a voice for men ableism advocacy of violence alpha males antifeminism armageddon creepy empathy deficit entitlement evil sexy ladies evil women FemRAs FeMRAsplaining fidelbogen grandiosity hypergamy imaginary oppression incel irony alert judgybitch lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA narcissism oppressed men playing the victim PUAhate racism taking pleasure in women's pain terrorism

Why Elliot Rodger's misogyny matters

A chart posted by Elliot Rodger, giving his chilling spin on a manosphere meme depicting supposed female "hypergamy"
A chart posted by Elliot Rodger, giving his chilling spin on a manosphere meme depicting supposed female “hypergamy”

When a white supremacist murders blacks or Jews, no one doubts that his murders are driven by his hateful, bigoted ideology. When homophobes attack a gay youth, we rightly label this a hate crime.

But when a man filled to overflowing with hatred of women acts upon this hatred and launches a killing spree targeting women, many people find it hard to accept that his violence has anything to do with his misogyny. They’re quick to blame it on practically anything else they can think of – guns, video games, mental illness – though none of these things in themselves would explain why a killer would target women.

In the case of Elliot Rodger, who set out on Friday night aiming, as he put it in a chilling video, to “slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blonde slut” in a popular sorority house at the University of California, Santa Barbara, some Men’s Rights activists and other manospherians are doing their best to convince the world that misogyny had nothing to do with it.

On A Voice for Men, for example, Janet Bloomfield (who goes by the name JudgyBitch), notes that Rodger killed more men than women, and thereby declares that

Elliot was an equal opportunity hate monger, torn between wanting to kill women and wanting to kill men. …

Jessica Valenti proclaims that “misogyny kills”, blithely unconcerned with the fact that more men than women were killed.  Killing men is misogyny?  That’s an interesting interpretation.

Bloomfield ignores the reason more men were killed than women: Rodger’s planned massacre of sorority women failed. He was unable to get inside the sorority house. And so he was forced to improvise.

On Twitter, meanwhile, cultural commenter Cathy Young, long sympathetic to Men’s Righsters, seems to think that Rodger’s rampage was entirely due to “mental illness” and argues that connecting Rodger’s rampage to a wider culture of misogyny is a form of “anti-male hate speech.”

Even more strangely, the proudly racist Steve Sailer – a hero to Heartiste and others in the “alt-right” wing of the manosphere – has declared that Rodger wasn’t motivated by misogyny but rather by “anti-Blondism,” and that his targeting of “ blonde sluts” in a popular sorority house was “an extremely intentional racial hate crime.” Never mind that the half-Asian Rodger idolized blonde women as superior (even as he hated them) and that his comments online are littered with rather crude, rather traditional racism against people who weren’t white.

But Sailer’s claim is little more than an attempt at a derail.

The fact is that Rodger made his misogyny very clear — in his videos, in his internet postings and most of all in his 140-page “manifesto,” which is filled with angry denunciations of women and elaborate fantasies of violent “retribution” towards them. As with many misogynists, his misogyny was largely driven by thwarted sexual entitlement: he desired women intensely but they (wisely) wanted nothing to do with him.

Consider the following passages from his manifesto. I’ve put some of the most disturbing bits in bold.

The most beautiful of women choose to mate with the most brutal of men, instead of magnificent gentlemen like myself. Women should not have the right to choose who to mate and breed with. That decision should be made for them by rational men of intelligence. If women continue to have rights, they will only hinder the advancement of the human race by breeding with degenerate men and creating stupid, degenerate offspring. This will cause humanity to become even more depraved with each generation. Women have more power in human society than they deserve, all because of sex. There is no creature more evil and depraved than the human female.

Women are like a plague. They don’t deserve to have any rights. Their wickedness must be contained in order prevent future generations from falling to degeneracy. Women are vicious, evil, barbaric animals, and they need to be treated as such. … All women must be quarantined like the plague they are, so that they can be used in a manner that actually benefits a civilized society. …

The first strike against women will be to quarantine all of them in concentration camps. At these camps, the vast majority of the female population will be deliberately starved to death. That would be an efficient and fitting way to kill them all off. I would take great pleasure and satisfaction in condemning every single woman on earth to starve to death.

I don’t know about you, but to me that sounds just a little bit like misogyny.

