announcements elliot rodger entitlement

Program note: I'll be on NPR at 11 AM (Eastern) today, talking about Elliot Rodger and the new misogyny [UPDATE: Archived audio is up!]


Just wanted to let you all know that I will be on NPR today, as part of a special segment on Misogyny And Murder: Unpacking A Killing In California on the show On Point With Tom Ashbrook. For more details and a link to listen to the show online, see here.

I will probably be on in the middle of the show, from about 11:20-11:40.

I’ll put up a link to the archived show when it’s over.

UPDATE: The archived audio is now up, at the same link. And yeah, I was on in the middle. But you should listen to the whole show; Soraya Chemaly in particular is great.

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10 years ago

David, I just listened to the radio show and I just want to say a giant “Thank You!” If you ever needed a mom, I would be honored to adopt you, and I hope that whoever your significant other is appreciates and cherishes you for the marvelous human being that you are.

Well done.

10 years ago


His feminist backers are, we think, starting to figure this out, and likely his source of funding is diminishing as he gets ever more desperate to remain relevant, and his Mainstream Media buddies who used to rely on him as a source increasingly figure out that he is not reliable and that using him as a source puts egg on their faces.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Hoo, boy…is HE ever wrong.

I needed the laugh.

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

Price has published one of your great grandfather’s public domain books online.

How does this hurt David?

Heh. I want to say you’re giving them too much credit, in that your question supposes they have any plan at all.

More seriously, I can’t imagine any possible way for them to intend this that isn’t silly beyond words.

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

Oh, blockquote monster, how have I offended thee?

Last nested quote is me. (sigh)

10 years ago

Interesting thing about my great grandfather: his wife, Lily May Futrelle was also a writer. Huh. He married a woman with a career, in 1895. He was a man of his times in a lot of ways, but he did recognize that women could make careers for themselves using their brains.

So Price is wrong and misandry does indeed run in your family 😉

10 years ago

I listened to the whole show, very interesting and informative. David you were great. I liked near the end when they began to get into how this culture of entitlement is bred in young boys and girls, that to me was fascinating – the whole “boys will be boys” thing has always gotten my hackles up.

I’m a new reader here, stumbled on your site while reading something about Elliot Rodger. You are absolutely hilarious, and I appreciate having a humorous spin put on these issues. While I knew misogynists were out there, I never knew anyone who admitted it or shared their views with me. I can’t say I’m shocked at what’s being said, I could imagine these are exactly the kinds of things misogynists would say. Thank you for doing what you’re doing here!

Howard Bannister
10 years ago

More seriously, I can’t imagine any possible way for them to intend this that isn’t silly beyond words.

…he quotes something sexist said by the main character,…
…he says something along the lines of “boy, how families can change huh?” Which I guess is supposed to be a dig at me because I’m not into patriarchy like my great grandfather supposedly was.

That was pretty much exactly the silly-beyond-words I was expecting. *shudder* How dare you be related to people, David! Don’t you know know that if you’re related to people they might have views that disagree with yours, and that means… things! THINGS!

Black Linen Sheets
Black Linen Sheets
10 years ago

What do you call three guys and one woman talking about feminism. Totally fucking retarded, that’s what. BLS strikes again!!!!

10 years ago


10 years ago

BLS: Don’t quit your day job for that comedy career.

10 years ago

10 years ago

1) Why does BLS’s icon change? Surely no one would be boring enough to troll from two different computers?

2) Was that supposed to be a zinger? Because no.

10 years ago

Missed it because my state airs a different program at that time, despite being in the same time zone. Would’ve caught it “happidentally” otherwise :(. The show they were airing didn’t interest me much today, so all the more sadness…oh well.

Just took the time to listen to it and the show was great (goes without saying your segment included)!