member of the love-shy forum. I recognized that name from the Shy Boys: IRL documentary, which I just now watched because I wanted to know if he appeared on camera (one of the guys merely has a phone conversation with him).
I didn’t notice the first time I watched it, but one of the GGG guy’s posts is also shown onscreen in that doc.
Is that doc on Netflix or YouTube?
Murder is only murder when you kill someone from your own “culture”?
The fuck is that shit? I mean I’m not shocked, these guys aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed, but yeesh.
And all of them are absolutely members of and products of Western Culture. Their woman hating race baiting nonsense is the absolute underpinning of Western Culture. I don’t know. I’m fairly confident most of them couldn’t find the safety on a gun if I handed one to them, and I’m fairly certain most of them are sad little men hiding in the safety of the internet acting persecuted and tough and martyry for the benefit of their fellow wank buddies, and I’m fairly persuaded most of them think they could do “better” at murdering folks but they actually can’t because they have neither the training nor the guts for it, but at some point you’ll run across yet another Rodger, I have no doubt.
This just proves there’s definitely more where he came from.
Do I even want to know what “CoAlpha” means?
Nobinyamu, I’m pretty sure the -tard ending is not appropriate :-/
Nobinayamu, hey, good to see you again!
I wrote about fschmidt and the CoAlpha Boys a couple of times, a long time back, but I had sort of put them out of my mind. I had honestly forgotten how terrible they are.
So, what’s a co-alpha?
I’ve heard that offered as an explanation for why the Biblical Israelites were able to get away with killing their enemies despite it apparently going against one of the Commandments: the argument goes that the original wording implies a distinction between killing amongst yourselves and killing your enemies.
In otherwords, it’s xenophobic and archaic.
Person A= “Murder is wrong.”
Person B= “That has no basis in logic!”
fschmidt actually cites the Bible as his reason for making that argument:
Somehow I don’t think he lives his life according to everything else in the old testament though.