Rodger saw his “Day of Retribution” as part of a war against women. Elsewhere in his manifesto he wrote:

Women’s rejection of me is a declaration of war, and if it’s war they want, then war they shall have. It will be a war that will result in their complete and utter annihilation. I will deliver a blow to my enemies that will be so catastrophic it will redefine the very essence of human nature.

Now, there is no question that he also hated certain kinds of men and boys – the “obnoxious brutes” he so often saw with the “pretty blonde girls” he simultaneously desired and despised. His manifesto is dotted with denunciations of them, as well as with denunciations of humanity as a whole. At one point, he posted a fantasy on PUAhate about killing all the men on earth with a virus so he could have all the women for himself. But he thought about, and wrote about, killing women all the time.

Indeed, even when he was bullied as a youngster, he directed most of his anger not at the bullies themselves but at their girlfriends.

Remembering one bullying incident from high school, he wrote

Some boys randomly pushed me against the lockers as they walked past me in the hall. One boy who was tall and had blonde hair called me a “loser”, right in front of his girlfriends. Yes, he had girls with him. Pretty girls. And they didn’t seem to mind that he was such an evil bastard. In fact, I bet they liked him for it. … The most meanest and depraved of men come out on top, and women flock to these men. Their evil acts are rewarded by women; while the good, decent men are laughed at. … I hated the girls even more than the bullies because of this.

Rodger was not only a misogynist; he was explicitly an enemy of feminism. While he doesn’t seem to have ever identified as a Men’s Rights activist per se – the only “rights” he seemed to be interested in were his own – his postings online echo the extreme and ignorant denunciations of feminism seen amongst MRAs and other manospherians.

This, too, has been denied by Men’s Rights activists. On AVFM, the “non-feminist” would-be “philosopher” Fidelbogen declares that

We have no evidence yet that Elliott Rodger was anything but apolitical in regard to feminism as such. He was not outspoken about feminism … He was only a sexually frustrated chump with mental issues, who apparently “hooked up” with PUA literature, and websites like “the Manhood Academy”.

In fact, Rodger attacked feminism explicitly in a number of comments on PUAhate, where rabid antifeminism is essentially the default ideology. In one comment, he declared bluntly that “feminism must be destroyed.” In another he predicted that

One day incels will realize their true strength and numbers, and will overthrow this oppressive feminist system.

Start envisioning a world where WOMEN FEAR YOU.

And while he saw PUAhate itself as “a putrid pit of despair,” he argued that

it does give a view of what the world is really like, what women are really like, and the evils of a feminist society.

Every male should read the posts here so that they can be awakened. There are too many delusional males worshipping women who would only spit in their faces.

There is no question that Rodger was a very disturbed man. I’m not a psychiatrist, nor do I have access to his medical or psychiatric records. But I would not be shocked to find that he was struggling with some sort of mental disorder or disorders. He was seeing several therapists, and a psychiatrist prescribed the antipsychotic Risperidone for him; he refused to take it. This prescription in itself doesn’t prove he was psychotic; psych meds are often prescribed for off-label uses, and Risperidone is also used to reduce irritability in people with autism. (Rodger was reportedly diagnosed as having aspergers.)

But, as someone who has himself dealt with depression for decades, I cannot help but think, reading through his manifesto, that his thinking was, as mine has sometimes been, distorted by depression.

He was also clearly a narcissist, in the colloquial sense if not necessarily in the clinical sense, whose resentment of others was driven by narcissistic rage. And some of his pronouncements, particularly towards the end of his life, were so grandiose it’s hard to know whether these reflected his tendency towards melodrama, fueled by his love of fantasy literature and video games, or if they are symptoms of a delusional disconnection from the real world.

I don’t think, given the considerable evidence there is of his troubled state of mind, that raising these issues detracts from the main point, and that is:

Rodger was a misogynist through and through. In many ways his misogyny was his life. If you watch his videos and read his manifesto, you’ll see that he related anything and everything in his life to what he saw as the grand tragedy of his rejection by “girls,” a state of affairs he blamed entirely on the girls of the world and not on his own “magnificent” self.

He was utterly consumed by his sexual obsession with “pretty blonde girls” and their utter lack of interest in him, and, increasingly, by his elaborate fantasies of “retribution” against them, which ultimately led to his killing spree on Friday night.

To deny that he was driven by misogyny makes as little sense as denying that Hitler was driven by anti-Semitism.

The evidence is as clear-cut as it can be on this point. Anyone who can’t or won’t admit this is either an ideologue or a liar – or both.

