domestic violence MRA shit that never happened

Is The Mankind Initiative's #ViolenceIsViolence video a fraud?

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (And don’t worry that the PayPal page says Man Boobz.) Thanks! And thanks again to all who’ve already donated.

The ManKind Initiative, a UK organization devoted to fighting domestic violence against men, recently put out a video that’s been getting a lot of attention in the media and online, racking up more than six million views on YouTube in a little over a week.

The brief video, titled #ViolenceIsViolence, purports to depict the radically different reactions of bystanders to staged incidents of domestic violence between a couple in a London plaza. When the man was the aggressor, shoving the woman and grabbing her face, bystanders intervened and threatened to call the police. When the woman was the aggressor, the video shows bystanders laughing, and no one does a thing.

The video has been praised by assorted Men’s Rights Activists, naturally enough, but it has also gotten uncritical attention in some prominent media outlets as well, from Marie Claire to the Huffington Post.

There’s just one problem: The video may be a fraud, using deceptive editing to distort incidents that may well have played out quite differently in real life.

A shot-by-shot analysis of the video from beginning to end reveals that the first “incident” depicted is actually a composite of footage shot of at least two separate incidents, filmed on at least three different times of day and edited together into one narrative.

A careful viewing of the video also reveals that many of the supposed “reaction shots” in the video are not “reaction shots” at all, but shots taken in the same plaza at different times and edited in as if they are happening at the same time as the staged “incidents” depicted.

Moreover, none of the people depicted as laughing at the second incident are shown in the same frame as the fighting couple. There is no evidence that any of them were actually laughing at the woman attacking the man.

The editing tricks used in the video were brought to my attention by a reader who sent me a link to a blog entry by Miguel Lorente Acosta, a Professor of Legal Medicine at the University of Granada in Spain, and a Government Delegate for Gender Violence in Spain’s Ministry of Equality. He goes through the video shot by shot, showing each trick for what it is.

The post in Spanish, and his argument is a little hard to follow through the filter of Google Translate, so I will offer my own analysis of the video below, drawing heavily on his post. (His post is still worth reading, as he covers several examples of deceptive editing I’ve left out.)

I urge you to watch the video above through once, then follow me through the following analysis.

The first “incident” is made up of footage taken at three distinct times, if not more. The proof is in the bench.

In the opening shot of the video, we see an overview of the plaza. We see two people sitting on a bench, a man in black to the left and a woman in white to the right, with a trash can to the right of them. (All of these lefts and rights are relative to us, the viewers.) The trash can has an empty green bag hanging off of it.


As the first incident begins, we see the same bench, only now we see two women sitting where the man was previously sitting. The trash can now has a full bag of trash sitting next to it.


In this shot, showing bystanders intervening in what is portrayed as the same fight, and supposedly depicting a moment in time only about 30 seconds after the previous shot, we see that the two women on the bench have been replaced by two men, one in a suit and the other in a red hoodie. The full trash bag has been removed, and the trash can again has an empty trash bag hanging off of it.


Clearly this portion of the video does not depict a single incident.

What about the reaction shots? The easiest way to tell that the reaction shots in the video did not chronologically follow the shots that they come after in the video is by looking at the shadows. Some of the video was shot when the sky was cloudy and shadows were indistinct. Other shots were taken in direct sunlight. In the video, shots in cloudy weather are followed immediately by shots in roughly the same location where we see bright sunlight and clear shadows.

Here’s one shot, 9 seconds in. Notice the lack of clear shadows; the shadow of the sitting woman is little more than a vague smudge.


Here’s another shot from less than a second later in the same video – the timestamp is still at 9 seconds in. Now the plaza is in direct sunlight and the shadows are sharp and distinct.


If you watch the video carefully, you can see these sorts of discontinuities throughout. It seems highly unlikely that the various reaction shots actually depict reactions to what they appear to be reactions to. Which wouldn’t matter if this were a feature film; that’s standard practice. But this purports to be a depiction of real incidents caught on hidden camera and presented as they happened in real time.

