domestic violence MRA shit that never happened

Is The Mankind Initiative's #ViolenceIsViolence video a fraud?

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The ManKind Initiative, a UK organization devoted to fighting domestic violence against men, recently put out a video that’s been getting a lot of attention in the media and online, racking up more than six million views on YouTube in a little over a week.

The brief video, titled #ViolenceIsViolence, purports to depict the radically different reactions of bystanders to staged incidents of domestic violence between a couple in a London plaza. When the man was the aggressor, shoving the woman and grabbing her face, bystanders intervened and threatened to call the police. When the woman was the aggressor, the video shows bystanders laughing, and no one does a thing.

The video has been praised by assorted Men’s Rights Activists, naturally enough, but it has also gotten uncritical attention in some prominent media outlets as well, from Marie Claire to the Huffington Post.

There’s just one problem: The video may be a fraud, using deceptive editing to distort incidents that may well have played out quite differently in real life.

A shot-by-shot analysis of the video from beginning to end reveals that the first “incident” depicted is actually a composite of footage shot of at least two separate incidents, filmed on at least three different times of day and edited together into one narrative.

A careful viewing of the video also reveals that many of the supposed “reaction shots” in the video are not “reaction shots” at all, but shots taken in the same plaza at different times and edited in as if they are happening at the same time as the staged “incidents” depicted.

Moreover, none of the people depicted as laughing at the second incident are shown in the same frame as the fighting couple. There is no evidence that any of them were actually laughing at the woman attacking the man.

The editing tricks used in the video were brought to my attention by a reader who sent me a link to a blog entry by Miguel Lorente Acosta, a Professor of Legal Medicine at the University of Granada in Spain, and a Government Delegate for Gender Violence in Spain’s Ministry of Equality. He goes through the video shot by shot, showing each trick for what it is.

The post in Spanish, and his argument is a little hard to follow through the filter of Google Translate, so I will offer my own analysis of the video below, drawing heavily on his post. (His post is still worth reading, as he covers several examples of deceptive editing I’ve left out.)

I urge you to watch the video above through once, then follow me through the following analysis.

The first “incident” is made up of footage taken at three distinct times, if not more. The proof is in the bench.

In the opening shot of the video, we see an overview of the plaza. We see two people sitting on a bench, a man in black to the left and a woman in white to the right, with a trash can to the right of them. (All of these lefts and rights are relative to us, the viewers.) The trash can has an empty green bag hanging off of it.


As the first incident begins, we see the same bench, only now we see two women sitting where the man was previously sitting. The trash can now has a full bag of trash sitting next to it.


In this shot, showing bystanders intervening in what is portrayed as the same fight, and supposedly depicting a moment in time only about 30 seconds after the previous shot, we see that the two women on the bench have been replaced by two men, one in a suit and the other in a red hoodie. The full trash bag has been removed, and the trash can again has an empty trash bag hanging off of it.


Clearly this portion of the video does not depict a single incident.

What about the reaction shots? The easiest way to tell that the reaction shots in the video did not chronologically follow the shots that they come after in the video is by looking at the shadows. Some of the video was shot when the sky was cloudy and shadows were indistinct. Other shots were taken in direct sunlight. In the video, shots in cloudy weather are followed immediately by shots in roughly the same location where we see bright sunlight and clear shadows.

Here’s one shot, 9 seconds in. Notice the lack of clear shadows; the shadow of the sitting woman is little more than a vague smudge.


Here’s another shot from less than a second later in the same video – the timestamp is still at 9 seconds in. Now the plaza is in direct sunlight and the shadows are sharp and distinct.


If you watch the video carefully, you can see these sorts of discontinuities throughout. It seems highly unlikely that the various reaction shots actually depict reactions to what they appear to be reactions to. Which wouldn’t matter if this were a feature film; that’s standard practice. But this purports to be a depiction of real incidents caught on hidden camera and presented as they happened in real time.

The issue of non-reaction reaction shots is especially important when it comes to the second incident. In the first incident, we see a number of women, and one man, intervening to stop the violence. There is no question that’s what’s going on, because we see them in the same frame as the couple.

In the second incident, none of the supposed laughing onlookers ever appear in the same frame as the fighting couple. We have no proof that their laughter is in fact a reaction to the woman attacking the man. And given the dishonest way that the video is edited overall, I have little faith that they are real reaction shots.

The people who are in frame with the fighting couple are either trying resolutely to ignore the incident – as many of the onlookers also did in the first incident – or are clearly troubled by it.

I noticed one blonde woman who looked at first glance like she might have been laughing, but after pausing the video it became clear that she was actually alarmed and trying to move out of the way.


