announcements elliot rodger entitlement

Program note: I'll be on NPR at 11 AM (Eastern) today, talking about Elliot Rodger and the new misogyny [UPDATE: Archived audio is up!]


Just wanted to let you all know that I will be on NPR today, as part of a special segment on Misogyny And Murder: Unpacking A Killing In California on the show On Point With Tom Ashbrook. For more details and a link to listen to the show online, see here.

I will probably be on in the middle of the show, from about 11:20-11:40.

I’ll put up a link to the archived show when it’s over.

UPDATE: The archived audio is now up, at the same link. And yeah, I was on in the middle. But you should listen to the whole show; Soraya Chemaly in particular is great.

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10 years ago

That’s awesome! Can’t listen during, but post a link for sure!

And good luck!!

10 years ago

Cool, David! I’ll listen to the archived show. 11am in Chicago is 2am here.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

This is going to be great – I can’t wait to listen!

Have a good time on the show, David.

10 years ago

I hope the show will tackle the “mental health” sidetrack head on, as well as the canard that “he killed more men than women so this can’t be misogyny” and other misdirections a la Judgy Bitch.

10 years ago

Good for you, David. Thank you for doing this.

Ally S
10 years ago

Yay! I’m looking forward to it.

I wonder what my dad will think about it. He listens to NPR all the time. I’m guessing that he’ll either blame the shooting on mental illness or say that Rodger was possessed by the devil or whatever.

10 years ago

p.s. It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway — you’ll do great, David! Glad they’re having you on the show.

10 years ago

You’re officially an expert now!

10 years ago

Thank you David. I’ll be listening.

10 years ago

If you would put the word out to have this petition signed to have us declared a terrorist org, that would be most helpful!

10 years ago

Go, David! I’ll be sure to listen to the show once the link to the archives is up.

@I_Roll_Paladin: Isn’t this, like, the third or fourth thread on which you’re posting that link? What’s the big idea?

10 years ago
10 years ago

That’s flippin awesome! I’m an NPR junkie! I’m at work right now but I’ll be listening layer online!

10 years ago


Is there no low to which MRAs won’t sink? They’re so attention hungry that they’re OK with potentially being labeled a terrorist group? That says everything you need to know about their concern for human rights doesn’t it? :/

In the absurdly unlikely scenario that the US Government did declare A Voice for Men a “terrorist group,” all that means is people in government would be assigned to read A Voice for Men every day. And I don’t know about you, but I’d like to have multiple government officials reading A Voice for Men, or certain other men’s rights sites, every day. I can’t think of a better way to get converts to our cause within the government.

On #4, nothing would delight us more than to have the President of the United States forced to in some way acknowledge the existence of the Men’s Human Rights Movement and A Voice for Men in particular. Whether he condemned us, declared us dangerous, declared us meaningless, or made fun of us, it just would not matter. Just having him utter the words “Men’s Rights Movement” or “A Voice for Men” would make millions of people curious about us. Billions, potentially

Cute that they think “government officials” who work on hate groups and are quite familiar with their rhetoric would somehow be tricked by the fabulous writing skills of AVFM.

10 years ago

Listening to the show (On Point, which is local for me) now and just heard David finish with his interview. Anyone else out there listening?

10 years ago

I’m listening now. It’s not Tom Ashbrook, which is a disappointment, and the host is busy defending himself. Thanks for not letting him get away with it totally.

10 years ago

Just heard you on NPR – thought the host (didn’t catch the name, but not Ashbrook, apparently) didn’t quite get the idea that these ideas are an exaggerated and explicitly-stated version of what is widespread in the culture, but you were great. Will try to listen again later.
Oh, god, people calling in – potential for complete trainwreck coming up.

10 years ago

This isn’t the usual host, and I am getting an extremely defensive (though he’s a bit self-aware about that) and somewhat hostile vibe.

10 years ago

You did great, David! It’s always difficult in a format like that when you have to race to make sure to get out all the points, but I think you managed to convey a lot, even given that the host was trying to hurry you and at times cut you off.

10 years ago

Wait, that whole “urge people to sign this petition to classify us as terroists” idea is Dean Esmay’s? Crikes.

10 years ago

Got it, and it was clear that he was trying to defuse defensiveness at the same time. Maybe I’m a bit biased in my listening; I have been listening to this show (and it’s usual host as well as its typical guest hosts) for a long while and I am dragging some of that along with me!

I will second that note about how fantastic Soraya Chemaly is. I haven’t been following her work as closely as I have some other journalists and activists, and I’m gonna change that now!

10 years ago

Don’t read the comments.

They prove Lewis’s Law.

I’m so tired of these petulant little turds going to comment sections to tell women to calm down, get over it and think of teh menz!

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