a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women attention seeking boner rage creepy elliot rodger empathy deficit entitled babies entitlement evil sexy ladies evil women grandiosity heartiste imaginary oppression incel irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA narcissism PUA PUAhate racism

Heartiste takes on an "egotistic, attention starved, solipsistic, passive aggressive, perpetually aggrieved … manlet" who somehow isn't him.


The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive continues! If you haven’t already, please consider sending some bucks my way. (And don’t worry that the PayPal page says Man Boobz.)

Thanks! (And thanks again to all who’ve already donated.) Now back to our regularly scheduled programming:

Well, the great minds of the manosphere have been going into overdrive trying to explain away the fact that a man who had a lot in common with them, ideology-wise, murdered six innocent people on Friday as part of a “Day of Retribution” that he had hoped would involve a lot more dead bodies, particularly of the blonde, female variety.

We had noted cultural commenter JudgyBitch (Janet Bloomfield) looking at Elliot Rodger, a man who wrote a 140-page manifesto detailing his hatred of women and girls, a manifesto that contained the following paragraph:

Women are like a plague. They don’t deserve to have any rights. Their wickedness must be contained in order prevent future generations from falling to degeneracy. Women are vicious, evil, barbaric animals, and they need to be treated as such.

.. and which ended with a fantasy of putting all the women in the world in concentration camps and starving them to death, while Rodger took a position in a giant tower built just for him “where I can oversee the entire concentration camp and gleefully watch them all die,” and suggesting that Rodger wasn’t actually a misogynist, because he wasn’t able to get into the sorority and murder all the “blonde sluts” he had hoped to murder and so ended up killing more men than women.

We had pickup guru and sometime date rapist Roosh Val looking at that same fellow, a young man who decided that all the women in the world deserved to die because no hot blondes came up and threw themselves at him while he wandered around campus talking to no one, and deciding that “game” would have saved his life and the life of his victims.

And we had Dr. Helen trying her best to insinuate that feminists were to blame for Rodger’s murders in California because a small group of feminists blocked a lecture by a Men’s Rights celebrity in Toronto and therefore prevented Rodger from getting the proper psychiatric care he needed, even though he had been seeing psychiatrists for years as well as a string of counselors in his final days.

But we still haven’t’ heard from the master of PUA purple prose, the Heartiste formerly known as Roissy. What the heck does he think about poor dead murderer Elliot Rodger?

Well, he has answered that question at last. According to Heartiste, the fallen Rodger was a repressed gay “social retard” who was also possibly a hetero incel beta male member of an omega male brothel. Plus some other stuff. I guess I should let Heartiste explain, because there’s no way to summarize his particular brand of fragrant prose poop.

First, teh gay:

Rodger pings some operational gaydars. There’s his plush gay face. There’s the “try-hard” nature of his manifesto, which reads less like a compendium of genuine pain than a B-movie script of what he’d think a guy with girl troubles would write. … And his narcissism; if you haven’t seen by now, Rodger had a stream of attention whoring pouty-lipped Facebook selfies that would make a dancing bar slut blush.

Setting aside the unproved gay hypothesis, Heartiste considers Rodger’s life as an incel – or “involuntary celibate.”

From what I can glean, Elliot Rodger failed with women because he was a social retard. That’s pretty much all there is to it. … He thought that “putting himself out there” with girls was sitting on a park bench like Aqualung. That making a serious move on a girl was quickly muttering “hi” as he stumbled past her, later delirious with rage that she didn’t reciprocate with an equally prompt blowjob. That bumping into an Asian dude talking to a cute chick, and glaring at them with his twisted angry face, was acting “cocky and arrogant”. That his effeminate passivity and lack of proactive engagement with women was evidence that they were “ignoring” him.

Actually, Heartiste sort of has a point here: Rodger seems to have literally never approached a single woman. His idea of courtship was to put on designer clothes and wander around outside, hoping that some lovely blonde gal would take a fancy to him and invite herself to be his girlfriend.

Heartiste, like Roosh, thinks that “game” could have saved Rodger, but only if he had been gotten to earlier. Alas, Heartiste notes, Rodger turned not to PUA but to the website PUAhate.