The issue of non-reaction reaction shots is especially important when it comes to the second incident. In the first incident, we see a number of women, and one man, intervening to stop the violence. There is no question that’s what’s going on, because we see them in the same frame as the couple.

In the second incident, none of the supposed laughing onlookers ever appear in the same frame as the fighting couple. We have no proof that their laughter is in fact a reaction to the woman attacking the man. And given the dishonest way that the video is edited overall, I have little faith that they are real reaction shots.

The people who are in frame with the fighting couple are either trying resolutely to ignore the incident – as many of the onlookers also did in the first incident – or are clearly troubled by it.

I noticed one blonde woman who looked at first glance like she might have been laughing, but after pausing the video it became clear that she was actually alarmed and trying to move out of the way.


There is one other thing to note about the two incidents. In the first case, the onlookers didn’t intervene until after the man escalated his aggression by grabbing the woman by her face. In the second video, the screen fades to black shortly after the woman escalates her aggression to a similar level. We don’t know what, if anything, happened after that.

Is it possible that the first part of the video, despite being a composite of several incidents, depicts more or less accurately what happened each time the video makers tried this experiment? Yes. Is it possible that onlookers did indeed laugh as the woman attacked the man? Yes.

But there is only one way for The ManKind Initiative to come clean and clear up any suspicion: they need to post the unedited, time-stamped footage of each of the incidents they filmed from each of their three cameras so we can see how each incident really played out in real time and which, if any, of the alleged reactions were actual reactions.

In addition to the editing tricks mentioned above, we don’t know if the video makers edited out portions of the staged attacks that might have influenced how the bystanders reacted.

The video makers should also post the footage of the incidents that they did not use for the advert, so we can see if reactions to the violence were consistently different when the genders of attackers and victims were switched. Two incidents make up a rather small sample – even if one of these incidents is actually two incidents disguised as one.

Domestic violence against men is a real and serious problem. But you can’t fight it effectively with smoke and mirrors.

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10 years ago

oooooooooooo mi god

you don’t believe anything anyone says w/o definite proof

unless they’re youtube videos.

10 years ago

So what definite proof would you like or require to be convinced of the need for Feminism? I mean 3 Youtube videos convinced you that women don’t have issues with domestic violence and that people don’t laugh at men attacking women.

Actually the very fact that you accepted so readily some random videos suggests to me that you don’t need definite proof to believe something, you only believe you do. Considering that you seem ready and willing to buy into the privileged narrative of our culture, and have internalized MRA talking points without realizing them, I’d argue that actually you are actually very credulous and unskeptical. You yourself admitted that you have not been actively harmed by the cultural misogyny and are blind to it. If you want to actually learn you need to step off your pedestal and realize you are not as perfectly logical and informed as you present yourself to be.

10 years ago

It’s been a childhood trauma for me since i was bullied a lot in middle school.

Oh, dear. Are you OK? You’re the only one who has ever been bullied, abused or mistreated in any way on this site. The rest of us grew up in ivory towers where little birds tied the bows in our hair every morning. (Yes, even the men. )

10 years ago


“..luring them into our secret hive where our Lesbian Broodmare Mother who spawned us shall feast on them.”

::sniff:: ::cry:: our mommy is so wonderful

This is me when mommy was teaching me to kill my first man. It was a success!! I can’t believe she still has that picture! ::sniff:: I love you mommy!

10 years ago


10 years ago

The rest of us grew up in ivory towers where little birds tied the bows in our hair every morning.

Oh, you poor dear. I grew up in a diamond tower where my meals were prepared for me by magical rainbow unicorns.

10 years ago

Anand comes to blog that explicitly states it is about mocking misogyny. Anand gets mocked after saying offensive anti-feminist things. Anand is shocked and hurt by the mocking.

It’s like an Onion headline.

