a voice for men ableism advocacy of violence alpha males antifeminism armageddon creepy empathy deficit entitlement evil sexy ladies evil women FemRAs FeMRAsplaining fidelbogen grandiosity hypergamy imaginary oppression incel irony alert judgybitch lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA narcissism oppressed men playing the victim PUAhate racism taking pleasure in women's pain terrorism

Why Elliot Rodger's misogyny matters

A chart posted by Elliot Rodger, giving his chilling spin on a manosphere meme depicting supposed female "hypergamy"
A chart posted by Elliot Rodger, giving his chilling spin on a manosphere meme depicting supposed female “hypergamy”

When a white supremacist murders blacks or Jews, no one doubts that his murders are driven by his hateful, bigoted ideology. When homophobes attack a gay youth, we rightly label this a hate crime.

But when a man filled to overflowing with hatred of women acts upon this hatred and launches a killing spree targeting women, many people find it hard to accept that his violence has anything to do with his misogyny. They’re quick to blame it on practically anything else they can think of – guns, video games, mental illness – though none of these things in themselves would explain why a killer would target women.

In the case of Elliot Rodger, who set out on Friday night aiming, as he put it in a chilling video, to “slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blonde slut” in a popular sorority house at the University of California, Santa Barbara, some Men’s Rights activists and other manospherians are doing their best to convince the world that misogyny had nothing to do with it.

On A Voice for Men, for example, Janet Bloomfield (who goes by the name JudgyBitch), notes that Rodger killed more men than women, and thereby declares that

Elliot was an equal opportunity hate monger, torn between wanting to kill women and wanting to kill men. …

Jessica Valenti proclaims that “misogyny kills”, blithely unconcerned with the fact that more men than women were killed.  Killing men is misogyny?  That’s an interesting interpretation.

Bloomfield ignores the reason more men were killed than women: Rodger’s planned massacre of sorority women failed. He was unable to get inside the sorority house. And so he was forced to improvise.

On Twitter, meanwhile, cultural commenter Cathy Young, long sympathetic to Men’s Righsters, seems to think that Rodger’s rampage was entirely due to “mental illness” and argues that connecting Rodger’s rampage to a wider culture of misogyny is a form of “anti-male hate speech.”

Even more strangely, the proudly racist Steve Sailer – a hero to Heartiste and others in the “alt-right” wing of the manosphere – has declared that Rodger wasn’t motivated by misogyny but rather by “anti-Blondism,” and that his targeting of “ blonde sluts” in a popular sorority house was “an extremely intentional racial hate crime.” Never mind that the half-Asian Rodger idolized blonde women as superior (even as he hated them) and that his comments online are littered with rather crude, rather traditional racism against people who weren’t white.

But Sailer’s claim is little more than an attempt at a derail.

The fact is that Rodger made his misogyny very clear — in his videos, in his internet postings and most of all in his 140-page “manifesto,” which is filled with angry denunciations of women and elaborate fantasies of violent “retribution” towards them. As with many misogynists, his misogyny was largely driven by thwarted sexual entitlement: he desired women intensely but they (wisely) wanted nothing to do with him.

Consider the following passages from his manifesto. I’ve put some of the most disturbing bits in bold.

The most beautiful of women choose to mate with the most brutal of men, instead of magnificent gentlemen like myself. Women should not have the right to choose who to mate and breed with. That decision should be made for them by rational men of intelligence. If women continue to have rights, they will only hinder the advancement of the human race by breeding with degenerate men and creating stupid, degenerate offspring. This will cause humanity to become even more depraved with each generation. Women have more power in human society than they deserve, all because of sex. There is no creature more evil and depraved than the human female.

Women are like a plague. They don’t deserve to have any rights. Their wickedness must be contained in order prevent future generations from falling to degeneracy. Women are vicious, evil, barbaric animals, and they need to be treated as such. … All women must be quarantined like the plague they are, so that they can be used in a manner that actually benefits a civilized society. …

The first strike against women will be to quarantine all of them in concentration camps. At these camps, the vast majority of the female population will be deliberately starved to death. That would be an efficient and fitting way to kill them all off. I would take great pleasure and satisfaction in condemning every single woman on earth to starve to death.