Which brings us to PUAHate … It’s not a forum for failed pickup artists as some male feminists licking the taint of their femcunt overwhores will want you to believe. It’s a hangout for socially awkward losers who desperately want to blame their failings with women on their sub-Pitt looks instead of on their awful social calibration and their inability to say two words to a girl without filling their Pokemon underoos.

Again, Heartiste is partly right. No, not that bit about the femcunt overwhores and the fellows in their underwears. That other stuff. PUAhate is indeed a cesspit. While there are some people on the site legitimately interested in exposing PUA fraud, they’re outnumbered by angry incels and misogynistic trolls.

No sense ignoring the race angle.

Oh dear. Given that Heartiste is basically a genteel Nazi and Rodger was half-white, half-Asian, this isn’t going to be pretty.

Mixed race people are more likely to have psychological disorders. And Asian men are especially susceptible to dating market lockouts. Throw in the cauldron a stew of vibrant proximate diversity and it’s a surprise suppressed racial/sexual rage doesn’t boil over more often.

Ok, that wasn’t quite as awful as I expected, though I’m pretty sure Heartiste’s reference to “vibrant proximate diversity” is basically just his way of suggesting that segregation is preferable to a society in which different ethnic groups actually come into contact with one another on a regular basis.

Heartiste decides to end by suggesting that the “effeminate” Rodger may be a sign of things to come:

The title of this post is a broad indictment of this infantile Millennial generation, which daily provides evidence that their ranks are filled with effeminate males who, like women, expect the world to cater their needs, no questions asked, no demands made. Elliot Rodger couldn’t stand how unfaaaair girls were to date uglier men than himself, how unfair life was that his car and clothes weren’t a magnet for hot white sorority chicks, how unfair the cosmic laws were to require of him a little bit of effort if he wanted to put an end to his virginity.

Egotistic, attention starved, solipsistic, passive aggressive, perpetually aggrieved, and unwilling to change when posing as a martyr feels so damn good… there’s your new American manlet, same as your new American woman.

Wait, run that first part by me again?

Egotistic, attention starved, solipsistic, passive aggressive, perpetually aggrieved, and unwilling to change when posing as a martyr feels so damn good

Heartiste has just described the typical manospehrian, to a t.

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10 years ago


*falls out*
That got me. 😀

10 years ago


It starts with a “p” and ends with an “atriarchy”.

10 years ago

@ brooked

What a bunch of hypocrites, though I shouldn’t be surprised.

I suspected as much. I tried to ask trollup about what all of the awkward women should do, but he ignored me. LOL.

10 years ago

I’m a bit stunned… There are seriously people who refuse certain cashier lanes because the cashier is female? I worked a couple of shifts back when I had a summer job in undergrad where all the cashiers were coincidentally women. What would do you in such a situation? Would you just leave the store and go elsewhere, Davis?

10 years ago


Based on the way a lot of women (across the US) who reported their rapes report they were treated by the police… I’d say that what was wrong with that department was what is still wrong with police departments across the country. Norfolk’s just the department that got caught at it :/

And really, I wouldn’t be surprised if things hadn’t changed much in Norfolk, even. I mean, it was fucking policy there, not even just “Oh it’s common sense” subconscious prejudice.

It’s common for rape victims to be disbelieved and bullied by police, and that’s why I didn’t report my rape (it wasn’t in Norfolk, though it was in Virginia). There were no witnesses, I had been drinking, and I was alone with my rapist in his apartment. Ain’t no way they were going to believe me.