10 years ago

Anand, lots of people get bullied. In second grade I got a lead role as Anatzi the spider. For the rest of the year, a group of kids in the fourth and fifth grades chased me around, yelling “We’re going to crush you, you little spider”, and other like phrases.

I got cornered by some kids with a sharpie, and they wrote “Dummie” on my arms. They even misspelled it, which was uber annoying. I wore long sleeves for a week to hide it. My sister caught on, and told my mother, and my mom ended up wandering the playground at recess, since it was obvious that the school wasn’t doing their job.

I was one of the smart kids. In sixth grade, three of the other smart kids started trying to gaslight me into believing I was an idiot, and it worked.

Yes. You were bullied. Yes, hearing the echoes of bullies can hurt. No, it isn’t an excuse to dismiss criticism. We aren’t the kids you were in middle school with. You aren’t one of the jerks who chased me.

However, you are consistently missing the point and insisting that you are far more fair and balanced than you really are. Could you try lurking for a bit?

Read the comments, here. Don’t argue with them, just read for a bit. You won’t understand unless you are willing to drop your internalized preconceptions, and just listen.


10 years ago

“Misogynist shocked by mocking at feminist site”
“I only wanted to explain to them about men being the real victims,” (blank) said. “I expected them to discuss it with me rationally, but instead they used language that I am not accustomed to hear from ladies. Frankly, I was terrified that they might hurt me,” he said, referring to an encounter that took place entirely on the internet. “When I told them why women shouldn’t vote, I mean, I didn’t mean it personally. It’s just an abstract political idea that shouldn’t bother anybody to discuss.”

10 years ago

Oh, you poor dear. I grew up in a diamond tower where my meals were prepared for me by magical rainbow unicorns.

I try to cope.

10 years ago

anecdotal evidence is only valid when it already agrees with their opinion obviously. Otherwise, it isn’t scientific enough.

10 years ago

No position is “neutral”. If you are “neutral” on feminism until it is proven to you that feminism is worthwhile or necessary or correct, then you are implicitly on the side of non-feminism, despite non-feminism having never proved anything to you except for its ability to be accepted as the most common position.

Why does feminism have to prove what the dominant culture doesn’t?

You believe that you are unbiased, waiting patiently for enough information to decide, but there is no such thing. You have been raised in a culture, and everything you taught has been biased by that culture. The very language(s) you speak are biased. You are biased.

So is everyone.

So if you want to take a stance, take that stance. Don’t sit there and pretend you are neutral, because you’re not. Neutrality doesn’t exist.

10 years ago

magical rainbow unicorns.

Were they patriarchy unicorns?

10 years ago

I kind of wish this thread hadn’t turned into the Anand show. The OP is really intriguing.

10 years ago

Anand if you really do want to learn here’s an article I suggest you read (although I am heavily, heavily suspicious of your ridiculous over-attempt at presenting yourself as neutral)

10 years ago

I’m big on facts. I study at a university, gonna be a scientist.
The more I read science and absorb facts, the more I’m sure that I want to be an active feminist – at least to the limit that my relatively shredded nerves can take. (I have been triggered during a conversation before. Doesn’t make my stand seem very good, but only because the loghead wouldn’t actually listen to my darn point and surely thought I’m just too sensitive.)

“Agree to disagree” is not productive, so during a discussion that is about important social matters, it’s not a very good call to attempt end things on.

Oh, and the pissing Olympics between issues ties my panties on a thousand angry knots. There are platforms one can go to talk specifically about, say, male DV victims. There is no need to derail conversations about other demographics.
Talking about DV in general tends to just evolve into a measuring competition anyway, at least by my experience…

I’m gonna go play Pokémon now.

10 years ago

I don’t know for sure that this video isn’t a fraud but as your only argument suggesting that it is one is “the original footage has been edited” I strongly suspect you of having written an article with a screaming headline but void of any convincing argument because it will appear in the search results for “mankind initiative” and if slander isn’t as effective as sustanciated criticism it’s still better than nothing.
Throw dirt enough, and some will stick.