There is one other thing to note about the two incidents. In the first case, the onlookers didn’t intervene until after the man escalated his aggression by grabbing the woman by her face. In the second video, the screen fades to black shortly after the woman escalates her aggression to a similar level. We don’t know what, if anything, happened after that.

Is it possible that the first part of the video, despite being a composite of several incidents, depicts more or less accurately what happened each time the video makers tried this experiment? Yes. Is it possible that onlookers did indeed laugh as the woman attacked the man? Yes.

But there is only one way for The ManKind Initiative to come clean and clear up any suspicion: they need to post the unedited, time-stamped footage of each of the incidents they filmed from each of their three cameras so we can see how each incident really played out in real time and which, if any, of the alleged reactions were actual reactions.

In addition to the editing tricks mentioned above, we don’t know if the video makers edited out portions of the staged attacks that might have influenced how the bystanders reacted.

The video makers should also post the footage of the incidents that they did not use for the advert, so we can see if reactions to the violence were consistently different when the genders of attackers and victims were switched. Two incidents make up a rather small sample – even if one of these incidents is actually two incidents disguised as one.

Domestic violence against men is a real and serious problem. But you can’t fight it effectively with smoke and mirrors.

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10 years ago

Women’s Aid also have more detailed statistics about domestic violence here:

It heavily underlines the fact that men are far more likely to repeat acts of domestic violence, on a more extreme level, leading to women being terrorised over long periods. This contrasts very strongly with the picture for men.

Another important aspect is that women on the receiving end of domestic violence are far more likely to self-harm than women who are not in abusive relationships. One third of the women seeking emergency medical treatment for their self harm were domestic violence survivors; women in abusive relationships are five times more likely to attempt to commit suicide than women who are not abused.

10 years ago

“I remember when I was a kid and my father used to beat us, my mom called the cops, they came, they saw a woman and two kids in bruises and they just said “Hey,man, don’t hit your wife”, and went away. They did nothing.”

“@augzilliary im sorry if it offended you. I wasnt intending to offend people. I have no problem being a white knight. I have been the white knight for my female fruends many times just as they have been for me. Toolbox, I’ll try not to use that term again in future.”

We don’t like it because MRA’s use that term to describe men who try to help women out of dangerous situations to get something in return; kinda like another term for Nice Guy. You are definitely not a white knight you are a really good friend.

It’s funny to me that MRA’s are always complaining about misandry however they use terms like manginia, white knight and other words to call a man who actually treats women as decent human beings, let themselves get beaten or raped by one and use ‘science’ to justify rape and any form of abuse. No one is better at Misandry than they are.

10 years ago

Actually, the story of Kitty Genovese’s murder is a little more complicated than it appears, according to this article:

Yeah, I know there’s a lot of misconceptions surrounding that story. I just thought it was worth pointing out that it was a murder of a woman that kicked off the term in the first place.

10 years ago

Suzy, the pain actually depends directly on the force and damage done. It lasts for a very short time compared to childbirth(assuming no permenant damage) and its frickin painful. Ive read a few articles suggesting that the pain is comparable. (they were scientific articles not MRA articles).

Most women dont kick men in the balls for fun. I already know that. -_- but its more likely to be taken as humour that violence by onlookers. 🙁

10 years ago


Yeah many people find terrible situations funny. It could be violent videos, rape ‘jokes’, etc.

10 years ago

Fruitloopsie, Agreed. I didnt know that the white knight was related the the nice guy syndrome. Personally, ive never understood the whole thing. If i was friends with a gal for whom i have unrequited feelings for, id cut all ties and leave the situation instead of waiting around for an opportunity to score and bitchin about it online. That’s borderline creepy. But thanks for pointing it out.

10 years ago

I believe that more men are openly misandric towards other men than woman. But the key word is ‘openly’, i believe people regardless of gender can be misandric or misogynistic. I dont buy into the ‘women suck, men rule’ mentality that some MRAs have.

For someone who claims not to be an MRA you sure use talk like one.

Your use of the term white knight is classic MRA.

Your assumption that misandry is even a thing is also an MRA thing. If an individual woman hates a man it doesn’t have any effect on society as a whole because we don’t live in a culture with systemic misandry.

We do live in a culture that has misogyny built into it. When a man hates a woman he is doing so as a member of the privileged, powerful group. He is participating in systemic oppression. That’s the difference.

That’s why the position that all genders are equally hateful and there is an equivalence is complete bullshit.

10 years ago

Are these videos also fakes? 🙂

10 years ago

Women kick men in the balls for fun?

I know some who do but only with men who consent to it. Do not underestimate how strange people can be.