Thanks to Melody and several other readers for pointing me to some of the examples used in this post.

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10 years ago

Gosh, sometimes this thread feels like a bottomless pit of ableist asshole


Even the crazy ones who commit killing sprees often seems brighter than a jackass who robs at a gas station

WOw go fuck yourself.

If Elliot lived in a different era… he would have his girl and eat it too.

yeah, thanks for blaming women for getting murdered, you pathetic jackass. Go fuck off and hug a cactus.

@Cody Hutton

I would like you to google “National Castration Day” and tell me that men do not have as much to fear as women do from insane people.

1) wow much citaiton very need
2) go fuck off, you ableist asshat.

10 years ago

Rodger was obviously driven by his hatred towards women caused by his deprivation. Although he was also driven by his jealously towards “obnoxious brutes”.

Why is it so hard for you PUAhate assholes to understand that you are not entitled to sex? Are you seriously saying that women should be forced to have sex with violent bigots in order to keep them placated? That’s rape you fuckwit.

Statistically and as presented in this article, Rodger murdered more men than women.

You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means. That’s not how statistics work. Stop thinking that throwing out the word “statistically” makes you look intelligent and objective. It doesn’t and you aren’t.

10 years ago

Does anyone else notice how often we get told how to behave?

Ugh. Yes. And not just here either. Anywhere on the internet where women discuss this it’s been happening and it’s really rubbing salt in the wounds caused by this crime.

For every one guy who gets it (thank you David and male mammotheers for that) there seem to be 20 that are more worried that our anger at this will effect them negatively somehow.

Sorry dudes. I know women are expected to be nice and accommodating to men every second of the day in our culture. But not now and not here. If you do the not all men thing, the victim blaming thing or the ableist thing, you can expect a verbal smackdown from all of us. It might include profanity. Deal with it or go away.

10 years ago

FFS. We’re have a Denim Day fundraising event at work.

I stood talking with a bunch of other women about rape awareness, and Rodger’s horror show, and violence against women in general. The consensus? Girls are mean to boys.

Fuck sake.

10 years ago
Reply to  nathansach

“Rodger was obviously driven by his hatred towards women caused by his deprivation. Although he was also driven by his jealously towards “obnoxious brutes”. Statistically and as presented in this article, Rodger murdered more men than women. His 140 page manifesto may have been mostly targeted at women, unfortunately this does not match with his actions. If we wish to promote equality, the media should label Rodger as an ‘equal opportunist hate monger’ as also is referred to in this article.”

Wow, you don’t get it, do you? He was thwarted in his goal, or his “actions” would have resulted in many more women being killed than men, and maybe no men at all. What he set out to do is much more significant than what he ended up doing.

10 years ago

Wow, what an upsetting story. And it only took them a decade to address how completely messed up their ruling was.

10 years ago

I didn’t know what Freshly Pressed is so I had to look it up. Brava David! BUT the first link there is to an article titled “The Shame of the Male Virgin.” BOOOOO The new tactic these douches are using is the concept of being shamed. That is how they claim they “feel” because they are trying to make an emotional plea for sympathy/empathy/TBSS cant be compelled to care.


Your hair is so bootiful. My hair is “wild orchid” in the front. I am a fan of hair color.


OMG, so cute,cat in pants! I giggled at work, my boss look at me strange. That’s a biggun! I used to have a big cat like that, he had thumbs, so cute, I miss him, have his pic on my fridge. *sigh*

10 years ago

Cody Hutton: I would like you to google “National Castration Day” and tell me that men do not have as much to fear as women do from insane people.

I would like you to google, “men castrated in the US” Then google… Oh I don’t know, “when women refuse” and then tell me men have as much to fear as women do

10 years ago

The issue with Elliot is very tragic just because of what he endured over the years in the eve of feminism. A guy who lost his manhood on the way to adulthood. He was utterly confused and afraid in a society that women or should I call feminazis want to choose who they breed with and reject a lot who in their physical or personality seems creepy. If Elliot lived in a different era… he would have his girl and eat it too.

Let’s unpack this.

The issue with Elliot is very tragic just because of what he endured over the years in the eve of feminism.

The eve of feminism? Is this some subtle dig at women (Eve?), or are you averring that Rodger is really old (even if we make the dawn of feminism the publication of Mary Wollstonecraft’s, “A Vindication of the Rights of Women”, in 1792, with it’s supremicist mantras [“I do not wish them [women] to have power over men; but over themselves.”] that’s still more than 200 years ago).