Also, lol at the Time article quoted in this thread which can be summarized like this “mras are whiny privileged men-children who need to man up”, yeah, guys, don’t perpetuate gender expectations, man up, and remember, the people of this small internet based movement support the all-powefull patriarchy and want to maintain the status quo, not like us, subversive feminists who smash the patriarchy by telling you what to think and excomuniating anti-feminist infidels in the Time. Dat smell of Pravda in the evening lawl.

The more I see, the more I believe those guys in the manosphere who say that one day you’ll just pretend that feminism never existed.

10 years ago

Have been lurking mostly because I am new to commenting on this site but also because I really didn’t want to engage with Anand and I was not so sure I could hold my tongue.

However, I feel very strongly about the notion that is it not inherently the job of individuals of oppressed or disenfranchised group (or their allies) to educate people about our actions, philosophies, data (scientific or not), experiences, or reasons for coming together to provide spaces for discussion, support, and release. There are people choose to as a part of their activism, and that is their choice and I respect & commend their efforts.

Our daily lives are spent navigating intersecting forms of institutional and personal discrimination, oppression, & outright violence. Taking on the additional work of educating, on an individual level, each person who comes into these discussions expecting a tutorial on feminism can add to exhaustion and frustration which is already overwhelming.

The information in out there. It is out there in droves. There are links on this very site. And it is their responsibility to seek it out and and evaluate it, to give genuine critical thought to what they read and pursue other forms of education if they are still left with questions.

I am happy to clarify terms or even share my own experiences if people have specific questions, but I am not going to define feminism or its purpose to everyone who comes into these spaces without doing some basic homework.

That, and that video was a pretty pathetic hack job, especially the continuity issues & the out of context reaction shots. Domestic violence is a serious issue for all genders & orientations, crap like this does nothing to further substantive work to prevent it or to support those who experience it.

10 years ago

I found footage of me and our sisters! I don’t why mom was filming men being killed in the first part. I guess ever since she made some new interior designs to our home she just had to try them out!

Trigger warning: Extreme Gore and Misandry

1:50 that’s Jenny
2:00 Tonya, don’t worry she’s fine
2:17 that’s Connie’s arm. It fell off when she was fighting him but it reattached itself back onto her
2:26 the twins Denise and Paige
2:37 Samantha
2:54 Samantha again
3:08 Stephanie and in the background is Coraline
3:16 Beth is pregnant there
3:58 That’s me! Yeah it turns out that I didn’t need the scyth I just needed my tentacles! Being the youngest and smallest it was pretty difficult but I got him!
4:12 Diane
4:19 Cheyenne
4:35 Jane
4:48 Hayley
5:03 Hayley again
5:08 Margaret
5:29 Eleanor she’s much bigger than that, this man cut off her head so she did the same to him.
5:53 Sally
6:10 And Kimberly… she didn’t like being recorded.

There are so many other videos of our sisters but I just wanted to share one it would take forever to show everyone! I hope you enjoyed, Sissies!

10 years ago

If you can’t be bothered to read the post, don’t bother commenting.
If you are unable to read for comprehension, don’t bother commenting.

“Man up”?

10 years ago

So, BRZ, I take it you didn’t actually read the article which dissects the video and points out the weird inconsistencies and just focused on the title.

Jean, again, what is your point?

And I thought I_roll_paladin was banned for spamming.

10 years ago

Luv your nym <3

10 years ago

Why thank you, Lea <3

I wanted Pirate Jenny but someone beat me to it. Arguably my favorite Nina Simone song (with nods to Brecht & Weill) next to Mississippi Goddam.

10 years ago

Yes I understood that there is different sequences in this video which is somehow very troubling for a video.

Anyway, until they don’t prove that that all the people in this video aren’t actors, we can suspect them of having staged this in a studio owned by patriarchy corp.

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