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Today in Imaginary Feminism: The Slap Circle of Misandry

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (And don’t worry that the PayPal page says Man Boobz.) Thanks! And thanks again to all who’ve already donated.

 Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the neverending struggle against imaginary feminists continues apace. Today, one brand-new Redditor, a self-described former feminist, won himself several dozen upvotes from the regulars by bringing them a literally unbelievable tale of his adventures with a coven of slap-happy feminists.

I stopped calling myself a feminist a few years ago when I went to a meeting and was told “men are inly allowed in this safe space if they participate in a slap circle.”

The idea was that it would be harder for me to intimidate with my six foot stature if all the women had a chance to slap me in the face. I left.

Another guy actually did it.

It’s all true. I WAS THAT GUY.


Actually, no. If this dude’s story is true, I will literally eat my cats.

While most of the Men’s Rightsers commenting in the thread seem to have swallowed this story whole, “slap circles” aren’t actually a thing in feminism.

They are a thing, though, amongst bored and/or drunk young men (and sometimes women) around the world, as countless videos on YouTube can attest.

As as site called Hungry Teen explains, a “Slap Circle” is

A great way to bond with friends, release aggression and stimulate the face. The Slap Circle is a game made for the more hardcore, daring person and can be used as a test for finding the manliest of the group. Although adopting female fighting techniques, the slap circle appeals far more to men. Nothing is required for this game, other than a hand, a face and a set of balls.

All you do, is stand in a circle and slap the person to your right in the face, while waiting for a slap from the person on your left. If you’ve had enough, you step out of the circle and the last two standing fight it out for the winner.

I eagerly await stories in the Men’s Rights subreddit detailing Andrea Dworkin’s demand that all men and boys be forced to take the Cinnamon Challenge and all those insidious mandatory nut shot seminars being forced upon all college students unfortunate enough to be born with a pair of balls.

Thanks to Cloudiah for the heads up, and the good people of the AgainstMensRights subreddit for the Hungry Teen quote.

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10 years ago

cassandrakitty | May 30, 2014 at 8:52 pm

I was fine with the slap circle, but then they tried to make me sing that song about the 90s and it gave me flashbacks to 90s fashion and I had to leave early.


Stevie, noooo. Where did that come from? Lots of fundementalist homeschoolers being terrifying (and yeah, I am extremely freaked out by people keeping their kids home to teach them bigotry and no science/critical thinking) =/= homeschooling always being bad, never being the better choice: never mind this weird homeschooled-kids-shouldn’t-be-drs thing.

Do you want to stop and take a minute, and actually consider the whole picture? And stop vomiting prejudice here? I really didn’t expect your initial thoughtless comment to take the turn it has. As if making fun of kids that do have literacy issues from basically parental neglect would be a good idea even if that was the inevitable result of homeschooling. :/

10 years ago


This may well be because its 6.23 am inLondon and really I don’t function well without any sleep.

There was a time when I could pull an all nighter, but without the Eternal Fountain of Youth I doubt that I could manage it! So, my apologies; to whatever time zone you may be in.

10 years ago

My doctor is very judgmental, and not terribly friendly, but she’s competent, and she hasn’t left town, or misdiagnosed me, or quit doctoring, or otherwise left me hanging and scrambling to find a new doctor. I like her a lot. (I went through about 5 doctors in the previous 4 years. It’s like I was jinxed.)

10 years ago

Stevie, please, just stop. Please.

10 years ago

Seriously, can someone take Stevie’s shovel away until she chills out? I’m assuming this is some sort of fuck-you-you-made-me-mad thing, hopefully it will wear off.

10 years ago

I’m really really confused as to how it being late night makes it acceptable to sort of wish death on someone. :/

10 years ago

^I mean that’s how it read to me. idk how it read to other people…

10 years ago


This may well be because its 6.23 am inLondon and really I don’t function well without any sleep.

There was a time when I could pull an all nighter, but without the Eternal Fountain of Youth I doubt that I could manage it! So, my apologies; to whatever time zone you may be in.

Ok, I get sleepiness and messed up posting, but you did not exactly connect the dots to any of it? Like what does this have to do with what you said earlier? How does it change shit? I’m confused.