I don’t know about you, but to me that sounds just a little bit like misogyny.

Rodger saw his “Day of Retribution” as part of a war against women. Elsewhere in his manifesto he wrote:

Women’s rejection of me is a declaration of war, and if it’s war they want, then war they shall have. It will be a war that will result in their complete and utter annihilation. I will deliver a blow to my enemies that will be so catastrophic it will redefine the very essence of human nature.

Now, there is no question that he also hated certain kinds of men and boys – the “obnoxious brutes” he so often saw with the “pretty blonde girls” he simultaneously desired and despised. His manifesto is dotted with denunciations of them, as well as with denunciations of humanity as a whole. At one point, he posted a fantasy on PUAhate about killing all the men on earth with a virus so he could have all the women for himself. But he thought about, and wrote about, killing women all the time.

Indeed, even when he was bullied as a youngster, he directed most of his anger not at the bullies themselves but at their girlfriends.

Remembering one bullying incident from high school, he wrote

Some boys randomly pushed me against the lockers as they walked past me in the hall. One boy who was tall and had blonde hair called me a “loser”, right in front of his girlfriends. Yes, he had girls with him. Pretty girls. And they didn’t seem to mind that he was such an evil bastard. In fact, I bet they liked him for it. … The most meanest and depraved of men come out on top, and women flock to these men. Their evil acts are rewarded by women; while the good, decent men are laughed at. … I hated the girls even more than the bullies because of this.

Rodger was not only a misogynist; he was explicitly an enemy of feminism. While he doesn’t seem to have ever identified as a Men’s Rights activist per se – the only “rights” he seemed to be interested in were his own – his postings online echo the extreme and ignorant denunciations of feminism seen amongst MRAs and other manospherians.

This, too, has been denied by Men’s Rights activists. On AVFM, the “non-feminist” would-be “philosopher” Fidelbogen declares that

We have no evidence yet that Elliott Rodger was anything but apolitical in regard to feminism as such. He was not outspoken about feminism … He was only a sexually frustrated chump with mental issues, who apparently “hooked up” with PUA literature, and websites like “the Manhood Academy”.

In fact, Rodger attacked feminism explicitly in a number of comments on PUAhate, where rabid antifeminism is essentially the default ideology. In one comment, he declared bluntly that “feminism must be destroyed.” In another he predicted that

One day incels will realize their true strength and numbers, and will overthrow this oppressive feminist system.

Start envisioning a world where WOMEN FEAR YOU.

And while he saw PUAhate itself as “a putrid pit of despair,” he argued that

it does give a view of what the world is really like, what women are really like, and the evils of a feminist society.

Every male should read the posts here so that they can be awakened. There are too many delusional males worshipping women who would only spit in their faces.

There is no question that Rodger was a very disturbed man. I’m not a psychiatrist, nor do I have access to his medical or psychiatric records. But I would not be shocked to find that he was struggling with some sort of mental disorder or disorders. He was seeing several therapists, and a psychiatrist prescribed the antipsychotic Risperidone for him; he refused to take it. This prescription in itself doesn’t prove he was psychotic; psych meds are often prescribed for off-label uses, and Risperidone is also used to reduce irritability in people with autism. (Rodger was reportedly diagnosed as having aspergers.)

But, as someone who has himself dealt with depression for decades, I cannot help but think, reading through his manifesto, that his thinking was, as mine has sometimes been, distorted by depression.

He was also clearly a narcissist, in the colloquial sense if not necessarily in the clinical sense, whose resentment of others was driven by narcissistic rage. And some of his pronouncements, particularly towards the end of his life, were so grandiose it’s hard to know whether these reflected his tendency towards melodrama, fueled by his love of fantasy literature and video games, or if they are symptoms of a delusional disconnection from the real world.

I don’t think, given the considerable evidence there is of his troubled state of mind, that raising these issues detracts from the main point, and that is:

Rodger was a misogynist through and through. In many ways his misogyny was his life. If you watch his videos and read his manifesto, you’ll see that he related anything and everything in his life to what he saw as the grand tragedy of his rejection by “girls,” a state of affairs he blamed entirely on the girls of the world and not on his own “magnificent” self.