What did he endure? He posed in expensive clothes and the women he wanted chose not to fawn over him. That’s what “feminism” did to him.

He was utterly confused

He wasn’t confused. He thought he had it figured out. Look rich (which he pretty much was), and women will swoon for you. He was wrong.

and afraid

Of what?

in a society that women or should I call feminazis want to choose who they breed with and reject a lot who in their physical or personality seems creepy.

this is your complaint? That women get to choose who the “breed” with? So you think women ought to be slaves? Bred by the men who think it’s a good idea; deprived of any say in the matter?

The “whom they think are creepy” is mostly persiflage. I say mostly because it’s not a minor thing to decide not to spend time with someone whom one finds creepy. It’s certainly not minor to not spend intimate time; time when one is physically vulnerable, time which; should it go badly, will have society judging your choices (and women don’t get to win that one. No matter what happens some asshole will say, “she should have known better”).

If Elliot lived in a different era… he would have his girl and eat it too.

So… which is it, the present era is bad, and Rodger ought to have been allowed to just take the women of his choosing [ignoring that in such a world he’s going to have a different sort of competition with other men. In the present he has to compete in ways to show that he is the sort of guy some woman [because no one can be attractive to all others; and he was looking to “get” a blonde woman], in the situation you describe he has to convince other men that he’s more entitled to own a woman than they are], or one in which women are people and get to choose?

Because that’s the dichotomy you’ve painted. You’ve also said that the present is bad, because women get to choose.

So you think women ought to be property.

Got it. You are a contemptible excuse for a human being. You are, at core, an immoral person who believes in slavery. The only question is whom you think ought to be the slaves, and whom the masters.

10 years ago
Reply to  Anarchonist

It’s not about you! It’s not about what you did or would have done. Get over yourself.

10 years ago

nathansach: Rodger was obviously driven by his hatred towards women caused by his deprivation. Although he was also driven by his jealously towards “obnoxious brutes”. Statistically and as presented in this article, Rodger murdered more men than women. His 140 page manifesto may have been mostly targeted at women, unfortunately this does not match with his actions. If we wish to promote equality, the media should label Rodger as an ‘equal opportunist hate monger’ as also is referred to in this article.


His action was to attempt to go to a sorority house and get inside; so he could begin his extermination of women*

Or are you trying to say that his avowed intent to kill women wasn’t relevant to that aspect of things. That after killing his roommates (as he said he would, in the way he said he would) he was going to take his weaponry, visit the objects of his raging hatred and drink a cup of tea, eat a cupcake and go home?

No. Not in the least. The only reason he killed more men than women is the women refused to give him the opportunity; and he was then too angry/stupid to come up with a secondary plan and vented his rage on anyone who looked like they were 1: a blonde woman, or 2: in a sexual relationship (yes, I am doing some speculating. I am taking his past actions [e.g. throwing drinks at couples he felt were “unfair”] and assuming he patterned his homicidal ones on those same lines).

It’s only because he did his killing in an amateur way (thank goodness) that the dead weren’t 1: greater in number, and 2: more women than men (unless you are trying to tell us he was such a good shot that he was able to kill/wound at will, while driving)>

10 years ago

Ok, I have concluded that the most likely explanation is that Femitheist is 14 years old and hadn’t sussed out the fact that dystopias need to be rather better written if they are to make it into print; there’s undoubtedly money to be made in the YA market, see, for example, Hunger Games, but unless s/he radically improves I don’t think it’s likely to be flowing in Femitheist’s direction.

The interesting thing is that Cody hasn’t twigged that this is a dystopia; I get the impression that reading is not his strong point…

10 years ago


Wow, you don’t get it, do you? He was thwarted in his goal, or his “actions” would have resulted in many more women being killed than men, and maybe no men at all.

He specifically planned to kill certain male individuals, including his roommates and, ultimately, his little brother, and carried out the first part of that plan. But otherwise I completely agree with you.

10 years ago

It is disturbing how as soon as the concept of women having control over their own selves gets broached, some men immediately imagine Zombie Valerie Solanas showing up with a pair of pinking shears.

It’s as revolting as the ‘but if I have to make sure she’s consenting I’ll never get laid!” argument.

10 years ago


He attacked women because he feared men.