As for the childbirth thing, just no. Being kicked in the balls may reach the same level of pain (or possibly exceed it) but it’s brief compared to the hours that are typically involved in childbirth. That means you really can’t compare the two kinds of pain, much like you can’t really compare the level of pain from trauma like a broken bone to chronic pain.

10 years ago

<blockquote. I just brought a new perspective to the table.

Nothing you’ve said has been new.

10 years ago


Could you please not compare childbirth to being kicked in the balls? The fact that childbirth lasts several hours and kick is over quickly is not something to be brushed off.

Childbirth can also fatal, even with modern medicine. It also changes the body forever.

You could have just said being kicked in the balls is very painful and left it at that.

I’ve never given birth but if any Mammotheers who have want to detail their experiences, it might be a good troll deterrent.

10 years ago

Thank you weirwoodtreehugger. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its a duck. I have no time for benefit of the doubt stuff here. I know it isn’t designated a ‘safe space’ but anyone else talking about white knights and misandry and that poor menz get kicked in the nuts which is basically the same as childbirth actually…

I duuno. I just can’t be arsed y’know?

10 years ago

Can the term ‘white knight’ just go crawl into a trench and die?

Only when it doesn’t refer to this fellow.

10 years ago

Am I the only person in the world who is bothered by the word “bitching”? It comes from the stereotype that all ‘bitches’ (women) do is nag and complain and it is therefore used as a substitute for words like ‘complain’.
Am I wrong? ‘Cause it really sounds offensive to me.

10 years ago


I think lots of people here are bothered by it. Did the troll use it, or one of the regulars?

Sorry I haven’t been paying much attention, what with anand being as boring as fuck and all.

10 years ago

Also, I don’t remember a period of history where the main cause of death for men was ‘kicked in the balls’
Also, what the f does ball kicking have to do with anything? It’s what this whole article is about! Men trying to take away the voices and experiences of women.

10 years ago


But i do agree that there may be some shitheads out there who do this, thing is that they are’nt ‘men’.

no, they are men. you can’t just discount someone from a group b/c they do something you don’t like. Men hurt women, men are sexist. if you try to act like people who do these things aren’t men, you’re just trying to absolve the group of blame.

tl;dr fuck that ‘real men’ shit.

jeezus, i am just not buying your ‘blah blah youtube videoes’ shit. I mean, maybe you’ve seen a weird selection of youtube videos. but you’re really going to have to offer some sort of proof if you want everyone to believe what you say which is completely contrary to *all* of our experiences.

I believe that more men are openly misandric towards other men than woman.

ffs, misandry is not real Men enforcing toxic masculinity is not misandry. It’s shitty, but it’s still rooted in sexism. What is even your point here? you’re just posting a bunch of nonsense and then acting like ‘well i was only bringing another perspective to the table’. we’ve ALL heard that perspective. everybody’s heard the ‘pretending like DV against women isn’t serious now lets talk about the men and the only way to talk about them is by pretending they have it worse’ thing that you’re doing.

10 years ago

Am I the only person in the world who is bothered by the word “bitching”?

Not at all.

10 years ago

Marie, yes, somebody just used it:

Anand | May 31, 2014 at 11:38 am
Fruitloopsie, Agreed. I didnt know that the white knight was related the the nice guy syndrome. Personally, ive never understood the whole thing. If i was friends with a gal for whom i have unrequited feelings for, id cut all ties and leave the situation instead of waiting around for an opportunity to score and bitchin about it online. That’s borderline creepy. But thanks for pointing it out.

10 years ago

im sorry you feel that way but as i have already said, im neither a feminist nor an MRA. So there area lot of areas where we disagree with each other. I was not aware of the negative connotations associated with the term ‘white knight’ and i plead ignorance on my part but i do believe in the existence of misandry though.

Lets just agree to disagree and move on. 🙂

10 years ago

I always worry using the terms ‘men’ and ‘women’ here. Do they need stars? I know sex/gender isn’t binary like that but find I don’t know how to word it correctly.

That probably made no sense.

10 years ago


ah. K. I guess I just glazed over it cuz it was anand, and he’s already a boring troll.

Not that there’s anything wrong with pointing it out. I’m just blabbery and inattentative atm.

10 years ago


I…really don’t think they need stars. If you’re talking about everyone you could just say men, women, and nonbinary people I think.

But I’m a cis woman so I might be wrong :/

10 years ago

Feminist isn’t comparable to MRA. My goodness. If I see one more person claim that being concerned about violence against women is ‘political point scoring’ or an ‘agenda’ the screams will be heard from miles around.

10 years ago

Thanks Marie, I just worry tons. It’s really easy for things to come across wrong, especially online. Boop. Hopefully someone will correct me if I get it wrong and I wont have a melt down!

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