off topic open thread

Semi-Open Thread for Happy Things. No Trolls.

Well, the box is correctly labeled, at least.
Well, the box is correctly labeled, at least.

An open thread — well, a semi-open thread — for all of those needing a respite from the news. No trolls, no arguments, no discussion of depressing stuff. Adorable animal pics encouraged.

If you have personal stuff to discuss that is more serious, there’s a separate thread for that here.

Email me if someone misbehaves here.


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10 years ago

Some near-to-happy news from me too 🙂

Yesterday I attended the conciliatory audience for alimony and luckily my daughter’s father deigned to make himself present. He had a lot of excuses and a folder full of papers.

The moderator didn’t even let him speak or derail the conversation. She asked whether he was paying alimony, and cut him short at “No, BUT…”. She wouldn’t take anything but direct answers to her questions.

I think she smelled his stench from the elevator.

She told him he must make an offer, since he admitted to have a job at the moment, and he had to leave the room to talk to his lawyer in private, making it clear that his intended offer was exactly $0.

He made a bare-minimum offer, and the process indicates I only had the options to accept it, reject it, or accept it in a provisional manner so he has to pay said sum while the trial continues. Of course, I went for option 3.

So even though we are far from settled, I have a small income apart from my own job and things don’t look so desperate now in an economic sense.

And of course it was comforting to see him being put in his place for a change. I didn’t even have to say a word, the moderator only addressed me to ask “yes, no, or yes for now?”. So he has no one but himself to blame. (Or maybe that shrew asking questions and expecting direct answers!).

There’s still a lot of work to do, but this is one big step forward. I never stopped smiling since yesterday noon.

10 years ago

Good to hear, Luzbelitx!

10 years ago

Given that I’ve never even worked in the private sector, it makes me wonder.

Well, it is a fantasy game, maybe you’re just playing out a fantasy. 🙂 Me, I _love_ playing paladins, despite being an atheist with a dim view of religion and crusades. If I had to analyze myself, I’d guess that It’s because I spend so much time thinking about the shades of grey in politics, morality and human behaviour. When I want to kick back and relax, I say “screw nuance” and go straight into “Buttkicking for Goodness!”

10 years ago


There’ll be a shop cat, I presume?

There will be an entire section of shop cats, filed between Shimada and Sibley, or possibly between Carter and Case. Valued customers may be permitted the use of the dangly toy.

10 years ago

Saw this bumper sticker on a car today and thought of Mammoth:

10 years ago

There will be an entire section of shop cats, filed between Shimada and Sibley, or possibly between Carter and Case. Valued customers may be permitted the use of the dangly toy.

::sidles up to Ledasmom::

You will need staff to clean the litter and do the food, won’t you? Huh? Huh?

10 years ago

Condition with catnip?

You’ll be popular with the Furrinati. 😀

10 years ago

Hey folks. You all are awesome.

I was feeling really, really upset. Then I reread and then re-watched the videos posted. I feel much, much better.

You all are awesome. Thanks for existing.

I donate a miniature horse and his ball, if anyone else would like a pick-me-up:

Also, here’s a bonus dog playing ‘keep away’ with a foal:

10 years ago

Animal rescue staff in Tokyo have come up with an innovative way to find homes for our furrinati overlords: in some buildings, your apartment comes with a cat.

10 years ago


You will need staff to clean the litter and do the food, won’t you? Huh? Huh?

You’ll need to speak with Fluffy in Human Resources. Well, when I say “speak”, I mean “scratch her ears while she tries to unscrew her head”, but you probably knew that.

10 years ago

You’ll need to speak with Fluffy in Human Resources. Well, when I say “speak”, I mean “scratch her ears while she tries to unscrew her head”, but you probably knew that.

I’ll be hired in no time. I have a Master’s in Sucking Up to the Furrinati.

10 years ago

I’ve just been trawling old threads (via cloudiah’s blog) looking at Owly’s technicolour weirdness, and found this gorgeous video, courtesy of Unimaginative.

Lime dancing, the newest thing for puppies!

10 years ago

Hi all, been very quiet due to very busy at work plus PhD.

Just a request to please, *please* use any free mammogram screening service that you’re offered. I am currently recovering from surgery from the removal of a malignant tumour from one breast, and a sentinel lymph node biopsy – no discernable lump, no symptoms, but routine mammogram picked it up. In about 6 weeks I will be starting an intensive course of radiotherapy on the breast. I picked this course of treatment over the partial mastectomy option.

I get the pathology results of the biopsies (tumour removal and node) in a couple of days.

Hooray for socialist medicine. The fucking thing would have metatisized before I knew it existed.

10 years ago

Whoa, pallygirl, that’s scary!

LBT (with an open writeathon!)

Wow, pallygirl, what a scare. I’m glad they caught it, and I hope your recovery is smooth and nice.

(Thank god I don’t have boobs anymore. We have just enough breast cancer in my family that I’m glad to have my odds lowered, though not completely removed.)

10 years ago


Oh, dear. At least it was caught early. Here’s hoping the radiotherapy goes well. That must have been quite a scare.

10 years ago

Thanks, I’m all bruised and sore under the armpit. They injected me with blue and radioactive dye to find the sentinel lymph nodes and it looks like I have rolled my boob in blueberries. For the first 24 hours, it looked like I was peeing blue toilet bowl cleaner.

10 years ago

Good grief. Sounds like they dosed you with Toilet Duck! 🙁

10 years ago


glad to hear they caught it early, and I hope your recovery goes smooth. Internet hugs if you want from me, + good thoughts.

10 years ago

So it’s National Hug a Cat Day in the U.S., and just wanted to share this funny:

10 years ago

Well wishes from me too, pallygirl! A client of ours had a pretty similar tumour, and so far post-surgery and radiotherapy seems to be doing really well. It’s so scary!

10 years ago

Love that item, grumpycat. Hunter S Thomcat is adorable (what’s the bet the S stands for Strangler in his mind?)

Mads had a moment of wickedness this morning. She shoved past me when I went to get the mail. She didn’t run off, just dived into the garden and started eating grass, her tail and back all fluffed up. I let her do it for a few minutes then picked her up to get the mail and come in. BUT!!! A man across the road walked around in his own front yard and Mads found this terrible threatenin’. She squirmed and kicked and generally made a huge fuss until I got her back inside.

She’s going to be really pissed off when I have to take her to the vet tomorrow for her checkup …

10 years ago

Cool, auggz! Have you done that distance before?

10 years ago

Oh, gotcha, I thought you meant like an organised marathon.

Running for thirty minutes, oy! I’d be lucky to do a tenth of that. 😉

10 years ago

This might be silly to share, but my best friend just came out as bi to me and I’m just really glad that she trusts me.