If you’re one of the new readers who’ve come to this blog in recent days, and you’d like to get up to speed in a hurry on the Men’s Rights movement and all the other sorts of misogynists we discuss on this blog, here are some posts that you may find interesting and useful.
The Mammoth FAQ What I’m trying to do with the blog, as well as an explanation of the name.
White Hot Rage: A piece I did for The American Prospect reviewing Michael Kimmel’s Angry White Men and offering a critical overview of the Men’s Rights Movement.
Paul Elam of A Voice for Men: In His Own Words: Some truly reprehensible quotes from the most influential MRA online
Warren Farrell’s notorious comments on date rape: Not any more defensible in context than out of it A closer look at some infamous comments by Warren Farrell, author of The Myth of Male Power and the ideological grandfather of the Men’s Rights Movement
What Men’s Rights guru Warren Farrell actually said about the allegedly positive aspects of incest. A look at an exceedingly disturbing interview Farrell gave about his incest research in the 1970s.
Warren Farrell: Men Are Oppressed by Women’s Butts He actually seems to believe this.
Tell Her That Her Soul Is Dog-Sh*t: Dating advice from A Voice for Men
The Spearhead on the Slutwalks, Again Highlights — that is, lowlights — from a discussion of Slutwalks on the popular reactionary MRA site The Spearhead.
Women! Why must you assault men with your evil sexy outfits?
Attention-seeking manosphere douchebag offers how-to guide for abusive boyfriends
Reno calls a domestic violence hotline: The MRA Reality Distortion Field in action A very revealing example of MRA “activism.”
These are just the tiniest tip of the iceberg. There are roughly 1800 more posts. Try clicking on the categories at the end of each post! Type random anti-woman slurs into the search box to see what comes up! Examples of misogyny amongst MRAs, PUAs, and the various other denizens of the manosphere are so common I could probably put up 20 posts a day without running out of material.
Reblogged this on crazy dumbsaint of the mind and commented:
This seems like as good post as any to ask, where did you get We Hunted The Mammoth from? Did some MRA “All the wonderful things straight white men have done” rant include it?
Zolnier – yep, that’s it exactly. “We hunted the mammoth for you!” It’s been a joke here ever since.
Just out of interest. Has there been a large increase in traffic to the blog since the MRM has been in news due to the UCSB shootings?
white knight – I don’t know about views, obvs, but there have been more trolls in the threads about Rodgers’ murders, for sure.
Anything to do with PUA always makes the troll count spike, ime. There’s nothing like a threat to the idea of men’s sexual entitlement to really piss off the misters.
Come to think of it, it’d mildly surprising some of the formerly regular trolls haven’t returned for this one – the PUAish types, I mean. Annoying flies and euroslime and that sort.
@Zolner Yes. (Second question.)
The Reno one still makes me bang my head.
Reno calls the wrong hotline and is still offered help several times. Reno creepily demands access to a Women’s Shelter. MRAs see video and proclaim that men are doomed as no one would help Reno. Wut.
Toolbox – even worse: the whole Reno thing was fake. He wasn’t making a genuine call for help, iirc.
Now I’m interested in whether or not “cave-people” were big on dividing work by gender. Neanderthals I do know probably didn’t have as much sex-divided labour as Homo Sapiens, despite what Clan of the Cave Bear might tell you.
And while sexism is of course old as dirt, the social infrastructure that allows for one member of a household to devote themselves exclusively to child rearing and household maintenance is fairly modern.
For most of human history every member of a family had to do all they could to keep food on the table. A medieval peasant woman would have worked the fields alongside her husband and so would any of their children who were old enough to walk. And her husband probably wasn’t unfamiliar with the concept of keeping the house and children in order either.
The big exception has always been the nobility, since they have little people to handle that stuff.
Yeah, it was fake. The attempt was to prove how there’s male bias in these situations and a desperate man won’t be helped. Ironically, even Reno’s fake, barely coherent call was taken seriously – even after his random and unnerving demand for access to a woman’s shelter.
There likely is problems for men fleeing abusive relationships, but acting like men won’t be taken seriously when you’ve successfully gathered evidence that they are taken seriously is…wow. You’d reckon that would be a point of celebration for a Men’s Rights group….
It derives from a spectacular degree of ignorance about hunter gatherer societies and how they worked; I’d like to name check Elaine Morgan who singlehandedly dragged the gathering part into the limelight.
Until then most scientists vaguely knew that hunter gatherers did what it says on the tin, but they shortened it to hunter, leading to generations of people who believed that early men went off nobly hunting dangerous beasts whilst early women hung around back at the cave doing their nails and gossiping about their neighbours.
Of course, MRAs still think that, since science is not their strong spot, but for the rest of the world it’s useful to know that any tribe relying on hunting mammoths, or any other large beast, would have died out very rapidly; without the gatherers there simply weren’t enough calories, not to mention vitamins, minerals etc, to survive…
And eating bon-bons. Never forget the bon-bons.
Damn! I forgot the bonbons and the girls in the cave next door are never going to let me borrow their manicure sets ever again. Oh woe….
Take them a selection of matching towels and Scented Fucking Candles and all will be forgiven!
“…and the girls in the next cave next door are never going to let them me borrow their manicure sets ever again. Oh woe…”
Let them all go to Hell except Cave 76!
And are things that smell nice specifically for women now? I must have missed that at the last patriarchy meeting. All I remember from the last one is toasting to the Problem of Susan and arranging for another sitcom bemoaning the “man-cession”*
*I feel so unclean using that term, is that cross dressing comedy where they claim that straight white men can’t get good work anymore dead yet?
@white knight: While I don’t have access to statistics, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the shooting has in fact resulted in a sudden surge of new readers, as WHTM is one of the only sites that explicitly and repeatedly discusses Rodger’s violence in the context of his misogyny, rather than blaming it on his mental health like seemingly everyone else, which is concomitantly linked to by those with similar sympathies, and whose comment threads about it aren’t packed with infuriating bigotry (I personally refuse to read the comments of any other site aside from Pharyngula because I know exactly what I’m going to find.) Also I see that the number of subscribers by email has risen by close to two hundred in the past few days.
Oh and may I say that We Hunted The Mammoth would be a great title for like a children’s time travel story.
Axed after two episodes.
Comforting but it seems like most sitcoms with male leads at the moment are about patriarchal anxiety, and not in an interesting way.
Reblogged this on seleukosnicator10 and commented:
A good collection of the highlights of moronacy.
Reblogged this on Dreams of the Shining Horizon and commented:
Guess Dave Futrelle is getting a lot of new traffic in recent days. Here is a useful guide that will help you understand some of my own posts going forth.
Just a reminder that this isn’t the first time that misogyny + entitlement has erupted into violence.
I am ashamed to admit that before these last few days all of this MRM nonsense was completely unknown to me. PUA’s, Incels etc etc. The more I read and discover there more I want to gouge my eyes out