off topic open thread

Semi-Open Thread for Happy Things. No Trolls.

Well, the box is correctly labeled, at least.
Well, the box is correctly labeled, at least.

An open thread — well, a semi-open thread — for all of those needing a respite from the news. No trolls, no arguments, no discussion of depressing stuff. Adorable animal pics encouraged.

If you have personal stuff to discuss that is more serious, there’s a separate thread for that here.

Email me if someone misbehaves here.


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10 years ago

i’m so envious. I like lilacs too; we used to go to a lilac fair every spring in my hometown… memories

10 years ago

@magnesium: I finished a Master of Science in Computer Information Technology at a respected local university at the age of 52 (the same Alexandra David-Neel was when she snuck into Lhasa). With a dual major no less. And several other certifications and certificates since. So, I’d say your investment in yourself is well worth it.

10 years ago

I stayed up too late listening to Rodney on the ROQ, but it was good. I like that show and unfortunately there seems to be no online archives of his broadcast. :/

Also, I made a book.

10 years ago

The bird nest outside my house is largely made of Q-tips. It’s pretty great. đŸ™‚

10 years ago
10 years ago

I made strawberry jam today and the jar lids are already popping! (That’s a good thing, it means they’re sealing.)

10 years ago

I don’t know why I keep putting links in blockquotes. In my defense, I was a little distracted by drooling over the description of the roast pork Robert is making.

Baby goat

10 years ago

I never got as far as actually making strawberry jam; what with one thing and another there never seemed to be enough strawberries left after I had run the quality control checks on them…

10 years ago

The sun is shining, and the porpoises were playing last night when I was by the bay.

Little, cute harbor porpoises! They don’t get that far out of the water, because they aren’t show offs like dolphins. Little dears!

Also, this place is losing it’s rainforest cred. I actually haas to water the herb garden!

10 years ago

Hi everyone I’v been reading for awhile and I wanted to say that you all are really funny and great! I just got an account so I’m somewhat new to this.

When I first heard about Men Rights I thought it was a joke because I thought men had all the rights but I read that they do bring up some good points: child custody, abusive relationships and male rape but so far every website I go to about mens rights and anti feminism they’re all so evil, wrong on the statistics and lack of logic then I really believed this was a joke but unfortunately I was wrong.

I like to learn as much as I can about feminism and just about anything else here. Random question I know that you guys really love cats and the mens rights hate them because they’re misandry, I’m allergic to cats but I love them as much as I love every animal on the planet so does that make me half misogynist or something?

10 years ago

Aw man, I want baby porpoises!

In cat news, the kittens decided to decorate the floor with tuna.

10 years ago

Just found this elsewhere on the intertubes – at Danbury High School in Connecticut, the students elected Nasir Fleming as Prom Queen. I can’t link, but check out the video on YouTube; he is *adorable*.

10 years ago


Hi and welcome đŸ˜€ and worry not, we will accept you even if you don’t like and/or are allergic to cats.

10 years ago

I love all the pictures, and particularly like katz’s movie poster. XD

In other news, my cats have been gaslighting me. I’m staying at my mother’s place, cleaning it out, and she had a variety of little knickknacks, including a little ceramic bird. I’ve been finding it all over the place, and kept wondering if I had moved it and just forgotten about it. I finally actually saw Buster carrying it around, the little scamp.

10 years ago

auggzillary: What is the oil cleansing method?

‘Cause I’ve seen an Argan cleansing oil, and I love Argan oil. Is that the same thing?

10 years ago


No, that you are allergic to cats and still love them makes you awesome. Also that you love all other animals. Welcome.

10 years ago

David, what a great idea for a happy thread!

I haven’t any news since last night, other than more knitting (94 rows and the frill will be done). So here’s an oldish picture with no Maddie in it at all, nope, no cats here.

10 years ago

Marie, cloudiah and grumpycatisagirl thank you so much! I asked that question because I was trying to understand their logic but it did hurt my brain a little so I’ll be more careful in the future đŸ™‚

10 years ago

Just got back from meeting the new neighbors: All of two-weeks old. Beautiful twins. Drank champagne and toasted to good things.

Sitting with loved ones watching Dead Like Me.

Life is pretty good.

10 years ago

Does anyone else here write a great deal? Like, ‘writin’ a book’ type writing? I remember people talking about it, on an old thread, but I can’t find it.

10 years ago

I just spent the week road-tripping over to Wyoming to see my grandparents for my grandmother’s eightieth birthday. We passed through Yellowstone both on the way there and the way back, and saw a grizzly, loads of elk, bighorn sheep, harlequin ducks, and of course, loads of bison. Outside the park, we saw a pair of sandhill cranes + babies, a herd of antelope, and a moose with a tiny baby on an island in the middle of a river. It was awesome.

10 years ago

@Selfie, there are a bunch of writers here. In fact, I am currently reading and enjoying a draft of katz’s novel. I know a bunch of others have participated in NaNoWriMo, too.

Also, I made dark chocolate brownies to take to work tomorrow. Of course I had to test them first! (They’re delicious.) Wish I could share them with all of you.