He was utterly consumed by his sexual obsession with “pretty blonde girls” and their utter lack of interest in him, and, increasingly, by his elaborate fantasies of “retribution” against them, which ultimately led to his killing spree on Friday night.

To deny that he was driven by misogyny makes as little sense as denying that Hitler was driven by anti-Semitism.

The evidence is as clear-cut as it can be on this point. Anyone who can’t or won’t admit this is either an ideologue or a liar – or both.

Thanks to Melody and several other readers for pointing me to some of the examples used in this post.

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10 years ago

It’s charming that Omay referred to “girls” as “it.” :/

10 years ago

I don’t want to deal with the trolls, but since someone mentioned penguins wearing Spanx…

I’ve updated the welcome package to include a cat wearing pants, per katz’s suggestion. (And yes, this is related to the whole Spanx thing, and it’s a very cute cat.)

10 years ago

Anyone else getting spidey-sense that Omay’s a sock? Given the pattern of the last couple of days …

10 years ago

Squeee! The Reintarnation kitty!

10 years ago

On Femitheist; I remember reading some of her “thought experiments” which are often quite baroquely bizarre, to say the least. She still does have an active site, on which she goes out of her way to explicitly disavow being a feminist or being associated with feminists, but hey MRAs aren’t all that interested in truth.

At her worst, I’d say she’s like PaulE: she spins out strange and creepily violent fictions. I think she thinks she’s clever and subversive, but the (very few) people who I’ve talked to who know about her think she’s just one of those odd people who is probably harmless but worthy of massive side eye.

10 years ago

Huh, I didn’t know she did much tweeting, brb… Nope, protected. Not that I can blame her…

As far as the bizarre past stuff, if my own experience is any guide, there is a well known psychological condition called “kids can sometimes be amazingly stupid from time to time” that might cover it. I know I was suffering from that tragically nowhere-near-debilitating condition when I decided to do any number of things from bleaching my hair with actual bleach (protip: your hair will dissolve before it changes color significantly) to buying records by Poison.

10 years ago

Hey, Talon, way to read a room:

If you disagree with this approach, that’s fine, but I think it’s in poor taste and dishonest to put words in the mouth of another and follow up with a “fuck off” and a personal shaming attack.

I am so glad you stopped by to tell me how I should react a day or two after a hate crime. I am deeply sorry I wasn’t nice enough for you. You can clutch your pearls and fuck off too.

“Personal shaming” my foot.

10 years ago

Rodger was obviously driven by his hatred towards women caused by his deprivation. Although he was also driven by his jealously towards “obnoxious brutes”. Statistically and as presented in this article, Rodger murdered more men than women. His 140 page manifesto may have been mostly targeted at women, unfortunately this does not match with his actions. If we wish to promote equality, the media should label Rodger as an ‘equal opportunist hate monger’ as also is referred to in this article.

10 years ago


No. Just… no.

So much fail. Where to begin?

Rodger was obviously driven by his hatred towards women caused by his deprivation.

Hatred of women, yes. Caused by his “deprivation”, oh, hell, no.

There are women and men who have gone for decades without sharing a single sexual experience with anyone, and funny how they never killed any people. Are you suggesting men are murderous beasts who lose all control of their actions if they’re not regularly sexxing it up with h0t b8bes? Why do you hate men so much as to suggest that?

It’s funny that I, a man just like Rodger, got to be a whoppin’ (yes, I’m being sarcastic) 23 years old before losing my virginity, and it never, in a million years, would have occured to me to blame women for my lack of a sex life, and it never, in all the time in the universe, would have occured to me to hurt anybody because of my “deprivation”. Because I’m not an entitled shitsack.

Besides, “deprivation” suggests that there was somebody intentionally keeping Rodger from having sex. Which goes back to the whole “sex is like food and water, so women should be treated like inanimate objects that exist for the purpose of men having sex with them” bullshit. You’re an entitled slimeball.

Although he was also driven by his jealously towards “obnoxious brutes”. Statistically and as presented in this article, Rodger murdered more men than women. His 140 page manifesto may have been mostly targeted at women, unfortunately this does not match with his actions.

Nope. As has been pointed out a million times, in the OP no less (seriously, don’t you read the posts you comment on?), Rodger’s planned attack on the sorority building failed. He had gone too far to abandon his plans by that point, so he went on a rampage (perhaps justifying his killing of men with them stealing all the “pretty girls” away from him. In his mind, women are objects, remember?).