10 years ago

In summary, research demonstrates that rape myth acceptance is linked to attributions of blame in rape cases, with high levels of rape myth acceptance translating into higher levels of victim blame. This finding, although demonstrated mainly within artificial experimental manipulations, is far from benign. Research indicates that this relationship is a meaningful correlation as attributions of blame often form reliable indicators of final verdict (Burt & Albin, 1981). Fischer (1995) found, for example, that within the context of intoxicated sexual consent scenarios, 89% of participants who attributed some level of blame to the complainant/victim and less than complete blame to the defendant/perpetrator voted not guilty. Such a meaningful link between attributions of blame and final verdict is therefore potentially damaging to the prosecution of rape cases and may go some way to explaining the low conviction rate observed within rape cases. Further research is, therefore, warranted in order to clearly dissect the involvement of rape myth acceptance and attributions and their combined impact on decision making, especially within the court/trial process.
The literature supports the assertion that gender role conformity and attitudes about traditional gender role stereotyping play a role within the formation of attributions about rape victims. The majority of the research supports the finding that those individuals who possess more traditional gender role attitudes are more likely to demonstrate higher levels of victim blame, in line with the contention that women who deviate slightly from what is perceived as the traditional female role are therefore responsible to some extent for their victimization (Acock & Ireland, 1983; Ben-David & Schneider, 2005; Burt, 1980; Spence et al., 1973; Jensen & Gutek, 1982; Kopper, 1996; Krulewitz & Payne, 1978; Simonson & Subich, 1999; Acock & Ireland, 1983; Williams, 1979; Willis, 1992). Again, this finding has significant implications for the potential influence of internal biases which may skew the decision-making processes of individuals involved in the prosecution of rape cases. It may be advantageous for individuals involved in trials, particularly jurors, to be made aware of the potential impact of their own gender role attitudes on their decision- making processes, in order to prevent internal attributional biases.


10 years ago

Aww, but Lea, those babies can’t help themselves! They’re way less awful than Davis!


hehehe that made me LOL

10 years ago

By the way, have you guys been following the #NotAllXMen hashtag? Funniest if you’ve seen Days of Future Past, naturally.

10 years ago

I kept hearing sad trumpet noises for each Davis post. I’m not a licensed therapist nor do I intend to act like one. So all the nice people here who are actually trying to explain things to poor little Davis, please forgive me for not being in a generous mood.

We all now this is text book here:
“I became an asshole, because of the way women treated me.”

We’ve heard that before. If I became an asshole based on bad treatment from men, would you sympathize or just call me an entitled bitch? I need you to think really hard about this, Davis. Acting like a asshole isn’t a social justice move.

Then you added this little nugget:

“BTW, I am talking about regular looking women.”

What the hell does “regular” mean? Not a supermodel? And you want praise for this? Are you a supermodel too? Do you think women have any other value than being a 10? If you don’t, that’s fucked.

“You people feel entitled for men to like women.”

Um, regard us as human beings, yes. But that’s not what you meant, is it? You’re talking about the “pussy pass,” right? But what about these “regular” women you speak of? Do they have a “pussy pass”? I think I’d rather have women equally represented in Congress. And the Lilly Leadbetter Fair Pay Act passed, and…wait, do you even know what I’m talking about?

“Why should I put myself in a position to be hurt by women?”

You don’t have to. Who’s making you? Rom Coms are fiction, by the way. All women don’t fantasize about trapping a man into a relationship. Actually, if you’re staying away from women, I think it’s a good idea. Get inside yourself to place without all of the poisonous sexism and consumerism trying to shove its way down your throat.

“If men like Elliot stop caring if women don’t like them, then we would not have these types

What the fuck? Can barely parse this. Elliot cared that women weren’t dropping out of the sky onto his peen (his journals are online, it’s all there. Have you read them?). He was self-entitled. If he wasn’t so focused on status — based on who he could be hypothetically fucking, he would have been better off. He also killed dudes. Did you notice the journal entries in which he hated Asian men who were with blonde women? So, what are you saying? If he wasn’t so consumed by this shit, this shooting wouldn’t have happened? Citation? All of issues are up and ready to read — and on You Tube. Your idea has no legs.

Then you told us to be grateful rape and murder are arresting offenses. Men are raped and murdered too, by the by. What kind of shit are you trying to sling around here, anyway?

10 years ago

I also refuse to get in a line at a store if the cashier is a woman. I refuse to have a female doctor, nurse, dentist, and etc.

Since women are 90% of service workers, you must not buy much. And your teeth must be awful, because I have yet to run into a male dental hygienist.

Poor poor, Davis. He doesn’t care so much he had to come and tell us all about it.