“All of my suffering on this world has been at the hands of humanity, particularly women”.
– Eliot Rodgers

“Women’s rejection of me is a declaration of war, and if it’s war they want, war they shall have. It will be a war that will result in their complete and utter annihilation.”
– Eliot Rodgers

And so on, and so on. He did also want to attack men, because (paraphrasing) girls had given them their love/attention instead of him. You may be noticing a trend here.

10 years ago

@Spinning for Difficulty:

FACT: Elliot Rodger had serious mental health issues. Therefore regardless of whatever he said and did – and whatever YOU claim he meant by what he said and did – nobody can link him to any individual or any group because he was MENTALLY ILL.

Statement assumes facts not in evidence. Citation needed.

Feminism today IS a mental illness. It is a sickness.

But … If feminism is a mental illness, but mentally ill people can’t be linked to any group, it is impossible to link the mentally ill to feminism. Right? (Leaving all the ableism aside for a moment.)

The relentless claiming by feminists that men hate women when they so obviously don’t is ITSELF a form of hate speech against men.

Someone needs to take your Caps Lock key away. Again, statement assumes facts not in evidence. Please provide a citation of feminists claiming that all men hate women.

Actually, you know what, just go away and stop pooping here.


He attacked women because he feared men. HOWEVER, America needs a buzz word to offset blame.
Misogynist! That’s why he did it! Forget the fact that we are obsessed with money, sex, and power. Forget the fact that that is flaunted in our faces every where we turn.
Celebrity bullshit is on the news more often than actual news! Weight loss/bulk up ads are everywhere online. Porn certainly doesn’t help. I’m pretty sure that if I go into my back yard and find some guy stealing and sniffing my panties, I’m not going to have sex with him.
But no. Don’t blame that. He just hated girls…because they weren’t touching his penis. And guys….because girls were touching their penises. And every person who had plans that day with their genitals.

That is a big steaming pile of wat.

10 years ago

I am so fucking tired of all these ableist, “not all men!!!!!” trolls.

Rodger told the world in great detail why he killed. He killed because he hated women.

All the trying to handwave away the obvious misogyny is fucking disgusting.

And what’s with the random all caps-words?

10 years ago

Today I learned that being linked on the Fresh Whatever page this blog was linked on draws in people who’re only slightly more coherent than YouTube commenters. This is disappointing.

10 years ago

He just hated girls…because they weren’t touching his penis. And guys….because girls were touching their penises.

Yes. This is actually what he himself stated were his reasons.

10 years ago

Re: all this arglebargle about ER having ‘serious mental health issues’ and the insinuation that’s the why behind his actions. Just once, one fucking time, I’d like to see something positive linked to ‘serious mental health issues’, ie: “oh, they saved a baby form a burning building – not because they’re brave but because they have serious mental health issues.”

I don’t know if I’m making sense, bc I am fed the fuck up today with this shit. What I’m saying is ppl only attribute negative actions to ‘mental health issues’ – never positive. Someone with mental heath issues who saved a baby from a burning building would be considered brave, and their actions wouldn’t be attributed to whatever their condition happens to be; their bravery would be considered separate from any mental illness they happened to have. Someone does something horrific, like ER? Must be mental health issues at fault (because god forbid someone like HIM could be at all similar to us ‘normal’ folk).

Gahhhhh if I’m not making sense, totally ignore me.

10 years ago

Obviously that comment was bollocks in general, but OK, let’s pretend that we knew Rodger was mentally ill. I’m still not quite getting why him being mentally ill would mean he was unable to be affiliated with any political groups.

Learn to logic, dudes.

10 years ago

Yeah, the ableism is really pervasive. I was listening to NPR this morning and the reporter was covering some CA bills to “keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill” (grr) and everyone the reporter talked to was uniformly terrible but the reporter herself did manage to work in the fact that people with mental illness are way more likely to be the victims of violence than they are to commit it. And that there are other “risk factors” for these kind of spree shootings that might in fact be much better indicators for future violence, especially when they appear together: youth; being male; being socially estranged and/or bullied; etc.

She probably couldn’t do much about the people she was sent to interview, but it felt like she at least was trying to be better informed than her sources. It was a tiny little sunbeam shining out of a pretty shitty story.

10 years ago

So basically the same risk factors that result in having to pay higher auto insurance, and that are associated with all other kinds of violent and impulsive (mis) behavior. It’s almost like there’s a pattern there that has nothing to do with mental illness and something to do with how we socialize boys.

10 years ago

@cassandrakitty, Stop using STEMlogic. That belongs to men.

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