Be it as it may, I think the 140 pages of hateful blather is a better indicator of his motivations than adrenaline-fueled split-second decisions. The fact that he killed more men than women is not due to him hating men, it’s due to him being a failure at everything he did.

If we wish to promote equality, the media should label Rodger as an ‘equal opportunist hate monger’ as also is referred to in this article.

No. We do not promote equality by stupidly ignoring the very obvious fact that this was a hate crime motivated by misogyny and entitlement, and that our patriarchal society desperately tries to get attention away from the fact that it hates women and teaches men to hate women.

Rodger was not “equal opportunity”. He did not write a “manifesto” about how men and women were equally shitty to him and how he hated them both equally much. He hated women. They were objects to him, status symbols he couldn’t obtain with his money and looks, and like all entitled assholes, he blamed this on women for not working as they should in his twisted, misogynistic worldview. Instead of realizing that the fault lied with him, his toxic personality, he projected his own selfish and shallow motivations on women.

You are disgusting, you know nothing, and you should never, ever comment here again until you learn to stop twisting facts.

10 years ago

Nice to know that “equality” means “total fucking nonsense” in Nathan’s world.

Zahid Ameen
10 years ago

All men are NOT SAME. Also all women are not same. Brutality is opposite of humanity. Any man can be brutal at times. And a woman can also be brutal at time. We should always criticize brutality in all revenging persons.
I can’t believe that only men are cruel.
But in the case of Elliot Rodger, he was the worst cruel person. We should not say him a “man”

10 years ago

The fact that he killed more men than women is not due to him hating men, it’s due to him being a failure at everything he did.


Plan A. Attack sorority house full of women I hate after killing my housemates. They won’t let me in. I’ve already killed the housemates, can’t put this off, must move to Plan B.

Uh oh. No Plan B.

I’ll just shoot these people over here and drive somewhere and shoot some more folks at random.

Honestly. The man was a failure from start to finish. The one and only consolation in all this is that the women in the sorority house had good sense. They didn’t admit the man pounding on the door with a gun in his hand. Their parents might be upset, but at least they, unlike too many others, don’t have to plan funerals.

10 years ago

Hey, nathansach. You can go fuck yourself now. Bye.

Spinning For Difficulty

“…Bloomfield ignores the reason more men were killed than women: Rodger’s planned massacre of sorority women failed. He was unable to get inside the sorority house. And so he was forced to improvise…..”

In June of 1944 300 allied troops stormed the French city of Sanlorupe which was occupied by German forces at the time. Unknown to them the German forces had pulled out of the city two days before. WIth no Germans to fight the allied troops were forced to improvise massacred the French population living there.

Do you see how utterly MAD that sounds?

FACT: Elliot Rodger had serious mental health issues. Therefore regardless of whatever he said and did – and whatever YOU claim he meant by what he said and did – nobody can link him to any individual or any group because he was MENTALLY ILL.

The beliefs and behaviour of people who are mentally ill DO NOT REPRESENT the beliefs or behaviour of people who are not mentally ill. This is basic stuff which should not need explaining.

Let me spell it out for you …

When people with mental health issue claim to be astronauts, their behaviour and beliefs have no bearing on people working at NASA.
When people with mental health issue claim to be vegetarian, their behaviour and beliefs have no bearing on the millions of vegetarians around the world
When people with mental health issue claim to be from Alpha Centuri, their behaviour and beliefs have no bearing on people living in Alpha Centuri.
(and so on)

When you study his videos it becomes clear he resents women even to the point of hating women…… but what is also clear is that he does not view men as people at all. He appears to have no feelings towards men at all. They are non-people. They do not register emotionally with him at all.

He might have felt hatred towards the women when he shot them, but judging by his own views, he probably felt ABSOLUTELY NOTHING when he shot the men. In his mind men were non-people. He only cared about women – and that is why he hated them.

That is neither misogyny, or ‘male privilage’. To characterise it that way is DISHONEST and to use it to promote your feminist agenda is DESPICABLE.

By attempting to link someone with MASSIVE mental health issues to the Men’s Rights Movement in order to bring that movement into disrepute, you demonstrate to everyone that you are DESPERATE to demonise men, but that you have nothing of any substance to accuse them of doing.