10 years ago

Didn’t read that way to me, Fade, not that this has been anything good.

Damn, we need brain bleach here.

10 years ago

I also feel the need to correct this:

Of course, in England the reading age of people buying the tabloids is around nine years old, if you are feeling generous you could call that literacy.

I wasn’t able to quickly find any sources on the reading level of tabloids by grade level, but even if it is, that’s the reading level of the tabloid, not of the reader. Everyone likes to read recreationally below their actual reading level.

10 years ago

I often come onto Internet forums, make outrageous comments, decided not to apologise, wish death on people, keep coming back and THEN blame it on being tired. All the time. (Again sarcasm)

10 years ago

@ Marie

Random but you’re always apologizing for being sleepy/whatever and maybe not making sense, but you always do make sense. Give yourself some credit!

10 years ago

And of course, whether or not one goes through med school (or whether or not can afford to go through med school, or any other kind of higher education) is a totally unrelated issue from homeschooling.

Whether it not one is homeschooled has no bearing on one’s talent, intelligence, or worth as a human being.

Whether or not one goes through any form of higher education has no bearing on one’s talent, intelligence, or worth as a human being.

And that will be my last comment on this, I promise.

Brain bleach:

Capybara and bunny

10 years ago


realy who doesn’t do that?

And I”m starting to get hit with tired cuz I took my sleepy pill and it hits me hard, but that’s more of more spelling/grammar mistakes and just taking a little longer to get things. So I guess I don’t really follow Stevie’s logic on ‘I was tired’ cuz I don’t think that changes what people say a lot?

If I”m making any sense? Idk.

10 years ago

Brain bleach:

Porcupine, who just wants a cuddle. (and to spin around in circles)

An apple a day… for baby porcupines!

10 years ago


that was awesome brainbleach i could feel my worries melt away….

10 years ago


@ Marie

Random but you’re always apologizing for being sleepy/whatever and maybe not making sense, but you always do make sense. Give yourself some credit!

Thanks :3

Hehe and right now I am sleepy cuz I took my pills. like a little ago they take a while to hit me but they still last, so I’ll just be sleepy posting till I decide to get in bed.

10 years ago

@ katz

Yeah. Lots of newspapers (even the broadsheets) are pitched at a low reading level, but you can’t necessarily extrapolate the actual reading level of the consumers based on that, especially given that it applies to so many newspapers.

10 years ago

@Marie – I get you. Sleepiness might change the quality of your message, or even give you a brain fart. But sleepiness does not preclude apologising and not does it make up for someone being an deliberate arsehat.

10 years ago

First thirty seconds of this:

Amazingly tolerant kitty.

I may have been googling vids of adorable baby animals earlier…

10 years ago


Whether it not one is homeschooled has no bearing on one’s talent, intelligence, or worth as a human being.

Whether or not one goes through any form of higher education has no bearing on one’s talent, intelligence, or worth as a human being.

^Yes. And that shouldn’t be hard to get.

And also, adding, that your intelligence and talent shouldn’t affect your worth as a human being.

which Idon’t think you implied.

I’m just adding on/ rambling.

10 years ago

I hug you…no, actually I’m going to bite your ear…hug…rub hands all over face…bite ear again.

Racoons – adorable but kind of rowdy.

10 years ago

All the squeee for the brain bleach!

That kitty is SO tolerant. “Just sit still and stop chewing my ear, raccoon-shaped pillow!”

10 years ago


@Marie – I get you. Sleepiness might change the quality of your message, or even give you a brain fart. But sleepiness does not preclude apologising and not does it make up for someone being an deliberate arsehat.


Also it makes it a loooootttt harder to type, which is just weird on this thread cuz I feel like If I’m doing my usual # of types and grammar mistakes and I’m just getting self concious cuz it’s on this thread where we’re talking about homeschooling and higher educatoin and I”m coming in going ‘hey that’s me not very educated’ and also making all the spelling and grammar mistakes and it just seems like I’m proving ‘everyone’ right or something.

Sorry for the ramble Idk if that made sense.

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