10 years ago

Just imagining if that policy was used for other crimes:

“Hi, Someone assaulted me with a deadly weapon”
“Well, you don’t look dead, so it can’t be that serious.”
“They tried to take my leg off, with a hatchet!
“If this is a false accusation, it’d be very serious. Are you sure you want to move forward with this?”
“There’s a person, running around with a bloody hatchet, and you’re seriously asking me I I think you should investigate? WHAT?”
“Sir, are you sure you didn’t do it to yourself?”
“Because I would totally be able to swing a bloody hatchet full force into the back of my thigh. NO DID NOT TAKE A HATCHET TO MYSELF!”
Riiight. And how were you dressed when this person allegedly hit you with the alleged hatchet?”
“Well, how do you know they didn’t mistake you for a log?”
“Had you at any point indicated you might want to be hit with an alleged hatchet? Is that even remotely possible?”
Why the hell would I agree to be hit with a hatchet!?
“Well, did you?”
“Sir, you need to calm down. Are you absolutely sure it was a hatchet? Any chance it could have merely been a misunderstanding with a water balloon?”
“Sir, if you don’t calm down, we’ll have to arrest you for –”

10 years ago


What a bunch of hypocrites, though I shouldn’t be surprised.

I suspected as much. I tried to ask trollup about what all of the awkward women should do, but he ignored me. LOL.

I just want to point out that only some male posters were hostile to women and I’m not that familiar with r/ForeverAlone, I just went through a “everything on reddit is weirdly fascinating” phase. Many male posters are supportive, even sweet, and seemed genuinely interested in hearing girls and women had to say, it’s just that the Incel branch of He-man Women Haters and Blamers Club were noticeably hostile.

Their main talking points were female posters were fakes seeking male attention and they couldn’t complain because every woman can get sex whenever they want. Their complete lack of empathy for women is staggering and dehumanizing. I also suspect that some, like Roger, don’t really give a give a shit about any of the other guys on the board, they just want an echo chamber to amplify their own ranting and grievances.

10 years ago

Ugh, “self-entitled.” Normally I try not to be a butt about poor word choice, but that is just one of my pet peeves. You want either “self-centered” or “entitled,” bro – both of which are very good descriptors for yourself, honestly.

Pedant fistbumps. That particular error drives me up the wall too.

Davis, this site is full of women. If you really want to go your own way and avoid the ladies, you should probably run away now before the girl cooties have time to infect you. Just looking out for your welfare, little buddy!

10 years ago

…before the girl cooties have time to infect you.

It’s too late, Davis! The girl cooties are already on you and they’ll never, ever wash off!
Soon you will crave bon-bons and shop for scented candles on every full moon!

James Yakura
10 years ago

@Hyena Girl

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, there’s a lot of toxic RPG culture and toxic RPG players, and it’s very nice to see developers taking an active stand against some of it.

On the other hand, now I feel even more guilty for taking advantage of the fact that they literally give away quality material for free.

10 years ago

Being a feminist is like being a werewolf. Don’t let one bite you or soon you too will find yourself looking at beer ads and being unable to avoid noticing the sexism. You might even find yourself asking “self, why do I feel like women owe men sex and sandwich making?”, and once that happens you may as well resign yourself to not shaving every time there’s a full moon.

10 years ago

Based on your logic, you want socially awkward men to keep getting rejected by women.

Yes, this is literally the point of feminism.

You folks feel entitled to dog anyone who disagrees with you, just like Elliot felt entitled to dog anyone who disagreed with him.

This reminds me of those people who compare abortion to the Holocaust because they both involve(d) killing innocent people*. If they have one very broad factor in common, they might as well be the same thing, right?

Why should my money go towards a gender that thinks I am wierd and only worthy to be mentally abused?

You seem not to understand that women are individuals. Do you have the same problem with men? ‘Cause if you only have that problem with one gender, Asperger’s probably isn’t the cause.

You have Aspergers? Okay. What does that have to do with you being a hateful little shit stain?

Thank you (and everyone else who’s said this). One of the most active and engaged feminists I know is a dude with autism. He’s also a vegan, animal liberationist, and deeply engaged with other social justice movements. Just a real self-centered asshole, you know?

PS: You do realize that this web site is full of women? I thought you avoided women like the plague? What are you doing on a feminist web site?