It also shows a DISGUSTING lack of respect for the victims, for you to so blatantly exploit their deaths for your own fraudulent and hateful agenda.

The fact that he killed more men than women, and then you try to characterise that as an act of misogyny that is – in itself – a sign of mental illness on your part.

Feminism today IS a mental illness. It is a sickness.

Sane people understand very clearly that men, as a group, do NOT hate women. Most men ADORE women and have a huge hard-wired desire to protect and help women in need and women in danger. Ask any man on the street, consult the numerous studies, look at all the things men do which benefit women, from inventing things to law enforcement, to putting themselves in danger etc etc…..

The relentless claiming by feminists that men hate women when they so obviously don’t is ITSELF a form of hate speech against men.

Here is an example of your everyday ‘misogynistic culture’ ….. None of the people in this video would be classified as mentally ill – now let’s forget about mentally ill people for a moment and watch how these ordinary (ie representative) people behave….

10 years ago

On the whole “deprivation” and “sex is a need” thing, I wonder if the same people who argue that also argue that if a man is starving, he has a right to kill and eat another man? What if he’s really hungry, and the other dude looks really tasty and is passed out drunk (so he would hardly feel a thing). Or maybe they don’t really think it’s a right, or even that it’s okay — but if it happened, people should be more understanding and try to look at it from the murderer’s point of view.

I suspect it never even occurs to them. But that’s probably because they view men as humans, whereas as we all know, women are semi-sentient fleshlights.

10 years ago

Hmmm. OK. Recent trolls tried to pose as a woman and a black man. Now we have a troll claiming to be a woman of color who uses slang originated by Rush Limbaugh? Uh-huh. I wonder what it all means?!
Um, trolls, you kind of out yourselves by using words like “feminazi” or when you suggest guys like Rodger should get sex by virture of absolutely nothing. You trolls get stupidier every day. Did you think we’d read that and go, “Oh! Omay is right!”

Nathan, thanks for stopping by and making excuses for the killer.

Does anyone else notice how often we get told how to behave?

10 years ago

Does anyone else notice how often we get told how to behave?

Yes, and it’s working my last nerve.

10 years ago

Now now, hellkell, be nice. (Actually, please sharpen your fangs and claws; I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more trolls than usual for a while, and I love watching you eviscerate them.)

10 years ago

The “behave, ladies!” thing is kind of amusing me, tbh. They get so hilariously pissy when we say no.

10 years ago

Well yeah. The one duder was basically all, “I don’t think it’s nice when you use the f-word.”

But it’s OK to tell us to shut-up and calm down in the aftermath of a kill-spree. Rodger’s entire thought process is online to read or listen to and we still get trolls saying — no, that’s not what he meant. Or worse, they excuse what he said and then agree with him.

10 years ago

Don’t worry, ladies, angry men who write internet screeds about wanting to punish you for not sexing them aren’t dangerous! BTW, it’s really evil of you not to sex us. Have you considered maybe sexing us? Something bad might happen if you don’t, you know.

10 years ago

Cassandra nailed it.

10 years ago

This guy hated every one for having sex when he wasn’t. He hated his mother for not marrying into money. Hated men and suffered from delusions of grandeur. Why did he attack women? Because from his understanding, they were the weaker sex. He thought after spending all this time in internet chat rooms talking to guys about “how to be a man” and what not that he could charm his way into a sorority house. I’m sure he felt that as soon as he went to a fraternity these “jerk-jocks” and “obnoxious brutes” would beat him down. He attacked women because he feared men. HOWEVER, America needs a buzz word to offset blame.
Misogynist! That’s why he did it! Forget the fact that we are obsessed with money, sex, and power. Forget the fact that that is flaunted in our faces every where we turn.
Celebrity bullshit is on the news more often than actual news! Weight loss/bulk up ads are everywhere online. Porn certainly doesn’t help. I’m pretty sure that if I go into my back yard and find some guy stealing and sniffing my panties, I’m not going to have sex with him.
But no. Don’t blame that. He just hated girls…because they weren’t touching his penis. And guys….because girls were touching their penises. And every person who had plans that day with their genitals.

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