Right? He won’t even let a woman ring up his sale or whatever, but he’ll seek out and yell at women on blogs. Is it because you can’t catch cooties over the internet?

10 years ago

women do not like guys who are socially awkward.

You obviously haven’t met my partner.

If Elliot would have distanced himself from those who did not like him, he would not have shot those people.

He was already pretty distant from women, numbnuts. That was the source of his rage.

BTW, I am talking about regular looking women.

I want to ask “as opposed to what?” but I’m afraid of the answer.

I became an asshole, because of the way women treated me.

At best this is an immature cop-out; at worst, it’s abuser logic. Either way, grow the hell up.

You people feel entitled for men to like women.

I’ve seen some pretty epic failures to understand feminism, but this is like top-three material.

Women don’t like socially awkward men? Says who?
Not women.
Do you know how many girls crushed on…Abed from Community?

Who, by the way, is canonically on the spectrum. And fucking adorable and I’d date the hell out of him.

Why do feel entitled for men to accept women.

I’m Black, and I do not feel entitled for the Klan to accept me.

Because of the inherent worth and dignity of every human being, maybe?

10 years ago

I wonder if Davis carries over his no woman policy to pet adoption too. Does he refuse to adopt female dogs or cats? What about female fish? How do you even tell if a fish is female?

10 years ago

…not shaving every time there’s a full moon.

This is strangely accurate for me; I mostly shave around the new moon.

You can decide whether you want to believe that’s because I would hardly be caught being unhairy while dancing naked under said full moon, or because of some other reason 😛

10 years ago

There are laws on the books that protect women and punish men for raping and killing women.

And look how effective they are

I said that it is against the law to rape and kill.

What more do you want?


We live in a world in which someone like you, Davis, thinks that the appropriate thing to do on a feminist website, on a thread discussing a man who killed he hated women because he thought he was entitled to sex from them, is to come in and post about how much you hate women because your not getting sex from them.

This conversation is the living embodiment of “men are afraid women will laugh at them; women are afraid men will kill them”.

Sparky provided a citation above for the 3/100 rapists are convicted stat.

A famous recent case was Jameis Winston. The woman who reported him was discouraged by the police.

Here’s an article detailing the rampant mishandling of sexual assault cases by the Washington, D.C. police.

I could also cite a shitload of personal anecdotes I’ve read, but we all know how much women’s actual experiences matter to people like Davis.

(And can I just say, as a Corner Gas fan, how much I wish this asshole didn’t share a name with probably the most adorkable and least sexist character ever to grace a sitcom?)

What I meant to say was that that, in and of itself, would have still left him a violent, angry, entitled person, and he would have found another target for his anger.

I don’t want to speculate too much about what might have been, or derail from the misogyny angle, but I think there’s a good case for this argument. I read a great article last night about Rodger’s internalized racism and how that played out in his fetishizing of white women, but also a hatred of other Asian men and an anti-Black streak. If it hadn’t been women, it might well have have been someone else, or no one in particular.

What about female fish? How do you even tell if a fish is female?

Argenti’s gonna be mad that ze missed this one!

10 years ago

Oh sorry for the delay. I had a client.

If I ever met an awkward woman, I would have given her a chance and probably would have never closed the door to women.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
10 years ago

Not missing it! I’ve returned!

Not remotely caught up, but the answer to the question depends on the species, with some it’s really easy, with others it’s impossible. F’ex my 55g holds my gorgeous girls, and their mates and kids — the girls are about twice the size of the boys; puff, otoh, has been dubbed male solely because his tank is under theirs and I figured I should even things out a bit.

10 years ago

If I ever met an awkward woman, I would have given her a chance and probably would have never closed the door to women.

What if you met an awkward woman now? I’m a woman and I’m socially awkward (although guys have accused me of just pretending to be shy to attract men). Now that you’ve met me and know we exist are you able to stop hating women?

How do you know you never met awkward women before? If you make the assumption, as many misogynists do that women can’t be awkward you might have just closed your eyes to the awkwardness of women you’ve met. You might have assumed she was just bitchy. That happens to me a lot.

10 years ago

Hey, Argenti!

:: waves ::

:: ignores Davis ::

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